How to stimulate hair growth quickly

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
7 PROVEN Ways to Grow Your Hair Faster
Video: 7 PROVEN Ways to Grow Your Hair Faster


The masculine beard or mustache is popular with many people, but unfortunately some people grow beards quite slowly. Beard growth is largely dependent on genetics, so there's not much you can do to make facial hair grow faster. There are, however, a number of medical and home remedies that can help stimulate slow or jagged growths. If you have a modest beard, you can wash it and brush it for a thicker look. Then, make some lifestyle adjustments to help your beard grow a little faster than usual. There is no guaranteed way to work, but effort and perseverance will help you get the look you want.


Method 1 of 3: Applying home medicine and home remedies

  1. Ask your doctor about medication if you need to stimulate facial hair growth. Finasteride, also known as Proscar or Propecia, is a medicine commonly used to treat baldness. Although the drug is not originally designed to stimulate facial hair growth, many people find it effective, especially when taken with a medication like minoxidil. If your doctor approves this treatment, you will take one small tablet a day. If that doesn't work, you can switch to another medicine.
    • Medicines like finasteride work by inhibiting a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the hormone that stops hair growth. DHT inhibition will increase testosterone levels, the hormone responsible for stimulating hair growth.
    • For example, Latisse is an eyelash brushing cosmetic to help the lashes grow longer, but some people also find it effective in growing chin and mustache.
    • Since Latisse is quite expensive, look for cosmetics that contain bimatoprost or prostaglandin like Latisse. Use the tool provided to rub on the face.

  2. Learn about testosterone therapy if you have hormone problems. Your doctor will detect the deficiency of the hormone with a simple blood test. If the body does not produce enough hormones, the facial hair will grow slowly or grow thin. Age, damage, and genetics are also some of the many causes behind hormone problems. To treat this common condition, your doctor will give you an injection or give medicine for you to use at home.
    • For example, you may be using a patch, taking medicine or applying a gel to your skin every day.
    • Some of the symptoms that show low testosterone include: fatigue, muscle weakness, and loss of muscle mass.
    • The treatment takes up to a year to be effective, but then the facial hair will grow much faster.

  3. Rub minoxidil over your face if you want to apply a home remedy. Minoxidil, known under the brand Rogaine, is a safe foam hair growth product that you can buy from a pharmacy to use at home. The drug is available without a prescription. Simply rub the product on your face and let it sit for about 4 hours. Do this 2 times a day to stimulate hair follicles.
    • Use the correct dosage as directed on the medicine label. Only rub about 1 ml at a time.
    • Ask your doctor if you have any questions or experience unusual side effects.
  4. Rub a diluted essential oil over your face if you prefer a natural remedy. Eucalyptus oil is a popular choice to stimulate hair follicles, but other oils also work. You can try peppermint oil, coconut oil, or almond oil. Place a few drops of oil in a bowl of water or a carrier oil like coconut oil and rub it into your skin. Continue using even after your beard has started to grow for a healthy facial hair.
    • After you apply the essential oil, let it stay on your skin for up to 20 minutes, then rinse.
    • Remember to dilute the oil before applying it to the skin. For example, you can mix 4 parts water with 1 part oil. You can also purchase essential oil based cleansers and moisturizers.
  5. Mix amla oil and mustard greens if you want to use other natural remedies. Amla oil is extracted from Indian gooseberry, which is believed to stimulate hair growth. Try mixing 60ml amla oil with 3 tablespoons or 45 ml of mustard greens. Stir into a paste, then massage into skin like essential oils. Wait 20 minutes, then rinse.
    • Store leftover mixture in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Keep in sealed jars.
    • You can also apply amla oil only if you don't have a green sheath. However, if you mix it into a paste first, it will be more effective.
  6. Combine cinnamon powder and lemon juice to stimulate hair growth. Mix 2 tablespoons (13 g) of cinnamon powder with 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of lemon juice in a bowl to make a paste. Apply the mixture to your face, wait 20 minutes and rinse. Try using this remedy twice a week to help your facial hair grow faster.
    • Wash off the mixture immediately if you feel skin irritation.

Method 2 of 3: Make lifestyle changes to stimulate hair growth

  1. Eat healthy to get all the nutrients you need for your beard. Adequate nutrition will help your hair grow faster and prevent it from growing unevenly. Instead of eating processed foods, eat fish, eggs, lean meats and other protein sources, with fruits and vegetables at every meal.
    • Protein sources, including meat and eggs, contain zinc, oils and fats that are essential for hair growth.The other parts of your body also need these substances, so your beard won't have a lot of chance if you don't get enough of it.
    • Other foods like fruits and vegetables contain vitamins that are responsible for the growth of facial hair. For example, B vitamins are very helpful. Vitamins A, C and E are also needed.
  2. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day. Our bodies, including growing facial hair, need water to function properly. You should drink about 2 liters of water per day. Even mild dehydration can stop facial hair from growing, and even lose facial hair. Staying hydrated can help your hair grow faster.
    • Replace alcohol with filtered water. Always carry a water bottle with you to make sure there is always enough drinking water.
    • Fruit juices contain sugars and sodas, which are unhealthy, so they can slow down hair growth.
  3. Exercise regularly to stimulate blood circulation to the hair follicles. Exercise has many benefits, but one big benefit is blood circulation. You should try to exercise 3-4 times a week, focusing on aerobic exercises that increase blood circulation. Fresh blood transports nutrients to the hair follicles and helps hair grow faster. You can walk, use the treadmill, play a sport or do other exercises.
    • Even light or moderate exercises like a 30-minute brisk walk will help your facial hair grow.
    • Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress. However, do not overdo it. If exercising to exhaustion, you can get more stress, even leading to injury that your body needs to heal.
  4. Find ways to relax and reduce stress. Stress is one of the most common causes of facial hair from not growing as well as it should. Stress slows down your facial hair growth, so managing it is an important part of helping your chin and mustache grow faster. Make time for your favorite activities, whether it's hanging out with friends, playing games or listening to music. Alternatively, try activities like meditation or walking.
    • Stress, whether mental or physical, can weaken the immune system and cause hair follicles to go into a state of "hibernation". People even lose their hair because of stress.
    • It is almost impossible to eliminate stress completely, so take small steps to limit its impact on your life. Find more effective ways to reduce stress.
  5. Stimulate the hair follicles with regular facial massage. Although it is a bit inconvenient, a gentle massage is good for stimulating hair follicles. Take a few minutes a day for a massage. Starting from below the jaw, massage gradually upwards. Use gentle pressure with your fingertips spinning around the skin. Gently massaging it can cause existing hair follicles to continue growing faster.
    • For best results, massage for 10-15 minutes, 2 times a day. You can also find a massage therapist for a more in-depth massage.
    • Massage action will help blood flow to the area to be massaged, stimulating hair growth to grow thicker and fuller. Massage also helps you relax.
  6. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Along with exercise, adequate rest is also essential for the body to function effectively. If you have trouble getting enough sleep, schedule a time to sleep. Create a comfortable sleeping environment so that you can rest well and stay healthy when you wake up. This will help the facial hair grow faster.
    • During sleep, the body regenerates cells and provides nutrients to the hair follicles. Sleep also gives the body a chance to produce additional growth hormones like testosterone.
    • Poor quality sleep is also a reason for sparse facial hair growth. It can also lead to hair loss.
  7. Quit smoking to improve overall health. Even reducing smoking can help improve the circulatory system and immune system. Smoking causes many harm to the body, including hair follicles. Unfortunately, quitting smoking is a difficult task, requiring great effort and determination. Nicotine gum or nicotine patch can help reduce your cravings for cigarettes.
    • Nicotine reduces the body's ability to absorb nutrients. As a result, the nutrients needed for beard do not reach the hair follicles and slow down the rate at which hair grows.
    • Nicotine also narrows blood vessels and prevents blood from getting where it needs to be.

Method 3 of 3: Groom your beard to make it look fuller

  1. Let your beard grow without pruning. Contrary to rumors, shaving does not make your beard grow faster or thicker. The quickest way to help your chin and mustaches grow faster is to let them grow. Shaving also means you have to start from scratch. Let the beard grow freely for at least 4 weeks.
    • Remember that facial hairs vary from person to person. After the first wave of facial hair grows, you will usually find it growing much faster.
    • Newly grown facial hair may feel itchy at first, but don't prune it yet. Instead, take care of your beard by washing, brushing, and using a conditioner made from jojoba or argan oil.
  2. Wash your face 2 times a day to keep your face clean. Oil, dirt, and dead skin build up into a barrier that hair follicles struggle to penetrate. To prevent this, use a gentle cleanser and warm water to wash your face. You can wash your face while taking a shower. The clean beard looks softer and thicker. This also helps if the beard appears to be growing too slowly.
    • Wash your face when you wake up in the morning and before going to bed at night. A mild cleanser is better than regular soap, which is corrosive and irritating to the skin.
    • Consider using an exfoliating cleanser twice a week to remove dead skin cells.
  3. Apply moisturizer after washing your face. Apply a thin layer of moisturizer to moisturize your skin. Apply the cream while the skin is still damp. A good quality moisturizer will keep your skin and beard healthy, while also preventing irritation. It both improves facial hair growth and removes debris that may delay hair growth.
    • A good warm lotion helps even after your facial hair has grown. Continue to apply creams to prevent inflammation and breakouts.
    • Try a natural moisturizer that contains an essential oil like eucalyptus oil. This type of product also provides additional benefits from the oil's effect on the beard.
  4. Brush your beard after washing it and moisturizing it. Use a soft beard comb made of materials like wild boar hair. Brush your beard in the morning. Brushing your beard regularly will make your beard appear thicker and fuller, and will also help cover any jagged hairs.
    • Look for ingrown hairs and areas to treat. For example, you can pull out the hairs with the tweezers, then brush evenly.
  5. Style the beard to look thick and beautiful. See pictures of beard and mustache styles to find the one you like. There are a variety of styles available, including models for thin and short beards. Beard styles can help conceal thinning hair, so consider consulting a professional stylist.
    • For example, you can brush thicker areas of beard and drag over thinner areas. For a short beard, you can try trimming it short or letting it look ruffled.
    • Make a plan for a beard and mustache care plan. Follow a plan to keep your beard looking full even after you've finished trimmed.

    Marlon Rivas

    Barbers Marlon Rivas is a barber and owner of MGX Professional Men's Grooming, a barbershop in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also the founder of, a website that provides an online booking service for businesses in the barber and beauty industries. Marlon has over 15 years of experience in the management and provision of barber services.

    Marlon Rivas
    Hair dresser

    Keep the beard long around the jaw and under the chin, then trim the hairs near the hairline and fix the sharp lines. This style helps the beard look fuller and beautifies the thin face.



  • Beard farming takes patience. You can support beard growth with good habits, but you'll need to wait a while for your facial hair to grow anyway.
  • The most influencing factor on the antennae is genetics.If your dad is not a beard, then maybe you too.
  • Grooming is a great way to make your beard look better. If you have trouble growing a beard, create a style to hide the stubble areas.


  • Consult your doctor before using chemical treatments. Many products have effects on the entire body and can cause problems if taken in too much.