How to treat eyelid prolapse

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Surgical treatment of third eyelid gland prolapse in a dog. Morgan Pocket Technique
Video: Surgical treatment of third eyelid gland prolapse in a dog. Morgan Pocket Technique


Loose eyelids, also known as droopy eyelids, can be a cosmetic problem or even impair your eyesight. If your eyelids are drooping, the first thing you should do is make an appointment with your doctor. Treatment for eye drops depends on your diagnosis as well as the severity of your condition. A closer study of the condition and its treatment can make it easier for you to talk to your doctor about your treatment options.


Method 1 of 2: Treatment of droopy eyelids

  1. Go to doctor. In order to be able to treat eyelid prolapse, you need to first get diagnosed by a medical professional. Since eyelid prolapse can be a sign of a serious medical condition, you should get medical attention promptly for treatment. Your doctor should know your medical history and perform a physical examination to rule out serious neurological problems, infections, autoimmune disorders and other illnesses. Some of the other things your doctor can do is to find out a diagnosis of your eyelid prolapse including:
    • Eye exam to check vision
    • Check the slit light for corneal abrasions or other scratches
    • Tension test for myasthenia gravis, a chronic autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness

  2. Treat the underlying disease. If your eyelid has collapsed due to an underlying medical condition, you will need to treat this condition before treating it. Treating the underlying condition can also help improve the drooping eyelid.
    • For example, if you are diagnosed with a drooping eyelid due to myasthenia gravis, your doctor will prescribe a variety of medications to treat the condition, including physostigmine, neostigmine, prednisone, and immunomodulators.
    • Other conditions that cause eyelid collapse include 3rd nerve paralysis and sympathetic ocular paralysis syndrome. There is no cure for these disorders, although surgery can help relieve the symptoms of 3rd nerve paralysis.

  3. Ask your doctor about eyelid prolapse surgery. Currently, there is no proven cure for eyelid prolapse. Surgery is the surest treatment. The surgical procedure used to treat eyelid prolapse is repairing the eyelid. During this procedure, the surgeon will remove excess skin and fat and stretch the skin on your eyelids. This process includes:
    • Before starting the surgery, your doctor will perform anesthesia to numb the lower and upper eyelids. When the area is numb, the doctor will incision the creases in your eyelids. Next, the doctor will use a suction device to remove excess fat. Finally, remove the excess skin and stitch it up.
    • The surgery takes about 2 hours and patients usually go home the same day.
    • After surgery, your doctor will cover your eyelids to protect them and help them heal. You need to follow your doctor's instructions to clean and take care of the wound after surgery. It takes about 1 week before you can remove the dressing.
    • Your doctor may prescribe some eye drops or pain relievers to help you feel better as you recover.

  4. Get emergency medical attention if needed. In some cases, a drooping eyelid can indicate more serious problems, and it should be treated immediately. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience the following:
    • Eyesore
    • Headache
    • Vision changes
    • Facial muscle paralysis
    • Nausea or vomiting

Method 2 of 2: Understand prolapse of eyelids

  1. Understand the function of the eyelids. Eyelids protect the outside of your eyes but they also serve other important purposes. With eyelid drooping, you may find that your eyelids are no longer performing these functions as well as before. Functions of the eyelids include:
    • Protect your eyes from harmful agents such as dust, debris, glare and others.
    • Lubricates and moisturizes the eyes with tears when you blink.
    • Get rid of irritants by releasing tears when needed.
  2. Understand your eyelid surgery. The eyelids have muscles that allow you to open and close them. The layers of fat in your eyelids get more intense as you get older. Surgical areas to fix eyelid prolapse include:
    • Sphincter muscles. This muscle surrounds the eyes and you use it to create facial expressions. It also connects with other muscles.
    • Muscle lift the upper eyelid. This muscle allows you to lift your upper eyelids.
    • Fat mass. These fat lumps lie in the wrinkles of the upper eyelids.
  3. Recognize the symptoms of eyelid prolapse. Eyelid prolapse is the medical name for one or two collapsed eyelids. The severity of eyelid prolapse varies from person to person, but many patients experience additional symptoms besides excess skin around the eyelids. Symptoms include:
    • Clear eyelids
    • A lot of tears
    • Visual disturbances
  4. Consider the underlying causes of eyelid prolapse. Eyelid prolapse is caused by a general loss of elasticity of the eye muscles, which can be caused by a variety of other conditions and conditions. Knowing what causes your eyelids to fall will help your doctor determine the correct treatment, which is why it's so important to get a diagnosis from your doctor. Some of the causes of droopy eyelids include:
    • Age
    • Genetic or birth defect
    • Astigmatism
    • Dehydration by drugs, alcohol and / or tobacco use
    • Allergy
    • An eyelid infection such as stye, or an eye infection such as bacterial conjunctivitis
    • Facial paralysis
    • Stroke
    • The disease is transmitted from animals to humans
    • Myasthenia gravis
    • Horner syndrome


  • Try using eye cream to help maintain your eyelids moisture. Just remember that the use of eye creams and cosmetic pills has not been shown to be effective in treating eyelid prolapse.
  • If you often feel tired and add to a droopy eyelid, ask your doctor about myasthenia gravis. Fatigue is a typical symptom of this disease.