How to treat leukoplakia

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Leukoplakia - Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
Video: Leukoplakia - Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment


Eczema leeches has many other names such as eczema, limb, rice grain and eczema blisters on hands and feet. Atopic eczema is determined by the appearance of small blisters on the palms of the hands, fingers, and soles of the feet. The cause of eczema is unknown, but there are many factors that can trigger this skin disorder, including exposure to nickel or cobalt, fungal infections, allergies and / or excessive stress. The blisters often become thicker and scaly, causing itching, inflammation and redness. You can treat your eczema with home remedies or get medical intervention in severe cases.


Part 1 of 3: Treatment of eczema at home

  1. Use cold and wet compresses to reduce irritation. Cold compresses help relieve the itching and / or burning sensation caused by eczema.Cold compresses also help reduce inflammation in blisters and paralyze irritated nerves that create pain. You can soak a soft, clean towel in cold water and then refrigerate for hours. Then, wrap the towel around the affected hand or leg.
    • Ice the affected area for at least 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day or more if necessary.
    • For a longer cold compress, you can put crushed ice in a small plastic bag and then wrap a soft cloth outside before applying it to your skin.
    • Avoid soaking your inflamed hands or feet in the ice cube. This will only soothe the initial irritation, which will then shock the blood vessels and lead to cold burns.

  2. Use aloe vera (aloe vera). Aloe vera gel is a popular herbal remedy for inflamed and irritated skin. The gel has the ability to soothe the itchy skin caused by irritation and reduce swelling caused by eczema, and significantly speed up the healing of the skin. Aloe vera also has antibacterial properties, so it can be helpful if you have eczema due to a fungal or bacterial infection. Applying aloe vera gel several times a day for the first few days after you notice red, irritated hands or feet can help treat eczema very effectively.
    • Aloe contains polysaccharides (complex sugars) that help to hydrate and moisturize the skin. In addition, aloe also stimulates the production of collage, thereby increasing elasticity of the skin.
    • If you have aloe in your garden, break the leaves and apply the gel / water inside the aloe leaves directly to the affected skin.
    • Or you can buy pure aloe vera gel bottles at a pharmacy. For best results, store the gel in the refrigerator and apply it to your skin after it has cooled.

  3. Consider applying oats. Oats are another home remedy for soothing irritated skin. Oats work relatively quickly in reducing skin inflammation and itching. Oat extract contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful in soothing skin caused by eczema. So, you can mix a batch of oats (not too thick), refrigerate for a few hours, then apply the mixture directly to the inflamed skin and wait to dry. Rinse the oats under running water and be sure to gently wash them as they are also mild exfoliating agents that can irritate the skin.
    • Or, you can buy pureed oatmeal (available as oatmeal in health food stores or pharmacies) and mix it with cold water in a sink or small tub. Then, soak your hands or feet in the mixture for 15-20 minutes a day.
    • To save money, you can make your own finely ground oatmeal by placing a handful of oatmeal in a blender and blending it until it forms a fine, fine dough. Finely ground oatmeal will be easier to mix with water.

  4. Apply a thick ointment or cream to moisturize your skin. Thick ointments such as moisturizing wax (Vaseline), mineral oils or food fats are often recommended for people with eczema as they help moisturize the skin and provide a barrier against potential irritants. Alternatively, you can use creams like Eucerin and Lubriderm that are thicker than most lotions and just as effective. However, for creams, you need to reapply more times than ointments because the cream absorbs more quickly. Moisturize the skin throughout the day, especially after bathing, to keep water in the skin and prevent dry / chapped skin.
    • If the eczema is itchy and irritated, you can apply Hydrocortisone cream. Hydrocortisone cream (less than 1%), sold over the counter, is very helpful in quickly relieving pain and swelling.
    • Take the time to massage the cream or ointment over the skin between your fingers and / or toes as these are often affected by leeches.
  5. Take an antihistamine to relieve itching. Over-the-counter antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or Loratadine (Claritin, Alavert, and others) can help reduce itching and inflammation caused by eczema. More specifically, antihistamines block the action of histamine, which is produced in the allergic reaction.
    • Reducing the amount of histamine circulating usually helps to limit the expansion of small blood vessels under the skin, thereby reducing redness and itching in the skin.
    • Antihistamines can cause drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, and confusion, so you should never drive or operate machinery while taking antihistamines.

Part 2 of 3: Avoid skin irritation

  1. Reduce the temperature of the bath water to avoid drying out the skin. Hot showers can cause dryness and irritation as the heat removes the natural oils that protect the skin. Therefore, people with eczema should only take cool or warm baths. Taking a cool bath for at least 15 minutes a day can help rehydrate your skin as it is quite absorbent. On the other hand, a hot bath often removes water from your skin, especially if you take a salt bath.
    • Bathing with Epsom salts is generally not recommended for patients with eczema (although the salts are antiseptic) as they cause dehydration of the skin.
    • Buy a shower filter that filters out chemicals that can irritate your skin, such as chlorine and nitrite.
  2. Use mild soaps and natural cleaning products. Conventional soap can cause dryness and irritation in some eczema cases. So, choose soaps that have natural ingredients, are fragrance-free and contain natural moisturizers (vitamin E, olive oil, aloe vera). Non-irritating products formulated for sensitive skin (such as Neutrogene, Aveeno) are also suitable for people with eczema as they cause less dry skin. Be sure not to rub too hard on the skin with a towel or bath towel when cleaning the eczema area.
    • In fact, certain detergents, chemicals, and compounds found in soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, and perfumes can trigger leukemic eczema, similarly to an allergic reaction.
    • To be safe, you should always wear protective gloves when using household cleaning products to avoid contact with or absorbing skin chemicals.
    • Clothes should be washed with non-irritating detergent and fabric softener to avoid residue on the clothes that could damage the skin.
  3. Don't scratch. Avoid scratching your eczema so that the inflamed skin and blisters heal, especially if you have open wounds or blisters. The friction and pressure from scratching can worsen the eczema and make the skin more inflamed and red. Scratching also increases the risk of infection or fungal infection.
    • You should keep your nails short to avoid breaking blisters due to unconscious scratching.
    • Consider wearing thin cotton gloves and / or socks to prevent scratching in these areas.

Part 3 of 3: Seeking medical help

  1. Get proper treatment for blisters. If you have severe eczema and blisters on your skin, don't poke or squeeze them. Instead, you should see your doctor for the right treatment. Your doctor can treat you directly or refer you to a dermatologist (specializing in skin diseases). Your doctor will apply a little antibiotic cream and wrap an antiseptic bandage around the blister to reduce the risk of infection, reduce scarring, and promote healing. If the blisters are large, the doctor will likely drain them first.
    • Change the bandage every day (or as soon as it becomes wet and dirty) and take extra care to avoid skin irritation.
    • When the blisters burst, apply antibiotic ointment to the area and wrap it up with a clean bandage (don't wrap it too tightly).
    • Your doctor may consider other potential causes of skin problems. Other skin conditions that can be easily confused with eczema include fungal infections, bacterial infections, scabies, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and chicken pox.
  2. Ask your doctor about a prescription corticosteroid cream. Cortisone, Prednisone and other corticosteroids that modulate the body's immune response are thought to help reduce redness, irritation, and itching caused by eczema. Corticosteroids also have anti-inflammatory properties. Prednisone is stronger than Cortisone and is usually better for people with eczema. Prednisone helps reduce inflammation by reducing the size of subcutaneous capillaries and suppressing the inflammatory response of the immune system.
    • Wrapping a plastic wrap around the applied skin area can help improve the absorption of corticosteroid cream and help blisters disappear faster.
    • If your eczema is severe, your doctor may recommend that you take a steroid medication for several days to fight inflammation and reduce discomfort.
    • Prolonged side effects of corticosteroids include thinning of the skin, edema (water retention), and a suppressed immune response.
  3. Consider using an immunosuppressant. Immune system suppressing creams and ointments such as Tacrolimus (Protopic) and Pimecrolimus (Elidel) can be helpful in case of severe eczema, especially if you want to avoid corticosteroid side effects. As their names suggest, these drugs suppress the body's immune response to the eczema irritant, thereby reducing inflammation, redness, and itching. However, these drugs can increase the risk of skin infections and even skin cancer. Therefore, should only be used when other methods are ineffective.
    • Pregnant women and young children should not use immunosuppressive creams and ointments.
    • Suppressing your immune system can make you more susceptible to infections and infections like the common cold and the flu.
  4. Get phototherapy. If other treatments are ineffective, your doctor may recommend phototherapy combining ultraviolet (UV) light exposure with certain medications that help your skin absorb UV radiation. Phototherapy works by increasing the production of vitamin D in the skin and destroying pathogenic microorganisms on the skin. As a result, in about 60-70% of cases the skin is reduced in inflammation, less itchy, and recovers faster.
    • Narrow-spectrum B (UVB) light is the most common type of phototherapy used to treat skin conditions.
    • UVB broad spectrum therapy, PUVA (Psoralen and UVA) and UVA1 are the other phototherapy treatments commonly used to treat eczema.
    • Phototherapy avoids the UVA portion of sunlight - rays that damage the skin, which can speed up skin aging and increase the risk of skin cancer.


  • After a few weeks or months, leech eczema usually goes away and does not cause any problems. However, symptoms can recur periodically.
  • Scratching your eczema too much can cause thickening and chronic irritation.