Ways to Treat Girlfriends

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Keep a Girl Happy (In a relationship) ♥
Video: How to Keep a Girl Happy (In a relationship) ♥


Any guy can have a girlfriend, but only a true man (or woman) can treat his girlfriend properly. Respect, honesty, and a little mischief are primary goals when it comes to treating your girlfriend the way she deserves. You can refer to Step 1 to start learning "How to" treat your girlfriend the right way!


Part 1 of 3: Respect her

  1. Never lie to her. Honesty is the foundation of any relationship. Sometimes, in a relationship, being honest can be difficult, but you never have an easy way out by lying to your girlfriend, even the trivial thing, that happens every day. day. Lying can show that you don't trust her enough to let her know the truth. Getting caught lying in a relationship can be extremely stressful and even lead to a breakup.
    • Also, remember that in the long run, it's easier to tell the truth than to lie. Keeping a complex network of lies in mind can be extremely stressful - just miss a word and you'll be ruined. Mark Twain once famously said, "If you tell the truth, you don't have to memorize anything".

  2. Respect her understanding. Just as you have the freedom to develop your own thoughts and opinions, so does she. If your girlfriend and you own thoughts and opinions differentThis is generally fine. Just because your girlfriend has a different opinion from you doesn't mean she develops that opinion with worse rationality than you. For example, if she thinks differently from you in the arts, politics, or entertainment fields, the best thing you can do is listen explain her feelings and argue in a way reasonable. You will find that the difference in your thinking both stems from different experiences in your life; maybe You will find that you shouldn't personalize this issue.
    • However, have some form of disagreement that you should take seriously - it is a disagreement about the limits of the relationship. For example, if you find your relationship is a unique, long-term commitment but your girlfriend is looking for some kind of lighter love, this is something you need to discuss. get serious before your relationship can progress.

  3. Listen to what she says (and remember it). An easy, sure way to show her that you respect and value her is to make it clear that you are listening when she speaks. You can do this by being focused on the conversation - and by Memorize what she said. Of course, no one can 100% memorize her girlfriend's words, so if you get stuck on this, instead of trying to memorize everything she says, keep in mind the big factor. , more importantly (place of birth, dietary restrictions, middle names, etc.) and set a time to repeat these selected little things at a later time.
    • Deliberately choosing what your loved one said to repeat later can seem rather ridiculous. Try to form a positive outlook when doing this - think of it as if make an effort to show that you value the person's thoughts instead of score easily throughout the process.

  4. Pay attention to her. Partners in a relationship should not compete for each other's attention. You should let your girlfriend know that you respect her by paying attention to her (with some exceptions) when you're both together. For example, don't allow yourself to be distracted by the TV behind her in a restaurant, the video game you were playing when she got home, or the worst is, another woman. Basically, you should take your time with your partner when they are with them.
  5. Agree with each other about what kind of behavior is considered polite. Men are often taught to behave like a "gentleman" when they are with their girlfriends from a young age, but the message they get tells them that doing this can be confusing and even worse. conflict. For example, a boy's father punishes him for not pulling chairs for his girlfriend to sit at a restaurant, while she this can be viewed as an act of contempt. The best solution to this confusing situation is to have a candid conversation with your girlfriend early in a relationship about the kind of "polite" behavior present and not in your life.
    • It's important to respect your girlfriend's independence by following her wishes. Can not begged to open the car door, pull her seat, etc., if she doesn't like it or if it makes her uncomfortable. It can form a serious dilemma in the long run. A gentleman true knowing well that true respect is more important than performing ancient rituals.
  6. Respect her boundaries when it comes to showing affection. Have different ideas about the type of behavior fit and not suitable Showing affection is a great way to form conflicts with your partner. For example, if you like to cuddle with her in a semi-public place like a movie theater, but she is often quite shy about these actions, don't ignore her feelings.Sometimes, respecting your partner means keeping yourself from doing what you want her to do but she doesn't - you have to make a small sacrifice, basically.
    • Consider the situation in the opposite direction - would you want someone to kiss you if you knew that you didn't like it? Of course not. Putting yourself in your ex's shoes will help you to understand the big problem that a seemingly small behavior for you can cause someone else.
  7. Be courageous when you are with her. One way to show how much respect you have for your girlfriend is to not be afraid of what you might show her. This doesn't mean that you need to reveal the most confidential information about yourself during the early stages of a relationship. Instead, it means you should open with her. Don't hesitate to let her know how you feel - even if it doesn't feel good.
    • Paradoxically, it also means become courageous in expressing your inner fear. From time to time, you can (and should) talk to your girlfriend about the source of deep anxiety - for example, your productivity at school or at work, stressful relationships with your parents, etc.

Part 2 of 3: Show her that you care for her

  1. Be proactive. Like the vast majority of people, most women will not request to be treated with kindness - they want you to be nice to them spontaneously. If your girlfriend is constantly asking for what she likes in a relationship - like asking you to hold her hand, listen when she speaks, remember her birthday, etc. - weaknesses This particular element is stealing the joy they can offer. It will also make her feel isolated or in need. Therefore, you need to understand - make an effort to treat your girlfriend with respect without she asked.
  2. Keep contact. It can be difficult to have a regular presence in her life (and vice versa) if you rarely talk to her. Although every couple has different natural communication “rhythms”, you should generally try to meet, call, or at least text your girlfriend every week or two, if no more. This process needs to stem from the natural urge to know what she is like - the little achievements she has made over the past few days, the hardships she has faced, etc.
    • Be sure to actively contact her - don't just answer her calls or texts. Taking the initiative to be her first contact is important for showing that you want her as much as she wants you.
  3. Avoid taking material seriously. There is nothing less romantic than the man no longer realizing what is truly important to him for chasing money or matter. Your girlfriend needs to be given priority over material pleasures. For example, don't skip anniversaries dinner to polish your new car. Don't neglect her for weeks to play this addictive game. Do not devote all your energy to walking long hours to work. You should see life as it is - sincere love is a source of lasting joy more than any material element you hope to have.
    • However, a good girlfriend will never ask you to do anything that is detrimental to your financial well-being. Although "miner" rumors don't happen as often in real life as many popular cultures make you believe, you should be careful of women who pressure you into buying. Expensive gifts.
  4. Take the unexpected "for no reason". It is normal for a guy to show his care for his girlfriend by celebrating birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc. to her. But it will be very especially if he shows interest in those days Between big events like this. You can surprise her. Celebrate your relationship for no more reason than you appreciate it. That doesn't mean you need to book an appointment at a luxury, expensive place - just a simple card, a rose, a sweet text, and a few other similar acts to give her. She knows you are always thinking and caring for her.
  5. Try be yourself while with her. One of the goals of any good relationship is when you both reach a point where you don't need to be "good" together. In the relationship, you need to be truly "yourself" and not the character you pursue in work, study, etc. This won't happen overnight, but it does was Factors must happen in order for a great relationship to develop.
    • Sometimes it means being honest about the negative feelings you cannot express in everyday life for whatever reason. Be honest and open about them - they are part of who you really are - but don't let them become the only conversation topic in the relationship.
  6. Let her know she is worth it. This goes beyond daily praise, and can become both frustrating and tedious if you repeat it too often. Instead, when you want to make your girlfriend feel great, be specific, take examples from your personal history and sincerely try to express your inner thoughts. Also, try to add "foolishness" to your comments to the point where you know she'll still be comfortable. Finally, choose especially touching opportunities to present them - no matter how good at using words you will devalue your thoughts if you keep repeating them.
    • For example, if you know that your girlfriend is completely comfortable with a little goofy expressed in your words, instead of saying, "Hey, pretty dress", you could say, "I like the Your dress. It reminds me of the dress you wore the first day we met. " This is a sweeter saying that will give you additional benefits in showing that you still have a few things in mind during the early days of a relationship.

Part 3 of 3: Give her a good time

  1. You need to be creative with your date ideas. While most girls (like most guys) will appreciate a classic movie dinner / night, you don't have to put yourself on a couple list by sticking to the traditional dating pattern. system. Be creative - do something with her that she never thought she would. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a great opportunity to bond as a couple. In addition, non-traditional dating ideas will be a great way to save money if you are young.
    • A great idea for a date is to surprise her by doing an activity where she often shows her interests by accident during the conversation. For example, if she talks about how interesting aquatic animals are, you might consider taking her to scuba diving class. Likewise, if she loves art, you can hike with her to a scenic forest with easels and paint colors to create your own painting together.
  2. Make a date night just for her. You don't have time to allow others or constraints to distract you on this important date night. Let's set everything aside for a few hours. Stop thinking about an upcoming project that requires your attention and focus on your girlfriend and the relationship you both share.
    • Be sure to turn off your phone, pager, laptop, and / or any other distracting device. There is nothing more ruining a great moment like this than taking a business call while you are having candlelit dinner.
  3. Pay her (respectfully). The question is inherent - whether men Candlestick good should not pay for your girlfriends on outings - becoming more and more relevant today, as women should pay money has become an acceptable factor (and even is expected). There is no one definitive answer to this question - in your relationship, who will pay for it depends on the discussion between you and your girlfriend. In general, if you're in charge of planning an outing, it's best to make a sincere effort to pay. Do this to show how important your girlfriend is to you, not following the old concept of gender principles.
    • If your girlfriend insists on letting her pay or the two of you split the bill in half, you can object to show your sincerity, but don't turn it into a real argument. with her. Some women feel looked down on if their guy pays them both together, so let her know that you value her as an equal partner in a relationship. by allowing her to pay.
  4. Praise her without materializing. Your special night is a great opportunity for you to express all the earthly, passionate emotions that you would normally not be able to express. You can be as goofy and passionate as you want to be, but be sure to keep your compliments focused on things such as your girlfriend's personality, her sense of humor, and how she feels. you, and her aesthetic beauty, rather than the appeal of her body. There will be a time for you to expose these, but don't downplay the special moments by mentioning them in a "proper" romantic context.
  5. Make her feel special. Your girlfriend is definitely important to you, let her know this. If you don't have anything to do on your date, tell her (and show) that she means a lot to you. Everything else - the fun you have, the adventures you take, the time you spend together - is just a way of revealing this truth.
    • The best and sweetest way to let your girlfriend know that she's important to you is to always be frank about it. Elegant, elegant language cannot replace sincere feelings - almost every girlfriend can tell when you are yourself or not.


  • A hug sends the message that you love her and want to keep her. Hugging is the medicine of the universe!
  • Always remember to talk to her lovingly.
  • If you are texting your girlfriend, take the time to say "I love you" if you really mean it.
  • Gifts don't have to have a reason. You should give gifts to your girlfriend on the regular day. If you don't know what to give, you can send her a letter or a card.
  • Women aren't objects, and don't want to be treated like that. Avoid becoming overly possessed or treating them with more love and respect than they deserve. If she's special to you, show this, unconditionally.
  • And remember: Always remember to lower the toilet! A large proportion of couples think this is a problem in their relationship.
  • Tell her everything, don't keep it a secret especially if you love her, this shows that you trust her.
  • Send flowers but in a different way. Send them to her while she's at the hair salon, dentist's office, or worst case scenario at work. Some of the public places she least expected of, and not birthdays or Valentine's Day, or just after a quarrel but completely random.
  • Try not only to be her lover, but also to be a friend. If you both have similarities (recommended if you're dating), be her friend. Go out with her and spend quality time doing something you both love doing.
  • Write love poetry. Poetry is a great way to express your emotions, and demonstrate your efforts in the relationship. In addition, writing poetry can also be a great way to express your emotions if you're shy.
  • Surprise her with elements like flowers. You can also include a sincere card!
  • Remember to be kind to her!


  • Some girlfriends have friends who work at the same company as you. Never talk about your sexual prowess in the workplace.