How to deal with depression after a breakup

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Healing After a Breakup | Processing Grief Guilt Anxiety and Depression
Video: Healing After a Breakup | Processing Grief Guilt Anxiety and Depression


Breaking up with someone can put you in a very depressing state. It's not easy in your world being the same person at a time and one day suddenly you reach for your phone, realizing that you have nothing to call him anymore. Sometimes, it just keeps getting depressed: a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness and negativity that no one can understand. At this point, taking care of yourself and figuring out how to move forward can be a huge challenge.


Method 1 of 4: Coping with depression

  1. Distinguish between sadness and depression. After a breakup, crying, insomnia, anger, and temporarily losing interest in everyday activities are all common signs. It's part of the process of post-injury recovery. But perhaps you are facing a more serious problem if it behaves like:
    • Eating or sleeping habits change drastically
    • Exhausted
    • Always feel helpless, empty, or hopeless
    • The heartache did not go away to the point of not being able to bear it
    • Easy to get irritated
    • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
    • Do not want to clean the room as well as do personal hygiene.
    • Thinking about death, or hurting yourself

  2. Record symptoms. If you suspect you have depression or something very wrong, try to keep a journal to keep a record of what you are going through. You can write on paper or on the computer. These notes can be very helpful when you need to review them and you can bring them to your doctor if you want to see a doctor.
    • Try to write down the simplest of feelings, such as: "I've been feeling hopeless all morning" or "I've been trying to be happy but I'm always bored and tired." If you are too sad, you don't need to be too detailed.
    • Write down what you did, for example: "I watched movies all night and cried a lot" or "This morning I was lying in bed for 3 hours because I didn't have any strength. ".

  3. Understand the timeframe and usual urgency in case of a medical condition. Experts often recommend that you wait about 2 weeks or a month to see if things get better. You will also have serious problems if boredom keeps you from being able to do basic routine tasks (such as going to work or caring for your children). You should see a doctor if:
    • Not feeling better within 2-3 weeks
    • Can't work or take care of yourself or your family
    • Having the thought of hurting yourself

  4. Talk to your doctor about treatment options. Your doctor may recommend therapies and / or medications to balance chemicals in your brain.
    • Our brain can get sick just like any other part of our body. If you have depression or have to take medicine to treat your depression, it's not "unusual" at all.
  5. Call the psychological crisis hotline if you are in immediate danger. If you think you are going to hurt you, don't hesitate, pick up the phone, find the hotline and call or text them. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Emotional balance

  1. Realize that emotional balancing takes time. Especially when it's a long-term relationship, the process will take longer. Prepare for that and give yourself enough time to heal the hurts and get the balance back.
    • Many people think it takes about half the time of a relationship to calm down after a breakup. For example, if your relationship lasted for 6 months, then you need about 3 months to fully balance again. However, each of us is not the same as anyone, so you may need more or less time.
  2. Give yourself space and time to feel negative emotions. After we break up, everyone will be angry, disappointed, sad, scared, and through many other emotions. Sometimes these feelings have nothing to do with your ex. It's okay. Let me cry, sad and mourn the past love.
    • Try naming your emotions if they fill you up. Are you feeling awkward? Loss? Or worry about the future?
  3. Take away everything that reminds you of your lost love. Put everything related to your ex (like photos, letters, souvenirs) in a box and put it in a place where you can't see it, like in the corner of the closet or under the bed. Leave the box there, and you can treat it once you've gotten over the sadness of breaking up with your ex.
    • Don't throw them all away. Maybe you will regret them later.
    • If you think you won't be able to open the box too soon, write a reminder like "Don't open, wait until April".
  4. Find a way out. Coping with strong emotions can be difficult. You should find a way to free them. Try different ways as long as they are safe and healthy for your emotions to show. You can do the following:
    • Do exercise
    • Express your emotions in art: painting, painting, composing music, writing, etc.
    • Cry
    • Imagine being deeply touched when you tell your story on a TV show
    • Write diary
    • Tear or cut discarded paper
    • Hugging the pillow and screaming on the bed
    • Smash each ice cube in the bath
  5. Make time for hobbies and explore new hobbies. This will help you find new ways to be productive and creative.
    • Do you want to do something when you were a child but couldn't? Try it now!
  6. Ask yourself what you need now. If you find yourself going through a tough time, stop and ask yourself, "What will make me feel better?" You need to think about what you can do right now to make things a little easier. Things could get better little by little with things like ...
    • Call a friend
    • Take a warm bath
    • Play with your pet
    • Drink a cup of hot chocolate
    • Get a hug
    • Do what you think you should be doing at that time.
  7. Try to move on. Gradually, you will have to accept the fact that the relationship is over and you need to plan for a future without that person in it. This will be your goal. Always keep that in mind. It may take time, but always remember which direction you want yourself to take.
  8. Remember that the process of forgetting a person is not a straight line. Sometimes you will feel sad again, but even if you come back many times, the sadness cannot become permanent. You will feel a little better, and then suddenly feel worse. This doesn't mean you'll never make it. You should feel better again after a day or at most a week or two. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Take care of yourself

  1. Try to keep your daily routine as stable as possible. It can be difficult at first, you will have to force yourself to eat the right meal and sleep on time. This also takes time so please be patient with yourself.
    • Sometimes you can't do everything in an optimal way, that's okay.
  2. Find simple ways to make yourself healthier. When you are depressed, it can be difficult to focus on your health. Even so, a little effort is better than nothing. No big deal, take care of yourself with the little things and be proud of it.
    • If cooking is too difficult at the moment, try eating ready-to-eat snacks like an apple or cheese stick. You can also keep perishable snacks (like a jar of cereal grains) on the table.
    • Do light exercise, like lifting your legs while watching TV, or lifting 2kg when lying in bed.
  3. Practice personal hygiene every day. Depression can make everyday tasks (like brushing teeth or bathing) very difficult. However, these are very important to your health. Not doing personal hygiene for too long could make you sick, or cause other health problems in the future.
    • Try to brush your teeth at least once a day. Even if it's brushing, it's better not to use toothpaste than not to brush. You can also wipe your teeth with a washcloth to remove the plaque.
    • Try to shower at least every other day. Use a wet towel to wipe sweaty areas like your armpits and underneath your bra. You can use an extra deodorant roller.
    • If you are too tired to dress properly, at least change into your nightgowns and underwear every day. You can also wear an old puffy shirt and sweatpants when you feel better.
  4. Stay away from unhealthy melancholy remedies. Many times, when people are suffering, they tend to overuse alcohol, take drugs, or eat in an insatiable manner. These are not only bad for your health, but also make your mood worse. Find yourself other solutions.
  5. Don't be afraid to ask others to help you take care of your inner self and do everyday tasks. Depression can keep you from starting a thing and focusing on it. Sometimes, having someone around will help you a lot. You can ask them to do some cleaning and cleaning that you are finding yourself struggling with. For example, you could say:
    • "I'm exhausted and can't clean the house. Can you please come over and give me a hand? I have soft drinks and vanilla ice cream, and we can enjoy it after cleaning up."
    • "I know I've been messy lately and forgot to bathe. You probably don't like being with a stinking kid, but please urge me to take a shower if I'm so dirty!"
    • "Breaking up with him / her makes me depressed, but I'm still trying to do housework. Can you be my laundry partner, come wash with me?"
    • "Daddy, lately I've been so tired that I can't cook for myself. Can I come over to have dinner with you sometimes?"

Method 4 of 4: Avoid isolation

  1. Find the people you love. Spend a lot of time with friends and family by this time. They will be a solid support when you have to overcome the hurts after breaking up. When you were in love, how often did you go to see them? If your love life is quite long and deep, it may take a few months when you do not meet some friends or even your family. Take time to spend time with them and share with them.
    • Let your loved one know what you are going through. You might say, "I just broke up and really need a friend by my side right now."
  2. If possible, consider communicating with others a daily task. It's easy to fall into the trap of isolating yourself during times of depression. Communicating with others is so important that you don't spend the day or the week alone.
    • Try to spend at least a half quality hour each day with your loved one.
  3. Speak out your feelings. Being honest with your own feelings will help people understand and navigate to comfort you. Don't share half-face or half-open or hinting. Let them know how you are feeling then you can share more.
    • "I feel so tired today".
    • "Right now, I just want to do something light, like watching a movie together."
    • "I'm so tired, shall we talk tomorrow?"
    • "I feel better today. I think it would be fun to go out and play. Do you want to go?"
    • "I feel weak and worried."
    • "I don't have the strength to go out anymore. Can you stay here and talk to me?"
  4. Let others know how they can help, especially if they are confused. Most people want to help you, but they may not know how to help, or they will misunderstand what you need. The best way is to tell them what you need help with. For example, you could say that:
    • "I want to be busy today so I don't remember him anymore. Do you want to do something fun?"
    • "I really need someone to stay by and listen to me now".
    • "I'm not ready to meet new people yet. I haven't forgotten him yet and I guess it still needs more time. When I want to meet handsome guys, I will ask you for help."
    • "Can I have a hug?"
    • "I really want to text her. Can you come play with me and help me not?"
    • "At the moment I feel so lonely, if you are by my side, it's good. We can do anything, walk and talk or watch TV together."
  5. Find a trusted person to confide in. Dealing with emotional trauma is hard, when you are alone is much more difficult. Find a good listener and when they are ready to listen to you talk, let them know, you will feel a lot more comfortable. advertisement


  • Maybe in a lonely time… he or she will call / text you and want to come back. However, ask yourself if that is what you want, or are you ready to start another better relationship.
  • No matter what you think at the moment, you WILL find someone else who loves you - the world so many people, maybe the other half is still waiting for you to come find. You probably wouldn't think so at the moment, but there are plenty of people out there that are right for you. One day you will meet someone interesting / funny / awesome, and believe it or not - your memories of your ex will fade away.
  • Just because you broke up with someone didn't mean that you were bad or that you did something wrong (or that the person was a bad guy).It's just that you guys are not meant for each other.
  • After long enough, you will still be friends. However, to befriend your ex, it may take months or even years, or you can only be friends once you have found your own partner.
  • Don't call / text each other - give each other some space if you don't want to disturb and push them any further.
  • Maybe after you broke up for a long time, you can really continue to date others. Don't be in a hurry to start a new relationship with someone cute you just met, otherwise, with your old heart still, you will hurt yourself and that person. Give yourself enough time for the wound to heal completely and forget all that belonged to the past.
  • Treating yourself with your favorite foods (like cakes or ice cream) also makes you much more comfortable, as long as you don't overdo them. Set a moderate amount of food to avoid overeating and stomach upset.
  • Never let the past affect the future. Memories of the past will only make the breakup feeling come back. Look to the future and live your life.
  • If you are the one taking the initiative to end the relationship, keep in mind why. Think about the problem that caused you to break up and stick with it. When you're ready, you will find yourself in a better relationship, with someone more suitable.


  • Don't have sex with someone to fill your loneliness. Instead, hang out with friends or do things you love to make yourself happy. Quick fun will have many consequences and in the end you will only feel more lonely. Forget your sadness through active activities.
  • When you first break up with someone, never make the big decisions in your life.