Ways to Deal With Fools

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Wisely Deal With Fools
Video: How To Wisely Deal With Fools


Sometimes, it makes you very uncomfortable that other people act unreasonable or do not understand where their actions are wrong. Being with such people is not really easy. Luckily, you can fine-tune your thoughts so that you can more comfortably deal with people you consider stupid.


Part 1 of 3: Adjusting your opinion

  1. Lower the bar. This is a difficult but very important thing. Part of the reason you always feel depressed by the stupidity of this world is because you have unrealistic expectations. Each person is born and raised in different circumstances, has different views or priorities in their life. Remind yourself that the "average" person cannot meet your expectations about how they should think and act to lower your standards.
    • If you do not expect, you will be very surprised and satisfied when someone is sharp, respectful of others - instead of always being disappointed because they are not what you expected.

  2. See things from their perspective. Another way to change the way you perceive the annoying people is to consider things from their point of view. Surely you might think that there is only one view of gun use control policy, or that the vegetarian diet is absolutely correct; However, before you are sure of your point of view, try once to take the opposite point and find out, maybe the story has another side that you have not seen.
    • Considering the person's background will also help you to better understand their point of view - if the person grew up in a very conservative area and you didn't, then yes, the two of you will definitely not have. the same way of seeing the world.

  3. Understand that not everyone has genetic and environmental advantages alike. Both of these factors can make a difference in "intelligence" in general. One of the reasons that one person seems smarter than another may depend on whether they grew up in a studious environment, got good grades in school or if they had to start from scratch, stuck with hard work. taking care of family, studying and doing part-time jobs and carrying so many other responsibilities that we don't have time to develop ourselves, in this situation we may find that they are not smart, not understand everything. quickly, even as a child they were indifferent to education and got good grades in school. When you are bothered by a fool, ask yourself if he gets the best opportunities for growth - maybe not, and if he has the chance to grow up like you. probably won't be fooled by others either.
    • Intelligence is not determined by family, matter or love. However, a person's cognitive and skill development is greatly influenced by life experiences and opportunities.
    • Reminding yourself to look at each person on a case-by-case basis will be less frustrating as you will stop asking yourself why they couldn't act like you.

  4. Do not judge a fish by its climbing ability. Scientist Albert Einstein once said that “Every person is born a genius. But if you judge a fish by its climbing ability, it will live its whole life believing it is useless.This means that you should think that the person is not stupid, maybe they are only less intelligent in one or two areas where you expect them to be smart. In math class, the person who can't do addition sitting next to you could be a talented poet; The waiter who can't get the right coffee latte you ordered might be an excellent musician. Stop thinking that there is only one way to be smart or stupid, and you will begin to see that other people are better than you thought.
    • Think about it: if we just rely on one aspect to judge a person as smart or stupid, maybe someone out there thinks that friend not very smart. This is not true, don't you think?
  5. Understand that you won't be able to change their mind. This is another important point that you need to grasp in order to get along with people who disagree with you, especially with conservatives. You may think these arguments or facts are obvious and try to explain them, but they turn their backs on the thought "Oh, I never thought so ...". Although this situation may not always happen, it will definitely make you very depressed.
    • If you find that, even if your arguments are very plausible and sure, you won't be able to convince the person easily, you will stop trying. When you stop trying to get others to understand your point of view, you won't get discouraged.
    • Remember that your goal is not to get a conservative person to agree with your point of view, but to keep yourself calm and moderate when facing them.
  6. Equipped with knowledge. Knowledge is power, especially when you have to deal with ignorant people. The best way to confront them is to make your point clear. Read as much as you can, listen to the news, read the newspaper, check the news and make sure you understand a concept before you argue it. The more facts, metrics, and controversial issues you come up with, the harder it is for fools to talk about you.
    • While you don't have to prove yourself right when talking to an idiot (it's nothing to do with it in the end), but if the person finds you have studied the subject thoroughly, there will be less competition. argue with you more.

Part 2 of 3: Being smart at the right time

  1. Avoid controversial topics. If you just want to deal with stupid people for a while, avoid topics that annoy them, or start trying to prove you wrong. Once you know that the person is stupid and often has odd opinions, do not try to talk seriously - even if it is important to you. Instead, say hello politely, ("Hello, how are you these days?"), If you meet them often and do not stick to controversial topics.
    • Even if you know the person is going to have very stupid thoughts when arguing and really want to "win" him, try to be restrained. Arguing with them is not good for you or your blood pressure at all.

  2. Be kind. If you come across someone who acts extremely stupid, being nice to them is probably the last thing you want to do. That's why be nice to them as much as possible. Being treated well will make them less aggressive, maybe a little confused, don't know what to do but be kind to you and stop saying nonsense. If you are rude, humiliating, or even malicious, they will be even more unreasonable. Try to suck on the sweet-toothed, kind and idiots that will bother you less.
    • Always remember that being a good and polite person is always easier than being rude, bad. Being bad means you increase your stress levels and poison your spirit, and treating others well is also a way to protect your mental health.

  3. Stay away from meaningless debate. This has to do with staying away from controversial topics. If a fool brings up a problem to discuss and intends to express his absurd opinion on the matter, refrain from jumping in and prove he is wrong. Be polite and say things like: "What you think is your right" or "Interesting" without showing that you completely disagree with the opinion. Then ask for permission to move on to another topic.
    • While it can be a little satisfying, it doesn't make sense to argue with an idiot.
  4. Take control of your emotions. Fools are very good at making others upset or annoyed. But from now on, don't let them make you like that - it simply doesn't make any sense. If you want to dominate an argument, stay calm. Controlling your emotions is also a kind of intelligence, don't let you end up looking like an idiot for not doing it.
    • Please be patient. It may take time for a fool to understand the problem. Don't get frustrated and frustrated - give them a chance.
    • If you are annoyed by what they say, keep saying that in your mind This man is a fool, this man is a fool, this man is a fool until you realize you don't have to worry about what they say.
    • If you feel frustrated, count down from fifty, count your breaths, or go out for a walk - do whatever it takes to calm down before seeing the person again - if you absolutely must must meet again.
    • Don't let fools feel satisfied when they see how they can influence you. The more they see you influenced, the more they will think they are smarter.
  5. Ask them to provide evidence to clarify their point of view. If you are really tired of a stupid person, you can keep them shut up by asking for evidence to prove their point. Most likely they won't, so the debate will end instead of escalating. You can politely say things like:
    • "Oh, really? Where did you read this?"
    • "Are you referring to an article on Dan Tri newspaper that came out last week? But it seems like it was written differently ..."
    • "Interesting. Do you know the fact what percentage of users like this?"
    • "You know California very well. How long have you been living there? It must have taken a long time to have such a convincing opinion?"
  6. Ignore it if there's no better way. While ignoring others is rude and unprofessional, this is sometimes the best option. For example, if you're talking to a group of people and you don't want to leave just because of a fool, you can pretend that the person isn't there, or don't react to his or her opinions. . Chances are, if those opinions are too dumb, someone else will object - or maybe others will ignore it too.
    • If the person just names you by name, smile and act as though nothing more than responding.
    • While ignoring an idiot is not the best way to go, it is also a way not to have to talk to them.
  7. Move away when possible. This is a great option, of course you won't be able to turn away when that fool is your boss if you don't want to lose your job, but sure if it's the guy who yells at you at the grocery store or anyone trying to mess with you. Leaving is also a good way to calm down when you are about to get angry.
    • All you have to do is say, "Sorry, I have to go now" if the person has a little bit of knowledge, or just go straight if it's not necessary.

Part 3 of 3: Prevent idiots from bothering you

  1. Don't let your stomachs. This can be quite difficult, especially if they intentionally hurt you. However, if you want to deal with fools then the best way is to not let them bother you and have to learn to ignore what they say. If you just let your stomach hurt, then you just hurt yourself. Always remind yourself that they are fools, and the idiot's words are not worth the attention.
    • Your values ​​cannot be dictated by someone of intelligence that is not worthy of your respect. Next time they hurt you, remember this.
  2. Note their strengths (if any). Trying to be positive and thinking about the good things is another way to keep stupid people from bothering you. Your boss may not communicate very well, but think about the good things he did for the company. Your cousin may not be able to keep her mouth shut, but she did a great job of coming over and making you feel better during the bad days.
    • Remind yourself that most "idiots" are not bad people, they also have good qualities. Keeping in mind this will help you stay peaceful around them, especially with people who have to be in regular contact like classmates or colleagues.
  3. Don't complain about them to other people. Your colleague or competitor may have said something extremely stupid and you would immediately want to tell it to ten of your best friends, even sending a series of detailed emails or narratives. about how stupid the person is. But is there any benefit to this? Sure, everyone will agree with you that the person is stupid, but in the end this will only make you irritable, frustrated, depressed and annoyed.
    • And worst of all, this proves how much more influence the other person has on you - if you really know that the person is dumb and annoying then you spend too much time fretting about what he or she says to do , right?
    • If that person really upsets you, you can share it with a close friend, but don't let that turn into an obsession or ruin your day.
  4. Please respect whenever possible. This may sound impossible in the face of stupidity, but that's exactly why you should respect fools as much as you can. Treat them like queen or director of the public if necessary. Treating them as if they deserve it will both make you great and encourage the person to behave more appropriately in the future.
    • Try to restrain when you want to respond. It may be that you have a mindset of how to respond or a perfect chatter, but before you say it, remember that it won't get you anywhere.
  5. Grateful to all the smart people in life (including you!). Constantly dealing with stupid people will make you appreciate all the calm, rational, and intelligent people you know. If you are constantly annoyed by idiots, it could be because your friends and family members are all smart, so you have high standards when judging other people's intelligence.
    • Do not be bothered by the fool in front of you, remember that you are lucky to have loved ones, close friends, relatives or smart colleagues. This will make you appreciate the positive people in your life instead of being bothered by idiots.


  • Always stay calm.
  • Avoiding arguments rarely makes people realize they are a fool.
  • Stay away from the person if possible.
  • Don't criticize them, if you do, criticize them politely and patiently.
  • If it is an important person, instead of moving away, help him understand why his behavior is upsetting others. We should make concessions to everyone because everyone can upset others at times.
  • Don't tell an idiot that their actions make things worse. Saying that only makes them even more frustrated / annoyed and makes things worse. Giving them the chance to improve themselves is also giving them the chance to become smarter.


  • Never be mean to them. They won't be able to understand or realize what they did wrong.