How to Sing better

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Sing Better In 5 Minutes
Video: How To Sing Better In 5 Minutes


Some people seem to have been born with a beautiful voice. Even so, even famous singers have to work and practice regularly to maintain their singing ability. There are many ways and steps you can follow to sing better, from taking a professional training course, exercising and vocal training to simply incorporating correct posture with techniques. take a breath.


Part 1 of 2: Voice development

  1. Learn correct singing posture. Most vocal teachers suggest standing and singing instead of sitting to make the best sound. The sitting posture causes the muscles to flatten and can interfere with proper breathing.
    • Keep the head straight to the shoulders. Visualize the spine as a straight line extending to the top of your head.
    • Relax your jaw and bring your tongue towards the mouth.
    • Relax your shoulders.
    • Lift and push the palate back as if you were about to yawn. Do this to widen your throat and get more steam.
    • If you have to flex while standing in the correct position, move your back, shoulders, and head against the wall.

  2. Focus on taking a breath. Taking the right breath is an essential step if you want to sing better. Make sure to take a deep breath to get enough air for each word in the verse.
    • Inhale through your stomach instead of your chest. This method both improves the quality of the sound and gives the singer more control over the voice. To make sure you are taking the right breath, place your hand on your stomach and try to have your hands bulge with your stomach each time you inhale.
    • Take a few minutes of abdominal breathing exercises every day. You can do this whether standing or lying down.Make sure your abdomen puffs up each time you inhale deeply.

    Advice: Imagine that there is a ball in the stomach. Make the balloon rise as you inhale and fall when you exhale.

  3. Recognize your vocal range. Singing well is partly due to recognizing their own pitches and choosing songs that match the vocal range. Some people have a wider range than others, but everyone has a "best score" for vocals to sound best.
    • There are seven main types of voices: female soprano, female middle, female low, anti-male high, male high, male middle, male low. The first three types of voices are female and the last four are male.
    • Visualize your voice as a carousel to find your vocal range. Start at the top, sing your top note and work your way down to the lowest note.
    • Play notes on the piano to compare the pitch of your voice with notes, thereby finding the pitch.

  4. Warm up before singing. Singing a full song does not count as a warm-up, because then instinctively you will do your best to sing better than focusing on the health of your voice and technique. In other words, a warm-up avoids voice problems and widens the pitch.
    • Remember, the warm-up singing doesn't have to be good. In fact, most of the sound at start-up sounds pretty dumb and annoying, even if you have a professional voice. Find a private place to start if you don't want to disturb others.
    • Pay attention to activate both the high and low voice areas. High-pitched sounds sound slightly lighter and softer than low-pitched sounds, which are loud and firm. You can imitate an opera singer to find the high voice region. Low voice area close to normal voice range.
    • Do warm-ups with your palate open. Play on a scale to make a “Ooh wee ooh oohweeoohweeohh” sound and open up the corners of your mouth or practice tongue vibrations along the notes from top to bottom.
  5. Learn to be highly aware. The best way to do this is to sing with a piano or organ if available. Press a key and when the keyboard sounds, say an "ah" sound to match the pitch of that sound. Practice with all the notes respectively: La, La Thăng, Si, Do, Do Do, D, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol and Sol.
    • The high notes are the black keys on the right side of the corresponding white key.

    Advice: Use an app like Sing Sharp if you have difficulty in pitch recognition.

  6. Practice singing every day. The more you sing, the stronger your voice is. Remember that voice is a muscle that needs training.
    • Everyone has a natural vocal range, but you can fully expand the upper and lower ranges over time by simply practicing regularly and exercising.
    • Practice by singing along to your favorite songs. Note that your voice may not be the same as the original singer. You can't sing better if you just imitate the voices of other singers. Sing with your own voice.
  7. Practice your voice regularly. A commonly used way to sing better is voice training. Like when you are playing sports or exercising, your voice is the muscle you need to train to develop. You can learn more vocal enhancement techniques if instructed by a professional vocal teacher. The voice is a piano-like instrument and the teachers are fully capable to help you master it.
    • Consider taking lessons from a personal vocal teacher who can teach techniques to help develop your unique voice. Meet a minimum of 3 vocal teachers to make sure you pick the best one.
    • Try joining the choir if you're in school. Choir activities are a great way to sing better because you will learn how to sing with others, read music and feel confident about not being alone.

Part 2 of 2: Maintain vocal health

  1. Drink enough water. No matter how great a singer is, you will still sing poorly in a dry voice. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
    • Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages before singing as these absorb water that dries out your throat.
    • Avoid sugary drinks.

    Advice: Green tea does not contain caffeine or warm water mixed with honey and lemon helps to lubricate and stabilize the ropes.

  2. Don't eat dairy or sweets before singing. Foods like yogurt, butter, and cream create a lot of mucus in the throat that makes singing difficult.
    • Also, avoid salty or spicy foods that irritate the throat and vocal cords.
    • Other foods that cause acid reflux, such as indigestible or spicy foods, can also make it harder to breathe than usual and irritate your vocal cords.
  3. Use a humidifier. In addition to eating properly, a humidifier can help you maintain a beautiful voice. Fill the machine with water; Do not give any extra medicine. You can use the humidifier before starting and between breaks.
  4. No smoking. Smoking is bad for your lungs and prevents you from breathing properly while singing. Tobacco also causes a dry throat, which negatively affects sound quality.
    • If you are a smoker and want to sing better, you should quit smoking. While not quitting, you can drink more water, smoke less and avoid smoking as much as possible on singing days.
  5. Practice breathing regularly. Even if you don't have time to warm up to your voice or sing every day, practice breathing deeply through your stomach every day. This can significantly improve vocals in the long run.
    • You can combine breathing exercises and improving breathing with yoga or jogging.
    • Train like Mick Jagger. He is famous for running concerts with his running method and versatile exercises that incorporate singing to ensure he can move freely on stage without losing breath.
  6. Doesn't cause voice stress or abuse. Squeezing your voice by singing too loud, too high, or too long can damage the vocal cords. Just like any muscle, you need to give your voice time to rest and recover.

    Note: Stop singing if you experience a sore throat, pain, or hoarseness.



  • Practice singing favorite songs and genres. If you sing a song you love, you will naturally improve.
  • Singing every day!
  • Don't be shy, get up and sing your best and your voice will get better and better.
  • Try recording and listening again to get used to your own voice, thereby setting specific goals for improving voice quality.
  • Take the right breath when singing. Using the wrong technique can cause voice fractures.
  • Have confidence in yourself because if you are not confident in your singing ability, you will not be able to exploit your full potential in this field no matter how much you practice.
  • Choose a high-pitched song and sing it once or twice a day.
  • Sometimes you sing well without knowing it, so ask someone who can make a sincere comment.
  • Drink green tea to soothe the serene ropes when singing a lot.
  • Consider hiring a vocal teacher and study at least once a week. Proper practice can help you learn the right techniques, listen to direct comments right after singing, and avoid damaging your voice.