How to get rid of a toothache

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop A Toothache And Get Out Of Pain Fast
Video: How To Stop A Toothache And Get Out Of Pain Fast


Are you having a toothache? If you are suffering from moderate or severe toothache, you must be looking for a way to relieve the pain quickly and effectively. It is important to consult a dentist if the pain is persistent and deteriorating. In the meantime, however, you can use a variety of first aid and home remedies to ease the pain.


Part 1 of 4: First things to do

  1. Eliminate food stuck in teeth. One of the first things you can try doing - even before using home remedies - is to quickly clean your teeth. Trying to remove any food debris stuck near the tooth could be the cause of the pain.

    How to floss
    Take 46 cm of floss and wrap a lot around your middle finger. Wrap the head remaining only with the finger on the other hand.
    Hold the thread tightly between your thumb and index finger.
    Carefully floss the teeth on both sides of the teeth and remove any food debris by gently pulling the thread back and forth.
    Once the thread reaches the gums, bend the thread into a C shape around a tooth, brushing it against the space between the gums and teeth.
    Be sure to brush between all teeth, including those that are deep inside.
    After cleaning your teeth, rinse your mouth thoroughly. Rinse your mouth quickly with lukewarm water in your mouth to let any remnants come off. Then spit out the water.

  2. Avoid using that tooth. Before you can apply any treatment, take easy steps to manage the pain. Decide not to chew in the sore area and the sore tooth.
    • You can also try to temporarily fill in the pain. If the tooth is cracked or damaged, you can temporarily re-fill it with soft gum or wax until you find a more permanent solution.
    • Many pharmacies also sell fillings kit. This material is made from zinc oxide or a similar material, can reduce pressure and last up to 2 weeks, cost about 200,000 VND.
    • You can also apply wax to the depths to temporarily seal it and provide extra protection.
    • To avoid tooth sensitivity, put a cotton ball on your teeth when you eat.

  3. Take a pain reliever. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen / paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain relief before you can go to the dentist. Read the directions on the label to take the correct dose.
    • For most pain relievers, you can take one or two pills every 4-6 hours. However, the exact dosage varies depending on the drug and the brand.
    • You can buy these drugs at any pharmacy, inexpensively.
    • Do not give aspirin or other pain relievers directly to the gums. This could be harmful.

  4. Use a pain reliever. An over-the-counter pain reliever ointment is another option. This medication works to numb the affected tooth by applying it directly to the tooth decay. The active ingredient in this drug is benzocaine. Read the directions on the label for the dosage and how to use it.
    • A topical ointment like Orajel can be found in most drugstores and costs around 200,000.
    • Use only oral pain relievers. Other pain relievers can be dangerous if swallowed.
    • Benzocaine in some cases can cause a very rare but dangerous condition called blood methemoglobin, which causes a decrease in oxygen in the blood. Do not give medications that contain benzocaine to children under 2 years old, and never exceed the recommended dose.
  5. Apply a cold compress. A quick way to relieve a toothache is cold numbness. The low temperature will reduce the amount of blood flowing to the affected area. You will feel less pain with reduced blood flow to the affected area. advertisement

How to apply cold compresses
Wrap an ice cube in a plastic bag or thin cloth and hold it against the jaw near the affected tooth for about 10-15 minutes.
Rest for 10-15 minutes, then apply pressure again if necessary.
Make sure the affected area is back to “normal” before re-placing the gauze. Otherwise, you could damage surrounding tissues.

Part 2 of 4: Using temporary therapy at home

  1. Numb the pain with cloves. Cloves are an ancient, urgent cure for toothache thanks to their natural anesthetic effect and can kill bacteria. You can use raw cloves, clove powder, or clove oil for pain relief.

    Tips for using cloves
    If using clove powder, wash your hands thoroughly and place a pinch of clove powder between the sore gums and your cheeks. When the clove combines with the saliva, it will start to numb the surrounding tissue.
    For whole cloves, use clean hands to place two or three cloves in your mouth near the pain. After the saliva softens the cloves, chew gently to release the oil.
    Alternatively, mix a few drops of clove oil with ½ teaspoon (2.5 milliliters) of olive oil. Then, soak in a sterile cotton pad and place it on the affected tooth or gums.

  2. Gargle salt water. Another way to relieve pain and kill bacteria is to prepare a salt water rinse. Salt water does not cure pain, but it can knock bacteria out of the mouth and suck the fluid out of the inflamed gums around the sore tooth and ease the pain.
    • Mix 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of salt with 250 ml of warm water. Allow the salt to dissolve completely before serving.
    • Rinse your mouth with this solution for 30 seconds before spitting it out. Repeat as needed.
    • You may need to rinse your mouth with white water after you rinse your salt water mouth. Rinse mouth with tap water for 30 seconds.
  3. Try onions or garlic. Both of these common tubers are folk remedies for toothache and are believed to have antibacterial properties. They can cause bad breath, but kill harmful bacteria in the mouth and provide temporary relief of pain.
    • Place a clove of garlic between the affected tooth or gums and the cheek. Hold there until the pain subsides.
    • Another way is to cut a small slice of garlic and place it on the sore tooth.
  4. Make a paste from the apricot tree. The bark is believed to be a natural antibiotic and also contains tannins and flavonoids, which have astringent effects. When combined with vinegar to make a dough, it helps to relieve pain, reduce swelling and strengthen gums.

    How to make a dough from thanh mai
    Crush a slice of apricot tree bark about 1 inch with 1/4 teaspoon of vinegar (1.25 ml). You can also add the bark or vinegar needed to make the paste.)
    Apply this paste directly to the sore area in your mouth and let it sit until the pain has subsided. Then rinse your mouth with warm water.
    Alternatively, you can also use toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Apply it to your teeth and leave it on for as long as possible.

  5. Mix a paste with ginger and cayenne pepper. If the tooth is sore or painful, a mixture made of ground ginger, ground pepper, and water can be used to apply directly to the tooth sensitivity to relieve the pain. Both of these spices can act as pain relievers. They work even better if used together.

    How to make a chili paste
    Put a pinch of ginger powder with a pinch of red chili in a cup. Add a few drops of water until a paste can be stirred.
    Dip a sterile cotton pad into a paste. Place the cotton pad directly on the teeth and hold it until the pain subsides, or for as long as you can stand it - the powder is probably not very pleasant.
    Only apply this powder on painful teeth. Do not put it on the gums, as it may cause irritation or burns.

  6. Use rubbing alcohol. Rosemary is a resin secreted from certain plants with thorns, used in perfumes, incense, and medicines. Because of its astringent effect, the resin can reduce pain and inflammation and kill bacteria. So rubbing alcohol has long been used to treat toothache at home.

    How to make rubbing alcohol
    Place 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of myrrh powder and 500 ml of water in a saucepan and cook for about 30 minutes. Strain again and let cool.
    Mix 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of this solution with 125 ml of water and rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day.

  7. Place the wet tea bag on the sore area. Like the bark of the serosa tree, black tea contains tannins that make the mucous membranes astringent, which can reduce inflammation. Peppermint herbal tea also has mild anesthetic effects, and is believed to help relieve pain. These teas are often used to treat toothache at home.
    • If you want to treat it with tea, place the tea bag in a dish of water and microwave for 30 seconds to heat up. Then squeeze out the water.
    • Place the tea bag on the sore tooth or gum and gently bite it down until the pain subsides.
  8. Use high levels of alcohol. Here Not is to drink alcohol to relieve pain. In fact, strong spirits like vodka, brandy, whiskey, or gin have the ability to numb a sore tooth if applied directly to the tooth.
    • Dip a sterile cotton ball in alcohol like brandy or vodka and press gently on the sore tooth. You can also take a sip of whiskey and keep it in your mouth, near the pain.
    • This only works for a short time. Also, do not use alcohol in this way as it is dangerous if swallowed.

Part 3 of 4: Going to the dental clinic

  1. Make an appointment with your dentist. Home remedies are not a long-term cure, but only temporary relief. If your toothache persists or gets worse, see your dentist for specialist treatment.
    • There can be serious problems behind a toothache, including cracked enamel, tooth decay, and infection.
    • See a dentist if pain doesn't respond to home remedies, pain with inflammation, fever or pus, pain from injury or trouble swallowing. You should also get medical help if your jaw pain is accompanied by chest pain - chest pain could be a sign of a heart attack.
  2. Fillings. Your dentist will examine and determine the possible cause of toothache that could be from cavities - that is, where the enamel is eroded by the acidic bacteria and exposed roots. Alternatively, it could be due to a peeling off the old fillings. In both cases, a filling method is required.
    • After anesthesia of the teeth and gums, the dentist will drill into the cavity, then fill with composite or amalgam.
    • There are a number of filling materials to choose from. Composite materials are typically made from plastic, glass, or porcelain, with a variety of colors that can match the color of your teeth. Amalgam fillings are usually silver, may be more durable but do not match the color of the teeth.
    • Over time, the seal may break or fall off. Your dentist will drill new cavities and re-fill your teeth.
  3. Crowns. Crowns, also called crowns, are used when a tooth is damaged but not lost. They are hollow and artificial teeth, which help restore the shape and function of the teeth, protecting them from further damage. Crowning is necessary in cases of severe cavities, root canal infections, enamel removal, fractures or serious infections.
    • If the tooth decay is too severe, or in root canal treatment, fillings are not sufficient, and the dentist will have to use crowns or crowns.
    • Generally, the dentist will give local anesthesia, then sharpen the teeth and replace them with crowns that are molded to your tooth. Crowns are made of restorative materials similar to conventional fillings.
  4. Loss of gum tissue transplant. Maybe your pain is not the tooth, but the gums. Some benefits lagged. This means that the gums are loosened from the teeth, exposing the thin layer of enamel and nerves, often leading to tooth sensitivity.
    • If the pain is caused by a receding gums, your dentist can advise on preventive care. Sometimes the gums are lost due to inadequate oral hygiene. Your dentist may recommend that you floss regularly for regular cleaning, brush your teeth with a soft brush and use a special toothpaste, such as Sensodyne.
    • In severe cases, your dentist may send you to a dental surgeon or a dental specialist for a gums transplant. The surgeon will take tissue from the palate and insert it into the damaged gums. This tissue then heals and protects the teeth as it functions.
    • This procedure will protect the root of your teeth, and looks quite aesthetically pleasing, giving you more confidence in your smile.
  5. Use prescription hypersensitivity medications. If the pain is not caused by tooth decay or injury, it is possible that your teeth are only sensitive to the loss of enamel. There are several ways to treat this, including methods that gradually reduce the sensitivity of the teeth.
    • Tooth desensitizer is a topical medication that is prescribed to gradually decrease the nerve sensitivity in the teeth. When your nerves are less sensitive, you will experience less pain.
  6. Treat tooth infections. The pain can be caused by an infection of the pulp or even the root. If this is the case, get treatment right away so the infection doesn't kill the teeth or spread.
    • Prescription antibiotics are only needed if you have an infection in your mouth.
    • Infection often results from an abscess caused by tooth decay or injury.
  7. Tooth extraction. If the toothache is caused by a serious infection, or a damaged tooth, or an ingrown wisdom tooth, you may need to have it removed by your dentist. This is only a final option. The tooth is gone, but it's good for you.
    • Wisdom teeth are usually removed because they can squeeze other teeth. When the teeth are crowded, the pressure will increase and cause pain or risk of infection.

Part 4 of 4: Prevent toothache from returning

  1. Brush your teeth and floss regularly. To prevent and worsen toothache, you should know how to practice oral hygiene. This will help you have strong, strong, and sore teeth.
    • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. See your teeth at least once a year, or even every 6 months. Your dentist can spot potential problems.
    • While regular brushing and flossing cannot go back in time and correct cavities once they have occurred, this can help prevent tooth decay and can correct the loss of calcium that leads to danger. muscle caries.
    • Try to carry your toothbrush in your purse or pocket so that you can brush your teeth in busy times. When you can't brush your teeth, at least rinse your mouth with clean water.
  2. Eat foods that are good for your teeth. What you eat determines your oral health.For example, every time you eat sweetened sugar, it reacts with bacteria to form acids that can erode tooth enamel. For stronger teeth, you should cut back on sugar.
    • Cut back on sugary sodas, juices, tea and coffee. Add plenty of water to your diet.
    • Cut back on fast food, including candies and cakes.
    • Avoid acidic foods and fruits such as grapefruit juice, cola, and wine. Choose alkaline snacks like yogurt, cheese, or milk.
  3. Use a special toothbrush and toothpaste. If you experience pain from sensitive teeth, consider using a toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for sensitive teeth. You can find them in most pharmacies.
    • Sensitive teeth are usually caused by a loss of gums. When the gums shrink, the dentin underneath the enamel is exposed. Sensitive toothpaste uses milder ingredients to clear the dentin.
    • Switching to a soft bristle brush may help protect natural gum tissue better.
    • A medium or hard brush is usually good for brushing things that have gone down, but a soft brush is still a better choice if you're struggling with gums pain or similar problems.

What you need

  • Dental floss
  • Country
  • Pain relievers (topical or oral)
  • Cold compresses
  • Cotton
  • Clove
  • Salt
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Wheatgrass juice
  • Vinegar
  • Apricot tree
  • Ginger ground
  • Red chili / cayenne
  • Aromatic resin powder
  • Black tea bag or peppermint tea
  • Brandy, vodka, or whiskey
  • Toothbrush
  • Jaw guard