Ways to Learn Faster

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Learn Faster
Video: How To Learn Faster


In order to adapt quickly to today's rapidly changing world, we need to learn to be more efficient and productive. This article describes some of the basic elements of methodology - that is, learn how to learn - to help you find and use methods to improve the quality and speed of self-study. -have-oriented. This method can be applied to any area in life that requires us to constantly expand our knowledge, including some basic tasks that help improve brain capacity. You can help your brain absorb information more accurately and efficiently, sometimes just by changing the way you take care of your body. Using learning (learning how to learn) can help you learn how to best take care of yourself.


Part 1 of 4: Body care

  1. Spend plenty of time sleeping. There are times when it is neither you nor your learning style; it's just that your brain can't retain information because your body's essential needs are not being met. This need is often more sleep. If you want your brain to be alert enough to absorb information, you need to sleep more. Just drinking an extra cup of coffee will not help in this case. You must end the late nights studying; Instead, go to bed early, sleep a few hours, and wake up early so that you can learn more with your well-rested brain.
    • Studies have shown that, when we sleep, the brain is washed away with a fluid that helps flush out toxins in the brain. When we don't get enough sleep, our brain is overwhelmed with all kinds of junk and difficult to function properly.
    • The required amount of sleep depends on the individual and the level of bodily activity. Adults are generally recommended to get 7-8 hours of sleep, but some people need more or less sleep. You must be able to stay awake all day without the help of coffee. If you feel tired before 4 or 5 pm, you may not get enough sleep (or may sleep too much).

  2. Full eating. When we are hungry, the brain has a hard time absorbing information. It will be difficult to concentrate when your whole body is signaling that your stomach is empty. Make sure to eat well at all meals. You can even choose healthy snacks while you're studying as well as during class and test times.
    • Choosing healthy foods is also important. Snacks will not provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. A handful of almonds or carrot sticks can help keep you awake and focused without bloating and fatigue.

  3. Drink a lot of water. Your body works best when there is enough water. When you don't drink enough water, you lack the ability to concentrate. You may not realize it, but the thirst can easily distract you. Lack of water can even lead to phenomena like headaches that make it harder to learn.
    • Everyone's body needs different amounts of water. The "eight glasses of water a day" that you often hear people recommend is only a rough estimate. The best way to tell if you are drinking enough fluids is to observe the color of your urine. If your urine is pale or clear, you are drinking enough fluids. A darker color of urine indicates that you should drink more.
  4. Do exercise. You already know that exercise is good for the body, but did you know it also helps you learn faster? Some studies have found that light exercise while studying can help you learn faster. For active people, being forced to sit for too long can also make it harder for them to concentrate, so exercising while studying is beneficial in this respect.
    • For example, you could try walking around a large room while reading a book. Record lectures in class and listen while working on the machine in the gym. There are so many options, just remember to choose gentle exercises and practice while studying.
  5. Teach your brain to learn. Rapid learning is a habit that you may need to try to train your brain to replace bad habits with good ones. Improve your concentration by performing complex tasks and without rest (even if they are irrelevant). Set aside time and space just to study and not be affected by any other factors. Perhaps the most important thing is to find ways to make learning enjoyable. This will make your brain want to work harder and you won't have to struggle too much to learn.
    • For example, you might pursue subjects that you really enjoy. This will help your brain learn learning skills and you can apply those skills to areas that are not very interesting to you.

Part 2 of 4: Learn to learn

  1. Choose a target. Think about the changes you want to make to improve your quality of life. What goals require you to learn more before you can confidently make the change you want? Find a goal that can kick in now that doesn't require too much time. In this case, the goal we choose is to take better care of the body. Then we will divide it into smaller parts. What factors are needed to support the task of taking care of the body?
    • Study as soon as possible
    • Get enough sleep
    • Eat healthy foods
    • Drink a lot of water
    • Do exercise
  2. Study study options.
    • Consider what options are attractive or not attractive to you. Do you like searching the internet? Would you like to chat with a nutritionist and fitness trainer? If you can't concentrate while reading, are journal articles a good way to learn?
    • Believe in your intuition. If you have a hunch that it is not right to follow a certain path, then don't follow it! When you start reading an article on ways to improve your sleep patterns and encounter information you don't want to apply in your life at all, stop reading and look for another source. Don't continue reading just because it's information from an "expert" or because "everyone did it." That information should be really helpful to you.
    • Refine your target through search. As you begin to look for ways to take better care of your body, you may discover an element that you really want to focus on. This will narrow your goal from “I want to take better care of my body” to “I want to take care of my body better by adopting a healthy diet”.
    • Find someone who did what you wanted to do and ask them to guide you. If you know someone who succeeds in changing elements of their lifestyle, such as exercising more or eating healthier, talk to them. Find out what they did, how they did it, and where they got that information.
    • Search the internet, take a class, ask others, or find a teacher. Try out a variety of learning methods to see which works best for you.
  3. Choose the best option.
    • Choose an option that works for your terms, one that you can effectively apply within your time frame and complete with the capabilities and focus you have.. Don't decide to enroll in a nutrition class if you are being pressed for time and do not have the time to attend. Instead, choose a smaller plan, like joining a nutrition program. Whatever your choice, it should be something you can effectively incorporate into your life.
    • Consider time, geography, and mental constraints. Don't add pressure to your life by taking on too many jobs that don't suit your circumstances. Education should improve rather than reduce quality of life.
    • Set a time of day to learn and practice what you learn. Having a dedicated study schedule will help motivate you to continue with the learning process.
    • Build a habit of focusing on what you want to learn or improve . "Emotion drives concentration. Concentration drives learning." Pay attention to your emotional responses. If you are looking for exercise options but find you want to fight back, find out what the cause is. What factor in your exercise caused that response in you? There must be a reason why you feel like fighting it.
    • Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by a mountain of options. Sometimes we become distracted and overwhelmed by wanting to choose the "right" option. There is no "right" or "wrong" choice; it is only a matter of which option is right for you. Choose one and try it! If that doesn't work, you can choose another option.
  4. Experiment with the method of learning. To run a test, you need a plan, a criterion for evaluating whether it worked, and a period of time to reflect on its progress and results. The learning process needs to be done the same way.
    • Setting specific criteria will help you know if you have achieved your goal or not. When deciding to follow a nutrition program, do you want to include three meals a day or several smaller meals throughout the day?
    • Choose a method to help you stay on track. Use whatever tools you have at hand! Notebook, phone, applications, calculator, internet, calendar, blog, etc.
    • Constantly thinking about the process. Do you still need more information or already have the information you need to start a new sleep routine?
    • Set milestones and stick to themFor example, you can find 3 healthy dinner recipes to include in your nutrition program.
  5. Evaluation of results and milestones.
    • Have you reached those milestones? Have you learned enough to do a new exercise program? Have you found an effective way to improve your sleep habits?
    • Calendar reminders will help you ponder. Set a "test" date to evaluate what you have learned; consider whether such knowledge is useful or not; Is there anything else you realize you need to know? What worked and what didn't? Why?

  6. Adjust the learning method. If the learning style you choose works, keep doing it. If not, come back to choose a different way to learn and start experimenting! advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Study in school

  1. Pay attention when learning something for the first time. The best way to learn faster is to focus on the information you first heard explained. Even the slightest neglect prevents information from being properly absorbed into the brain. Unfortunately, there are hardly any tips to help you with this: You will have to learn to keep your will.
    • Try to listen as if you will have to respond immediately to what you are learning, such as when the teacher calls, or how you can repeat the information yourself. In fact, if you are studying alone, repeating information (explaining, expressing with your own words) can help penetrate knowledge into the brain.

  2. Records. Taking notes is another great way to stay focused as you learn new content. Not only does taking notes force you to think about what you are doing, but it also creates an outline to help you build on and learn again later.
    • Taking notes does not mean writing down everything you hear. Just write down your main outline with specific information that you know is important. Write down all the key facts and any interpretations that you find difficult to understand or know that you will find it difficult to remember because they are too complex.
  3. Participate actively in class. Stay active when you learn. This not only helps you to focus but also helps your brain to receive information better, because learning has now become a sensory experience instead of just listening to others. There are many ways for you to participate in your learning experience, from being active in groups to asking questions during class.
    • Try to answer when the teacher asks. Don't be afraid to get it wrong: this is a learning experience, and sometimes mistakes are part of the learning process.
    • When the class divides the group for activities, reading, or discussion, welcome and participate. Don't just sit quietly and try to avoid it. Engage people and ask questions with other classmates, contribute ideas and enjoy the experience.
    • Ask questions when you don't understand or want to know more. Asking questions is another great way to stay focused while studying, and it also lets you know that you really understand what you're learning. Don't be afraid to ask questions when you don't understand something your teacher has just taught, or when you find something interesting and want to know more about it.
  4. Create a favorable environment. If your partner in the lab is annoying you or your home study seat is right in front of the TV, then it shouldn't be strange that you can't learn fast. If you want to give your brain the best chance for learning, you need a quiet environment dedicated to learning. A tranquil atmosphere free of distractions will keep you from being distracted. Having a dedicated place to study and study is also beneficial because it stimulates the brain to function in a certain way.
    • If there is a problem in the classroom environment, ask your teacher for help. You can switch seats or work with someone else. If the home environment is not good, look for other places to study. You can go to the library if you are not too far from home. You can also look for ways like studying in the bathroom or learning early if your roommate is noisy.
  5. Learn according to your learning style. Methods of learning are the ways through which our brain can optimally absorb knowledge. There are many different methods of learning, and although anyone can use any learning method, usually only one or two of them is suitable. You can take a test online to find the right learning method for you, but if you have a teacher ready to help you, the teachers will be able to help you figure this out. You can even ask your teacher to add that kind of learning to your teaching.
    • For example, if you find you learn best by looking at charts and diagrams, you may be a visual learner. Try to learn by drawing your own diagrams so you can remember more information.
    • Do you find you have the ability to memorize sounds or clearly remember information you read when listening to a song? If so, maybe you are an auditory learner. Try recording classroom lectures to listen to before and after class, or even while studying if the information really matches.
    • Do you often sit in class and get restless from the urge to run around? You absentminded footbeats when listening to the lecture? Maybe you are a motor learner. Try touching a small object during class or taking a walk while studying to learn more quickly.
  6. Use appropriate learning methods for the content being studied. Different subjects require different learning styles for better results. Maybe you are learning in the most unprofitable way. Adjust your learning style so that your brain works most effectively.
    • For example, our brains are designed to learn language through interaction, listening, and use. You will learn English much faster if you immerse yourself in the English environment and take the time to speak instead of just learning with flashcards. If you need help learning English faster, you can check out our article on this topic here.
    • Another example is studying math. Instead of just solving one type of problem and going over and over again with the same sample exercises, find and solve different types of problems using the same skills. In addition, solving related problems with different skills can also help you consolidate what you are learning.
  7. Get tested for a learning disability. If you really find that you can't concentrate while studying or your brain doesn't seem to be receiving any information even with the help of a variety of methods, you might consider getting an assessment of learning disabilities. There are many types of learning disabilities, and most of them are fairly common (it is estimated that 1 out of 5 people in the United States face this condition). Even if you have a learning disability, that doesn't mean you are stupid or something is not right, but that you learn a little differently. Common types of defects include:
    • Dyslexia, a condition that causes problems with reading. If you find that your eyes are unable to recognize properly when looking at a page, you may have dyslexia.
    • Dyslexia related disorders such as dyslexia and math dyslexia cause similar problems in writing and learning math. If you have trouble writing about something that you can still speak easily, you may have difficulty writing. If you have difficulty recognizing numbers or activities like calculating expenses, you may have difficulty learning math.
    • Speech-processing and speech comprehension disorder is another common defect that makes it difficult for people with the disorder to process sounds. This loss is similar to a hearing loss, but differs in that there is no loss of hearing and can lead to problems with conversation and attention in background sounds.

Part 4 of 4: Review the effective lesson

  1. Study as early and as often as possible. Of course, the more you learn, the more you will learn, so it's always good to study regularly. Plus, the earlier you start learning, the easier it will be for you to remember everything. Don't wait until there are only 2-3 days from the exam to start studying; you should begin at least a week before the test, and consider continuing through the semester if it feels necessary.
    • It is also a good idea to review old knowledge as you study the week's knowledge. This will bring old knowledge and skills back to your mind.
  2. Seek the help of a tutor or a teacher. There is nothing wrong with finding the professional help and advice tailored to your conditions. This can really help you learn much faster. Get over your embarrassment and dignity and ask a teacher for help. If you don't have time to help, at least the teacher will find you a tutor.
    • If you do not have the money to hire a tutor, the teacher can arrange for you to study with a good classmate to help you.
    • Many schools have free tutoring centers. Please check if your school is available.
  3. Create mind maps to speed up the learning process. Mind maps are a great way to print the knowledge you're trying to print right into your brain. Mind maps are visual tools that show what knowledge you are trying to acquire. You can use flash cards, pictures, and paper to write down well-organized facts, explanations, and concepts. Then attach the tools to a wall or floor, place similar objects in place, and use strings or other objects to represent ideas or related objects. Learn from this map instead of just looking at your notebook.
    • When taking a quiz or writing an essay, you can reimagine the mind map and recall the knowledge on it and related information, just like how you remember geographic maps.
  4. Memorize effectively to quickly close information. Memorizing isn't always the easiest method, but it's a great way if you need to learn a certain type of information quickly. This is most effective when learning lists, such as to-do orders or vocabulary. The systematic method of rote memorization for more complex content is less likely to succeed.
    • You can try using the mnemonic tool to learn information more quickly.Memory tools are words or phrases that act as a key to unlock a larger volume of information, such as the sentence "Why go to school - keep crying - stop crying - there's candy here" to help. students remember basic trigonometry formulas.
    • Focus on the small parts one after another. When studying and researching, you should focus on one small set of information before moving on to new ones. It may feel slow, but it will actually help you learn faster because you don't need to review the knowledge too much. This is especially important when you are trying to memorize vocabulary, lists and similar information types. Study sets of no more than 5-8 words at a time, before moving on to another set.
  5. Create the scene yourself that is interesting to you. If you have the right context for what you're learning, it's much easier to handle it. When the context is really interesting, the information in it will be easier to remember. Do your own research and explore experiences that can help you contextualize what you're learning.
    • Let's say you are learning English. You can watch a fascinating movie on a topic that includes vocabulary in your field. So, if you are learning about travel vocabulary, you should try watching the movie Lost in Translation (Lost in Tokyo).
    • Another example is history. Find a documentary on the topic of your study, even just a film describing the country you're studying. Even the images that accompany the stories will help you remember information, because it is easier for you to visualize.


  • Don't stop at the first learning method you choose. Let's explore every other method before making a decision.
  • A concept of "learning" can be drawn from the idea of ​​famous psychologist Robert Bjork: "Learning is the ability to use information after a long period of inactivity, and the ability to use information. to solve problems that arise in a different (if only slightly different) context from the one in which you originally learned the information. "
  • After reading something, try to speak out loud without looking at the document, simply speaking as if you were giving a lecture to someone else. This method will help you retain information for longer.
  • If you try to focus in class, your brain can absorb 60% of the content. If you go home and read once at home, you will take in the remaining 40%, so the concentration in the classroom will be of great help.
  • Aim for a daily goal and make a habit of taking notes in class, as that will help later.
  • Before studying, keep your room and desk tidy, open your windows to let in fresh air (whether in town or countryside). Open a window with a view of the garden, park, trees, or anything else that gives you confidence. Drink a cup of tea or coffee before class. You can also eat fruit or vegetables, and be sure to prepare school supplies like pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, scale rulers, etc. Buy a highlighter to mark or take notes.


  • Must learn with practice! Find opportunities to use what you have learned. Take advantage of the opportunity. If you are learning to eat healthier, show your loved ones and friends how they can choose to eat healthier.