How to cope with the hobby of wearing diapers

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to wear baby diapers
Video: How to wear baby diapers


Diaper-wearer (DL) is a term for a group of teenagers and adults who enjoy wearing diapers for reasons of health or other need. DL can wear diapers for convenience, sexual arousal, or to replace regular underwear. It can be hard to realize that you are a diaper lover, and sometimes it can be frustrating. However, you can learn to accept yourself and enjoy your love of diapers.


Part 1 of 3: Accepting yourself as a diaper carrier

  1. Note that you are not alone. You may feel as though you are mentally ill or eccentric when you realize that you love wearing diapers. It's important to know that many people still have this hobby. You are not alone with these feelings and behaviors. There is no such thing as "strange" or "unusual" here.
    • You may not realize that there exist social groups of diaper wearers. You have the opportunity to interact with people who share your feelings and behaviors.

  2. Learn about feelings. You will feel weird or embarrassed about wearing a diaper and may not be able to determine where this sensation comes from. You can accept the positive feelings about diaper wearing as well as being a diaper lover, such as euphoria, excitement, and satisfaction. If you are overcome with guilt, shame, and fear of wearing diapers, acknowledge these emotions as well. It is easy to take your emotions lightly, but still deal with them. Instead of constantly worrying about other people's attitudes if you uncover a secret, learn to be comfortable with yourself and your first emotion.
    • Cope with the feelings you feel when wearing diapers and acknowledge them, whether positive or negative. Ask yourself how diaper wearing affects your outlook and identity.
    • Some of the negative emotions that may arise include fear that others will find out, or feelings of guilt or shame. You can also criticize yourself a lot.
    • Especially if you want others to get to know you, it's important to first understand your own motivations and emotions.
    • One way to help you deal with your emotions is to keep a journal. This will help you identify and avoid your emotions. Taking a few minutes each day to write down your feelings helps you clearly identify your thoughts and feelings.

  3. Accept who you are. To fully accept yourself, you should learn to accept the part of the person that is most difficult to accept. Identify negative emotions associated with diaper wearing and dismiss any self-judgment about this hobby. If you are having trouble adjusting to your diaper preference, allow yourself to show compassion.
    • When you feel ashamed, you can say, "I feel ashamed because society looks down on diaper wearers, but I have no duty to please public opinion" and "I accept who I am. me. "
    • Remind yourself that it's okay to have pleasure and satisfaction in wearing a diaper.
    • Treat yourself like a close friend. Show yourself the same care and love as your friends.

  4. Faced to guilt and shy. You will feel a lot of guilt and shame about your lifestyle. Guilt is the feeling when you do something that violates a moral code, and is a "wrong" thing. Shame is a feeling of confusion, powerlessness, and can come from opposition by yourself or others. Don't feel guilty or ashamed of being a diaper lover. If you can overcome these feelings, it will be easier to accept yourself.
    • Guilt is a sign that a person is acting wrongly or influencing. If you feel guilty after eating the whole cake, it's because your brain is signaling that this behavior is unhealthy and potentially harmful. Or, to put it another way, guilt is the feeling that you did something bad, shame is the feeling of you is bad guy. However, feeling guilty about yourself as a diaper lover is "unhealthy" guilt, because what you're doing isn't affecting you or anyone else. If guilt arises to help us recognize our mistakes, what "you" have to learn is to change your mindset and accept a part of yourself.
    • One way to dispel your shame is to accept the fact that you have no control over the other person's feelings and behavior. People have the right to be open and understanding, to judge and to object, and these should not affect you. After you stop taking the other person's behavior seriously, you will reduce your shame.
  5. Act on your emotions. You might associate the act of wearing a diaper or not following the "standard" as shameful. You cannot stop the need to wear diapers, so stop doing this. Suppressing emotions and needs can have a negative impact. Allow yourself to experience the thrill of wearing a diaper.
    • If you are concerned about someone discovering that you are wearing a diaper, you can try it in a private place or when you are alone.
  6. Make friend with people with similar interests and feelings. There are many diaper communities now and teens, as well as there are many forums on the internet. If you want to find sympathy and bond with the diaper lover, join this community.
    • If you are misunderstood or find it burdensome to keep the secret of being a diaper lover, you can join a community of diaper lovers to help realize that you are not alone.
    • Not all diaper wearers want to join the community. You can choose to join a group of people who share your interests.

Part 2 of 3: Understanding diaper wearing behavior

  1. Find out what triggers a diaper lover. Adults who love to wear diapers and act like children assume they have enjoyed this lifestyle since puberty, starting at the age of 11 or 12. It is more common in men than in women. These include diaper wearing, bed wetting, and using the toilet in diapers.
    • Most diaper lovers are men, have a job, and are in their 30s.
    • Some people like to wear diapers that show a different gender than the one at birth or change sex abnormally.
  2. Distinguish between diaper wearing and acting like a baby. Wearing a diaper doesn't mean you want to be a baby. Adult babies love to act and be treated like a baby: suck a bottle, play with baby toys, or sleep in a crib. Some diaper lovers simply like to wear diapers and be discreet, living a "normal" life. You may or may not want to be a baby; This depends on your own discovery and decision.
    • Some people use diapers for comfort or for foreplay during sex. This behavior is not necessarily linked to the lifestyle of a baby.
  3. Accept the fact that diaper wearing is an uncontrollable behavior. You may be exposed to diapers initially when faced with an increased desire for repression. Then you will enjoy wearing diapers and begin to explore their role in sexual activity and excitement.
    • You can still enjoy the fun of wearing diapers, restraint or not.

Part 3 of 3: Respect privacy

  1. Decide to discuss diaper wear. You can choose to tell people if you are wearing diapers or not. This depends on how you communicate with others about your interests. If you are in a relationship, you should reveal this before the relationship progresses to a level where it is overwhelming to talk about it. You can confide in close friends or family or choose to be quiet.
    • Don't be afraid of the relationship or tell the other person that you are a diaper lover. Some people may not understand this, but there are still many who are willing to participate in this behavior and lifestyle.
  2. Talk to your partner. If diaper wearing is an integral part of you or your daily routine, share this with your ex. This is especially true if you like to wear diapers during sex. You will have a hard time revealing the truth to your partner, but you still have to try and not ignore it if it plays an important role.
    • Let your partner know that you want to talk about something personal that is important to you. You can say, “You need to be honest with you and show your true self. I'm a diaper lover. " Be ready to answer questions posed by the other person.
    • Urgently ask partner. If the other person likes sexual adventures, you could say, "I know you want to do different actions while doing" sex, "and this is a new adventure we should be taking."
    • Set boundaries that you both feel comfortable with. For example, you can start slowly by wearing a diaper indoors, and then in private situations. Communicate frankly so that both of you are comfortable and happy with the boundaries.
  3. Be cautious about appearance. Diaper lovers and adult babies are large groups that remain on the sidelines and are not "open" yet. Many people misunderstand the feelings and motivations of a diaper lover. You can decide to wear diapers in public or at home. This depends on your motivation to wear diapers, whether it's to feel relaxed or sexually involved.
    • If you want to wear diapers in public but not in public, wear loose clothing to cover diaper protrusion and minimize diaper noise.
    • Wearing a diaper to bed is a common practice.
  4. Find a safe place to keep diapers when someone comes home. If you want to bring diapers in a private place, make a plan when someone comes home. Store diapers in a safe place that cannot be found by others. You can keep it in your washer / dryer, bedroom, or secret corner in your home only you know.
    • If you feel more comfortable, you can make up a story about why diapers are kept indoors in case something goes wrong.


  • No matter how cautious you are, you can still be spotted. This isn't all that bad and you can move on with your life. Don't be too hard on this fact.