How to help hair grow faster when bald

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Hair loss is a troubling problem for many people, and you don't seem to know how to stop it. While the biggest cause of hair loss is your genetics, there are many factors that you can control. You can stimulate rapid hair growth by taking supplements, applying home remedies, or adjusting your diet and lifestyle. If you are concerned about hair loss or your efforts are not working, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can determine the cause of your hair loss and suggest a treatment plan based on your condition.


Method 1 of 5: Take a supplement

  1. Take a daily multivitamin. A balanced intake of vitamins and minerals every day can help stimulate hair growth faster.A daily multivitamin will provide you with all the essential vitamins and minerals, making it a great guarantee if you can't keep up with a healthy diet.
    • Do not exceed 100% of the recommended daily dose for all vitamins and minerals. Check the prescription label for the ratio of vitamins.
    • Be sure to look for a supplement that contains biotin. Biotin has been shown by several studies to aid hair growth.

  2. Get more vitamin C. Vitamin C can also help hair grow faster when used as a supplement. Try taking 500 mg to 1,000 mg of vitamin C twice daily. You can also increase your vitamin C intake by eating foods rich in vitamin C like citrus fruits, peppers, and cantaloupe.

  3. Supplement with omega-3. Omega-3s can aid hair growth when taken daily. Take one or two capsules per day. Consult your doctor before using any medicine. Omega-3s may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners.
  4. Consider taking a B-complex vitamin. Stress can also be a factor in hair loss. Vitamin B-complex has the ability to help reduce stress and stimulate hair growth faster. You can take one pill a day. You also need to be sure to read and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  5. Consider an L-lysine supplement. L-lysine has been shown by several studies to stimulate hair growth when used daily. Try taking 500 to 1,000 mg of L-lysine per day.
    • Do not take L-lysine with calcium supplements or calcium-rich foods. L-lysine can cause calcium deposition in the blood.

Method 2 of 5: Try other alternative therapies

  1. Massage the scalp with essential oils. Unlike most other "natural" therapies, there is some evidence that massaging the scalp with certain essential oils can help the hair grow faster. You can also look for essential oil shampoos, such as tea tree oil shampoo.
    • To massage your scalp with essential oils, add a few drops of thyme, rose, lavender and cedar essential oil to a tablespoon of jojoba or grape seed oil. Stirred.
    • Apply the oil mixture to the scalp and massage.
    • Wait about 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
    • Repeat this therapy once a day.
  2. Try rubbing coffee on your scalp. One study has shown that caffeine-based shampoos have a hair growth-stimulating effect that stays on the scalp for about 2 minutes. You can also achieve the same result by pouring warm coffee over your scalp and letting it soak for about 2 minutes.
    • Make coffee and let it cool to room temperature, then pour it on your scalp. Squeeze the water off your hair and wrap a towel around your head or put on a shower cap.
    • Wait about 2 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
    • Repeat this process every day.
  3. See an acupuncturist. Acupuncture can also help stimulate hair growth faster. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine method that uses needles to open up the meridians.
    • Be sure to find a reputable acupuncturist, experienced in hair loss treatment.

Method 3 of 5: Diet change

  1. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Make sure that your diet includes a variety of antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits to support health and stimulate hair growth. Some suitable vegetables and fruits include:
    • Cherry
    • blueberry
    • Tomato
    • Squash
    • Bell pepper
  2. Drink plenty of water every day. Staying hydrated is important for overall health and hair loss. Make sure to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.
    • If you are active or sweat a lot, you need to drink more water to stay hydrated.
  3. Consume more high quality protein. Red meat is higher in cholesterol and saturated fat than other protein sources, so it's best to limit your intake of red meat. Instead, eat lean protein sources such as skinless poultry, fish, tofu and legumes to provide your body (and scalp) with the protein it needs.
  4. Avoid foods that can cause an allergic reaction. Allergens can affect many parts of the body and slow hair growth. If you know that you have a food allergy, make sure you don't eat anything with that ingredient. If you suspect that you have an allergy to something, ask your doctor about allergy screening tests. Identifying allergens can help you avoid foods that may contribute to hair loss. Common allergenic foods include:
    • Milk
    • Wheat
    • Corn
    • Soybean
    • Food additives
    • Preservatives
  5. Reduce your intake of processed foods and high amounts of indigestible trans fats. Eating healthier foods and cutting out unhealthy foods can also help reduce hair loss. Try to get the following foods out of your diet:
    • French fries and other fried foods
    • Pre-packaged baked goods and cookies
    • Refined foods such as white sugar, white flour, white flour breads and noodles, and white rice
    • Margarine

Method 4 of 5: lifestyle adjustments

  1. Get enough sleep. Insufficient sleep each night can be one of the causes of hair loss or hindering hair growth. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor.
  2. Manage stress. Stress can contribute to hair loss in some people. If you are under constant stress, there are some healthy methods you can take to manage it. Some good options can be:
    • Yoga
    • Meditate
    • Practice deep breathing exercises
    • Call to talk with friends
  3. Exercise more. Regular exercise is important for good health and can prevent further hair loss. You should try to exercise for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
    • If you can't find a 30-minute workout every day, break it up into 2 or 3 short sessions per day. For example, you could do two 15-minute sessions or three 10-minute sessions spread out throughout the day.
  4. Give up smoking. Tobacco smoking is linked to increased hair loss in men. If you smoke cigarettes, now is the time to quit. Get information from your doctor about medicines and smoking cessation programs that can help you quit smoking.
  5. Limiting alcohol intake. Alcohol consumption has also been linked to hair loss in men. Try to limit your alcohol intake to about two drinks a day if you're a man and one if you're female, or less.
    • If you are having trouble limiting your alcohol intake, talk to your doctor. In addition to hair loss, drinking too much alcohol can cause other serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, certain cancers and depression.

Method 5 of 5: Find medical treatments

  1. See your doctor. If your diet and lifestyle adjustments or other therapies don't seem to be working, see your doctor. Seeing a doctor is also something you should do to rule out the possibility of other serious illnesses.
    • Your chances of having a condition like lupus are low, but hair loss can be a symptom of the condition, so be sure to see your doctor for testing.
    • If you know the cause of your hair loss, but it is stressful, it can help to talk to your doctor. Knowing the specifics of your condition, your doctor will be able to determine the best treatment options.
  2. Try minoxidil. Minoxidil (known by the brand Rogaine, but is now widely available without a prescription) is a topical medication that can be used for both men and women. The medication is more effective when applied to thinning areas than bald areas, and needs to be used repeatedly to maintain effectiveness.
    • The success rate of using Minoxidil to stimulate hair growth is 35%.
    • Both men and women can use minoxidil.
  3. Consider taking finasteride. Finasteride (also known as Propecia) is a prescription drug that stops the conversion of testosterone into DHT, the main cause of hair loss in men. This medication is most effective for thinning hair, and needs to be used continuously to maintain hair growth.
    • Finasteride has a 66% success rate, but should only be used for men.
    • Finasteride can also cause birth defects, so women who intend to become pregnant should never drink or be exposed to this medicine.
  4. Consider a hair transplant plan. In addition to medication, surgical options can also help improve hair loss. Hair transplant surgery or skin grafts may be the option for you. With this procedure, small parts of the skin behind the head (where the hair is still growing) will be transplanted into the bald spots. Talk to your doctor if you think this is a good option for you.
  5. Learn about laser therapy. Low intensity laser therapy has also been shown to deliver promising results. Laser therapy has been shown to increase hair thickness and improve hair loss. Ask your doctor if you find this therapy helpful.
  6. Wear a wig while looking for treatment. Hair loss can affect your confidence, so you may need to buy a wig or wig clips while looking for hair loss treatments. advertisement


  • Always consult your doctor before starting a supplement or making major changes in your diet.