How to help a sore throat heal faster

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home
Video: Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home


A sore throat is an uncomfortable feeling, isn't it? Then you can use the following methods to help ease the pain relief faster. Just remember that these methods do not cure a sore throat right away and only ease the pain.


Method 1 of 2: Soothe sore throats quickly

  1. Eat 1-2 teaspoons of honey. Honey is a natural antiseptic and has been shown to help suppress coughing attacks. You can suck 1-2 honey and swallow slowly, leaving the honey behind the throat for as long as possible.
    • Honey can be added to hot water to make a soothing drink, although this is usually less effective in the long run.
    • Children under 1 year old should NEVER use honey. Honey contains bacteria that a child's body cannot handle.

  2. Gargle with warm salt water. Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt or 2 tablespoons of table salt to a cup of warm water. Gargle with the salt water mixture until the pain subsides. The salt water helps clear the throat and reduces inflammation, which in turn helps relieve pain.
    • You can also rinse your mouth with an apple cider vinegar mixture. Apple cider vinegar has a similar effect. Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water to rinse your mouth. Honey can be added to improve the taste (this step is not recommended and the taste will not be very pleasant either).

  3. Inhale the steam. You can take a warm bath, use a humidifier, or stand by the pot of boiling water. Breathing in the steam can help soothe your throat, as the dry air can make your throat sore.
  4. Eat hot food. You can try soups, broths, warm apple sauce or soft fruit (avoid foods containing too much sugar) to relieve sore throats.
    • Try rinsing, separating and freezing blueberries, canned oranges or similar small fruits. Then, suck on the frozen fruit for pain relief.

  5. Drink warm tea. You can drink warm teas like Throat Coat Tea mixed with honey.
  6. Eat cough lozenges. Sucking on cough lozenges can help relieve a sore throat. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Helping the body feel healthier

  1. Rest in bed. The most important step is bed rest. You should not travel too much because when you are sick, walking will make you feel more tired and put you at risk of infecting others. Resting is a very important step. You can watch TV or read a book to reduce boredom and at the same time distract and not think about illness.
  2. Drink some fruit juice. Fruit juices like apple juice can help soothe the throat. People with sore throats are often advised to drink apple juice and orange juice. However, be aware that apple cider vinegar hot not very helpful.
  3. Avoid drinking fruit juices that contain too much sugar. Sugar will create an environment for bacteria to multiply quickly. Instead, drink fresh or natural fruit juice. Lemon juice and vitamin C-rich drinks are best.
  4. Avoid drinking or eating cold foods. Cold food causes constriction and tightening of the throat instead of helping to soothe.
  5. Avoid drinking milk and ice cream. Cream and milk will create phlegm, making you cough more.
  6. Cook some soup. Chicken noodle soup or other meat broths are both delicious and helpful in soothing sore throats.
  7. Take medicines. Take medicine to help your throat feel better. Young children can take Motrin or Benadryl. Medicines can make you feel sleepy, but when you are sick, sleep is also beneficial.
  8. Go to bed. Take a break from worrying about a sore throat and take a nap. Sleep gives your body time to recover and ease a sore throat.
  9. Keep warm. This is a very important step because when you have a cold, sore throat, flu or fever, you shouldn't let yourself get cold to avoid getting sick more.
  10. Create fun for yourself. Because you may have to quit school / work, you will feeling a bit bored. Curled up in a blanket, you may feel bored and want to get out of bed. Find ways to make yourself happy while resting in bed, like reading a book, writing an autobiography or playing a game on your phone.
  11. Whatever you do, don't put pressure on your throat. Don't eat things like cookies or snacks as they will only make your throat hurt more. Instead, you should eat hot soup, drink fruit juice or hot tea. advertisement


  • Eat a teaspoon of honey.
  • Remember, if the pain is too severe, you need to see your doctor right away.
  • Limit your conversation and let your throat rest.
  • Do not drink acidic things.
  • Create steam in your bathroom by turning on the shower to allow hot water to run. Sit down and inhale the steam.
  • If your sore throat doesn't go away or your symptoms get worse after 1 week, you should see your doctor right away as it could be a more serious problem.
  • Gargle with a cup of warm salt water and slowly swallow a teaspoon of honey.
  • Try not to eat dry food.
  • You can try marshmallows. When you swallow, the candy creates a smooth coating on the throat, helping to numb the pain.
  • Try coughing candies like Strepsil.


  • Do not do things that affect the throat.