How to get a girl from her boyfriend's hand

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: She Is Killed While On Live Stream, But 10k Viewers Can’t See Her


Chances are you have met a wonderful girl, and then you find out that she is a "flower owner".Although this is a disadvantage, it does not mean that you have run out of options. If you make the right move, you can snatch the girl from her boyfriend's hand.


Method 1 of 2: Behave confidently

  1. Build trust. To do this, make time for her when possible. You need to treat her like any other normal girl friend. Listen to her problems, try to get to know her more, and spend time doing fun activities like going out to eat and watching movies.
    • Don't rush to get her as your girlfriend, or she will see you as a spoiler and just use her for entertainment.
    • Always independent. If you cling, she will only see you as a normal friend, not potential as a lover.

  2. Create happy memories. If she has happy feelings for you, she will think of you. Pay attention to her, hang out and do activities that you both love. If she likes to play bowling but her boyfriend doesn't, you two should play this game together. Avoid quarreling or encouraging her own love affairs, but also not gossiping about her boyfriend.
    • This means learning about her relationship weaknesses and filling in the gaps that her boyfriend has left open. Listen carefully to her complaints.
    • Finding similarity is a great way to strengthen connection. If she wants to try skydiving but you want to go hunting, try connecting the two by explaining that they are both a desire to take risks.
    • If she wants to spend a lot of time with you, that is a sign that she's not satisfied with her current relationship.

  3. See her the way she wants. Flirting is fine now, but you still have to treat her like a normal person, not just a love interest. To do so, listen and support her. If she wants to be a photographer, for example, give positive comments and compliments. Remember that there are no shortage of guys out there who like her for her beautiful looks, and they will stand in the way of reaching her dreams, including the current boyfriend.

  4. Maintain contact with other girls. Your clinging will definitely make her lose interest. Show that you are confident and don't need her. This is a very helpful tip for girls who show an indifferent attitude. For example, if you are in the same class and she doesn't bother to glance at you, talk to other girls. You can make them laugh. Jealousy is likely to make her act.
    • After interacting with other girls, ask her to do something with you, like lunch for a week. If she doesn't seem willing to agree, she probably doesn't like you enough to hang out with you.

Method 2 of 2: Communicate effectively

  1. Build communication. Let's create the foundation first. This may take time, but a girl won't break up with her boyfriend for someone she hasn't known for long. The happier your relationship with your partner is, the more patient you will need to be. Talk to her so she feels confident, comfortable, and assertive.
    • To do this, develop your values. You need to stay clean, exercise, eat healthy, and practice talking by standing in front of a mirror or talking to others.
    • Approach her, but stay calm. Speak clearly and maintain eye contact.
    • Always be frank when suggesting a topic related to her. For example, if she is reading, ask about the book, focus on it until the conversation starts to fade, then you can switch the topic.
  2. Discuss different topics. It's easy to get absorbed in talking about your work or your friends. This is a mistake, because doing so is boring and everyone talks about such things with their friends. Instead, focus on her. Remember interesting facts and stories and use them occasionally.
    • There is a common communication tip that people use often, which is to ask deep questions about the other person whose answer cannot be just "Yes" or "No", for example: " I think you can meet a lot of interesting people. What customers do you find interesting? "
  3. Promote yourself. To do this, find out her ideal type of boyfriend. Ask her, "If I could fall in love with anyone, what would that person look like? How would they behave? What would you see?" Get to know as much as you can, then compare her boyfriend to that role model.
    • For example, if she says, "I want someone to listen," you could say, "My boyfriend seems busy, but he definitely worked hard."
    • Never offend her boyfriend or make blunt conclusions about his shortcomings to her.
  4. Don't act like her second boyfriend. The girl you like may have hundreds of other guys complimenting your beauty. Don't just sit there and praise her, don't just do the things her boyfriend doesn't do, like listening to relationship problems or buying her food. Those things can make you a regular friend, or an endless ATM or a "rain brother" before she gets back to her guy.
    • Make use of your personality. Always be mysterious, attractive, and independent instead of expressing a conspiracy to take the place of her boyfriend.
  5. Flirt with her. The way to express your wishes is to do it without talking. Make sure she wants you without you having to say it out loud. You need to be patient and seduce her with words. You can gently touch her hand, wrist, or shoulder from time to time, as long as she's comfortable with it. Over time, you may find more opportunities to interact with her, for example by showing her how to do bowling or helping her climb high on a long hike.
    • Don't tell her your intentions. She will see you as a threat to her feelings, and this will make her feel uncomfortable, even taken advantage of.
    • Since you are trying to influence her emotions, some discomfort may arise, but you should never make her feel threatened. Stop touching her when she asks you to.
    • You should also never ask. Don't force her to choose between your guy and you.
  6. Stolen kisses. After a while as friends, you can try showing your affection in action. Consider for yourself when is the right time. You must be in a private place and have been attracted to each other through flirting, intimacy, and happy experiences. Don't try to force her if she refuses this.
    • Instead of continuing to force your feelings, it might be better to just give her a kiss and let her think about it.
    • This is a risky step but also necessary to cause emotional confusion if you are trying to get out of the friendzone. If this scares her away from you, then stop chasing her.


  • Be with her when her boyfriend is away, but don't just make a shoulder for her to lean on.
  • Act smart. Stand up for her when appropriate. She will cherish your courage.
  • Be careful around her boyfriend. You should defend her, but don't offend or hit him.
  • Don't get mad at her boyfriend. In general, he did nothing to apologize to you. Being rude to him will make you appear immature and jealous.
  • Be willing to invest your time. Building trust and feelings of romance takes time.
  • Let her naturally break up with her boyfriend. Cheating is the wrong thing to do, and if she does it to her boyfriend, she probably will.
  • Do not text or call too much, because that will look very miserable.


  • Suggesting that she break up with her boyfriend exposes your intentions and makes her feel manipulated, which will almost destroy her chances of being with her.
  • Girls who quickly break up with a boyfriend, or disagree with a boyfriend completely, will hurt you. Unless they are in a very bad relationship, she will most likely cheat on you as well as she did with a guy.
  • Be prepared for someone else with the same skill set as you to steal her away. You will have to gain her trust and maintain your advantage.
  • Doing things that are normally intended for a boyfriend or friend, like listening to a love affair or going shopping together will make you like a normal friend.
  • Be careful of girls who are likely to take advantage of or deceive you. You must always take control of your life.