How to Win a Boy with a Girlfriend

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Boy. A Girl. A Dream.
Video: A Boy. A Girl. A Dream.


Have you ever fallen in love with a guy who had a girlfriend? You can't push him out of your mind? If you have already targeted this guy, try these strategies to win over him.


Method 1 of 2: Get to know the guy

  1. Make friends with him. The first thing you have to do to make him like you is to build a relationship with him. Ask him to help you with your homework or any job or ask him for advice or borrow an item. Use ways to bond with him. Whatever it is. Come and talk to him!
    • Take advantage of this first communication to get to know him and become his friends. Are you both in the same history class? Working together in the same office? Find a way to talk to him, ask him, and get to know him.
    • Be sure to ask him questions he can help you with, but don't ask questions that are beyond his expertise. This would be detrimental to him and he could refuse.

  2. Listen to him. When you get to know him, let him talk. A lot of girls like to dominate the conversation, so instead of being like them, let him talk. Let him see you like to hear him say. Build and nurture the purest aspects of this relationship.
    • Ask him questions about him. This action has two purposes: you can both get to know him and show your interest in him.
    • Pay attention to let him express his ego by placing him in the spotlight. That way he will want to spend time with you.

  3. Always motivate him. As your friendship progresses, be willing to be by your side. This means that you need to listen and empathize when he gets bad grades, is badly judged on his job or has a bad day. Listen to him talk about his problems, especially relationship problems.
    • Let him know that you are willing to listen to him whenever he needs it. Show him that you are someone you can lean on and that he can count on you.

  4. Please talk seriously with him. As you build your relationship, go from light conversations to more serious topics with him. Show yourself as smart through those conversations. Men always like smart women and tell stories worth listening to.
    • Let's try to talk about books. This is a great natural way to get deeper into the conversation. Movies, TV shows, and music can also be great conversation topics.
    • Let's talk about ongoing events. Politics and religion can be sensitive topics, but there is a lot of other news in the newspaper or readers on the internet that can show your wits.
    • If you like history, start the conversation by telling him about what you just read about the Middle Ages. If you're into science, tell him the shark documentary you watched the night before.
  5. Please text him. If you've come to the point of exchanging phone numbers, text him, texting is the foundation for you to attract him. Send funny messages about what's going on, complain about homework or work, or comment on a movie you've just watched. Text him to tell him about the fun things you do in life to help him see that you are interesting.
    • This is an effective way to gauge how interested he is to you. Did he reply to your message? Or did he ignore it? If he does, you probably won't get a chance.
  6. Get to know his friends. One way to get to know guys and gain their attention is to become friends with his friends. Find out their good sides. Make fun of them and let him see. You want to make a good impression on his friends so that they can talk well about you if they mention you or when you pass by.
    • Don't overdo it with your friends. You don't want him to think you are interested in his friends. You should be happy and pure when you talk to them.
    • A man is a very competitive creature that strives to be excellent. Making friends with his friends will make him happy because those guys adore you, but it can also make him jealous and cause him to get your attention back from the rest.
  7. Arrange a time to go out with him. Spend time with him outside of work, school and others. Maybe two people go to the movies or play games together. Try to suggest that you go out for coffee after school or go out for lunch at lunchtime. You may also suggest staying later in the library or at your home. You want only two people to be alone.
  8. Wait and see what happens. If you don't want to intentionally ruin the feelings of him and his girlfriend, then maintain your friendship. Build that friendship, get to know him, and enjoy the relationship. It helps you keep a good image in his eyes, and if he breaks up with his girlfriend, you have the advantage of having him.
    • Just remember that if you want to be friends, be really friends. Don't just pretend to be friends and try to sabotage them. Always treat him intelligently.
    • If you are friends with him, don't just wait for him. Meet new people, find a guy you like, and date. You won't want yourself to get lost by just waiting around and hanging around with him.

Method 2 of 2: Attracting Guy

  1. Wear clothes that can impress him. Whenever you are around him, wear the best clothes. Wear clothes that make you prettier and make yourself more attractive. He will start looking at you with different eyes.
    • Wearing the best clothes doesn't mean you're wearing short tops. The best outfit can be just a pair of matching jeans, boots and a T-shirt. Or maybe tights, oversized sweater, and a scarf. Or maybe a cute sleeveless dress with sandals. Not only do you want to be beautiful to impress him, you also want to feel better.
  2. Focus on your natural beauty. Don't try to put on too much makeup to impress men. You don't have to put on too much makeup or wear like you're going to an important event or going to the club. Attract him with your natural beauty. Gentle beauty will prevail over flashiness.
    • Get a haircut or try a new hairstyle. Start with makeup. Apply a mask, nail polish, nail polish or eyebrow trim.
    • He won't know if you've just cut your hair or used new lipstick, but he'll see the difference and feel happy. He will be attracted and even he will not be sure what has changed.
  3. Be confident. This is the most important point to attracting a guy. The charm does not lie in the way you dress or you are cute or not. Confidence is about charm and attraction. Whenever you are with him, wear clothes you feel beautiful and show your confidence, which is considered seductive. This is much more helpful than tight fitting or perfect hair.
    • Especially, you need to be confident when you are around him and his girlfriend. Don't let the fact that the guy isn't yours to ruin your confidence. Instead, hold your head up high and show him what he's missing out on. If your girlfriend sees him staring at you, it might cause problems and that's to your advantage.
    • Don't be the type of person who just hangs around him and waits. You are a wonderful person with a full life, with friends, family, hobbies, and other activities. Be charming and confident yourself, and remember that it is you and your life that make you the person you want to be.
  4. Catching his gaze. One of the ways to attract him is to let him see you looking at him. Don't look too open or stare at him, be graceful. Smile discreetly at him before giving him a quick glance. This will help him notice you. You need to force him to start thinking about you.
    • After a few days of acting like that, stop. You should continue to show tenderness and are hard to take. Make him remember your look and your smile.
    • Find the reason to go to the guy's desk. Think of some reason to call him. Act humbly. You want him to be excited and then push him away. Don't make yourself too pleased with him. You want to make fun of him and then make him want to see you more.
  5. Be the type of person you want. Make friends with his friends, find out what kind of girl he likes. More importantly, find out what he dislikes girls, especially girlfriends. Whatever trait you say you don't like about girls, show the opposite. You want to attract him by sharing his interests and representing what he wants in a woman.
    • Do you not like women who shop too much? Tell the guy you don't like to shop. Are you unhappy because your girlfriend doesn't like you watching football? Ask him to play the game with you. Do you think your lover is too rigid? Join play as kids with him.
    • Don't change yourself too much because he should like you because you are yourself. If he leaves his girlfriend for you, he should have a better reason than a deceitful personality.
  6. Touching the guy. Find a way to gently touch him. It's charming. Do not rush to him, be humble and cheerful. Simply touch and do not touch sensitive areas of each person.
    • When he says something funny, gently touch his arm or leg as you smile. Touch your shoulder or back as you greet him.
    • Try to put him in a position to protect you when you touch him. Let him hold you just as you would when adjusting your shoelaces.
  7. Find another guy. Don't ignore other guys when you approach a guy you like. Dating with other guys shows the guy you are interested in that you are truly attractive and wanted by other guys. When he starts to look at you with different eyes, this will make him jealous.
    • Make sure he knows you're dating a new guy. Mention them when you are with him. Take the guy to join your group of friends to hang out so he can see you together.
    • Don't show too much intimacy. Make sure you're interested in the guy you're dating, but don't show too much intimacy. You want him to be jealous, not turn his back on him or push him away.
    • Dating with another guy also gives you the chance to meet new people. Which one of these guys is better than him - and maybe the perfect half? He's single and really loves you.
  8. Give him time to break up with his girlfriend. Give him the space to understand his feelings, think carefully and make important decisions. Break up with girlfriend is a serious decision for him. Do not urge him, harass him, let everything go as usual as he needs. If your guy has feelings for you, give him time to break up with his ex. If you urge or harass him, things can go wrong. ref> read
    • Don't give anything until you've broken up with your ex. If he keeps telling you he is going to break up quickly but doesn't do it, you may have been manipulated by him.


  • Don't completely change yourself for him and try to be like his girlfriend, be yourself - he will respect you for it.
  • Make sure he doesn't use you to make his girlfriend jealous. He could feel his relationship going downhill and wanted to warm up by making his girlfriend jealous.
  • If he likes you, you and he will keep meeting. These are signs that he is feeling for you.
  • Do not dive into him.
  • Never try to force him to break up with his girlfriend, whoever he is dating or who he is breaking up with.
  • Don't try to get in the way of his private life and feelings, he may get upset and actually withdraw.
  • Never tell people you like him. It can keep him away from you.
  • Remember he had a girlfriend. Make sure you don't ruin their relationship for your own sake!
  • Ask yourself if it's okay with you ruining a happy relationship. Then think of that girl - how would you feel if someone tried to steal your boy? If any of the above makes you uncomfortable, act with caution.
  • If you want him to notice, but he hardly cares, chances are he really loves his girl. Give up and keep looking for your own guy.
  • Be careful if he sees you as a backup only and sleeps with you while still having sex with his girlfriend.


  • Remember that if a guy is willing to break up with his girlfriend for you, he will most likely kick you in for the "next" target to pursue him. Such unsteady guys are not worth the effort.
  • If the guy is your friend, or even a best friend, you could be breaking your friendship. Be careful!
  • If you separate him from his girlfriend, he may still be able to get along with other girls. Remember, this relationship may not last long as you may find yourself in a similar situation.
  • If he falls in love with his girlfriend, these combs won't work. It takes attraction from both sides to create a complete relationship.
  • Stealing someone else's boyfriend is not the best start to a relationship.
  • Don't wear short, flirtatious suits to let him think you're hot, as this is the foundation of a failed relationship. He won't respect you if you plunge into him.