Ways to Reduce Swollen Gums

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Tips To Reduce Swollen Gums At Home
Video: 10 Tips To Reduce Swollen Gums At Home


Swollen gums can have many causes. People with swollen gums are more likely to have gum disease, be irritated by food or drink, have tooth decay, lack of nutrients, or other dental problems. There are many types of mouthwash that can be used to treat swollen gums below, but remember the only way to find out is to have a dental exam.


Method 1 of 2: Cure Swollen Gums

  1. Define the reason. There are many different causes of swollen gums, although in many cases it can be a sign of gum disease. You need to find the exact cause so that you can pursue the right treatment, be it taking care of yourself at home or seeing a dentist. Here are the common causes:
    • Incorrect brushing or flossing. Sometimes the swelling of the gums is caused by poor oral hygiene, allowing plaque to accumulate in the teeth and at the edge of the gums. To overcome this situation, you need to brush your teeth clean and floss regularly to remove leftovers. In addition, many people floss their teeth too hard can also cause swelling of the gums.
    • Gingivitis and periodontitis. If you do not maintain good oral hygiene, gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis can easily develop. Gingivitis is not very serious and can be treated relatively easily if caught early. In contrast, periodontitis is more dangerous and may require tooth removal. If you suspect that you have either of these conditions, you should see your dentist.
    • Ulcers in the mouth. Sores that form on the gums can cause pain and swelling. Just looking from the outside you can tell if you have mouth ulcers, also known as mouth ulcers; they are white in the center with a red border around them. Many sores may appear in the mouth at the same time, but they are treatable and not contagious.
    • Chemotherapy. One of the undesirable side effects of chemotherapy is swelling and bleeding in the gums, which is very painful. It also gives rise to sores on the gums. Although you can deal with these symptoms, it won't stop as long as you have chemotherapy.
    • Cigarette. Smoking or using tobacco products is often the cause of gums swelling. In fact, people who use tobacco products are much more likely to develop gum disease than people who don't. So the first step in treating swollen gums is to stop smoking.
    • Hormone. Swollen gums can also be caused by overproduction of hormones, leading to increased blood flow to the gums. These include hormones that are produced during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. Some birth control pills also increase these hormones.

  2. Gently rub the chewing surface, front and back of the teeth (close to the tongue), mainly from the bottom up with the lower teeth, top down with the upper teeth, moving the brush in a circular or swirling motion, but don't hit it horizontally. As noted above, swollen gums can be caused by plaque buildup on the teeth, so the best scenario is Remove plaque to avoid gum disease, and you can easily do this by brushing and flossing your teeth. You should brush your teeth at least twice daily in the morning and at night, and after meals if possible.
    • Use a soft bristle brush. A soft bristle brush can be effectively cleaned without irritating the gums. You should avoid using hard or relatively hard bristles, as they can further swell, erode / scratch the enamel.
    • Brush your teeth harder are not which means better. Gums are made of delicate tissue, so scrubbing does more harm than good. Avoid rubbing the brush back and forth too hardThis brushing action also doesn't make the bristles get into the teeth.
    • Choose a toothpaste that protects your gums, designed to prevent gingivitis. Most major toothpaste brands produce anti-inflammatory gums.

  3. Floss your teeth once a day to remove any plaque that your brush cannot reach. But do not floss more than once as it can further irritate the gums.
    • Many people forget not to floss their teeth but even those have Flossing can also make the gums more swollen by overdoing it. You should avoid "tugging" on the floss between your teeth so that you don't damage the gum tissue. Instead, you should carefully slide the thread along the curve of the teeth.

  4. Gargle with clean water or a saline solution. A salt water rinse is the most commonly recommended approach when it comes to reducing gums, but it is still one of the most effective. Salt acts as an antibacterial agent, inhibiting bacteria in the mouth and soothing swollen gums.
    • Mouthwash: You can make your own brine solution by dissolving one tablespoon of regular salt in a cup of warm water. Swish this solution in your mouth so that the gum can come into contact with the salt water, but don't swallow it.
    • Another way to achieve similar results is to rinse your mouth with a concoction of fresh lemon juice in water for 30 seconds. This is not as effective as salt water, but it has a more pleasant taste when rinsing.
    • You can also use salt water to treat sore throats, clean newly bought piercing tools, and disinfect the wound.
  5. Use a warm or cold compress. Warm and cold compresses can be used to give immediate treatment to painful and swollen gums. Warm compresses are effective for treating pain, while cold compresses will significantly reduce swelling. Press the bandage against your face instead of pressing it directly against the gums, as this is easier and avoids further irritation of the gums due to sudden temperature changes.
    • How to make hot press tape: Soak a clean towel in warm (not hot) water, squeeze out the excess water, then press the towel against your face until the pain subsides.
    • How to make cold pressed ice: Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean towel, or you can use a bag of frozen vegetables (like frozen beans), or a package of something frozen in the refrigerator. Press the bandage over your face until the swelling has subsided and the area is slightly numb.
  6. Avoid using gum stimulants. While your gums are swollen and sore, avoid substances that can make the swelling worse, such as tobacco or alcohol. In addition, a mouthwash that has a strong antiseptic effect, the type of product you use to disinfect your mouth, will worsen swelling. So for the time being you should stay away from such things.
  7. Drink a lot of water. Drink plenty of water to help wash away excess food and bacteria in the mouth, limit the plaque build up on teeth. Moreover, drinking water also increases the production of saliva, which by nature can kill bacteria.
  8. Gently massage the gums. Light massage can help reduce pain and swelling of the gums due to increased blood circulation in the gums. Make a gentle circular massage over the swollen gums for about a minute. Be sure to wash your hands before doing this and make sure your nails are cut short and clean, this will prevent bacteria from spreading into your mouth.
  9. Apply clove oil. Applying clove oil to swollen gums is a natural remedy that has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and swelling. Simply apply a little clove oil to the swollen gums three times a day with a cotton swab. Or you can add a few drops of essential oil to a glass of water to rinse your mouth. You can buy clove oil at a drugstore or clean grocery store. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Prevent Gums swelling

  1. Brush your teeth gently, at least 2 or 3 times per day. Brushing helps to remove plaque and thus can prevent gum disease or tooth decay. In fact, almost all oral problems can be prevented by maintaining regular oral hygiene every day. You should brush your teeth at least once in the morning and once in the evening, after meals if possible.
    • If you are not sure about your brushing technique then ask your dentist for quick guidance during your next checkup, they will be happy to help you.
  2. See flossing as a daily routine of cleaning teeth. This is a very necessary habit but many people often take it lightly, in fact, flossing helps to remove plaque and bacteria in the teeth that the bristles can not get.
    • Be sure to floss your teeth gently to avoid stimulating the delicate tissue of the gums, and to use clean flossing pieces for each tooth so as not to spread bacteria from one place to another.
    • If floss is difficult to use, you can choose a different type of toothpick at drugstores, which are usually made of wooden sticks or small plastic sticks and can be inserted into the teeth, acting like floss. faculty.
  3. Ensure a rich diet rich in vitamin C, calcium and folic acid. Poor nutrition can lead to gingivitis (and other problems). Specifically, you must obtain adequate amounts of vitamin C, calcium and folic acid. Vitamin C and folic acid can actually support healthy gums and prevent gingivitis, and there is also evidence that people with calcium deficiency are more susceptible to gum disease. Every day you should take a multivitamin, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • The best food sources of vitamin C include papaya, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, pineapple, kiwi, oranges, cantaloupe, and kale.
    • Food sources of calcium include dairy products, cheese, yogurt, sardines, tofu, salmon, soy milk, cereals and collard greens.
    • Foods rich in folic acid include dark leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, beans, lentils, celery, avocados, citrus fruits, and lemons.
  4. Do not rinse your mouth with acidic water or lemon juice: Because they contain acids, they can erode teeth. You should only rinse your mouth with plain water.
  5. Get enough sleep and avoid stress. Fatigue can cause swelling of the face and gums, so you should sleep seven to eight hours a night. You should also avoid stress because it causes the body to produce a substance called cortisol, which is associated with swelling of the gums or swelling of other parts of the body.
    • You can relieve stress with regular exercise. Exercise causes your body to release hormones that create a feeling of optimism, and you will be in a better mood as a result. In addition, exercise makes you tired and helps you sleep better at night. In general, physical activity offers many benefits!
    • Another way to relax your body is to spend a little time each day. You can take a walk, read a book, or take a cool shower. You should avoid stimulating your brain before bedtime by turning off your TV and computer at least an hour before you go to bed.
  6. To give up smoking. As noted, tobacco can irritate your gums and smokers who use tobacco products are at a much higher risk of gum disease. If possible, try to quit, or at least reduce your dosage.
  7. Go to the dentist's office to check and clean your teeth. Swollen gums are often the manifestation of a more serious oral disease, such as bacterial and plaque gums, and tooth decay. So if your gums are constantly swollen, see your dentist. Your dentist will accurately determine your condition and recommend the appropriate treatment. Even if your teeth and gums are completely healthy, you should have a dental visit or a dental hygienist at least twice a year. advertisement


  • When brushing, you should not brush too hard to avoid irritating the gums. Use a soft bristle brush and brush slowly in a circle pattern.
  • Change to a new brush every three months, as old brushes contain lots of bacteria.
  • Have you recently changed your flossing habits? If you just started flossing again, your gums may be sore, have little bleeding or swelling during the first week. Continue the habit of flossing and your gums will slowly adapt to it.


  • Although you can ease the pain at home, if your gums continue to swell, you should see your teeth immediately. The oral disease underlying inflammation can cause serious damage to gums and teeth.
  • Be careful with foods or drinks that are too hot or cold. Many beneficial people are very sensitive to temperature, especially as they start to age. So you should avoid cold drinks, tea, coffee or soup that is too hot. But that doesn't mean you have to stay away from these foods forever, you can wait until they are warmer or cooler before serving.