How to lose weight for people with hypothyroidism

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My Underactive Thyroid Won’t Let Me Lose Weight | This Morning
Video: My Underactive Thyroid Won’t Let Me Lose Weight | This Morning


For a normal and perfectly healthy person, managing their weight can often be a little difficult. But if you have thyroid disease, losing weight becomes a lot more difficult. Hypothyroidism, or hypothyroidism, is the cause of a metabolic imbalance in the body. Two signs of hypothyroidism include a slow metabolism and weight gain. By properly diagnosing the disease as well as following a separate regimen that includes eating, exercising, and taking proper medication, you can lose weight while still living with this thyroid disease.


Part 1 of 3: Acquire Sufficient Knowledge about Thyroid Deficiency and Weight Gain

  1. Know the symptoms. Hypothyroidism often has a multitude of symptoms, from weight gain to dry skin. These symptoms often come on suddenly or get worse, like weight gain.
    • Common symptoms include: Unforeseen weight gain, fatigue, susceptible to colds, constipation, dry skin, puffy face, muscle aches, joint swelling, thin hair, slow heartbeat, depression and period heavy or irregular periods.
    • Symptoms vary from person to person, and they can affect everyone, from children to adults.
    • Hypothyroidism is more common in women and in people over the age of 50.

  2. Talk to your doctor. The only way to confirm whether you have hypothyroidism and whether it is causing you to gain weight is to see your doctor. Your doctor will make a diagnosis and start planning for your treatment.
    • If you don't see the doctor and just ignore the symptoms, they will get worse over time.

  3. Learn a few facts about thyroid dysfunction and weight gain. The cause of gaining a few pounds is actually somewhat complicated and not necessarily caused by hypothyroidism. Therefore, knowing some basic facts about this disease and why your body is gaining weight will help you successfully prepare a nutritious diet, schedule regular exercise. and take medication in accordance with your current situation.
    • Most of the weight gain that is linked to hypothyroidism is caused by the body storing too much salt and water. However, your exercise and eating habits also contribute to a rapid increase in body weight. It is better to eliminate the factors and excess weight above by keeping track of your daily diet and exercise regimen.
    • Hypothyroidism rarely causes significant weight gain. This disease usually only increases you between 2.2 and 4.8 pounds. If you increase more than this, the reason may be how you eat and how you exercise.
    • If weight gain is the only symptom you experience with hypothyroidism, then the chance of your weight gain due to the disease is very low.

Part 2 of 3: Methods of Weight Loss through Eating and Exercise

  1. Consult your doctor. Based on the diagnosis your doctor has given you, you may not need to take medication for hypothyroidism. If this happens to you, ask your doctor what is the best way to lose weight before starting a healthy eating and exercise program.
    • While both meals and daily exercise regimen are important to overall health, it's just as important to consult with your doctor about which method is best for you to lose weight.
  2. Don't be delusional and expect too much. After discussing treatment for hypothyroidism with your doctor, turn your weight loss plan into action through proper eating and exercise. The important thing here is not to expect a rapid drop in body weight.
    • Don't expect to lose weight quickly. Most people still have to work hard to lose excess weight, even after the diagnosis is made. Losing weight slowly is the best way to prevent overweight in the long run. If you find that you may not lose any of the weight at all, try adjusting your appetite and starting a fitness regimen as it can help you lose weight faster.
  3. Eat healthy and regular meals. Enjoying a healthy, balanced, and regular diet will help you reduce excess weight not only caused by thyroid disease, but also by poor diet and lack of regular exercise. Moderate fat, complex carbs and salt restriction foods, for example, are considered perfect choices for your medical condition and overall health.
    • Prepare a serving of about 1,200 nutritious calories a day and this serving will also offset the weight gain you gain, but not related to a hypothyroidism.
    • Enjoying fat-free protein like chicken, beef tenderloin, or Japanese soybeans (edamame) in most meals will help boost your metabolism as well as help your body burn large amounts of calories. This will also help you burn off excess fat that may not contribute to weight gain.
    • Eat whole grains like whole wheat flour, oatmeal, and quinoa, instead of starches like bread.
  4. Avoid unhealthy foods. If your goal is to lose weight, it's a good idea to say no to unhealthy foods or junk foods (foods with low nutrients), as they are high in sodium. French fries, nachos, pizzas, hamburgers, cakes and ice cream won't help you lose weight or get rid of the water and salt stored in your body.
    • Say no to simple starches and carbs like bread, crackers, pasta, rice, cereals and dry foods. Eliminating these foods from your daily diet also helps you lose weight.
  5. Cut out sodium from your meals. Most weight gain caused by hypothyroidism is caused by excess salt and water storage in the body. Therefore, it is advisable to cut the sodium out of the serving as much as possible. Too much salt causes the body to retain more water and at the same time weighs more on yourself.
    • Do not consume more than 500mg of sodium per day.
    • Stay away from sodium-rich foods. Processed foods, for example, often contain large amounts of sodium.
    • Another way to get rid of excess salt from your body is to enjoy foods rich in potassium such as bananas, apricots, oranges, sweet potatoes and beets.
  6. Drink a lot of water. The best way to reduce excess weight from water is to always keep yourself hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help your body stay hydrated while helping yourself not to store excess water and gain weight from water.
    • Avoid sugary drinks, especially canned sodas and juices.
  7. Consider taking nutritional supplements. Some people whose test results fall within the “normal” range of thyroid hormone production do not need to take hypothyroid drugs even if they experience some symptoms. In this case, taking a nutritional supplement like selenium and combined with a well-balanced diet and exercise regimen will help them lose weight.
  8. Maintain a habit of going to the toilet. Regular bowel movements (stool) will help flush excess sodium and water from the body system. Getting rid of these factors and other waste products also contributes to weight loss and maintaining your overall health.
    • You need a lot of fiber to make it easier to pass and remove excess salt and water from your body. Aim to get between 35-40mg of fiber a day from both soluble and insoluble sources.
    • Soluble fiber is commonly found in foods such as oats, legumes, apples, pears, and flax. You can also get your body with insoluble fiber from food sources like whole wheat flour and brown rice. Green vegetables like broccoli, zucchini, carrots and kale, also contain high amounts of insoluble fiber.
    • Regular exercise also makes it easier to have a bowel movement because it puts pressure on your bowels and forces them to move.
  9. Physical health training. Applying heart rate exercises will help you lose weight while maintaining general health. Talk to your doctor about a resistance training routine before you actually get started.
    • Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day; That means you should walk about 8km in a day.
    • Carrying a pedometer with you can help you ensure that you walk all the way for 1 day.
    • Of course, it's okay to do any resistance exercise as long as they can help you lose weight and improve your health. Aside from hiking, don't forget to consider jogging, swimming, rowing, or cycling.
  10. Exercise with the aim of increasing muscle strength. In addition to heart rate exercise, muscle training also plays a very important role in your weight loss goals. They not only help you build toned muscles, but also promote general health.
    • Before starting any muscle training program, don't forget to consult with your doctor and even a professional trainer as they can recommend the best training plan for your ability and abilities. Your Needs.

Part 3 of 3: Methods of Weight Loss by Combining Taking Medicine, Eating, and Exercise Regularly

  1. See a doctor. This is the only person who can diagnose a hypothyroidism. Don't be afraid to tell your doctor about your concerns about the disease. They will then run the test and run a joint examination. If necessary, your doctor will prescribe the lightest dose of medication to treat hypothyroidism.
    • This diagnosis will determine whether or not you need medication.
  2. Read the prescription carefully. Your doctor will prescribe a prescription, usually levothyroxine, that can help you manage your condition. Take this prescription to a nearby pharmacy to buy it and start the treatment.
    • Ask your doctor or pharmacist any questions you would like to know about the medication or course of treatment.
  3. Take your medicine regularly. A good way to deal with amnesia is to take it at the same time every day. If you are taking other supplements or medications, take your hypothyroidism first to avoid drug interactions.
    • It is best to take medications to treat hypothyroidism on an empty stomach and take it 1 hour before taking other medications.
    • After taking your thyroid-depressing medication, you should wait about 4 hours before taking other pills such as vitamin supplements, fiber supplements, or antacids.
  4. Do not stop taking the medication unless your doctor advises you to. Even if you feel better, don't forget to take your pill regularly until you talk to your doctor about it again. Most people with hypothyroidism will need medication assistance during their lifetime.
  5. Always know how to see things realistically. When taking medications for hypothyroidism, such as levothyroxine, remember that you will only lose a small amount of body weight. This loss of weight is mainly due to excess salt and water.
    • Don't expect a miraculous reduction in body weight. Most people still have to work hard to lose weight, even after treating for hypothyroidism. In some cases, you can gain a few extra pounds of weight caused by thyroid disease. To lose body weight, it is best to have the meals and exercise regimen mentioned above.
  6. Combine medication with your doctor's advice about proper diet and exercise. If you are on medication, the most effective way to lose weight caused by hypothyroidism is to combine your medication with a proper exercise plan and diet. Talk to your doctor about this option before starting it.
    • Use the same rule for meals and exercise to lose weight even if you are not taking a hypothyroidism medication.