Ways to relieve pain from stomach ulcers

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get relief from Stomach Ulcer? - Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh
Video: How to get relief from Stomach Ulcer? - Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh


Stomach ulcers are ulcers that form in the stomach, esophagus, or the upper part of the small intestine, also known as the duodenum. Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of stomach ulcers. Stomach pain can be mild or severe, acute or chronic. Stomach pain may be severe or just temporary discomfort. If you have stomach ulcers, there are several methods you can take to relieve your pain.


Method 1 of 3: Relieve pain with medicine

  1. Recognize the symptoms of a stomach ulcer. The symptoms of peptic ulcers can vary from person to person. You should seek medical attention if you suspect you have a stomach ulcer that has not been diagnosed by a medical professional. Peptic ulcer symptoms include:
    • A burning sensation under the chest in the mid-chest area. The pain may get worse with food or go away with certain foods.
    • Nausea, vomiting, and flatulence. Nausea and vomiting are more rare symptoms but can signal serious condition. See your doctor if this happens.

  2. Treat stomach ulcers with prescription medications. After diagnosing the patient with gastric ulcer, the doctor will prescribe medication for treatment. There are several medications that your doctor may prescribe:
    • Proton pump inhibitors are powerful acid secretion inhibitors, helping to reduce the amount of acid secreted into the stomach and relieve pain caused by stomach ulcers.
    • If the cause of the stomach ulcer is due to an infection H. pyloriThis case is usually treated with antibiotics.
    • H2 antihistamines can be used to reduce stomach acid.

  3. Use non-irritating pain relievers. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) damage the stomach wall and can cause ulcers to form. Acetaminophen (like Tylenol) does not cause ulcers. If necessary, you can take acetaminophen for pain relief.
    • NSAIDs include ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), aspirin (Bayer), naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn), ketorolac (Toradol), and oxaprozin (Daypro). NSAIDs may also be present in other combination medications, including Alka-Seltzer and sleeping pills.

  4. Take an antacid. Over-the-counter antacids can help relieve the pain of stomach ulcers by neutralizing stomach acids. Antacids come in liquid and pill form.
    • Common over-the-counter antacids include magnesium hydroxide (e.g. Phillips Milk of Magnesia), sodium bicarbonate (Alka-Seltzer), calcium carbonate (Rolaids, Tums), aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide (Maalox, Mylanta).
  5. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any "red alert". Call your doctor if your stomach ache presents what is called a "red alert." There are some signs or symptoms that are not always an emergency but still need to call your doctor. If you can't reach your doctor right away, go to the emergency room. These symptoms may indicate ulcer bleeding, infection, or perforation of the stomach wall from the ulcer. The “red alarms” accompanying this pain include:
    • Fever
    • So hurt
    • Persistent nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhea lasts for more than 2-3 days
    • Constipation is constant, lasting more than 2-3 days
    • Bloody bowel movement, which may look red, or have black and tarry stools
    • Vomiting of blood or substances such as coffee grounds
    • Severe pain in the abdomen
    • Jaundice - yellow skin and eye whites
    • Visible swelling or bloating

Method 2 of 3: Relieve pain with lifestyle adjustments

  1. Determine what is causing the pain. First, you need to know if there are factors that trigger the pain. Triggers include any food or drink that aggravates stomach pain. Avoid all triggers once you've identified them.
    • You can track all of the foods and drinks that cause the problem. Start with common triggers like spicy foods, foods with a high acidity level, alcoholic beverages, caffeine, or foods high in fat. Take note of foods or drinks that are sensitive to you. This process is as simple as recording what you have eaten and tracking what happens 1 hour after eating. If a food is bothering you 1 hour after eating, eliminate it from your diet.
  2. Change your diet. A healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help relieve the pain and irritation caused by stomach ulcers. Most fruits and vegetables (except citrus fruits and tomatoes), and whole grains, do not irritate the stomach. In addition, foods rich in vitamins will help the body heal and cure stomach ulcers.
    • Avoid coffee and alcohol.
    • Getting extra fiber from fruits and vegetables can help prevent new ulcers from forming and heal ulcers.
    • Foods rich in probiotics can help treat stomach ulcers. These foods include yogurt, sauerkraut, dark chocolate, cucumber and soy milk.
    • Cutting down on milk in your diet is another way to help relieve pain.
    • Finally, you will have a list of foods that cause pain in the sores. Getting rid of these foods is a quick way to relieve pain.
  3. Limit the amount of food you eat at the same time. One way to help relieve ulcer pain is to reduce the amount of food you eat at one time. This will reduce stress on the stomach, reduce the amount of acid in the stomach at all times, and possibly relieve stomach pain.
  4. Try to avoid eating before bed. You should not eat 2-3 hours before bed. This will help reduce the risk of acid reflux into the esophagus when you fall asleep.
  5. Wear loose-fitting clothing. Another way to help relieve pain from sores is to wear loose clothing. Wear clothes that don't tighten on your stomach or abdomen so that they don't put extra pressure on the sores to irritate.
  6. Stop smoking. Quitting smoking will help relieve the pain of stomach ulcers. Smoking has many negative effects, including an increase in stomach acid and an upset stomach. If you stop smoking, you can remove excess stomach acid and ease the pain.
  7. See your doctor if the pain persists. If home remedies, medications prescribed by your doctor, or lifestyle modifications are not helping you to relieve your pain, you should see your doctor again. Your doctor will check to see if there is any underlying condition that is causing the pain. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Relieve pain with unproven herbal remedies

  1. Talk to your doctor about herbal remedies. Many herbs are used to treat pain caused by stomach ulcers. You should talk to your doctor before using these therapies. In general, these herbs are safe, but it's best to make sure they are safe for you.
    • Combining herbal remedies with lifestyle modifications will significantly improve stomach pain.
    • If symptoms worsen or new symptoms appear, stop using the herb immediately and notify your doctor.
    • If you are pregnant, consult your doctor about the herbs listed here.
  2. Drink aloe juice. Aloe juice can reduce inflammation and neutralize stomach acid, which in turn helps relieve pain. You can drink ½ cup (100 ml) of organic aloe vera juice twice a day if you experience pain.
    • Aloe is also available as an oral pill or a gel. Please use according to the instructions on the product packaging.
    • Since aloe has a laxative effect, limit it to 1-2 cups per day. Do not take aloe if you have a chronic intestinal disease, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome.
  3. Drink apple cider vinegar. This method uses the body's acid receptors to signal the cessation of acid production. You can mix 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with 180 ml of water and drink it once a day.
    • You only need to take it once a day, but using it every day can help relieve pain later.
    • You don't have to use organic vinegar, but it must be apple cider vinegar. Other types of vinegar are not as effective as apple cider vinegar.
  4. Drink lemon juice. You can make your own lemonade at home. Mix a few teaspoons of fresh lemon juice with water as desired. If you want, you can add a little honey to the lemon juice. Drink lemon juice before, during and after meals.
    • Citrus fruits are acidic, and the sores can be worse if taken in excess. However, in diluted doses this fruit can help. For example, one tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with 8 ounces of water can prevent pain if you drink it 20 minutes before a meal.
    • The acidity in the lemon juice tells the body to stop producing acid through a process called "regenerative suppression."
  5. Eat apple. When you feel a stomach ache, you can sip an apple. The pectin in the apple peel acts as a natural antacid.
  6. Make herbal tea. Herbal teas can help soothe your stomach and relieve pain. Ginger, fennel, and chamomile tea are good options.
    • Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory and soothing stomach, in addition to being effective against nausea and vomiting. You can buy ginger tea in a bag or make your own fresh ginger tea. To make fresh ginger tea, cut into about 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, put in boiling water and brew for about 5 minutes, then pour into a cup and drink. You can drink it at any time of the day, but preferably 20-30 minutes before meals.
    • Spoon is to help stabilize stomach and reduce acidity. To make cumin tea, you will grind about 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, add it to boiling water, add a little honey to taste. Drink 2-3 cups per day before meals about 20 minutes.
    • Chamomile tea can soothe and relieve stomach pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects. You can purchase filter bag camomile tea at tea stores.
    • Ginger tea is believed to be safe for pregnant women.
  7. Try cranberries. Cranberries have the ability to suppress the growth of bacteria H. pylori in the stomach. To reap the benefits of cranberries, you can eat foods with cranberries, drink cranberry juice or extract.
    • Cranberries contain salicylic acid. Do not take cranberries if you are allergic to aspirin.
    • Cranberries may interact with other drugs, such as Coumadin (warfarin). Consult your doctor before taking cranberry extract.
  8. Drink licorice. Licorice products remove glycyrrhizin (DGL) very effectively in healing the stomach, controlling the increase in stomach acid and stomach pain. Licorice is a chewable tablet, and you may need to get used to the taste.
    • Follow the manufacturer's instructions - usually take 2-3 pills every 4-6 hours.
  9. Use slippery elm. Slippery elm coats and soothes irritated tissues. Try using slippery elm in the form of 90-120 ml water or a pill. Remember to follow the manufacturer's instructions when taking tablets.
    • Slippery elm can have serious side effects, and should not be taken while pregnant or breast-feeding.