How to Call an internal phone number

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
QloudPBX UC App - Transfer internal encrypted Voice Call to external PSTN target
Video: QloudPBX UC App - Transfer internal encrypted Voice Call to external PSTN target


Internal numbers allow large companies to connect callers with multiple departments and other human resources. There are many ways to save time when calling company internal numbers. Thanks to the sophisticated operating systems, you can even program your smartphone to dial internally for you.


Method 1 of 2: Use a smartphone

  1. Dial the number you want to call. Open the dialer application and enter the number you want to call.

  2. Add "pause" time if you will enter the extension number as soon as the call is connected. If the number you are calling allows you to enter the extension as soon as you connect, the "pause" feature will automatically enter the extension number after waiting a while:
    • Hold down the * key to add a comma (,) to the end of the number. This symbol adds a 2 second pause before the internal number is dialed. If you can't hold down the * key, press the (⋮) button next to the phone number and select "Add pause". If this doesn't work, you can tap the phone number field to open the on-screen keyboard, then enter a comma.
    • You can add more commas to wait longer. This method will be useful on phone systems that have a delay before you dial the internal number.
    • On a Windows phone, you need to type the comma in another app, copy it, and then paste it at the end of the phone number.

  3. Add "wait" time if the internal number can only be dialed after the entire menu has been played. An internal number cannot be entered unless the entire service menu plays out automatically, or until a specific option has been selected. The "wait" feature will display the extension number on the screen and you will specify when the extension should be dialed.
    • Hold down # to add a semicolon (;) to the end of the phone number. This will add a "wait" feature, after which the extension will not be dialed until you ask.
    • For Windows phones, you need to add a "w" instead of a ";". This content needs to be copied from another application and pasted into the dialer for import.

  4. Enter the internal number following the symbol. After adding the wait or pause symbol, you need to enter the internal number for the phone to automatically dial.
  5. Call the internal number. The phone will dial that number. After dialing, depending on which symbol you use, your device will dial the entered number (,) or prompt you to specify when the extension number should be dialed (;).
    • If you select the wait feature (;), you will be able to navigate to a menu segment that allows callers to enter an extension number first. Once you have reached the appropriate menu segment, click on the "Send" button on the window to dial the internal number.
  6. Add numbers with local numbers to contacts. If you frequently have to call this extension, you can add phone numbers to your phonebook. The entire extension number and phone number will be saved together. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Use a landline

  1. Dial as usual. With landlines, you don't need to record any pause options, so just operate as usual.
  2. Try entering the extension number as soon as the line connects. With many menu systems, you can start entering the internal number as soon as the call is connected. Try entering the extension now and see if the call is going to go away.
  3. Listen for menu options if the internal number you entered has no effect. If you can't dial an extension right away then you need to listen for menu options. You may need to select an option to be allowed to enter an extension number.
  4. Add pause times and extension numbers for speed dials (if possible). Some speed dial phones will also have a Pause key, use them when programming a speed dial phone number. The presence and location of this key will depend on your phone model. If you can add a snooze time, enter the main phone number, pause twice, and finally the extension number. Save this entire number in the speed dial line. If the number you are calling supports immediate extension of the extension, you will be able to use this speed dial line to call the extension directly.
  5. Try replacing the last digits of the main number with the internal number. If the extension has four characters, you can dial directly by replacing the last four digits of the main phone number with that extension. For example, if the company phone number is 1-800-555-2222 and the extension is 1234, try calling 1-800-555-1234. advertisement


  • You can also dial internally when using an online call provider's service, such as Skype. Try calling up to the company, pressing the dial pad button with the dot square icon and entering the internal number into the dialer when asked.