How to keep flowers fresh for a long time

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Your Flower Arrangements Last Longer
Video: How To Make Your Flower Arrangements Last Longer


  • Place the flowers in a large, clean plug. Note, the vase must always be clean to minimize the risk of developing bacteria or other microorganisms that can infect flowers. Choose a jar with a large mouth wide enough for the stems.
    • Place branches of different lengths in different jars so you can easily see all the flowers.
  • Treat freshly cut flowers with hot water (optional). After cutting the flowers from the tree, immediately place the stems in the water bottle at 43.5 ºC. Then leave the vase in a cool place for 1 to 2 hours. Warm water molecules seep into the stem more quickly, while the flower loses less water in a cool environment. The combination of these two effects will increase the amount of water stored in the flowers and branches, helping the flower stay fresher longer.
    • This process is called "I" of flowers.

  • Remove any leaves that are submerged in water. Leaves submerged in water can rot, forming food for bacteria, and infecting the flowers. So, cut off any branches that you find are submerged in water.
  • Water exchange. Change the water every day to keep the flowers fresh longer. Note, it is necessary to clean the vase, remove garbage, residue in the jar before pouring new water to minimize the risk of bacterial infection.
    • Even if you put the flowers into the sponge, you still need water to keep the styrofoam in place. Let the sponge slowly sink into the water, avoiding pressing the sponge into the water as quickly as possible, as this can cause harmful air bubbles to enter the stem.

  • Cut off the flower stalk regularly. You can cut off a portion of the stem every time you change the water, or at least every few days. Use sharp scissors, tree clippers, or a knife to bevel the stem of the flower at a 45º angle. Such beveling will help increase the contact area of ​​the flower stalk with water, making it easier for flowers to absorb water.
    • Immediately after buying flowers, cut off a part of the flower stalk before plugging.
    • Rose is a flower that is very easy to absorb air bubbles into the flower stalk, preventing the stem from absorbing water. To avoid this, cut the stem of the flower in the water.
  • Get rid of wilted flowers. Cut away any wilted flowers as soon as you see them. Otherwise, ethylene gas from these wilted flowers will cause a chain reaction, wilting the other flowers.You can use the withered flowers to compost, dry them for decorative flowers, or put them in the trash. advertisement
  • Part 3 of 3: Make your own home flower curing solution

    1. Alternatively, use sugar, lemon juice, and bleach. You can use a little lemon juice, about 3 teaspoons (30 ml), add 1 liter of water. Then, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and stir to feed the flowers. Finally, like above, add a few drops of bleach to kill bacteria and fungus.
      • If using a small plug, just add a few drops of lemon juice and add a pinch of sugar to the water.
      • If the water you use for flower arrangements is hard mineral water, you should add a little more lemonade to balance the mineral. However, be careful because too much acid is not good for the plant.
      • Chamomile, sunflowers and other chrysanthemums often produce a slime / sticky residue when plugged in water. Therefore, if you mix these flowers with other flowers, it is important to add acid to the flower arrangements to prevent the stalks of other flowers from getting closed by their slime / sticky substances. and can't suck water.
    2. Understand the effects of vodka. A few drops of vodka can stop flowers from producing ethylene gas, a gas that causes wilting and ripening. But vodka cannot replace bleach or other substances in destroying harmful microorganisms.
    3. Do not overuse bleach. Bleach is sometimes used in high concentrations as a preservative. This approach is risky because the bleach's effectiveness in managing flowers is very heterogeneous, and can cause the flower stalks and flowers to lose color.
    4. Be wary of aspirin and vinegar. You can use aspirin or white vinegar as an acid source for flower arrangements, but they usually don't work as well as lemon juice or sour-tasting soda. If aspirin is misused, the flowers may wilt more quickly and the stalk may turn gray.
    5. Understand why copper coins don't work. Copper can kill fungus, but copper found in coins or other copper-plated coins is insoluble in water. Therefore, placing a coin in the water of the flower arrangement does not increase the longevity of the flower. advertisement


    • If your roses have wilted and drooped, try soaking the entire branches and flowers in warm water to try to give the flowers extra moisture. This is a last-ditch effort to save the flowers and not always effective.


    • You can use hair spray to keep the flowers in shape when the flowers are dry. However, this doesn't work with fresh flowers.
    • Daffodils or hyacinths (daffodils) can produce chemicals that can damage other flowers when placed together in a jar. So, place these two flowers separately for at least 12 hours before sharing them with other flowers.
    • Although you can remove the rose spikes from the submerged part of the stem, this will shorten the life of the flower.