Ways to Keep your hamster clean

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clean your Hamsters Cage
Video: How to Clean your Hamsters Cage


Pets are not only a hobby, but also a great companion. However, animals kept in cages, such as guinea pigs, sometimes cause very unpleasant odors. The best way to minimize this odor is to maintain a clean living environment for your hamster. Most healthy guinea pigs will know how to clean themselves, but the long haired hamster seems to have difficulty in this.


Method 1 of 2: Maintain a clean environment

  1. Clean the cage at least once a week. The cleanup includes removing used background layers, not merely cleaning up any areas you find dirty. After removing the dirty substrate, wash the bottom of the cage and the corners of the cage thoroughly with soap and water, rinse with soap, and replace with a new foundation.
    • Once you've washed it off with soap and water, you can use a diluted 10% white vinegar solution (1 part vinegar and 9 parts water) as a bleach before drying the bottom of the cage. Using this solution once a week (after cleaning the cage) helps you get rid of bad odors effectively.

  2. Clean up dirt in the cage every day. Especially, if you have many guinea pigs in the same cage, you need to clean up the dirty areas in the cage daily in addition to doing a weekly "cleaning".For the daily cleaning of the cage, just clean and remove the dirty substrate at the end of the day.
    • Most guinea pigs have a part of the cage as a toilet area. Cleaning this area daily will greatly contribute to deodorizing and keeping the hamster's living environment clean.

  3. Teach your hamster to use a litter box. The daily cleaning will become a lot easier once you know how to train your guinea pigs to use a litter box. Find the area where your guinea pig goes to the bathroom and put in a litter box for small mammals.
    • To get the hamster accustomed to the new litter box, put in it a dirty foundation with some of their droppings so they know that the little box is their toilet area.
    • When the hamster knows how to use the litter box, don't forget to reward it. If the rats change their toilet area, try moving the box to that new area.
    • Clean the litter box every day. Sprinkle a little baking soda on the bottom of the box to get rid of the smell.
    • Never put cat litter in your hamster's litter box. Instead, using a substrate material for your hamster is the best option.

  4. Using a cage cleaning spray, a spray made specifically for cage cleaning for small animals, can help reduce odors. Shop for sprays at pet stores for a safe and effective product.
    • To use a cage cleaning spray, you need to remove the used substrate. You can then spray a large amount of cleaning agent around the cage.
    • Let the spray soak for about 3-5 minutes.
    • Use a dry towel to wipe off the spray and small stains that have stuck on the bottom of the cage.
    • Allow the cage to dry completely (in the sun if possible), place a fresh foundation in the cage and return the guinea pigs to their home.
    • You can also use extra soap and water to clean the hamster cage with the cage cleaner.
  5. Use a odor control base. A foundation that helps control odors, such as CareFRESH Advanced Odor Control Small Animal Bedding, can keep the cage away from odors for longer.
    • Cover the bottom of the cage 3-8 cm thick. Make sure to clean the dirty foundation every day.
    • While a odor-controlling substrate can make your hamster's cage less foul, you should still clean the cage and completely replace your used foundation at least once a week.
    • Baking soda is advertised as controlling odors, but it can cause irritation and should not be used.

Method 2 of 2: Bathing your guinea pig

  1. Bathing your hamster is just to keep it clean. Most guinea pigs are able to clean themselves, but with some types of long hair may need to be bathed more often.
    • Bathing your hamster may increase their risk of getting sick, such as a cold. So to avoid this risk, keep your hamster in a warm towel until its fur is completely dry.
    • To minimize bathing your guinea pig, brush them often. Use a soft baby brush to groom pet rats. You can also trim your pet's fur to prevent it from getting dirty when he goes to the bathroom.
    • If you feel that your guinea pig needs regular baths, talk to your veterinarian about how frequent baths can affect them.
  2. Use the right soap. Make sure the soap you use is safe for your hamster. Avoid using soap for people and dishwashing liquid, as these contain high levels of detergent and can irritate the skin.
    • Some special soaps for hamster baths are Scentsations Premium Small Animal and Posh ‘n Go Protein.
  3. Check your guinea pig's ears regularly. Hamster earwax is gray in color and usually odorless. If your pet's ears smell bad or get red, check with your vet as they may have an ear infection.
  4. Feed your guinea pig with long-stemmed grasses such as timothy grass. This herb helps your hamster sharpen their teeth and keeps their digestive system balanced. Add mint leaves, celery, cilantro, etc. to the cage to keep the hamster cage from stinking and also feed them good food.
  5. Avoid giving your pet inappropriate foods. Certain foods like cabbage, broccoli, and brusel cabbage cause bloating and upset your hamster's stomach.
    • Some alternative snacks are bell peppers, cucumbers and celery. Leafy vegetables like green or red lettuce are also a good choice. Avoid Romaine lettuce and kale because they are high in calcium, which can be harmful to your hamster.
    • Recommended foods for guinea pigs are kiwis, oranges, and bell peppers. These are the foods rich in vitamin C that your hamster needs to grow. Lettuce, kale, and beets are also great options.


  • Bathe your hamster only if it really smells bad. A guinea pig is an incredibly clean mammal in almost any setting.
  • Make sure you dry the hamster after bathing, in case it gets cold.
  • When bathing your hamster, avoid getting water in its ears. It is enough to wash your hamster's butt and stomach.
  • The female guinea pig is less smelly than the male hamster. If you haven't decided which guinea pig to choose yet, consider keeping a female hamster.
  • Trim your hamster's fur regularly to keep it clean.


  • Regular cleaning of your hamster will cause them to lose the oils they need for their skin and hair. If you bathe them too often, the hamster's body will go bald in some places. Bathing guinea pigs more than once a month is in vain and unsupported by veterinarians.
  • Gradually get used to the bath. First, get the rats accustomed to sitting in warm water, feeding them their favorite food, and slowly pouring water over them. Then you can start using soap and rinse it off. Usually, not all guinea pigs love to bathe, but they can learn to tolerate the process.