How to tell a girl how you feel

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)
Video: How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)


It is difficult to fully express your feelings when you like a girl. Whether you feel anxious or frightened every time you think of confessing your feelings, suppressing your emotions isn't in your favor or in anyone's favor. Instead of keeping those thoughts private, you can make gentle cues as you speak. Make eye contact, introduce yourself, and make an effort to learn everything about her.


Method 1 of 3: Talk to her

  1. You must first introduce yourself. You need to let her know that you are in the world. If you like someone who hasn't had the chance to meet face-to-face, start with a simple greeting. Relax and make a simple greeting as follows:
    • You can say “Hi! I want to make friend with you. My name is Cuong ”.
    • You can also say “Hello! His name is Dung. Nice to get acquainted with you!".

  2. Get acquainted by taking an indirect approach. Breaking through the cold at first sight may not be easy, but try to find a way to prolong the conversation after the initial greeting. You can try an indirect approach, such as asking for help, making a comment, or showing curiosity.
    • If you are sitting in a restaurant, you can say, "Please take the chili for you!".
    • If you're at a coffee shop, you say "Father, the coffee here is delicious!".

  3. Mention her name. This trick is simple, but girls like to have your name mentioned during the conversation. When communicating with them you should use their first name.
    • For example, you should call out your name when asking them for help. You can say "Lan ah, take me the tomato sauce!".
    • You should also call out your name when you want to ask them a question. You can say something like, "Lan ah, I don't know what makes you excited to take a swimming competition?".

  4. Ask her what she does in her spare time. If you are in the same class or in the same company, ask her what she likes to do in her spare time. By showing interest in her life, subtly suggest that you like her. If she shares something in life, listen and learn!
  5. Laugh when she's joking. Laughing is one of the easiest ways to imply that you like them, especially if the girl has a sense of humor. If she's joking, don't be ignorant or understand how she sees the world. Show admiration for her sense of humor!
    • If you know how to joke, you should regularly take advantage.
    • Let's joke! Even if the story is not very fun, she will laugh at your efforts, even cute.
  6. Smile at her. Since she makes you happy, respond with a wide smile! Be casual and use body language, such as touching your face or hair while smiling. She will love it when you are friendly and natural to you, and most likely she will smile back!
  7. Talk about common passions. You can develop a friendship with her by finding a common interest, neither band nor singer will love. After finding a common interest, continue to spend time learning about that common interest to nurture your friendship. For example, if you have a favorite music partner in the city, you can invite her out.
    • Once you find a band you like, you can ask her which album she likes best.
    • Alternatively you can invite her to see your show music as a date. Say something like, "I have a ticket to go to music in July. Do you want to go?"
  8. Share your true interests and values. Instead of pretending to be the person she likes, you better be yourself! Share your true interests, beliefs, values ​​and opinions. By describing a genuine image of yourself, you are showing how much you like and respect her. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Use small gestures

  1. Make eye contact when meeting. While at a party or event with her, make an effort to make eye contact. You shouldn't stare in a weird way, but look into her eyes to show interest, and hope to have a chance to talk!
  2. Send her a short note. You may feel nervous when you suddenly approach your ex, but you can show your concern with a brief note. Use a good quality ballpoint pen or pencil. Write a short sentence and pass it on to her at the end of class or after work.
    • If you write down your notes during class, hand it over to her.
    • If you have a business card, you can write on it.
  3. Support what she does. If you get a chance to show her support, then you have to make use of it! Go to any show she participates in, like a dance, a concert, or a theater. It's a great opportunity to get to know her, meet her friends, and show your feelings.
    • If she is going to have a concert and has invited the group on your social media site with you, come and support her!
    • Do not go to shows or events that you are not invited to. She may assume you are curious, so refer to events she actually invites you to attend.
  4. Remember what she drank. If you are at a bar or coffee shop, try to remember what she ordered. The next time you go there with her, order the drink before she has a chance to order. She will be amazed and touched by it, and be able to understand the implications that you like her.
    • While she is waiting in line at the coffee shop, quickly write down her drink order. That is how to help you remember.
    • If you two go to the bar for a drink, you can go along to hear her order. The next time she needs a drink, you'll know what to order.

Method 3 of 3: Give small gifts

  1. Buy her favorite drink. Buy her a cup of coffee, milk tea or a drink she likes. While you still have to show her interest in the conversation, that little gift may suggest that you really enjoy being with her.
  2. Buy the snacks she likes. Find out if she has any favorite desserts. Next time you go out, buy something she really likes. For example, you can buy ice cream, candy, some chocolate bars, chocolate cake or some kind of cake.
    • Ask her what she likes best. You try asking "What kind of cake do you like to eat?".
  3. Give her a book you really like. You can start getting to know each other's common interests by sharing books with her. While they may not share the same interest in reading as you, sharing a book you like shows that you appreciate their opinion. After she finishes reading, please comment on the book. If you show that you really care about their opinions then hopefully they will understand the implication that you like them in many ways, including their thoughts.
    • Don't feel offended if she doesn't like the book. You can still find other similarities between the two!
  4. Burn a disc to tell the story! Show your love by creating a collection of songs. Include songs the two of you have heard together, as well as songs you want her to listen to because of what she means to you. Try to use it to tell a story, like a relationship between two people or your feelings for her.
    • Instead of using music discs, you can create a playlist.
    • Give away music after you get to know her.


  • After some time getting to know her you can ask her out as a way to date.
  • If you want to know if she likes you, give it a go. For example, you could say "ah! I like you, and I want to know if you like me?".
  • Respond politely if she turns you down. You can say, "It's okay. Maybe leave it for another time" and walk away.
  • Ask your friends about her! Her friends know her best, so you can check in with them. If you ask her about her, they will most likely talk back to your question, which is one of the most obvious ways to suggest.
  • Don't flirt with other girls. That could make her jealous.


  • If you want to give her a nickname, choose carefully.
  • Know her condition. It's horrible when you hint at your feelings when she has a boyfriend.
  • If you feel confident enough, seek advice from one of her friends. But be careful because they don't always tell the truth, so sometimes you have to use intuition.
  • Things may not go anywhere. Even if you've won her love, don't be reluctant to bond. If you feel like the relationship can't go far, break up definitely. Do not resent each other.
  • Sometimes if you hesitate too long before she says your feelings, she may refuse because she only sees you as a normal friend.
  • If you want to ask about her friends, don't ask her if she likes you directly. Anyway, they won't tell you.
  • Don't let her see you flirting with other girls, as she will lose affection for you and assume you're a playboy.