Ways to stay mentally strong

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala
Video: The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala


Enjoying strong mental health means understanding the meaning of happiness, doing normal activities in everyday life, and being confident enough to overcome barriers in life. In many ways, our mental health is no different from our physical health when we act to achieve a healthy mind. It is important to take care of your mental health from small to large to avoid depression, anxiety, excessive stress, addiction, and many other health conditions affecting your body. Meditation is an important life-long goal.


Method 1 of 3: Relationship Formation

  1. Connect with friends and family. There are many people who love and care for you and will be the most honest. The emptiness will be filled by friends and family members who give you comfort and confidence. It is important to balance your life between work, fun and family.
    • Talking to someone you love and trust is a great way to relieve stress, take care of your mind after work, or other stressful issues.
    • No matter how busy your schedule is, set aside 1 day a week to spend with family and friends. Your body and mind will appreciate it.
    • Family and friends bring bonding, closeness, and happy encounters will help reduce feelings of loneliness and stress.

  2. Communicate with people with similar interests. Talking to people with similar interests creates a sense of belonging and improves your mental health.
    • Joining a fitness club, reading or playing cards, sports or even going for an evening walk, not only does your physical and mental training, but also keeps you out of the house.
    • Nurture friendships with intelligent, educated, and experienced people. This friendship will bring conversations on many topics to help you realize many new ideas, perspectives and insights that are beneficial for spiritual training.
    • You can search for the clubs or organizations listed above in many places, such as through the internet, news articles, or through friends and family.

  3. Volunteer in the community. Volunteering is proven to increase a person's happiness, confidence and ego. Volunteering brings benefits to the community, gives you a sense of connection, accomplishes something, and sees a positive side in your life.
    • Volunteering doesn't have to be a big deal. You can help an elderly neighbor buy groceries, clear the snow in winter for a single mother, or plant trees in a public flower garden to improve everyone's health.
    • According to biology, the side effect of creating social connections through volunteering is the release of the hormone oxytocin, which helps in relaxation, confidence, and psychological stabilization.

Method 2 of 3: Enjoy Life

  1. Find a hobby. Spend time on the weekend doing something you enjoy. The main goal is to relax and enjoy fun without feeling stress. Your hobbies are a great excuse to take a break from your busy life but still feel like doing them with purpose.
    • Research shows that the excitement of walking, playing with a dog or cooking releases stress, a positive form of stress that benefits the body.
    • Like taking a positive rest from work, hobbies also bring challenges to the brain and relieve stress. Focusing on something other than work helps your brain focus on a new task.
    • Attentively participating in an activity you love makes time go by very quickly. This is when you don't dwell on the past or worry about the future.
    • Participating in activities you enjoy has been shown to lower blood pressure, cortisol, obesity and body mass index at the same time, increasing psychosocial positivity. Hobbies are good for mind, body, and soul.
  2. Always on. Exercise is not only good for your body, but it's also good for your mental health. Many studies of increased confidence, concentration, and appearance are all related to exercise. Exercise improves sleep, energy levels and social communication while reducing stress, stress and mental fatigue.
    • No need to register at the expensive gym. You can walk around the park, swim in the ocean, lake, river or relax in the living room. There are many ways to keep your workout going without going to the gym.
    • Exercise in moderation. Doctors recommend exercising for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
    • Choose an activity that fits into your daily schedule and make it a routine in your life.
    • If you need friends to stay motivated, you can invite colleagues, friends, or family members to join you.
  3. Healthy eating. Healthy eating is important for strong mental health. If not, your mental health will be affected. Recent research has shown that the type of foods you eat determines whether you are more prone to mental health problems. In short, eat well, eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
    • Try to eat 3 meals a day to control your blood sugar. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, will make you more hungry, irritable, and tired throughout the day. Have a snack in the morning.
    • Focus on reducing refined foods like sugars and increasing your intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Sugar provides energy but makes you tired and irritable, while the sugar in fruit is absorbed at lower levels and helps to stabilize mood.
    • Protein contains the amino acid tryptophan to help reduce anxiety and stress, regulate behavior, and improve sleep. Make sure your brain is adequately supplied with tryptophan by eating more meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and nuts with your meal.
    • Omega-3 and omeg-6 fatty acids are found in fish oil, they are important for normal brain function and development, they also help prevent heart attacks, strokes and cancer.
    • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid drinking a lot of alcohol so you don't get dehydrated. Dehydration will lead to fatigue, loss of concentration, and reduced mental strength, which are also side effects when drinking alcohol.
    • Plan a variety of fun to ensure adequate supply of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients for the body and mind to function at high intensity.
    • Maintain a healthy weight to control your mood and confidence.
    • Avoid using drugs. Substance abuse cannot solve your problem. Using drugs only causes more problems.
  4. Practice beneficial sleep habits. Getting 8 hours of sleep a day helps to reset your mind and body to prepare for the next day. Not getting enough sleep affects your mental health, decreases your concentration, and gets irritated easily.
    • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. A good habit forms a more beneficial sleep routine as the body begins to get used to the daily routine.
    • If you don't get enough sleep, you can take 5-10 minutes to relax your brain by relaxing, daydreaming or meditating.
  5. Help me. Don't be afraid to rely on others when stressed. You can leave your baby at the mother's house for a while or let them sleep in the neighbor's house if necessary.
    • Always try to ask someone you trust. This helps you relax and relax your mind.
    • True strength and understanding stems from using the main resources of friends and family when needed. This is not a sign of weakness or failure to ask for help. In most cases, you will discover that people enjoy helping others, especially when it is beneficial.
    • Try to be specific about why you need help. People will understand better when they know they are helping for an important reason.
  6. Seek expert help. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is psychotherapy that focuses on problem solving and initiating behavioral changes due to a variety of psychological disorders. Cognitive therapy is a tool in teaching new skills to replace lifelong thinking and behavior.
    • CBT centers help deal with situations that are more emotional than emotional.
    • Therapy can be used for everyone, not just those with psychological disorders. In fact, if you want to change your life in terms of work, home, family and friends, personal relationships or co-workers, then this is the safe path for you.
    • Cognitive therapy is also useful when you want to improve intelligence, have a cultural interest, a new skill, or simply improve your quality of life in general.

Method 3 of 3: Challenge yourself

  1. Learn new skills. Challenge yourself to find new skills in the office, gym, kitchen or garage. Pick something that interests you and try to master it. This will help you achieve your goals, build confidence in your abilities and improve your mental health.
    • Almost every job requires an adaptation over time. So taking the time to practice new skills will help you take control of your career path, improve your confidence and sharpen thinking.
    • Lifelong learners can keep up with the fast change and face the challenges of modern times.
    • Focus on a new skill that helps your mind to work at high intensity, reduce the risk of cognitive decline and enjoy better mental health.
  2. Coping with stress. Stress is inevitable in life, but understanding the causes of stress is important to coping with them to keep your mind healthy. A balanced lifestyle is the most direct way to deal with stress, if you feel depressed due to stress, you should join a yoga class or practice breathing.
    • Practicing yoga is a way to experience the true nature: thinking, feeling, feeling. Yoga is also a way to interact with a stressful environment. In short, it will change your quality of life.
    • Taking breaks a few times a day, stopping what you are doing, and taking a deep breath in and out will help you clear your thoughts, calm yourself and work more efficiently. Make sure you find a quiet place to focus your breathing so that the air circulates throughout your body.
  3. Live for the moment of reality. Set aside time each day to try and experience your senses. Exercise reduces fatigue and improves mental strength, reduces stress and focuses all day long. Our brains are filled with chaotic images and thoughts as we endure the frenetic and chaotic world around us. Mindfulness exercises allow us to focus on the present moment, breaking through stress and anxiety.
    • Mindfulness is the art of experiencing every step of the day by consciously thinking about the role of our senses in mundane pleasures. Breathing is crucial in this method because you need to focus on breathing in, breathing out and feeling the air in your body. Mindfulness exercises bring awareness of thoughts, feelings, and feelings of your surroundings in the present moment.
    • Daily chores are also considered mindfulness exercises. Whether it's vacuuming, dressing, cleaning, go through every step of the process instead of doing it without thinking.
    • Take 10 minutes a day to do a mindfulness activity. Keep a journal to record your feelings about each activity and explain your own experiences. It is important to realize the difference when acting unconsciously and consciously.