How to make a tattoo machine

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Make a Tattoo Machine
Video: How to Make a Tattoo Machine


Tattoos are a personal and creative form of self-expression. What could be more personal than getting your own tattoo machine? Follow the simple steps and you will be able to get yourself a tattoo in no time.


Method 1 of 2: Create Components

  1. 1 Find a motor. You will need an electric motor or similar rotary motor that runs on a minimum of 12 volts; 18 volts would be ideal.
    • The motor will have a small axle protruding from the center. Take a button with four holes and attach it to the axle using super glue, but be careful with it: it can seep through the holes in the button and hammer them. They must be open for you to attach the needle. Set the motor aside to dry.
      • You can use an eraser instead of a button. Take it from the mechanical handle and slide it firmly into the small shaft of your motor.
    • You can use a motor from a home video recording system or a typewriter on a remote control, but the motor power will be significantly less, only 3.5 volts.
  2. 2 Make a pipe. The tube will guide the needle. It's easy to make one out of a pencil or pen.
    • Use a mechanical pencil. An inexpensive plastic pencil will work fine, but you can use a metal one as well. Depending on which pencil you choose, you can leave it as it is, or shorten it to 3-4 x inches (8-10 cm).
    • Alternatively, you can use a standard Bic pen and remove the ink refill from it. If you want shorter tubing, trim the handle to 3-4 inches (8-10 cm). Saw off the brass tip of the pen and take out the ball; make the hole wide enough for the needle to pass through.
  3. 3 Come up with a brace. It will support the tube as it is attached to the tattoo motor.
    • Take a teaspoon and break it at the beginning of the recessed spot (break off the part you are eating with). Then bend the spoon into an “L” shape.
    • The second option is to cut the brush from the toothbrush so that it is 4 inches (10 cm) long. Use a lighter to heat up a plastic toothbrush and bend it into an “L” shape. Leave the curved brush on until the plastic has cooled and hardened.
  4. 4 Make a needle. Cut the metal guitar string to the length of your pipe. When you attach it, it should run from the motor to the end of the tube. Pour water and soap into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place the needle in a saucepan and simmer for five minutes. Then rinse it and boil it for another 5 minutes in water only.
    • You can prepare several needles beforehand. If you choose to do this, store your needles in a sterilized container.

Method 2 of 2: Assembling the Tattoo Machine

  1. 1 Attach the tubing to the bracket. Remove the eraser from the mechanical pencil. Holding the spoon-shaped bracket (toothbrush) by the short end in your hand the way you would hold a tattoo machine, wrap it around the pencil. The open end of the pencil (where the eraser was) should line up with the curvature of the spoon, and the pencil tube should be flush with the bracket. The thin end of the pencil will protrude from the edge of the staple.
    • Make sure you wrap the pencil securely around the staple; it should not stagger or move.
  2. 2 Attach the motor to the bracket. Tape the motor to the short end of the bracket. Make sure it is straight and the button is in the center of the staple.
  3. 3 Insert the needle. Place one end of a guitar string on the end of a pencil and pull it through the entire tube. When it comes out through the other end, take a pair of pliers and bend the end of the guitar string 90 degrees. Then, bend the other end of the string to create a second 90-degree angle. You are actually making a hook at the end of your needle. Cut off excess wire from the hook: it shouldn't be too long.
  4. 4 Attach the needle to the motor. Take the hook you just made and insert it into one of the button holes. As you twist the button, you should see the needle go in and out of the end of the pencil. If necessary, trim the needle.
    • If you used an eraser instead of a button, make only one 90-degree angle at the end of the guitar string and push it firmly into the eraser so that it is securely in place. Note that it is very important that the needle is not centered. Don't specifically center it on the eraser.
  5. 5 Connect the power supply. Use an AC adapter from a CD player, mobile phone charger, or other power source that has two wires. Separate the wires and attach them to the motor terminals.
    • If you don't want to unplug and re-plug your power source when you stop to clear your skin, buy a small On / Off switch from an electronics store and attach it to the motor pins.
  6. 6 Always dispose of disposable items. Once you have finished tattooing, discard the needle and tube (mechanical pencil / pen). Never reuse these products. They can become sources of transmission of diseases such as hepatitis or HIV. Even if you plan to use the materials only on yourself, it is not worth the risk, especially since guitar strings and mechanical pencils (pens) cost very little.


  • Make a few needles ahead of time so that you can immediately discard those you have already used.


  • Always sterilize materials before use!
  • This is not a toy! This is considered a medical procedure. Be careful and sterilize all materials; practice on yourself first before trying the tattoo machine on others.

What do you need

  • Rotary motor
  • Mechanical handle or Bic handle
  • A teaspoon or toothbrush
  • Guitar string
  • Black duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Pliers
  • Source of power
  • Tattoo ink (available online or at a tattoo store)

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