How to feel comfortable naked

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to feel comfortable with your naked body
Video: How to feel comfortable with your naked body


Many people feel better without their clothes on. However, there are many people who are extremely uncomfortable with nudity, either because of their looks or ethical and social problems. Still, being comfortable naked is a clear sign of confidence. Sometimes we are in a naked state, but it's only time to take a shower or change clothes, so you should get used to being nude.


Method 1 of 3: Change perspective

  1. Set goals and make a plan. If you have never felt good nude or always disgusted with your body, the first step is to determine that you must change your mindset.
    • Set specific goals, such as wanting to feel naked in front of your spouse at the light of the day, so that you can reach a goal that is within your reach.
    • Make a detailed plan on how to achieve the goal. Determine how to track your progress, when to accomplish your goal (make sure your plan gives you enough time to make changes), and what to do to reach your goal.
    • Start with where you are. If you do not feel comfortable even wearing clothes, you should start from now, then gradually work towards nudity. If you feel shy about being naked in front of someone while the lights are on, you can turn the lights on for a few seconds. After you get used to the lack of cover, you can gradually increase the amount of time you turn on the lights.
    • Don't get discouraged when your goals are not fulfilled. Instead, take pride in yourself for working hard towards this goal.

  2. Strive to accept yourself instead of worrying about other people's opinions. There are many reasons why people criticize your physique, many of which have nothing to do with you or your body. The problem is what you think, not what others think.
    • Practicing mindfulness, focusing on the present and thoughts and feelings without making judgment, can help you accept yourself and easily analyze objectively opinions and values ​​related to problems. your body and body.
    • Remember that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Some cultures and societies that adhere to a body shape does not mean that is the best norm. To understand the concept of beauty in the Renaissance, you can look at the painting "The Three Graces" by Peter Paul Rubens.
    • Inspired by people who successfully overcome their fears. For example, you might consider the courage of Jae West, who has an eating disorder standing on the streets of London wearing only underwear in support of his self-acceptance.

  3. Consider rational issue. Bear in mind that self-criticism is the strongest criticism. People are more likely to notice their looks than they are about you. You think they are prying or teasing you, but they are not really like that.
    • Try assessing your body objectively. Think about the things that confuse you. Are you concerned about your weight? Pale skin? Blackhead? Scar? Sweat? If you know exactly what is upsetting you, you will know how to deal with them.
    • Don't expect yourself to be like a celebrity. Models and actors often adhere to their professional standards. The people you see on movies or magazines can afford to hire coaches, chefs, stylists, and make-up artists, as well as buy expensive cosmetics, training equipment, and food. In addition, pictures in magazines are edited to make the people in them more beautiful.
    • Bear in mind that you cannot choose your own genes. Physical characteristics are inherited from parents. Genes also determine the ability to gain or lose weight. This doesn't mean you have to give up on your goals, but just accept the fact that you need to solve your existing problems and that some physical features cannot be changed (such as dimensions). high).

Method 2 of 3: Accept the body

  1. Treat yourself well. Blaming yourself doesn't fix anything, it just makes you feel worse. Instead, appreciate and focus on your strengths to reduce anxiety.
    • Start with converting negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Remind yourself at least once a day that you love your body, and have decided to accept yourself, and that you are ready to go towards your goal of being nude.
    • Be aware of the unprotected state of being naked. Exposing yourself, literally and figuratively, makes you vulnerable. However, a psychologist thinks that you have to accept the hurt to enjoy new opportunities and experiences. This hurt takes courage to boost self-esteem and be more open to what happens in the future.
  2. Take off your clothes often. If you are uncomfortable or afraid of situations such as being naked, you tend to avoid them. This creates a vicious circle: fear causes avoidance, and does not dare to face the problem, thus increasing fear. Psychologists use exposure therapy, which involves gradual exposure to a fear-provoking situation or object to cure the phobia.
    • Research has shown that receptivity-based exposure therapy can help treat disfigurement, a serious mental illness that makes you obsess about your appearance.
    • Exposure therapy can involve imagining a situation that causes fear, exposing it through virtual reality, and ultimately in real life.
    • Contact therapy is a form of psychological treatment that needs to be supervised by a specialist. However, you can apply the basic principle that the more you face your fear without consequences, the less fear you will be.
  3. Ask others to help you determine your best qualities. We are often more likely to recognize strengths in others' bodies than on our own. The same goes for your friends. Instead of trying to figure out your strengths yourself, consult with your friends.
    • This is a very sensitive issue, so you should wait for your friends to ask you for an assessment before responding. Just because a friend is willing to help you feel comfortable in the nude doesn't mean that person is willing to do the same.
  4. Pay more attention to your health and physical fitness than your looks. Instead of focusing on your looks, you should turn to improving your fitness and fitness. This gives you more motivation to exercise because you are focusing on positive (improving your health) goals instead of negative (losing weight).
    • One way to shift your focus from appearance to health and physical fitness is to practice with the goal of developing tangible physical skills. If you can do the reverse yoga pushup 10 times, you will be proud of your body no matter what it is.

Method 3 of 3: Change your appearance

  1. Do exercise. People who regularly exercise are usually quite positive in appearance even if they don't lose weight.
    • Don't be in a hurry. If you can't turn off the TV and go out for a walk, at least get up and walk in your room for a few minutes in front of the television. Less exercise is better than sitting still. After forming the habit (which takes about two months), you can start reaping your success.
    • Cardio exercise and health promotion. These two types of exercise both help lose fat and slim down muscles.
  2. Adjust your diet. Do not apply fast weight loss regime to lose weight fast. Instead, you should change your eating habits. This method will help you avoid feelings of failure (if you don't lose weight as quickly as you would like). This vicious cycle of weight loss and gain is also bad for your health
    • When planning to lose weight, you should include essential foods so that you do not have any nutritional deficiencies.
    • Weight loss diet should be suitable with lifestyle and financial situation. If you can't afford or find foods in your plan at your local store, or if cooking requires a lot (and you don't like cooking), it will be difficult to achieve your weight loss goals.
  3. Create a routine of personal hygiene and take care of yourself. To stay in shape and feel natural when naked you should know how to take care of your body. Hygiene activities include bathing, hair removal, and skin, nail, and tooth care.
    • Many beauty services have the effect of changing the appearance, such as dye sprays, wax hair removal, or cosmetic surgery. Some services can have a negative impact on your health (such as using a sun bath for a long period of time), so you should understand the potential risks of using one or more beauty services.
  4. Adjust gestures and gait. You can change your appearance by adjusting your standing position and how to impress yourself.
    • Stand up straight. This is the most effective way to help others know that you are confident, and affects your body image.
    • While this can be a natural act, especially when naked, don't cross your arms. Other people will assume this is protective or stressful action.


  • If you are depressed because you feel depressed about your appearance, or think you have an eating disorder, see your doctor.If you are obsessed with your physique and feel distressed, you may have a disfigurement, a treatable mental illness.