Ways to Improve Hearing

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Improve Your Hearing at Home
Video: How to Improve Your Hearing at Home


Hearing loss can frighten many people, which is very common. Luckily, there are many ways you can improve your hearing or protect yourself from damage. If you have hearing loss, see your doctor to discuss treatment options. You can also prevent hearing damage in the first place. There are a few everyday routine tips that can help you maintain your hearing for many years to come.


Method 1 of 3: Medical treatment

  1. See a doctor if you can't hear well. When hearing loss makes it difficult for you to live every day, it's time to see your doctor. Your doctor will examine your ears to determine the cause of your hearing loss and find the right treatment.
    • Your doctor will examine the ear and may perform a simple hearing test. Specialists have specialized equipment to examine the eardrum more thoroughly.
    • You may be referred to an otolaryngologist or an audiologist for more detailed examination. They can pinpoint the exact cause of the hearing loss and take corrective action.
    • All hearing loss should be examined by a doctor. In addition, sudden hearing loss, especially in one ear, can be a serious problem. If this is the case, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

  2. Have your doctor remove earwax if your ear canal is blocked. In some cases, hearing loss is simply caused by earwax blocking the ear canal. The doctor will find out right away when examining the ear. Fortunately, this situation is easy to fix. Your doctor will use a small tool or vacuum to remove the wax. When the ear canal is clear, your hearing will improve.
    • Your doctor may also give ear drops to dissolve earwax at home.Please follow your doctor's instructions exactly.
    • Do not try to remove earwax yourself. You can damage your eardrums and lose your hearing permanently.

  3. Use a hearing aid if you have damage to your inner ear. Damaged or aged hearing loss cannot be fixed spontaneously, but there are devices that can help restore your hearing, most commonly hearing aids. This compact device fits in the ear and amplifies the sound to help you hear better. Hearing aids may not be fully restored, but hearing aids will make your daily life easier.
    • Hearing aids come in a variety of types, from in-ear models to larger ones captured around the ear. There are also very effective bone hook anchor hearing aids. You will be advised by your doctor to choose the most suitable machine.
    • You can purchase an over-the-counter hearing aid to improve mild hearing loss. These hearing aids are not as effective as those prescribed by your doctor and are not widely available, but they can help. Consult your doctor about the benefits of these devices.

  4. Consider having a cochlear implant if the hearing aid isn't working. Sometimes the inner ear is so damaged that the sound cannot reach the auditory nerve. This is a difficult case but there is still a fix. Cochlear implantation is always a solution that helps many people. This device is connected through the ear canal and conducts sound directly to the auditory nerve. Your surgeon will implant your cochlea with a small procedure, and you will hear better if the auditory nerve is not damaged.
    • Detachable external parts of the cochlea, such as a hearing aid, can be removed or inserted. However, you cannot remove the internal part of an implanted cochlear.
  5. Surgery to correct abnormal structures in the ear canal. In some cases, abnormally shaped bones or structures in the ear cause hearing loss. A minor surgery can correct this problem and improve hearing. An audiologist will advise you on whether you need surgery and explain the procedure.
    • You may also need surgery if you have frequent ear infections. The fluid in the ear may not be able to drain normally.
  6. Tell your doctor if you have hearing loss after taking the medicine. Certain so-called hearing-impairing drugs may cause temporary hearing loss. More than 200 drugs can be classified under this category, and there is no reliable way to determine who will experience this side effect. It is best to monitor your hearing by yourself and tell your doctor if any problems arise after taking the medication.
    • Some medications that can cause temporary hearing loss include salicylate pain relievers such as aspirin, quinine, and some diuretics.
    • Certain other medicines can cause temporary hearing loss if taken for long enough. These drugs include certain antibiotics such as gentamicin and cancer drugs.
    • The risk of hearing loss is much higher if you take high doses or many drugs that affect your hearing at the same time. You should always take the medicine exactly as directed to reduce the risk.

Method 2 of 3: Natural hearing improvement

  1. Try doing sound positioning exercises to increase your hearing. You can maintain or improve your hearing with practice. Ask someone to hide an object that makes a repetitive sound, such as an alarm, then make noise in the room, like turning on the television. Try to focus on listening to the sound coming from the object and go search. This exercise, when repeated over and over again, can help improve your ability to focus on specific sounds.
    • Another exercise is to try hearing a person read aloud in a noisy environment. Filter out noisy noises and try to focus on reading only.
    • Sound positioning exercises may be ineffective if you already have hearing loss. You need to be seen and may need to use hearing aids to fix it.
  2. Eat a healthy diet to protect your ears. Like every other part of the body, to function properly, the ear also needs the right nutrients. In particular, getting enough zinc, potassium, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin D and omega-3 will help reduce inflammation in the ear canal and prevent hearing damage. All of these can be obtained through your diet.
    • Some of the best foods include green leafy vegetables, bananas, nuts and seeds, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products.
    • You can also take a supplement if you don't get enough from your daily diet. Talk to your doctor before starting any supplement to make sure it's right for you.
  3. Exercise regularly to maintain hearing. There is a real link between aerobic exercise and hearing health. As long as the ear is not damaged, regular exercise can help improve your hearing and maintain this ability through old age. For best results, set aside 20-30 minutes for aerobic activity at least 5 days per week.
    • Aerobic exercises are activities that increase your heart rate such as jogging, cycling, swimming, or kickboxing. You can also just walk every day.
    • Resistance exercises like weight training are also healthy, but they do not improve hearing. To achieve this goal, you need to do aerobic exercises.
  4. Reduce stress to calm your mind. Stress and anxiety can actually affect your hearing. If you feel stressed regularly, take steps to relax and reduce stress. A clear mind can help improve your hearing.
    • Try relaxation exercises like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. Even just a few minutes of exercise a day can make a big difference.
    • Doing things that you enjoy is a great way to reduce stress. Make an effort to make time for your hobbies to reduce stress.
    • Remember that this does not really cure ear damage, and you may still need a hearing aid if you've been exposed to noise for a while.
  5. Try herbal supplements to treat tinnitus. Tinnitus is a ringing ring or a buzzing in the ear, which usually occurs in the early stages of hearing loss. There's not much evidence that natural remedies can make a big difference, but several herbs can help. If you have tinnitus, try these following supplements after consulting your doctor to make sure it's safe.
    • Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba)
    • Zinc
    • Vitamin B

Method 3 of 3: Ear Protection

  1. Avoid noisy places whenever possible. Noise exposure is one of the main causes of hearing loss. You should stay away from high volume environments and noisy places whenever possible. This can help maintain hearing and prevent damage.
    • In general, when you talk to people, you just have to scream to hear each other's voices, the environment is too noisy.
    • Noises higher than 85 decibels or the equivalent of a motorcycle exploding can cause hearing loss. You can download the sound intensity smartphone app to see if the environment is too noisy.
  2. Wear earplugs when in a loud noise. You won't always be able to avoid noise, especially if it's part of your job. In this case, you should wear earplugs at all times to protect your ears from injury. Earplugs are useful and effective in most situations, but noise-canceling ear cups also block out more sound and resist very loud noises.
    • This measure is especially important when you use power tools or work near heavy equipment. Over a long period of time, these devices can cause serious harm.
    • This is also essential for bartenders in bars or staff at concert venues. The music in these places is great.
    • Carry earplugs with you in case you fall into noisy environments. That way, you'll always be ready to protect your ears.
  3. Keep the volume low when wearing headphones. The earphones focus the sound directly on the eardrum, thereby creating a higher risk of hearing loss. You need to adjust the volume moderately to prevent hearing loss.
    • If you often have to turn up the volume to let the music drown out other sounds, try using noise canceling headphones.
  4. Avoid poking anything in the ear. Anything that gets inside the ear can damage the eardrum and cause hearing loss. Do not put cotton swabs, tweezers, or fingers in the ears.
    • Our ears are self-cleaning, so you don't need to use a cotton swab to remove wax.
    • If an object is stuck in your ear, go to the doctor or emergency room quickly instead of taking it out yourself.
  5. Quit smoking to prevent damage in the ear. There is evidence that smoking can damage hearing because it reduces blood flow to the ear. If you have a smoking habit, quit as soon as possible; If you don't smoke, don't try.
    • Passive smoking can also do the same harm. You should avoid smoking environments and do not allow anyone to smoke indoors.


  • Ringing in the ears, also called tinnitus, is a sign of inner ear damage and may lead to hearing loss.
  • If you go to a concert or show, give your ears a break for a few days and avoid loud noises. This can help you avoid further harm.
  • The use of hearing aids and cochlear implants is entirely up to you. You don't have to wear a hearing aid or a cochlear implant if you don't want to.
  • Hearing loss is not a tragedy. You can still live happily even if it doesn't sound good.