Ways to Improve Love

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU
Video: Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU


Are you realizing that sex no longer brings interest or simply feels pain while being “in love”? Perhaps you are worrying too much about whether your partner is enjoying the relationship? Whatever your problem, take the steps below to help improve your sex life.


Part 1 of 4: Thorough Preparation

  1. Have safe sex. This will help you feel more comfortable and fully enjoy your love life. So always prepare carefully for a safe sex life. If possible, before "falling in love", you should learn about and talk to your partner about your sexual history. Always use a condom or dental dam during sex and during sex.
    • Only latex and polyurethane condoms can protect you against sexually transmitted infections and HIV. Polyurethane condoms tend to tear more easily than latex. Always use a condom when having vaginal, anal, or oral sex. The mouth guard is a latex screen that is used during oral sex with a female partner. This type helps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and HIV.
    • Women should also consider getting the HPV vaccine to prevent diseases like genital warts and cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine can cause fainting or allergies in some people, so talk with your doctor about whether the shot is right for you.

  2. Love your body. Feeling shy or embarrassed about your body can hinder you from fully enjoying your love life. If you are facing a physical problem that is negatively affecting your sex life, then you need to prioritize overcoming possible weaknesses and accepting the ones that cannot be changed. Accepting your body is the key to self-satisfaction and the first step toward improving your sex life.
    • Every day look in the mirror and point out the strengths of your body.
    • You can also learn about your body through masturbation. Women who "take a selfie" often feel more sexually satisfied than those who do not. Knowing your triggers will help you to communicate more smoothly with your partner.

  3. Communicate openly with your partner. Communicating with your partner will help you improve your sexual satisfaction and build a closer bond. Sometimes it will be difficult to establish and maintain open communication with your partner, especially if you are not comfortable with your “love” and your own desires. Think about what you can say but still feel comfortable and secure
    • No matter how well you two know each other, your partner is not someone who can read other people's minds. If you want to make some changes in your sex life, then you need to talk to your partner to better understand. Your spouse who cares about you will be willing to listen and respect your opinion.
    • Having a sexual exchange will help you and your partner become more intimate with each other.

  4. Reveal your wishes. Be open to your partner about attitudes and feelings related to sex. Moreover, it is also advisable to ask what the partners want and like. Being shy or shy will only make your partner feel uncomfortable, leading to undesirable things happening. Let yourself enjoy the experience and show your partner that you are fully enjoying your love.
    • Do not evaluate the needs of partners interests. Disclosure of this sensitive information can be a bit intimidating, so listen attentively and don't interrupt while your partner is talking. If your partner has a hobby that you are uncomfortable with, make it clear to him / her without making him / her feel odd about his desires.
    • Avoid using jargon when possible. These terms are ambiguous, and can make it difficult for your partner to get to know you. Use language that you are comfortable with, but remember that sex is not something "wrong" or "dirty," and it's more helpful to use clear and open terminology.
  5. Talk to your partner about things that are not working. There will be times when you try something new that just doesn't work. Instead of blaming each other, start with “I / I” statements to express dissatisfaction with a problem. If you are honest about your dislikes, you can correct them. Only that will help improve love better.
    • For example, you can tell your partner, “I / I find it a little rushed to be“ in love ”. What can I do to fix it? ”. Such a statement will mention the problem that both are facing but will not change anyone's fault. Instead, the content of the sentence will express ideas for both to improve their love together.
    • Use affirmative structures when possible, such as “I / I really like you to do _____ and want to happen more often” or “This is more stimulating than the other - will I do it?”
  6. Pay attention to your partner. Take your partner's pleasure as your goal. It is of course important that you also have the satisfaction of being in love, but to start with the appropriate actions. The more emotions your partner provokes, the more he / she will challenge you. The key to having a full love is to learn about and take note of your partner's reaction throughout the relationship.
    • "Please stop" when he sees his partner frowning. Maybe you are hurting him or her. If your spouse is groaning, go ahead because you are bringing pleasure to your partner. The most important thing is to keep an eye on your partner throughout the relationship to make sure they are interested and excited about your actions.
    • Stop "immediately" if the partner says "no."
    • Keep in mind that just because your partner doesn't say "no" doesn't mean he or she is comfortable. Consent consent is an ongoing process. Your ultimate goal is for both of you to say "yes!"

Part 2 of 4: Skill Proficiency

  1. Bypassing stereotypes in pornography. The fact that they are like other films does not reflect reality. The scenes in the porn movies are always perfect, but do not accurately express the feelings and thoughts of the insiders and do not depict the characteristics of the sex process.
    • Don't expect too much. You just need to let things go naturally.
  2. Spend time enjoying love. You will want to experience every second of every minute during that cloudy process. This is not just a job in and out. Allow yourself to immerse yourself in the experience. Pay attention to your partner's sensitive areas and spend time stimulating them. Slow down and explore the opponent's body. Don't just focus on familiar parts.
    • The two can also play games together to make love more interesting. Always focus on bonding and letting your partner guess the answer to increase inspiration when "falling in love".
    • Always lock your lips together. The repetitions of caresses help reinforce the necessary experience.
  3. Focus on foreplay. Before you get to the main part, take some time to kiss, caress, and stimulate your partner's desires. Foreplay will help prolong the love and bring a happy romantic atmosphere. Women especially need foreplay to increase inspiration, while men can be ready at any time.
    • You need to provoke her desires. This will help your partner's body release natural lubricants and enjoy your love more fully.
  4. Always praise your partner. You need to let your partner know that he / she is the hottest man / woman on the planet, even the hottest of the other planets. Let your partner know what is about that person that you find attractive.
    • You don't have to compliment your partner all the time, but enjoy it slowly. Let the person see that you are attracted to his / her body.
  5. Use appropriate lubricating oil. Personal lubricants can significantly improve sexual satisfaction. Using a good quality lubricant is an important factor in improving love, especially if the partner is female or both are having "back door" sex. Intercourse creates a lot of friction, and much of it is a good thing. However, there are some downsides, such as irritation and discomfort. You can buy lubricants in stores and pharmacies as well as online. You can also buy it through your doctor or reproductive health center.
    • Choosing lubricating products that do not contain the glycerin ingredient leads to vaginal dryness. Avoid using products with fragrances or other solutions that can cause vaginal dryness, including douches, hand sanitizers, soaps or bath oils. To use the lubricant correctly, follow the manufacturer's instructions
    • Currently there are three types of lubricants including components water, silicon and oil. Lubricants with a water component are easy to wash off and can be found in stores. This type of lubricant can be combined with a condom to prevent it from breaking during intercourse, and is less likely to cause genital symptoms than a silicone-based lubricant.
    • Lubricants with a silicone component will provide better performance than other lubricants and are the best choice for "back door" sex. Oil-based lubricants should not be used with latex condoms, as they can easily break during sex.
  6. Make a stimulating sound. While you are "in love", make a sound to appreciate your partner. Of course you won't have to yell loudly, but groans and heavy breathing will alert your partner that not only are you feeling excited and will prompt him to continue the pose, but that you are enjoying yourself. love.This will increase the person's enjoyment and encourage the partner to make more effort.
    • A recent study revealed that people who make sounds during sex experience more pleasure. So just make those stimulating sounds natural if you like.

Part 3 of 4: Try New Things

  1. Immersed in dreams. You don't have to carry out all of your ideas, but just a few small changes will spice it up. The point here is that falling in love can become a routine, especially when you are faithful to someone. To improve this, you need to overcome boring monotony. Items like silk blindfold, twisted handcuffs, and the cool "Bad Police" game will make the "sex" more new and more attractive.
    • You should also try sex toys. Adding these items to your sex life will give you more satisfaction and most sex toys often create pleasure for both of you.
    • Certain sexual aids also help improve your sex life. Try to find out what you missed.
    • Lots of people have sexual dreams but are too embarrassed to share it with their partner. If you feel comfortable enough with your partner, share those desires with him / her.
  2. Let everything happen by surprise. Maybe you know how to get the person to the top right away, but that doesn't mean you should. "That" should have happened spontaneously. If you and your partner have sex at the same time every day, it's time to change your schedule.
    • Apply a variety of different poses, new locations for love, change controls, and add something essential to both.
  3. Try a new pose. Changing positions during sex will help you feel more satisfied. This makes both of you more interesting trying new things out. For example, you can try cowboy poses. This is the type of posture that the woman takes control and helps bring them more passion and pleasure.
    • You can also switch to a doggy position. Although the name of this type of sex is not very attractive, but this posture is best suited for pregnant women and certain types of female stimulation.
    • You can also apply the coital-alignment technique. This is the sex position that has been researched and proven to bring the most stimulation to women, allowing both to enjoy great pleasure. Similar to the traditional pose, but this is a more stimulating pose for both.
    • Try a spoonful pose. If one or both has symptoms of back or joint pain, or if you feel uncomfortable with your penis size, a spoonful position will provide better control and provide a feeling of comfort and fainting. In this position, both will lie on their side and face the same direction. You can also apply some small changes for a more complete enjoyment.

Part 4 of 4: Finding External Help

  1. Find several sources of information. You can find inspiration from pornography - many women are attracted to 50 Shades of Gray (50 Shades) - Or you can also check out the “how to” guide to improve your sex life. Look for books by sex experts. In addition you can also search for resources geared to place in your life; Many resources are available for the LGBT community, the elderly, and so on.
    • The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy recommends viewing the Sinclair Institute's "Better Sex" multi-episode program.
  2. Go to the doctor. Some of the causes of sexual dysfunction are medically related, especially for men. Erectile dysfunction, for example, is often caused by conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity, although stress can also be responsible. Physically reduces the quality of sex life, see your doctor for advice and treatment.
    • Many conditions that cause sexual dysfunction are curable. Don't feel ashamed about seeing your doctor; Sexual problems are very common and doctors are always able to treat them at all times.

  3. Consult an expert. Sometimes, a couple having a sex life problem cannot seem to deal with it on their own. This is completely natural. If you continue to experience this, see a sex therapist for resolution. A sex therapist (or specialist with training in sex therapists) understands the problems that need to be addressed to help improve the deterioration of sexual quality of life.
    • It can sometimes be embarrassing to talk to strangers about your sex life, but sex therapists are trained to follow the same rules of privacy as mental health professionals. They are here to assist you, and will not judge or discuss your issues with others.


  • Like other experiences in life, "sex" takes time to become better. If you are still new to it, then there is no need to panic when things are not perfect at first. You still have to learn to understand yourself and study some techniques and actions that are appropriate or ineffective when used in love.


  • Remember that birth control methods do not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases, and are not always 100% effective at preventing unwanted pregnancy.
  • No sex is 100% safe, but having safe sex such as having an open-minded conversation about a sexual history and using a condom all the time significantly reduces the chances of an accident. want.