Ways to Improve Height

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Increase Height | Grow Taller | How To Increase Height
Video: Increase Height | Grow Taller | How To Increase Height


Although you can grow taller if you take good care of your body, our height is largely dependent on our genetics. When the growth cartilage fuses together, you won't grow taller. This usually happens between the ages of 14 and 20. If you are still growing tall, adopting good nutrition and healthy living habits can help you grow taller. In addition, you can also grow about 1.5 - 5 cm taller by doing spinal stretching exercises daily.


Method 1 of 3: Adjusting the diet

  1. Eat a healthy and nutritious diet to help the body grow. Good nutrition is essential to reaching your potential height, which is the highest level your body can reach. Make a diet based on fresh vegetables and lean protein. Your meal should consist of half veggies, ¼ lean protein, and complex carbohydrates. Snacks can be fruits, vegetables and low-fat milk.
    • Lean proteins include chicken, turkey, fish, beans, nuts, tofu and low-fat milk.
    • Complex carbohydrates include whole grains and starchy vegetables, such as potatoes.

  2. Incorporate more protein into your diet. Protein helps build healthy body masses, such as muscles. This can help you reach maximum height. You should eat protein at every meal, and include protein with all snacks.
    • For example, you could have yogurt for breakfast, tuna for lunch, chicken for dinner, and a cheese snack.

  3. Eat eggs every day if you are not allergic to eggs. Children who eat more than one egg a day can grow taller than babies who don't. Eggs are rich in protein and vitamins to aid in the development of height, and they are cheap and easy to process. You should add one egg to a meal daily to grow taller.
    • Ask your doctor if it is safe for you to eat eggs like this.

  4. Consume a serving of milk a day to support height development. Milk contains protein, calcium and vitamins to nourish the body. Milk is a great choice, but yogurt and cheese are also great sources of milk. Incorporate 1 serving of dairy products into your daily diet.
    • For example, you can drink 240 ml of milk, eat 180 ml of yogurt or a slice of cheese 30 grams.
  5. Take calcium and vitamin supplements if your doctor agrees. Supplements can help you grow taller because they meet your body's nutritional needs. Calcium and vitamins A and D are especially important, as they help keep bones strong. Consult with your doctor to find the right supplement.
    • For example, you can take a daily multivitamin and calcium supplement.
    • Note that vitamins also do not help you to grow taller as determined by your genetics.

Method 2 of 3: Adjust living habits

  1. Maintain good posture to appear taller. While it doesn't actually make you taller, good posture can help you look taller. When walking, reach high and keep your back straight, chest lifted, and chin raised. When sitting, keep your back straight, shoulders back, face forward.
    • Check your appearance in front of the mirror or film yourself to see it again. Practice walking, standing and sitting to maintain good posture.
  2. Exercise 30 minutes a day to train muscles and bones to be strong. You probably already know that daily exercise helps you stay healthy, but more than that, it can also help increase your height. Movement helps to build muscles and bones, so the body is capable of reaching maximum height. Choose an activity that you enjoy that will easily form a daily routine.
    • For example, you could play sports, take a dance class, go hiking, run around the neighborhood, or rollerblade.
  3. Get a good night's sleep each night to help your body recover. Muscles are destroyed during daytime activity, and the body needs repairing to grow stronger. Make sure you get enough sleep for your body to restore and recharge itself. Sleep times for each age group are as follows:
    • Children 2 years and younger: 13-22 hours (babies need 18 hours of sleep).
    • Children 3 to 5 years old: 11-13 hours per night.
    • Children 6-7 years: 9-10 hours.
    • Teenagers 8-14 years old: 8-9 hours.
    • Teenagers aged 15-17 years: 7.5 - 8 hours.
    • Adults 18 years of age and older: 7-9 hours.
  4. Treat yourself when you are not feeling well, because illness will delay growth in height. When you are seriously ill, your body will focus its energy on recovery, and this means your height can be restrained. Don't worry too much, because you will get back taller when you get cured. See your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
    • Even if you are delayed for a while due to illness, you can still catch up and reach maximum height by applying good nutrition and care.
  5. See a doctor if you are concerned that you are shorter than average. Your small stature can be a trait, which is also a good thing! However, you may worry if you feel that everyone is taller than you. Talk to your doctor to find out if your modest height is caused by a medical condition that requires treatment.
    • For example, conditions such as hypothyroidism, a lack of growth hormone, Turne syndrome and other serious illnesses can inhibit growth in height.

    Advice: If you have a condition that can slow growth in height, your doctor may prescribe growth hormone supplements. This can help you overcome stunting, although it won't get you higher than your genetic genes allow.


Method 3 of 3: Stretch the stretch for maximum height

  1. Lie down and raise both hands over your head. Lie on your back on the gym or floor. Raise your hands over your head and reach as far as you can, while stretching your legs as far as possible. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax.
    • This stretches the spine so that it doesn't compress. While it doesn't help the skeleton grow, it can help you grow about 2.5 to 7.5 centimeters tall by stretching your spine. Do this exercise daily to maintain results.
  2. Turn upper body when lying on your back. Lie on your back on the floor or exercise mat. Stretch your body, then raise your arms at right angles to your chest. Put your palms together, then slowly lower your arms to the left at a 45 degree angle to turn your upper body. Hold for 2-3 seconds, then turn to the other side. Continue doing this 5 times on each side.
    • Do this every day to maintain the elongation of the spine.
  3. Lie down, raise your hands over your head and lift your hips off the floor. Lie on the floor or exercise mat with your arms over your head, palms pressed together. Next, bend your knees and push your feet together. Then, press your feet and upper back to the floor to lift your hips off the floor and stretch your spine. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then lower to the floor.
    • Do this exercise daily to maintain maximum height.
    • This stretching will help lengthen the spine by reducing pressure in the spine.
  4. Lie on your stomach and stretch hands and feet. Turn over on your stomach, then stretch both arms and legs as far as you can go. Slowly lift both arms and legs up to bend your back. Hold for 10 seconds, then exhale and lower limbs back to the floor.
    • Do this every day to maintain results.
    • Similar to other stretches, this stretches your spine so you can reach maximum height.


  • Look at your parents' height to guess how tall you'll be. Your height is largely determined by your genetics, so you'll be approximately the same height as your parents.
  • Most people stop growing in height after puberty, which usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 18.
  • Once the growth has stopped, the body will no longer be tall.


  • Don't ask others to help stretch your body with your goals for higher growth. This does not affect growth and usually causes pain in the neck, arms, and shoulders.
  • Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about height problems.