How to Prepare Ginger in Cooking

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Prepare Fresh Ginger
Video: How to Prepare Fresh Ginger


Ginger is grown mainly in Australia, India, Jamica, China, Africa and is present in most supermarkets or food stores around the world. It is a common ingredient in many dishes, from Asian stir-fries to teas and baked goods. You can prepare ginger for cooking by scraping the skin and then chopping, chopping, grating, or mincing it. This article will give you a better understanding of how to choose, prepare, and use fresh ginger.


Part 1 of 4: Choosing Delicious Ginger

  1. Choose plump ginger root. Look for ginger root that is juicy and feels heavy when handling. This way you will get more of your ginger.
    • Also, choose ginger root that is straight and rectangular in shape, with as few branches and burning as possible. Because this will be easy to peel and prepare.
    • You can keep the peel and freeze it for up to 6 months, so don't be afraid to buy more ginger than you need.

  2. Choose ginger root that is hard and not dark. Choose ginger root that is hard and does not darken, except for areas that become hard and dry after being cut. You probably won't want to buy ginger root that is wrinkled, soft, or moldy.

  3. Choose ginger that has a strong flavor. Delicious ginger will have a spicy or faint scent of orange. If it is fresh ginger, it will have a pungent smell and strong aroma. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Shaving Ginger

  1. Cut a sufficient amount of ginger. If you use a particular recipe, get the required amount of ginger - usually expressed in terms of size rather than weight or volume.
    • Sometimes recipes will require a ginger "one thumb", as it sounds: just a sample of ginger the size of your thumb!
    • If you do not follow any recipe, remember that a small amount of ginger is also very helpful, so try a small piece, check the taste and then add more ginger if needed.

  2. Use a metal spoon to gently scrape the skin of the ginger. Using a spoon is the best way to easily and quickly scrape off the ginger skin without wasting the ginger.
    • Hold the ginger root in one hand and the other hand hold the spoon, using the inside of the spoon to draw sharp, straight lines along the bulb.
    • Insert the spoon into the small branches found on the ginger root. The skin will also be gently scraped off, leaving only the flesh.
  3. In addition, if you find it difficult to use a spoon, you can use a vegetable peeler or a small vegetable knife.
    • This is probably a faster way to peel the ginger, but the benefit of using a spoon is to keep more ginger when peeling.
    • A vegetable peeler or knife loses layers of ginger when peeling, you should only use these when you are really skillful!
  4. Don't scrape the ginger peel too clean. In many dishes, it is not necessary to shave off the skin, especially if you are using young ginger with a thin skin.
    • All you need to do is chop or grate the ginger with the skin (though you can cut the dry at the end of the root) and continue processing.
    • However, if you are concerned that the ginger skin will affect the appearance or texture of the dish, just peel the skin.

Part 3 of 4: Preparing Ginger for Cooking

  1. See the recipes that you will use. Soups will need grated ginger, while stir-fries will need to chop the ginger into strands like a match.
    • Remember that ginger loses its flavor over long cooking. So if you really want to take advantage of the taste of ginger, add it to your food when it's about to finish. This will keep the ginger fresh.
  2. Cut or mince ginger if you want to preserve texture and flavor. When you cut the ginger into strands like a match, the ginger will be crispy and chewy.
    • Adding a piece of minced ginger to a pasta or rice dish will spice up the dish. Larger pieces of ginger are great for soups and teas.
    • To cut the ginger into strands, place the ginger on its side and cut thin, coin-shaped pieces. Then, put the ginger pieces on top of each other and cut into horizontal pieces and then cut into strands.
    • Mince ginger by rotating the strands horizontally and slicing lengthwise for small cubes. If you like, you can use a ginger knife a few more times to cut it further.
  3. Grate ginger when you want to add flavor and freshness to your dish. Grating ginger is a quick and easy way to get pureed ginger, which will add flavor to your tomato sauce or marinade.
    • For grating, you can rub ginger on a grating tray or cheese grater. This will create a wet mash of pure ginger like a thick paste. You need to grind the ginger in a bowl to get the juice from the ginger.
    • Be careful when you are about to grind the ginger, as you could cut your hand. You will need a knife to scrape off any remaining ginger on the planer.
  4. Use ginger in a variety of dishes. Ginger has an easy to combine flavor that can be used in a variety of recipes, from stir-fries and soups to breads and teas.If you want to find more ways to use ginger, try one of the following:
    • Ginger Tea
    • Ginger jam
    • Ginger Biscuits
    • Ginger Wine
    • Steamed Chicken with Ginger and Scallion
    • Chutney Ginger
    • Ginger and Onion Soups

Part 4 of 4: Preserving Ginger

  1. Store ginger in the refrigerator. To store ginger in the refrigerator, wrap the ginger in a paper towel, then wrap the food and place it in the cooler. You can store ginger for two weeks.
  2. Keep ginger fresh in the freezer. To store fresh ginger in the freezer, wrap it tightly in a plastic bag (you can peel it first) and keep it for up to 6 months. When you need to use it, you can grate the ginger while it is still frozen. The truth is that ginger is easier to handle while frozen because it has less fiber.
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  • Find recipes that use ginger in a cookbook or web site.
  • Ginger has many amazing health benefits - anti-inflammatory, soothing stomach and preventing several diseases. Drink ginger tea if you experience a lot of bowel movements or are tired in the morning and you will feel well soon.

What you need

  • Metal spoon
  • Knife
  • Tools to peel vegetables
  • Planer tray