Ways to Say Goodbye to Colleagues

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Farewell Letter to Coworkers - Template & Example!
Video: Farewell Letter to Coworkers - Template & Example!


Whether you're about to move to a better job or quit your job, the last day of work is still giving you a lot of emotion. Please put all your heart to say goodbye emotional and concise. Since you may still need to get in touch with some co-workers in future work or personal matters, it's important to say goodbye skillfully and politely. Whether you break up in person or via email, saying hello doesn't have to be stressful.


Method 1 of 3: Say Goodbye Directly

  1. Inform everyone you will be quitting in the near future. The last business day is not the best time to tell everyone that you will no longer be returning to work. You will be considered too hasty or impolite when you stand at one foot outside the door and then shout "goodbye" before the door closes. Take the time to let people know what you are up to and your plans to leave, so everyone can stay on top of the situation.
    • A general rule of thumb here is that your manager needs at least 2 weeks' notice, although some specific notice period requirements are outlined in your contract. Make sure your boss is the first to know.
    • After communicating with your manager, you were able to tell your coworkers, so let people know whenever it feels appropriate or whenever it's convenient, but let everyone know before working days. at the end of you.

  2. Say goodbye first. Consider saying goodbye the day before your last working day to keep your last working day less stressful and restrictive, especially if you still have work to do. Waiting until the day before your last workday before leaving to say goodbye will give you the chance to get the rest of your work done without being surrounded by coworkers to say goodbye.
    • Once you have announced your decision to leave, it is likely that colleagues will scatter you to say goodbye. Therefore, it's easier to say goodbye if you need to get all the work done.

  3. Meet one by one. Pack your belongings early so you have time to say goodbye to each person. Saying goodbye to each person will help you feel more comfortable because that will be the last time you will meet as a colleague.
    • However, keep in mind that if you're leaving, you can treat them as non-work friends if you want to. Consider hosting a small gathering for close colleagues outside of work.
    • If your co-worker leaves and you stay, it's a good idea to get together in a small group and go to the other person and say goodbye. This way of saying goodbye will make it easier for the other colleague because you take the initiative first.

  4. Connect with people before you leave. Try to connect with as many colleagues as possible before you leave the office, either through media or email. Connect with people you really want to keep in touch, but don't conceive of making friends with everyone on Facebook to make saying goodbye easier.
    • In the weeks before you leave, start connecting with colleagues on business platforms like LinkedIn, if you already have an account. This is a great way to both keep your business contacts and a resource ready in case you need to ask them in the future.
  5. Keep it short. If you work in a professional environment, behave professionally. No need for bombastic or cumbersome procedures. Tell your co-workers that you are happy to work with them, wish them good luck, and tell them to keep in touch from time to time. You don't have to say anything more complicated than that.
    • If your coworker is the one who quit and you are still working, remember that they have a lot of people to talk to, and won't want to spend up to 45 minutes talking to each person. Even if you feel sad when they leave, keep quiet and make an appointment later if necessary.
    • It's best to say something like: "Phong! Nice to work together. Let everything close here. You're a good guy. Tell me about your situation, okay? ? "
  6. Maintain a positive attitude. If you are forced to quit or quit your job in frustration, it can be difficult to calm down when you say goodbye to a co-worker. However, you should try to stay calm to present yourself in the most professional manner. Speak concisely and positively, even if you feel uncomfortable. You will be glad you did.
  7. Invite close friends to hang out after work. Invite close colleagues for a more informal gathering after work. Workplaces are complex environments: you may have a few friends you really wish to keep in touch with, but also some overt enemies and a group of people somewhere between the two. It makes no sense if you organize a big party inviting everyone if the circumstances aren't necessary.
    • In short, you should just invite some of your best friends to have a drink after work or have dinner to relieve yourself after a day at work and have an open talk. This is a great way to be able to spend time with people you really want to keep in touch outside of work.

Method 2 of 3: Send Goodbye Email

  1. Compose a letter to the whole company. If you want to say goodbye to your department or the whole company, it is difficult or difficult to say hello if you go out room by room, and then thank everyone in the company. You should pool people you don't really know well and send an email together to boost company pride. A generic email can include content like:
    • Dear Colleagues: As you know, I am leaving tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you that I am happy to work with you all. I would be more than happy to stay in touch with everyone and also be able to reach me at or through my LinkedIn profile. Let's congratulate us on the time we've been together. Best regards, .
  2. Keep a positive tone of voice. It can be easy to become overly open when you write about difficult times, especially if you get fired. However, keep a positive tone to express yourself in the brightest position possible. Being positive will make it easier to keep in touch with colleagues in the future.
    • It's wise to say goodbye with a happy letter so the more positive you are about your experiences at the company, the better. This is especially important if you are also sending this email to your boss.
  3. Keep your email short and to the point. The farewell letter should not be a lengthy essay, but should only stop at a few sentences. You don't need to state the real reason for your departure. If people have questions, you can encourage them to contact or meet you in person. Just mention that you are going to leave and decide to try another job.
  4. Add your contact details if desired. Your goodbye email could end with your contact details. Include your phone number, email address, and LinkedIn address so you can stay in touch with your colleagues. However, don't share personal contact information if you feel uncomfortable.
    • You might consider sharing your information with only a few colleagues. An email is an easy way to reach out to everyone on your team and share information, so be sure to see them again in the future.
  5. Review the message before sending. When you have finished reviewing the final draft, read it over to make sure there are no errors and grammar correct.You should also double-check to make sure your tone is friendly and positive but still professional.
    • Make sure you've mentioned the people you want to mention in the email.
    • Read the email aloud to see if there is any oddity.
  6. Talk face-to-face with close friends. If you email your best friend that you're leaving, it's too cold. Unless circumstances allow, try to speak with them directly. In most cases, you should let the more important people know in person, or at least over the phone.
    • If you are unable to meet each of your closest coworkers for some reason, send a personal email to tell them how much fun you have been working with them. Make sure you give them your personal contact information so that you can get in touch with them outside of your work environment.
    • An example of a personal email might have the following content: Dear: You must have heard the news, I am about to quit my job. I am very happy to work with you and will miss your positive energy. I would be very happy if I could still keep in touch with you and hope we can meet up outside of work. You can contact me by phone or over. Thanks for the time we work together! Dear, .

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Common Errors

  1. Don't make vain promises. If you have no intention or desire to keep in touch with the Accounting Department, don't promise "Get together for a drink from time to time". Besides the fact that you might have to do things you don't want to do, don't be fake and fake. As long as you are sincere and honest, you don't have to feel any pressure about planning to meet people you don't want to meet.
    • If you find yourself rude to only contact these people and ignore others. Keep your plans private. You don't need to let everyone know that you will regularly meet someone to watch football with if it offends the rest.
  2. Don't use the last day to defame your boss. Don't finish screaming and then leave. No defamation. Your last working day should be peaceful, dignified and fast. Even if you feel that there are still problems, it is not a good idea to enter an argument with your boss, the boss can have the power to stop you from finding your next job. Be professional, even if you don't like it.
    • If you have something to complain about, meet face-to-face, just the two of them together and be as professional as possible. Tell your boss (or whoever you are having problems with) that you want to meet in person to have something to talk about.
    • In some workplaces, there is often a pre-quitting interview where you can voice your concerns without worrying about how it will affect the job. You are about to quit your job, and now it makes no sense to speak cautiously.
  3. Don't bring gifts. You don't have to show your co-workers with gifts, it can make some co-workers uncomfortable. That is also unnecessary and a bit bombastic. Again it is important to emphasize, this is a professional working environment and you should also behave professionally.
    • If you really feel the need to bring something, then just a box of pastries or donuts for the office is the best if you want to give back something, but don't feel like you need to go around. room with a dozen iPods to say goodbye to everyone. That is not necessary.
    • If your colleague is about to leave and you want to wish them luck, a card is your best bet. Again, you don't have to give them a gold watch.
  4. Do not defame the company to colleagues. If you're leaving, don't take it as an opportunity to throw all of your frustrations and frustrations on your colleagues who will have to put them off after you leave. Try to leave in a good mood and don't upset everyone.
    • Likewise, you shouldn't brag about how good your new job is if you quit for a better job. Try to keep in mind that your co-workers will still have to return to work on Monday and that you shouldn't leave a boring work environment with your joy.
  5. Don't just leave without saying a word. The mystery can create a bad impression and leave behind many doubts with other co-workers about the bad. If you feel odd about leaving, it's an emotion you should overcome and keep it personal to everyone. Again, don't take it as a big deal: just speak in short, easy-to-hear sentences and get out the door. You will be done soon.


  • If you stop working or get fired, just email the people you work closely with and should be aware of the situation.
  • You can also provide additional information about who will take over your position, so colleagues know who they should contact.