How to conquer the Pisces girl

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
ATTRACT A PISCES WOMAN + Keep her happy: 5 tips | MidnightZero Astrology 🌃 | Neptune ♓🚨
Video: ATTRACT A PISCES WOMAN + Keep her happy: 5 tips | MidnightZero Astrology 🌃 | Neptune ♓🚨


Pisces girls (with birthdays between February 19 and March 20) are often very charming and interesting. She can attract anyone, even if she isn't on purpose. Pisces are sensitive, sweet, likable, and above all, the type of person who is dreamy and full of emotions. God gave her the qualities that made a man feel like the most wonderful person in the world. If you want to conquer a Pisces girl then here is all you need to have.


Part 1 of 3: Attracting Pisces's attention

  1. Actively chat. When you first get to know Pisces, attract her attention by provoking interesting conversations. She wouldn't keep an eye on guys who just sat there smiling and nodding. Tell her some interesting things that you have read the other day or ask her about what the two of you have in common. She will enjoy your enthusiasm and wisdom.
    • The daughter of Pisces is gentle, thoughtful and full of compassion.She's not the type of girl you can flirt with and leave! So you need to get to know her a little before proceeding. Anyway, she is not in a hurry in love. If you want to have a strong relationship with Pisces, you need to befriend her first.

  2. Flirting with Pisces the way she likes. The gentle Pisces girls love romance like a novel. She likes to receive love letters! She wants her men to go through the ritual that our grandparents went through. Words and plans that need to be ahead of every action! Then, pour in her ears compliments that she is amazing and you want to invite her out. She will be softened at your flirting.
    • Don't stop this when the feelings between the two of you have started to take shape! If you ever flirted with her with cheek kisses and love letters, keep going. Don't just perform - make gestures a part of your personality. This will ignite the flame of love and maintain a long term relationship.

  3. Be polite and generous. When everything is still unclear, but Ngu wants to find a traditional, humble and sweet boy. Please let her know that the knights are still here by your style. Open the door to help her. Pay the bills. Put the shirt on her shoulder. Kiss her hand. Don't ask too much, and she will give you all she has.
    • Pisces requires a strict set of manners. She will not tolerate if you scold the waiter or eat the whole pizza without paying any money. For her, demeanor is very important. Be courteous to her and to everyone around us - we can all follow her!

  4. Choose simple romantic gestures. A flight in a hot air balloon across the French suburbs will not be a good idea to create a memorable romantic moment when you conquer Pisces. Something like that was meaningless to her. She loves quiet and meaningful things, not showy or gross gestures. If those were chivalrous gestures she would accept. If you make Pisces suspect that you have some profound motive (what is it?), She will leave you mercilessly.
    • Play her favorite song while you cook dinner. Bring her the right coffee when you know she has just spent a long day at work. Small details in every detail will show her how much you care for her.

  5. Be confident. Pisces wants her man to know who she is - after all, what she is looking for is protection and support. She needed someone who could give her those things and accompany her on her journey through life.
    • Be yourself! If you are not sincere, she will see through your gut. She was very observant of motives and personality - just try to fake it before her, she would definitely find out.


Part 2 of 3: Relationship building

  1. Understand that Pisces belong to the element of water, and that the water flows on the deep bottom. She is emotional, sensitive and has good intuition. She often lived according to her emotions rather than reason and logic. She is understanding and kind, in large part because she is easy to empathize with. With strong emotional abilities, Pisces have the typical qualities of a mother.
    • Pisces is also as flexible as water - that is, she is easy to adapt and follow the flow. If you give her anything, she will transform with it. However, she also changed her mood erratically and let her emotions overflow. Hope you can keep moving forward with her!

  2. Talk to her about everything. Pisces always want to explore every corner of your mind. She wants to hear from you about a time when you fell and scratched your knees in sixth grade. She wants to sit down and listen to your opinion about low-calorie cheese. Everything. Don't hesitate! This proves that she feels close to you.
    • Don't be afraid that she will judge you - with a gentle nature she won't (and you're so confident you don't have to worry!) What matters to you will also be important to her. So if you feel like you're revealing too much, don't worry. That is the means to get you to your destination!
  3. Give her gifts of profound meaning. The randomly selected gifts (besides the big ones mentioned above) are not the type that Pisces like. She wants to receive gifts that hold your heart - not something just to win her heart. So, pay attention to what she says! You will find suggestions everywhere.
    • Instead of giving flowers, give her the book the two of you just mentioned. Instead of chocolate, you can buy a pair of tickets to the comedy that you told her the day before and she was very interested in. When she understands the source, she will love your gifts very much.

  4. Understand that sex is very serious for Pisces. Once she has given herself to you, it means her whole heart belongs to you. If she hadn't been completely trusted, she wouldn't let anyone touch this vulnerable side of her. For Pisces, physical intimacy is a strong bond - an unbreakable bond. You need to respect this because it is important to her. You should only take this step if you plan to be with her forever.
    • This is not something you can take lightly. If you don't want to look for a girl who can develop deep feelings for you, don't think about having sex with her. And you certain, certain must call her back.

  5. Show that you are always there to support her. Pisces are looking for a strong shoulder, so you need to show her that you are the man she is looking for. Stay by her side in the moments she feels overflowing with emotion. Please comfort her. Ask about how she feels if she keeps it inside without saying it. When she feels the same with you, she can let go of any doubts and open her heart to you.
    • Pisces do not respond well to negative things. If you want to create sympathy for her, you need to say sincere encouragement and praise (not fake words that no one definitely likes) to build trust. Be her number one fan, and she will reply you with great care and commendable compliments.


Part 3 of 3: Making a good couple

  1. Cherish her compassion. Some people believe that she is the type of person who always please others and is dominated too much by emotions, but in fact, it is not always the case. Look how kind and considerate she has in her heart. She loved everything around her, even a small flower growing from a crack in the sidewalk. If there are more people like her, will everything be fine?
    • And above all, never use Pisces. She knew when her kindness was being used. If you are always demanding or thinking for yourself, she will be gone in the blink of an eye.

  2. Understand her sensitivity. Those who are tougher and more decisive can see Pisces as tender as a weak person. Yes, Pisces is inherently sensitive; Pisces are emotional and sometimes have difficulty controlling their emotions. But that's not a bad thing!
    • Because of that, she would behave exactly as she felt. Thanks to that, she can open up and be honest with you. You will know exactly how does she feel about you On the other hand, you will also have to board the roller coaster of her life. So please fasten your seat belt!

      • Sometimes Pisces also let their stomachs get angry. Be careful if you make her angry! She will not forget anything quickly.
  3. Know that she's the type of dreamer, and if you can fly with her into dreams, things are even more wonderful. When you are chatting with her all sorts of things in the world, mention your goals and aspirations.It doesn't have to be possible goals, it's just something that will bring you joy, regardless of whether the scenario unfolds or not. She loves traveling in her fantasy world and would be happy to have friends with her.
    • Partly for that reason she loved art so much — it took her away from reality and led her to a place where her imagination could fly away. So take her to an art museum or a concert and watch her vanish into a dreamland.

  4. Inspiring her natural love. Song Ngu is infatuated with beauty. If you know how to turn everyday things into new things, these moments will live forever in her memory. Instead of going to dinner, take her to the park and eat outside under the trees full of flowers. Instead of going to the movies, you can go see Shakespeare on the open-air stage. Bring great happiness to her through all the senses.
  5. Think about your long-term future. Once Pisces have determined that you are worthy of her care, she will treat you like the only person she knows in the world. She can love her wholeheartedly without any hesitation, so I hope you are worthy of her love. Pisces is not the type of girl who likes flirting and fickle. When she fell in love, she thought of a long term
    • You will know that you conquer Pisces when she opens up to you and trusts you. She is not the same for everyone! In return, do not hide your true feelings - she is looking for someone to share her passionate and complete love, someone who feels the same way!



  • Be sincere, don't be fake. Even if it hurts her, be straightforward. When the initial discomfort passes, she will thank you for being honest with her. Pisces likes the truth, but in fact, who doesn't want it. Even if the truth is harsh, you should still tell the truth.
  • Always reassure her that you love her very much.
  • Respect her. Let her know that she is very important to you.
  • Talk to her about romantic topics like movies or novels.
  • Pisces are water elemental, so take her to the beach, to a swimming pool or to another spot on the water or nearby and have dinner under a candle.
  • Sincere love without self-interest is important. Pisces are very affectionate and fond of caressing. If you cuddle Pisces without asking for more then it is a WAY for you to go further.


  • Don't think superficially about a Pisces girl. She is EXTREMELY sensitive and has good intuition. If she feels she can't trust you, she will never come back.
  • Do not enter this relationship with the intention of having sex "spontaneously". Pisces put emotions into everything, whether it is appropriate or not.