Ways to conquer a girl you like

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to conquer the girl you like
Video: How to conquer the girl you like


When you keep an eye on a girl, talking to her and confessing your feelings can frighten you. Even so, please try to stay calm! Gathering up the courage to invite her out can be challenging, but take a deep breath and think about the positives. Boldly close the distance and express your desire to get to know her. Instead of putting too much pressure on yourself, focus on enjoying each other's joy and presence.


Method 1 of 3: Chat with the person

  1. Try to act naturally and confidently. Your confidence makes you attractive in the eyes of others; Therefore, you should think positive things about yourself. Tell yourself, “I can do it! I am a cheerful, friendly and wonderful person ”. If you are comfortable with yourself, you will be more confident when you talk to the girl you like.
    • In addition, staying calm also helps you create a pleasant conversation; She may be uncomfortable when you are nervous and restless.
    • To relax before you start talking to your crush, take a few slow, deep breaths of breath while thinking of a peaceful scene.

    Take care of your appearance: When you approach a girl you have a crush on, make sure you look decent and well-mannered. You will make a deeper impression when you look good on the look and it will also give you more confidence!

  2. Close the gap with a joke or open-ended question. Joking around can be a great way to bridge the gap, but avoid cheesy jokes. If you're not confident in your humor, just observe and ask questions. Just make sure what you say provokes or gives her a chance to respond.
    • For example, you could say “What do you think about yesterday's math homework? The song is so long, I feel like it will never end! " Or ask "How was your business today?"
    • If you are new to her, introduce yourself. You can say “Hi! My name is Minh, I am in English class. What do you think about Mr. Son being angry with Nam yesterday? ”

  3. Say deep compliments. Choose a compliment that focuses on qualities you admire about her, such as a sense of humor, style, or understanding. These insightful advice will make her feel more special than just complimenting her on her looks or body.
    • For example, you could say “I saw the play last week and you acted really well! Your voice sounds great ”, or“ Congratulations on doing well on the exam! You are really good! ”.
    • If you want to compliment her on her appearance, use respectful words, such as "You have very beautiful eyes", or simply "You are very beautiful".

  4. Try to clear up the awkward silence. You don't want her to get bored or make things awkward; So please try to keep the conversation going. Perhaps having some topics ready to chat with will help you. Asking questions that help you get answers with more information than "Yes" or "No" will help prolong the conversation.
    • If you need to clear the awkward silence, you can ask questions like "What do you like to do when you have free time?", "Do you have pets?", Or "What music do you like?".
    • Try to read the meaning of her responses and her body language when the conversation isn't going well. If the girl just gives a brief answer or looks annoyed, leave her alone.
    • Don't make it your fault that she doesn't want to talk. Maybe she's going through a bad day.
  5. Avoid overreacting. You don't have to try to have a long and deep conversation every time you see her, especially in the early stages. Regular waving or asking was better than trying to get her attention. A little bit of mystery is also very attractive; Therefore, you should not be in a hurry to reveal everything about yourself.
    • Besides, you also need to pay attention to your speech and body language. When you're nervous, you will often ramble or do weird gestures. Always be yourself, but try to be comfortable, calm, and collected.
    • Even though you don't want to be overly "outrageous", you shouldn't be too elusive. For example, you shouldn't completely ignore her or flirt with other girls in front of her to make her jealous.
  6. It implies that you have feelings for her. As you start talking to her more often, try flirting with her. You might compliment her more, join her for lunch, and see her during break time if you're both in the same school.
    • You can also say "Maybe I liked you" or "Looks like I have" fallen in love "with you." Let things go naturally and comfortably when you are together.

Method 2 of 3: See you

  1. Choose a comfortable time and place to open your invitation. If she has just been arguing with her parents, stressed about her exams, or is busy, she will have a hard time accepting your offer. Plan for success and make an appointment when things aren't too messy.
    • Maybe you're having lunch with her or chatting after school or at work. If everything looks good and she's in a good mood, now is the right time to open the invitation!
  2. Practice speaking in front of a mirror. Before you act, you should have a script in mind to avoid "forget the line". Practice in front of the mirror or write down what you want to say to her. Of course you don't want to talk like robots or overtraining, but you should have an idea of ​​what to say.

    Try saying: “I really enjoy chatting with you and I think it will be great that we can get to know each other better. Can you invite me to go somewhere? "

  3. Be honest and straightforward but still feel comfortable. Get straight to the point! Sometimes you need to be bold and say what you want. Remember to take a deep breath, try to stay calm before you say you like it and want to see her.
    • For example, you could say “I feel you are really cool and will be happy to be able to hang out with you. Would you like to join me to eat and watch a movie this weekend? ”
    • Even if you should be honest, you shouldn't be overreacting and admitting your deep feelings for her or saying you can't live without her. Take it easy; You just need to express your love and desire to spend time with her and get to know her more.
  4. Don't blame yourself when she declines the invitation. If she doesn't feel like meeting you, respect that and feel free to accept the rejection. You can say to yourself, “I did try and it is okay for her to not be right for me. There are still a lot of other girls out there! ”. You might think she's the only one right now and feeling sad is understandable, but remind yourself that this feeling will soon fade away.
    • If you feel bored, listen to music, exercise and do activities you enjoy. Talking to a friend or relative can also help relieve your sadness.
    • Sometimes the two are not half for each other. That cannot judge who you are. Maybe she likes a different type of person, or is just busy with her life right now. In any case, if you get a rejection, don't take the issue seriously.

Method 3 of 3: Cultivate affection

  1. Find out her hobbies. Ask about her likes and dislikes to find out what they have in common. You need to listen attentively when she talks about her interests to show that you really care about getting to know her.
    • In a face-to-face conversation, make eye contact with her and use gestures that show you are listening intently, such as nodding or saying, "Oh, really."
    • Make sure you give her all of your attention while talking. Don't use her phone or text someone while she's talking!
    • It's great that you both like the same genre or have common interests, but remember that you don't have to like everything she likes. Be yourself instead of saying that you like something because she likes it too. Share common points and respect differences.
  2. Referring to your own jokes. Private jokes often come out naturally, so be patient. When something makes you and her laugh, keep that in mind. Talk about it from time to time when you meet her and laugh together. Sharing jokes and having fun together can help strengthen the relationship.
    • Note, you should not constantly mention jokes to avoid feeling bland. Whether a silly word or an interesting sentence makes you and her laugh, you don't need to mention it over and over.

    Ask for her phone number: If you don't have her number, you can say “I have a funny picture I want to send you to see. Give me your phone number! "

  3. Meet up in a comfortable, low-cost setting. You can go for a walk in the park or a bike ride with her. If you both have a puppy, try making a date with her to take him for a walk. In addition to making a private meeting, you can also hang out with friends for a chance to be together without feeling too nervous.
    • When you first make a private appointment, you will feel nervous or embarrassed. A low-pressure setting and hanging out with friends can make you both feel more comfortable together.
    • Doing fun and enjoyable activities that you both enjoy are also great options for dating. For example, you can go rollerblading, play games at the mall or video games, or go to amusement parks.
  4. Offer to help when she's having trouble. When she's sad or angry, listen to her vent. Give her the right advice; If she just wants to relieve her mood, just listen to her.
    • Besides sharing the joys together, the emotional support of each other is essential for all relationships. This is how to turn the initial feeling of "heatstroke" into a deep feeling of love.


  • Make sure she is single before you make an appointment. If she says she has a boyfriend, respect her relationship. You can still be friends, as long as you don't try to go the limit.
  • If she refuses you, don't hold up hope and keep trying. If you change your mind, she will give you the signal, but before that happens, keep your distance from her.
  • Try to make friends with her friends. You won't flirt with them, you will show them that you are a decent person who deserves to meet the girl you like.
  • Make eye contact with her as you talk, but spontaneously look away from time to time instead of just staring.


  • Don't pressure her to do anything uncomfortable or show disrespect when she doesn't reciprocate your feelings.