How to win a girl's heart

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Are you feeling stuck as you watch your love slip into someone else's hands when you know that you're the only one who truly loves her? Feelings of loss, jealousy, and resentment will flow into your life during this time. Don't despair, you have to win the person's heart. Read on to find out what to do.


Part 1 of 3: First Time

  1. Don't get too overwhelmed when you first get started. Let the relationship develop naturally. The overly aggressive approach would scare her away. Let your feelings for her gradually get stronger as you continue the relationship.

  2. Be brave. Most girls like someone who is confident but not complacent. Just walk up to her and start a simple conversation. She will find that you like her. The opening is as simple as:
    • "That dress is so beautiful. Where did you buy it?"
    • "Hi, I'm a new student. Can you show me where the library is?"
    • "Hi, my name is. You look so cute so I want to chat a little. Do you mind?"

  3. Make friends with other girls. Don't get confused with work flirting more girls (which is not a good move). Being around girls around the girl you like will make the information that you are a safe, trustworthy and sociable person quickly reaches her ears. If other girls indirectly assure your girl of this, then that is a big step for you.
    • Make friends with her friends if that's not too difficult. We all know it's a bit reckless, but it's worth a try. Maybe if her friends like you, you'll have a better chance of winning her over. Girls often turn to ask their friends for more comments. Make sure her friends appreciate you.

  4. Good personal hygiene. Women often boast of a good scent and appearance. That means if a man knows good personal hygiene, he will make a good impression on her. On the contrary, poor hygiene will lead to failure to pursue even if it has not started. Believe it or not, clean and fragrant hair is really attractive. The same goes for a fresh body. Here are three things you can do right now to improve your personal hygiene:
    • Rain or shine, sweat or not, shower every day. If you can, instead of being just temporarily clean, you need to be extremely-clean. You will be confident in your cleanliness and fragrance. It should not be ignored if you play sports.

    • Shave or trim your beard every day. Most women don't like men with beards because it feels rough and doesn't look good, unless you're an adult. So, shave every day.

    • Use deodorants instead of perfumes. Many guys think they can "hide" the natural body odor with perfume. Instead, body odor and perfume blend together creating a very bad scent. Girls can't smell your real scent and only smell this mixed scent. If you want to use perfumes, spray less.

  5. You will have a chance to go further if can make her laugh. However, do not rush. Be a good friend first, then everything will be easier. A girl needs to know that she can trust you, that you really care, and won't hurt her. Women love to laugh and will laugh every time you say anything, even if it's not that interesting.
  6. Sincerely. Compliment, flirt, teasing, thoughtful - it's all pointless if you don't really care. Take some time to think about what you like about her, build up your courage, and praise her with sincerity.
    • You can disagree with her, as long as you don't scare her, you respect her opinion and give good reasons for why you think differently. Maybe she will respect you more because you are special and righteous.
  7. Prove that you really like her. Show her that you don't just "have a crush" or "lust" her. Don't just think about kissing but ask her questions and talk to her, listen and make eye contact with her.
  8. Praise her. To compliment a girl is difficult: everyone wants to feel good about themselves, but delivering the right compliment is not easy. Not only that, but a simple compliment can be incredibly effective. To show her that you like her more than a friend, pay attention to the following principles:
    • Cheer on how she sees herself. If she thinks of herself as an athlete, strengthen her competitive spirit or athletic skills. If she thinks of herself as a thinker, you should honor her wits. No matter how she thinks of herself, compliment that aspect the most.
    • Use safety compliments about her features. Don't compliment sensitive areas on the body, or over-compliment your appearance; Although girls want to know they are beautiful, they also want you to respect them for their intelligence or personality. If you want to compliment a woman's looks, you should rely on the following characteristics:
      • Smile
      • Hair
      • Eyes
      • Each
      • Clothes
      • Style
    • Try applying the following compliments. However, they are just suggestions, you should think of something appropriate for your situation and the girl.
      • "I'm sorry, I'm a bit clumsy, whenever I'm around pretty girls I worry."
      • "Maybe you've heard this a lot but I still want to say, I really like your way of thinking."
      • "The eye color and the color of the dress you wear really match. How beautiful are your eyes like mom or dad?"

Part 2 of 3: Get to know her

  1. Remember her eye color. To do this, make eye contact with her as much as possible each time you are talking. This is also a good habit you should do with the women you meet.
  2. Try flirting with her. You can start flirting a little by complimenting her and talking to her. Time to take a new step and really show her what you want.
    • Whatever you do, imagine success and confidence. You can't flirt if you're not confident that you have the ability to win over her heart. So do what you are excited about, or wait until you gain more affection, and then start flirting.
    • Break the collision barrier. Start to lightly touch the areas safe, not too sensitive. Gently touch her hand when you emphasize something or retaliate when she makes a joke; Touch her shoulder if you want to draw attention or rub her back quickly while reassuring her of something.

    • Teasing her happily. It's best to tease her about something she's confident in or really good at, because that way she will know that you're joking, not offending. For example, if she studies very well, you can say "I don't want to do the thesis with you, I'm afraid it will slow you down."
  3. Do not play with affection. That wastes time and drives the relationship in the wrong direction. If you try to initiate a relationship with a lie (say you have a longtime relationship when you actually haven't had a girlfriend), then chances are it. will also end up like that. If you know you and her have different expectations for this relationship, don't hold back just to keep her close to you. Let her know what to expect and try to make her understand what really matters.
    • Don't "do it high" unless you are sure it works. Believe it or not, some guys still use this approach, and most of them fail because their girls mistook their aloofness for indifference.
  4. Be trustworthy. Most girls want to be with someone they can trust and rely on during difficult times. Show interest in whether she's happy or sad. Ask her about her after-hours plans. If you keep on caring for her, she will eventually realize your feelings. At that point you don't even have to say it.
    • If you say you will do something, do it. Words must go hand in hand with work. No one likes someone who just says and doesn't. Don't become that kind of person
    • Polish your images. Don't create the image of someone she doesn't want to date. It means:
      • Treat other girls well and don't harass them.
      • There are good friends who will be happy to help you when needed.
      • Become someone who is loved, respected, and admired.
  5. Dress her over your jacket when she feels cold. She will be even more impressed if you take off her jacket and put it on her, however make sure your shirt is fragrant and clean. This shows that you care about her. She will feel safe and cared for.
  6. Take care of her. Ask her how her day was going. It's a simple way to show that you are interested and interested in what she does. When she begins to tell, you have to pay full attention to her. Look into her eyes. The most important thing is not to interrupt. Ask questions to show that you have listened and to state your opinion if any. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Entering the relationship

  1. Share her feelings. When she got a good score on her test, happily congratulate it! If she has a bad day, let her know you feel the sadness, ask what you can do to make her feel better.
    • If you know a sure-fire way to cheer her up, use it when she is upset. Maybe she liked ice cream so much that she would stop sad when she saw the cool ice cream. It's also possible that she loves teddy bears and they can make her laugh. Show that she means a lot to you by doing whatever it takes to make her happy.

  2. Love her even though she has bad habits. Everyone has things they don't like about each other, but if the list is too long then it needs to be reviewed. You have to love her, love the things that make her special, the things that only she has. Tell her about it.
    • If your girl feels insecure about something, this is a golden opportunity to encourage her. For example, you might say, "I like your freckles. They really bring out the white skin you have." A simple thing like that will touch her soul and show her that you like her for the right reasons.
    • Be especially interested in things she lacks confidence in. Most women (and men too) tend to have low self-esteem about certain features of their personality or appearance. As you begin to get to know her, you will have to know and understand her insecurities more. Don't mention them, ignore them and encourage her to look at the other traits that make her great.
  3. Make her feel like the most beautiful person in the world. You can even say it straightforwardly. Girls prefer get complimented and acknowledged that they're beautiful, but don't go overboard, especially if you're just friends. Just one simple sentence, "You are very beautiful today" was enough to make her happy. As long as you're sincere and serious. If not, she won't believe in your opinion of any other matter.
  4. Develop good communication skills. Share interesting things you think, stories about people you have met. You may have asked her a lot, but she doesn't know much about you. Share part of yourself that you feel comfortable with, or even the rest that you are afraid to reveal.
    • When she tells you about the most private things, don't be afraid to tell her a little bit about the things you also want to keep hidden.
    • Put yourself in her shoes. What do you like to talk about? How does she react to criticism? What makes her different from other girls? What makes her proud of herself? Take her stance and answer the questions above, then plan accordingly.
  5. Offer to date if you haven't done it yet. Going to the date is the hardest part.After a few dates you should be able to confirm if she is part of your dreams. However, this is a bit difficult to get started. You need to be calm, confident, and fortunately, here is the plan for you:
    • You don't have to say it's a date when you ask her out. Things can get awkward if you call it dating. Instead, say something like: "I have two movie tickets on Saturdays but my friend is busy already. Do you want to go?"
    • Increase your chances of success on a date with exciting activities that can make her heart beat faster. Visiting haunted house, park with roller coaster or watching a horror movie. The date will be enjoyable and you have a good chance of strengthening the bond between the two of you because you went through something together.
    • Behave a gentleman. Open the door for her, be on time, pay for the outing and don't expect a kiss on the first date. Put yourself in her shoes and make her feel good. If you take steps to make her feel good, you will soon get what you want.
  6. Always let her know you love her. Love her both inside and outside. This is an important step. If she learns about your feelings, she will become more enthusiastic about the relationship. advertisement


  • Respect her more than anyone else. She is special and unique. Don't take sides with your friends and insult her no matter what. You love her anyway, right?
  • Talk to her politely, especially if you have a fight. Try to give in a little bit; That is a good virtue in men.
  • Be truth.
  • If a girl wants you to get away from your friends and go to a quiet place, don't open the flag in her stomach that she wants to ask you out. She may want to ask you something.
  • When you are talking, look at her mouth, then her eyes, then back to her lips (when she's talking). This will make her subconsciously want to kiss you.
  • Be yourself. Walk, talk and behave with confidence. Lead everything and give her a sense of protection.
  • Don't try too hard. Let her call you and text you in advance from time to time (make sure to at least send her a few brief messages to show you think about her, but don't overdo it) .
  • Excited. Always speak with strength and energy, no matter the subject. Don't look down when talking to her; Even if you are sad, you shouldn't let it show.
  • Being proactive isn't always good, but it can work if you know her well. The good times to take the initiative are when she's angry or scared, when she's saying something nice about you, etc., remember that eye contact is key.
  • Don't interrupt. Show respect for everyone and everything. Be a kind, understanding and appreciable person.


  • Don't say it behind her because she will know right away, women are very smart in this!
  • Don't lie to her. You may never win her over but hurt her and make her stop thinking about loving someone.
  • Never get excited to get to know another girl right after a relationship. If you just broke up, don't rush into another relationship because your ex will think you never truly loved her.
  • Don't give away all you have unless you are planning on getting married or a long-term relationship. You can burn the bag.
  • Don't worry if you don't match her requirements. If you feel like you and love her sincerely, then you'll be fine.