How to Play Cards Cheat lies

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Play Cheat Card Game : Rules of Cheat Card Game
Video: How To Play Cheat Card Game : Rules of Cheat Card Game


Cheating a lie (also known in English as "Cheat", "I Doubt It", "Bluff", "BS" & "Liar", all of which mean "lie") is a card game. that many people can play. This game requires courage and determination, you have to go down all the cards you have on hand to win. This is a very fun and exciting game - just don't let other people show you off. Follow the steps below to become the ultimate Lie Cheater player.


Method 1 of 2: How to play Cheating lies

  1. Shuffle a deck of 52 cards and divide it among the player. The dealer should try to give each player an equal number of cards. To keep the hand from getting too long or complicated, you can minimize the number of players: 3 to 6 is a reasonable amount, but you can also play with 2 to 10 people. Some players may have more hands than others, but this will not affect the outcome of the hand. Before starting to play, all players must remember that the goal of the Cheat card is to flush all the cards you have in your hand.

  2. Decide who will go first. This could be the dealer, the person with the ace, the two clubs, or the person with the most cards (if the cards are not split evenly). The first player to lower one (or several) cards to the table and tell the other player the card they just dropped. The first person should take down one or two aces.

  3. Everyone takes turns to take turns down the cards in circular order. For example, if player 1 drops one or two aces, the next player should drop one or two two, player third should drop three (or more than three) two, and so on. so. When it is your turn to play, you have to say "An ace", "Two two cards", "Three K's", and so on. You don't have to have the card you say you have, the purpose of the game is to pretend that you have the card and not be suspicious.
    • If you don't have "any" cards that you should have beat, you can skip your turn. Don't drop 3 cards that you absolutely don't have, 4 even won't. If you take down 3 cards that you don't have, other players may have at least 2 cards you just named, they will spot you lying and will shout "lie!" (bullshit).
    • You can fake it. For example, it's your turn to take down Q and you have 2 real Qs. Say "What do I have to beat?" And pretend to look at your card in confusion before beating. Your goal is to make others believe you are lying, and to make them suspect you even though you are telling the truth.

  4. Say "Lie" if you think the debtor is lying. If you know the dealer is lying because you have the card they say they have, because they have a few cards, or you just have a feeling that they're lying, say "Lie!" ("bullshit!") after they lower their cards and say what cards they have. Then, they will have to turn their cards over and all players will know if they are lying or not.
    • If the debtor lied and the accuser was correct, the liar would have to take all the cards that were lowered.
    • If the down cards turn out to be right and the only guilty man was wrong, the wrong speaker will have to play all the cards that were dealt. If more than one person makes a mistake, the cards will be split equally.
  5. Continue playing after people accuse you of lying. A new round of play starts after the liar or the wrong accuser has played. The game continues with more and more vigilant people, it will become harder for you to lie undetected, especially as you have fewer and fewer cards. "Cheating and lying" is really just a game about luck and the ability to lie convincingly only. Don't do anything too dangerous, drop a card that is too obvious you don't have, or accuse someone of lying, unless you are very sure they are hitting the wrong card.
  6. Please try to leave all. The winner is the first to defeat all the cards. Naturally, most people will accuse each other when the hand is very small, but you can avoid this by distracting people from your final card by accusing the player before your turn. "Cheating lies" requires smart tactics and relies heavily on experience, the more you play, the higher your chances of winning.
    • After one person wins, you can continue playing for as long as two or three people remain in the hand.
    • If you only have one card left, don't announce this in a hurry or let everyone know you are about to win.
    • You can also take the last chance - if you only have one card in your hand, you can pretend you're counting the cards and say "Oh great! I only have a 3!" Your chances of being caught are higher than your chances of winning, but this can be a humorous way to joke around.

Method 2 of 2: Various versions of the game

  1. Play with more than one deck of cards swapped together. This makes sense when you are playing with more than five people. The hand will take longer and it will be difficult to guess who is lying and who is not.
    • It is entirely possible to use decks that are missing or have matching cards. This is a great way to use decks that cannot be used when playing casual games.
  2. Change the order of the call. Instead of playing in ascending order, play in descending order. Start with second, then back to the ace, K, Q, and so on. You can also play by lowering the card just in front of or just behind the player's card "down" before you. If they say they take out 8, you can take 8 or 10 as you like.
    • You can also play by having the next player drop a card similar to the previous player, or a card directly below or directly above the card. This is a way for the player to easily defeat the cards without lying.
  3. Players can take down more cards than they say they have. This rule needs to be discussed before the game starts so that people don't accuse of playing the wrong rules. If you decide to play by this rule, the player could say that they are taking down 3 cards, but actually they intentionally added 1 card to make it 4. You can completely accuse the person of lying. to check if they got the correct number of cards; if they lie, they must play.
  4. A player can defeat a hand even if it is not their turn, unless they have just dealt. You will play according to the defined rules, but anyone can roll if the player takes too long.
  5. The player can put all four cards in consecutive order and when it is their turn to play, they can completely face up and tell others what the order is. This will make the game shorter. For example, if you have 3 9s, accuse someone of lying, if they are lucky enough to have 9 real cards, you can discard all 9s. This is an interesting rule if you stack the cards. You are playing with 3 cards, except for 9. You continue to beat. Once you have another row of cards removed, you can stop mentioning them and you can pretend they never existed. Some cards that have been removed will no longer be used so if you remove all 9s the order will be 7,8,10, as long as the numbers are still in the game. advertisement


  • After you've been lying undetected, you can say "popcorn", "peanut butter", or "idiot", or make animal noises to show them that you've escaped the charge. You don't have to, of course, but this is a funny way to add tension.
  • This may be obvious, but you should always accuse the player who lowered their last card that they were lying. In most cases, they are lying. If you guess wrong, they will win, but if you are right, you can still play and they are very easy to lose because you have to draw an unexpected amount of cards.
  • If you have a lot of cards in your hand and people catch you lying, don't panic or anything - this is not unfortunate - now you may have a lot of cards and it won't be easy to lose. others. You can tell a lot to rude or lie a lot because after all, you already have a lot of songs.
  • You don't have to fan the cards to show off, especially if you're easy to win. Don't reveal the number of cards you have to others.
  • A good strategy is to lure other players to pay attention to something rather than your cards when it is your turn to beat. It is up to you to distract others - this is a very effective way to win.
  • If you are playing this game in English with young children, use "B.S" or "Cheat!" instead of "bullshit".
  • Don't try to play cards with 13 people. Whether you play with one or more decks of cards, the results will be the same: the first winner wins first and the person who loses last game will still lose the last game.


  • Each game can be very long, especially when you have multiple players.
  • Remember that this is just a game and always stay calm, even if someone finds out you're lying. Cheating and lying cards can be very troublesome if the player loses his temper and takes too much of the game, or refuses to give up even though the time is up.
  • When you are playing the game of Cheating Lies in English, if you don't want to say bullshit, you can use softer words like "cheater", or "liar".

What you need

  • A basic 52-card deck
  • You need at least 3 players to start playing Cheat.