How to cover the scars of self-abuse

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Self-abuse or self-injury is behavior intentionally inflicting physical pain on yourself in response to emotional or psychological trauma. Most people who have tortured themselves do not want to be seen by others, but there are scars that are difficult to hide, especially in places like the wrists, thighs or chest. This article will show you some effective ways to cover the scars.


Method 1 of 6: Cover scars with makeup

  1. Choose thick cosmetics. Many cosmetic brands are formulated specifically to cover tattoos or discolored areas, and these are also suitable for covering scars. You can buy them in specialized stores or online.
    • Find brands with multiple tones to choose from. You need to use tones that match the color of the skin around the scar, not the same color as the scar.
    • Look for labels that are specifically intended to cover or camouflage tattoos or scars. There are many highly rated cosmetic brands that you can find online or in major stores. If you can't find one in your local stores, try a foundation or a "full coverage" or "maximum coverage". , especially ingots, as they generally have better coverage than liquid.

  2. Use a makeup brush to apply the cream. Makeup brush creates the smoothest foundation and helps to blend cosmetics into the grooves of the skin.
    • Look for a small round tip brush specifically designed for concealer.
  3. Apply a small amount first. Use a brush to lightly dab a little foundation or concealer on the scars and swing the surrounding skin. Apply another thin layer of cream if one is not enough.
    • If you want, you can apply a layer of compressed powder or clear powder to help the foundation stick on longer.

  4. Try a cosmetic set to disguise your scar. The camouflage cosmetic set often includes products that are formulated together to cover scars. Although this set is more expensive than regular cosmetics and takes longer to make up, but if you are going to have an important event like a wedding or job interview, it is also a worthy investment. worth.
    • Search online for the keyword "tattoo kit" or "scar mask kit" to find a variety of options with user reviews.

Method 2 of 6: Conceal scars with other tips

  1. Wear a bracelet to cover wrist scars. This is an easy way to cover relatively small scars. Another advantage: the current trend of wearing many bracelets is also the trendy fashion trend.
    • Find cuff cuffs for the best coverage. There are a variety of bracelets, from men's leather bracelets to carved women's gold or silver bracelets. Some of the more popular brands include the Rustic Cuff and Fossil, but you can buy gorgeous and unique bracelets on handmade product sites like Etsy, maybe even learn how to make your own. only me.
  2. Wear long sleeves. Long sleeves will help you conceal the scars on the upper arm, and can even hide the scars on the arm, depending on the length of the sleeve.
    • Try wearing a long-sleeved, flip-flop. In addition to the stylish style, this shirt also helps you to pull down your sleeves, so your wrists will not be exposed accidentally. You can style this shirt yourself by cutting a hole in your oversized long sleeve or buying it online. You just need to look for “flip-flops” on retail sites like Amazon.
    • In the summer, look for clothes with a light texture such as silk or thin cotton. These materials are breathable, so they can help keep you cool. Note, you may be asked by curious people why if you wear long sleeves on hot summer days. This may also raise your parents' suspicions.
  3. Wear a pair of swimsuits when swimming. A traditional swimsuit won't cover the scars on a girlfriend's thighs, but you can wear a shorts-like swimsuit to hide it.
    • If the scars are high above the thighs most swimmers will cover it, and since these are pants designed for swimming, you probably won't be asked much.
    • Swimsuits come in a variety of lengths, so if the scars are low on your thighs, you can go for longer pants, even men's swimwear.
  4. Try different swimwear styles. If swimsuits aren't enough to cover your swimming scars, there are other options you might consider.
    • You can also wear a sunscreen swimwear to cover the scars on your arms while swimming. This swimwear style has sleeves of different lengths for men and women; Long-sleeved sun swimwear can cover wrist scars. If anyone asks, you can say you're afraid of getting sunburned.
    • Try to look online for "discreet swimsuits" of women that help conceal the body. Since they are usually intended for religious believers (such as Muslim, Mormon or Jewish women), these swimsuits are more discreet than the usual ones.
  5. Wear calf-length socks, knee-length socks, or leather socks. If you need to hide the scars on your lower legs, these socks will work. With socks, you won't have to wear pants all year round.
    • There are many fashionable high-fashion socks and leather socks available in major stores, department stores and online. You can choose socks with unique colors or patterns to match your personal style.
    • Try using waterproof cosmetics to cover other scars that are exposed while swimming or use a bandage if none of the above works.
  6. Choose clothes that cover the scars on your chest. Self-torture scars may be on the upper chest. A wide variety of outfits can cover these scars, but be aware that you can make people suspicious if you wear them during the hot months.
    • Scarf. There are a variety of scarf styles you can choose from, from light cotton scarf for the summer months to thick wool scarf to keep warm in the cold months. You could also try wearing a "turban", a kind of scarf that hangs around your head.
    • Button closed collar. This looks cool and elegant, especially when you choose an oxford style shirt with a cool texture (like Harry's style).
    • Try a turtleneck or turtleneck. During the winter months, these t-shirts are great for keeping your scars warm and concealed.
    • Wear statement necklace. The girls benefit from the trend of wearing a big and sophisticated necklace called "statement necklace." There are many types of necklaces with a variety of colors and styles, available in major stores, shopping malls or online. You can search online for the keyword "statement necklace" with the word "bib," "rewind," or "to copy."

Method 3 of 6: Consider a tattoo

  1. Consider if tattooing is the right choice for you. Tattoos are the way many people who have gotten rid of self-abuse syndrome choose to permanently cover their scars without completely erasing them. You will still be able to feel the scar under the tattoo, and it is a reminder of what you have been through and your situation now.
    • Tattoos may be the right choice if you like the design of your tattoo, you are old enough (18 years or older in most regions), and in an environment where the tattoo doesn't adversely affect your career. your.
    • You should wait at least two years after you stop torturing yourself before getting a tattoo. This is because the new scars are still in the process of healing, and new scars may not eat ink.
    • Tattooing can be relatively simple if the scar is small in size, but scars that cover a large area (like the entire thigh skin area) will require large and elaborate tattoos, which are often more expensive and more painful.
    • Note that some large and prominent scars (caused by deep wounds) may not eat ink. You will need to talk to an experienced tattoo artist to find out if your scars eat ink.
  2. Choose a tattoo. Tattoos are permanent, so you have to choose which ones you want to see for life. Depending on the area of ​​the skin with the scar, you may need a large tattoo with a complex design.
    • Many people tattooed to cover the scars of self-abuse choose their own designs, symbolizing survival, overcoming difficulties, newly found confidence or a positive outlook on life. This can be a great way to turn something that was once negative into something positive, while at the same time regaining your body.
    • Search the internet for the keyword "tattoo covering a scar." Some ideas include a phoenix, a mythical bird that died and reborn from ashes; an inspirational verse or word like "hope" or "when the caterpillar thinks the world is gone, it turns into a butterfly"; of a bird flying out of a cage or a beautifully crafted and beautiful tattoo you like.
  3. Find a reputable tattoo artist. Most people find a tattoo artist by asking someone they know has a tattoo that they also wish to have. If you don't know someone like that, feel free to start a conversation with the stranger and compliment their tattoo. Almost everyone is happy to see other people enjoy their tattoos.
    • Go to a preview of the tattoo studio of your choice to make sure everything is up to hygienic standards, checked on time, and has the relevant credentials (this may vary depending on where you live). Ask about tattoo patterns that tattooists have done recently. Find out if the tattoo artist has experience covering scars. If not, ask them for referrals; Tattoos often have a wide network and they want to provide the best service for you as well.

Method 4 of 6: Cover temporary traces

  1. If you have small, temporary marks on your hands, try using a pen to overwrite. This is also quite normal, as one can write notes on their hands as well.
    • This is very effective on bites that are usually quite small, and the text can be masked.
  2. Draw a shape to cover the scars slightly larger.
    • You don't have to draw very well, simple drawings like flowers or skulls should suffice.
  3. With bruises that may take weeks to dissolve, use a temporary tattoo. These tattoos will last quite a while, and you won't have to rework every day.
    • Sparkling patches of color or glitter on temporary tattoos may mask darker and more noticeable marks.
  4. Try using henna ink patterns and drawings or body drawings to temporarily hide traces and still look good.
    • This is a good idea for more formal occasions, when you need to wear a skirt and hide the marks on bare legs and arms.
    • Henna ink drawings are better than handwriting or hand doodles.

Method 5 of 6: Choose not to hide the scar

  1. Decided to show all the scars. Most people who hide scars are still hurting themselves, but deciding to stop hiding them can help you feel confident, open up about what you're struggling with, and even help instill confidence in you. Take the word out warning that self-abuse syndrome is a serious condition that affects many people.
  2. Start small. You don't have to start right away wearing a two-wire shirt or shorts to reveal the scars for everyone to see. You can make yourself more comfortable by first exposing the scars only in certain situations or to people you trust, the goal is to gain confidence enough to remove all makeup and clothing. hide the scars.
    • Consider revealing the scars at home. After you get home from school or work, take off your clothes or wash your cosmetics and be comfortable with yourself, with the scars and everything else. This step can be difficult if your parents or roommates don't know you harmed yourself. Maybe you should start by telling them that you've tortured yourself.
    • Choose a date to expose the scars. Choose a day of the week that does not take steps to conceal scars, and a weekday or weekend is up to you.
  3. Practice reacting to comments. One reason so many people are afraid to leave their scars open is that they are afraid of people's criticism. Many people may make rude or offensive comments upon seeing your scars. If you know how to react in such times, you will feel better. How you react will depend on the commentator (are they the boss, your grandmother, a baby, or a stranger?) And why they say that (are they curious, uninformed or on purpose to hurt you?)
    • One way to handle this situation is to just ignore them. Your body is no one else's business, and you have the right to ignore rude or private comments just as you ignore criticism of your body size or facial contours. friend.
    • Tell the person the truth. If someone asks why you have the scars, you can tell the truth, but keep it short and appropriate. Maybe you don't have enough time or don't want to tell them your full private story, and that's fine (this isn't their problem anyway). But you can say "I cut it myself", or "I cut myself in my hands back in trouble" and stop there. Often people won't force you to give more details.
    • Tell the person to take care of their business. You can say this with courtesy or not, depending on how you want to react, who the person is, what relationship to you is, and whether they are polite to you. You can react gently by saying "I don't like talking about this". A less polite but still effective option is "It's none of your business."
    • Try sarcasm, humor, or stinging responses. For those with a rude attitude, give them a taste of that bitter cup so they know how wrong their question is. Try saying, "Do you always ask people such private questions, or am I lucky?" or “Those scars? I was attacked by a bunch of crazy caterpillars ”, then rolled her eyes and walked away.

Method 6 of 6: Find help to stop torturing yourself

  1. Understand what causes you to abuse yourself. There are many reasons that people abuse themselves, and most of them deal with trauma. If you injure yourself to deal with another life problem, identifying the real problem can help you find a way to stop.
    • Some people resort to self-destruction in response to past or present violence. If you do this to deal with ongoing violence, talk to a counselor or the police for help. You can also read this wikiHow article for tips on coping with violence.
    • There are many other causes of self-abuse, from bullying and rejection to feelings of self-esteem, guilt or numbness. Many cases of self-abuse have been linked to substance use, as certain stimulants can cause depression and feelings of worthlessness.
  2. Tell someone. It is extremely hard to tell others if you are torturing yourself. But if you are suffering with self-abuse, confessing to someone else can be the first step in recovery.
    • Call 1800 1567 (a child support and counseling service provided by the Department of Child Protection and Care - Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs with support from Plan in Vietnam) for help. If you are in the US, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK.
    • Talk to a parent or relative. You will get the help you need when you talk to people you trust.
    • Talk to your doctor. If you have no one to talk to, talk to your school nurse, doctor or school counselor. They may refer you to a therapist or psychiatrist for evaluation.
  3. Find other countermeasures. Most self-abusers do this to rapidly increase levels of endorphins, a well-known chemical that helps combat problems like depression and anxiety. This is a soothing, distracting, or reliever. It is a countermeasure to anything from difficult life situations to mental illness. You can overcome self-abuse by finding other coping options.
    • Talk to a therapist. A therapist can help you find ways to cope with stress and take care of the root causes of self-harm, such as past trauma or being bullied by a friend. You can find a therapist by asking your doctor or school counselor and asking for a referral.
    • Do exercise. Daily aerobic exercises like a treadmill or rowing machine, or simply jogging can help increase your endorphins levels and are a great way to cope with stress and anxiety.
    • Try something with a strong flavor. If you torture yourself because you feel isolated and numb, you can eat peppers or peppermint for the same feeling without hurting yourself.
    • Talk to a music or painting therapist to deal with stress and replace your need for self-abuse. Expressing yourself is an important part of your recovery.


  • If you have suicidal thoughts, call 1800 1567 for help. If in the US, call 911 or the national suicide prevention hotline.