How to cure facial rashes

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
GET RID OF SKIN RASHES ON FACE | Allergic reaction
Video: GET RID OF SKIN RASHES ON FACE | Allergic reaction


A rash on the face can be caused by many things, such as exposure to laundry soap, face cream, environment, food or medication in the past 24-48 hours - however, the rash The rash usually resolves on its own after a day or two. If symptoms are severe or do not improve, you should call your doctor. If you have recently had a rash and want to treat it yourself, there are some natural remedies you can try.


Method 1 of 3: Calming skin

  1. Apply a cool compress to your face. Cool compresses can help relieve the itching and sooth the rash. For a cool compress, you can catch a clean cotton towel under cold, running water until it is wet, then wring out the water and apply it to your face. If the rash is on only one area of ​​the face, you can fold the towel and apply it only to that area.
    • Repeat this throughout the day as needed.
    • Do not let others share towels to prevent infection.
    • Heat can worsen the rash and increase irritation - be sure to use cool water, which can help reduce inflammation.

  2. Wash skin with cool water. Cool water can help soothe the rash. Turn on the cold water tap and set the water temperature so that the water temperature is just cool and not as cold as ice. Lean over the sink, close your eyes and pat your face a few times with cool water, then pat dry with a towel.
    • Repeat this step throughout the day as needed.
    • You can also use a small amount of facial cleanser to remove make-up or wash off other products that you suspect could be causing the rash. Pay special attention to products that you have just started using recently.
    • Do not rub your face. Rubbing can cause the rash to spread and get worse.

  3. Do not wear makeup or other products on your face for several days. To rule out the cause of the rash from cosmetics or other products, you may need to stop using all makeup, creams, lotions, serums, or other chemicals until the rash goes away. of course.
    • Be sure to use a mild cleanser like Cetaphil, or just use water to wash your face a few times a day. Do not use moisturizers or other products after washing your face.

  4. Try not to scratch or touch your face. When you scratch or touch your face, you can make the rash worse and increase your risk of infecting others if the rash is contagious. Do not touch your face or let other objects touch your face. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Use natural remedies

  1. Apply hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil has an itch-relieving effect and helps to moisturize dry rashes. You can dab your finger on the hemp seed oil and apply it to your face. Do this twice a day after washing your face.
    • Try applying hemp seed oil to the skin inside your elbows before applying it to your face to make sure that the allergies aren't causing the rash to worsen.
    • Be sure to wash your hands after touching your face to prevent the rash from spreading.
  2. Apply aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel has antibacterial properties and can help soothe the rash. Try applying a thin layer of aloe vera gel to your face and let it sit until it dries. Repeat this step a few times a day.
    • Remember to wash your hands after applying aloe vera gel.
  3. Use oat glue. Oatmeal baths can help soothe body rashes, but you can also use oatmeal to treat facial rashes. Oatmeal is available in pharmacies.
    • Mix a few tablespoons of oatmeal in a bowl of warm water, then dip a clean cotton towel in the solution.
    • Use a towel to gently dab the oatmeal juice on your face.
    • Let the oatmeal solution stay on your face for a few minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.
    • Repeat this therapy several times a day until the rash has subsided.
  4. Make an herbal compress. Certain herbs have soothing properties that may also help with the rash on the face. To use herbs, make tea and use it instead of water to make a cool compress.
    • Measure out a teaspoon of the buttercup, chrysanthemum, and wild chamomile.
    • Put the herbs in a cup, pour in boiling water and soak for about 5 minutes, then filter the herbs for water.
    • Allow the tea to cool to room temperature or refrigerate for about an hour.
    • Dip a clean cotton towel in the solution, wring out the water, and apply it to your face for 5-10 minutes.
    • Do this therapy 2 times a day.
    • If the rash worsens due to "natural" topical treatments, discontinue use. Sometimes the more things you put on your face, the worse.
  5. Use water to condition your skin with witch hazel and apply moisturizer with coconut oil. Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it to your face. Witch hazel has a soothing effect on the skin. After applying witch hazel, apply coconut oil to your face to compensate for moisture and soothe the skin.
    • You can buy pure witch hazel or a skin-toning water that contains primarily witch hazel or just witch hazel.
    • Coconut oil can be sold with other cooking oils at supermarkets. Choose pure, unrefined oils.

Method 3 of 3: Seek medical help

  1. Go to the emergency room as soon as you develop a rash with severe symptoms. In some cases, a rash can be a symptom of a severe allergic condition that requires emergency care. Call the ambulance number 115 (call 911 if in the US) if you have the following symptoms and a rash:
    • Fast or difficult breathing
    • Throat constriction or difficulty swallowing.
    • Swelling of the face
    • The skin is purple like bruises
    • Hives
  2. See your doctor if the rash doesn't improve within 2 days. The rash usually goes away on its own, but it can also be a sign of a problem that needs treatment. If the rash does not go away within 2 days, call your doctor.
    • If you are on medication or have just started taking a new medicine, call your doctor promptly. The rash can be a side effect of medications. Do not stop taking the medication unless advised by your doctor or if severe symptoms appear (in which case seek urgent medical attention).
    • Note that there are many types of rash and many causes of a rash. Your doctor can help you identify the cause of your rash and find the best treatment to prevent a rash later on.
  3. Ask your doctor about hydrocortison cream. Hydrocortisone cream, available from over-the-counter pharmacies, can help reduce the rash on the face. However, you should not use hydrocortisone cream on the sensitive skin of your face without consulting your doctor.
    • Cortisone creams come in many different concentrations and are recommended for short-term use as they can thin the skin's surface.
  4. Take an antihistamine. Some rashes are caused by allergies, so antihistamines may help. Talk to your doctor first to find out if an antihistamine is right for you. If the rash is itchy, consider taking antihistamines such as:
    • Fexofenadine (Allegra)
    • Loratadine (Claritin)
    • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
    • Cetirizine dihydrochloride (Zyrtec)
  5. Apply an antibiotic cream. Some types of rashes accompany pustules and these can be infected. If the rash looks like pustules, you may want to consider using an antibiotic topical cream. Ask your doctor if this is the right therapy for you. Remember to read and use medications according to the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic such as mupirocin (Bactroban) to treat a more severe infection.
    • Remember that no topical cream or ointment can cure a viral rash. This type of rash usually goes away on its own.
    • The fungal rash can be treated with a topical cream containing clotrimazole (Lotrimin). Your doctor will help you diagnose if the rash is caused by fungus.


  • Be sure to wash your hands after touching your face to minimize the risk of spreading if a rash is potentially infectious.