How to make a computer game

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make a Video Game - Getting Started
Video: How to make a Video Game - Getting Started


Do you love playing games and want to realize your imagination to make games yourself? There are many tools that allow you to create your own game without requiring too much skill, you just need to understand the programming language. With a +2 mouse and computer keyboard, you can get started!


Part 1 of 2: Finding Tools

  1. Make a text game. It's the easiest game genre to program in, though not everyone likes to play games without graphics. Text games focus mainly on storyline, puzzle or adventure combined with storyline, exploration, quiz. Here are some free options:
    • Twine is a simple and free tool that can be used in the browser.
    • StoryNexus and Visionaire add more gameplay options and still images.
    • Inform7 is an effective tool with a large support community.

  2. Make 2D games. GameMaker and Stencyl are not bad picks for this genre, they let you use programming without asking anything. Scratch! is another tool you can use in a browser game.
  3. Try making 3D games. 3D games are a much tougher challenge than 2D, so be prepared for a long project and hard work. Spark and Game Guru will help you simplify building game worlds without programming. If you already have programming knowledge or want to learn coding then you can try the popular Unity tool.
    • If you want to create 3D models yourself instead of using existing resources, you need 3D creation software like 3DS Max, Blender or Maya.

  4. Access to advanced programming. Even if you have a programming background, you may want to use the tools above when creating your first game, don't force yourself to try a different approach just because it's more difficult. With that said, many people enjoy complete control so they do everything on their own. However, game programming in an Integrated Development Environment like Eclipse is more ideal than a text editor, so you can incorporate everything you need for the project.
    • You can program games in almost any language, but C ++ is the most powerful tool, with rich game resources and online tutorials.

Part 2 of 2: Game Creation

  1. Choose a topic. For your first project, create a small but typical example of your favorite genre, such as platformer or role-playing games. Before you get started, write down your ideas for the game on paper, and answer the following questions:
    • What is the main component of the game (the "core" of the game)? Be it fighting enemies, solving puzzles, or chatting with other characters.
    • What do you want the game to look like? For example, if fighting an enemy, you can build real-time buttons or multiple directions based on decision. Conversation-oriented games can let players form storylines based on their decisions, they can better understand the characters and the game world.
    • What is the mood of the game? Scary, fun, mysterious, eager?
  2. Create simple levels. If using game crafting tools for the first time, this is a good opportunity to get used to them. Learn how to set backgrounds, objects, and move characters. If possible, create objects that players can interact with, or find software to create objects with built-in interactions.
    • If you're unsure about something, ask a question on the tool's website or search the internet for help.
    • Don't worry about lighting effects or other graphic elements yet.
  3. Design the core of the game if needed. You can make small adjustments on game creation software, or systems that are built more intricately. Here are some examples:
    • If you're making a platformer game, do you want your character to be able to double jump or do a "special" move? Customize the height the character can jump, or a different reaction with a light touch, holding the key, or choosing a variety of dance styles?
    • If you make an action RPG or horror game, what weapon will the character use? Choose 2 or 3 weapons for players to upgrade or try out. Try to choose the most suitable weapons. For example, weapons are highly lethal, injuring many enemies, or weakening the enemy. Don't choose the best option for all purposes unless it comes at a high cost (a spell increases mana, or a weapon disappears after 1 use).
    • With a conversation game, do you want the player to choose the line of dialogue listed on the screen, or just listen, or perform a task to unlock the conversation, then come back to continue listening? Do you want players to find everything in one go, or split it into multiple lanes and endings?
  4. Create a few levels. 3 to 5 short levels are not a bad choice for your first game, you can expand it later. Keep the "core of the game" design in mind, creating different levels of difficulty. You can order the levels, or separate and reunite after completing.
    • Platformer games often introduce moving platforms or faster enemies.
    • An action game can introduce multiple enemies or a single powerful foe that is hard to beat without a specific weapon and strategy.
    • Puzzle games are often associated with one type of puzzle, or use multiple versions of difficulty for each level, or introduce new tools or obstacles that require more players to "brainstorm".
  5. Create medium and long-term goals. This is often referred to as "second mechanics" or "repeat game". Utilizing the game's mechanical core of high jump, the player advances a second play, such as jumping on enemies or collecting items.This turn can deliver long-term achievements and goals such as reaching the ultimate level, saving money on upgrades or "clearing" the game.
    • As you can see in the above example, you added the above without even realizing it. Just make sure the player can find the target. If the player plays for 10 minutes and thinks the game is all about shooting enemies then they will get bored. If they kill the enemy and get the money, they will find the target (collect the bounty) and the core of the game will bring them forward.
  6. Try it out. Try each level several times, asking an acquaintance or friend to help you. Try approaching the game in a variety of ways, including methods you've never tried before such as skipping quests and going straight to the final boss, or winning the game by choosing all the "weak" weapons or upgrades. This is an arduous process that can be frustrating but the only way to improve the game.
    • Just give the player enough information to start playing. They need to understand they are working on a workflow, and how to use the basic joystick. They don't need any other information.
    • Let players try to fill out the feedback form for you to collect, compare information more easily .. This also allows you to answer questions that you are not familiar with.
    • The best testers are those who do not know you, or are not forced to praise your game.
  7. Polish graphics and sound. While there are plenty of free game resources available online, it is still a good idea to take the time to adjust for the mismatches yourself. Learn pixel graphics if you want to make simple graphics adjustments in a 2D game, or use OpenGL software for an ambitious 3D game project. Add lighting effects to cheer players through the main street out of the room, and eye-catching attack effects that change the dynamic background. Add sound effects when walking, attacking, jumping, etc. v. You can change and play the game multiple times, and get the game out as soon as the visual and sound are up to standard. Congratulations! advertisement