How to "chainsaw" a girl

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
M.I.A. - "Bad Girls" (Official Video)
Video: M.I.A. - "Bad Girls" (Official Video)


Getting a girl to love you takes time, effort, and patience. If you treat her well and prove you are a good man then she will appreciate and “fall” for you. However, remember that it is still necessary to have a good relationship from both sides. If not, it will be very unlikely that the two people fall in love. Even so, you can increase your chances by grabbing her attention, demonstrating your worth, and dating her.


Part 1 of 3: Get her attention on you

  1. Humble. Before you start chasing after her, remember to quickly "fall in" because you are not a good idea. If you are in a hurry, she will think you are grabbing you and losing your crush. Even if you like her a lot, take it easy when you start getting to know her. Make friends and get to know her more before she becomes your girlfriend.
    • Don't show your affection before you date her. You should keep that until you go through a few dates.

  2. Find a way to talk to her. In order to get her attention, you need to talk to her at some point. You don't have to find a good reason to start a conversation, just a casual conversation to break the gap. Once this distance is cleared, the next time you talk to her will be easier.
    • Try saying things like "Do you remember what homework is?" or "Can you please help me with the book?".
  3. Maintain a polite attitude. Be polite not only to her, but to everyone you meet. Remember to say "please" and "thank you". When you are going out to eat together, you should follow the etiquette on the table. You can open the door for her and bring her home safely.

  4. Compliment her. Giving her a sincere compliment is one way to make her comfortable with you. Just make it a direct and meaningful compliment. Not only compliment her looks, but also her intelligence, creativity, and perseverance.
    • For example, you could say “You are a great artist. I really admire your talent ”. Or, “Most people don't have the persistence or the ability to pass advanced math. I think you are really great to pass this difficult subject ”.

  5. Flirt sensitively. Flirting is important for letting her know that you really like her more than friendship. If you are new to flirting, check out some skills first. However, flirting happens very naturally. You may find yourself smiling or staring at the girl you like and not even realizing you're flirting.
    • Smile and always look her in the eye when you meet her. These are clear signs that you have feelings for her. If she turns away, don't worry. Because that means she's flustered and that's a good sign.
  6. Make sure you stay clean and fragrant at all times. Looks are usually not what girls care about but looking good and fragrant can make her want to date you. Take care of yourself by showering every day, wearing clean clothes, combing your hair neatly and shaving, using a deodorant spray. Showing her that you are in style and that you take care of the look will make you look more attractive. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Assert your worth

  1. Live your life. While being with her is great, it is also important to make time for your hobbies. Make sure you don't give up your interests just to spend time with her. She will be attracted if she sees that you have a great personal life and that you are independent, not around her to feel happy.
  2. Listen to her. Being a good listener is essential if you want her to have feelings for you. To show that you're listening, look her in the eye and respond naturally like saying, "Yes," "Is that so," and "What next?". Be sure to repeat what she said to show that you are always listening.
  3. Let her know what makes you special. Your own qualities will make her fall for you. Think about your good points and find ways to show it. For example, if you are an athlete, invite her to watch your game. If you play the guitar in a group, invite her to see the show. If you're a reader, talk to her about books you've read.
  4. Support and encourage her. Always encouraging her and encouraging her will show you are worthy of her love. Do the little things to let her know you're a good man even before you start dating.
    • For example, cheer her up on a contest, congratulate her when she gets good grades on her exam, or congratulate her on her career advancement. Find ways to encourage her and you will always be appreciated.
  5. Be courteous and considerate. Although some girls are attracted to sassy guys, a kind, knowledgeable guy makes a good boyfriend. Show her the good qualities of a boyfriend before you start dating. Use the rules of the dining table, be open to her, and be kind to others. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Dating her

  1. Invite her out. To push your normal friendship to new heights, take the initiative to make an appointment with her. Offer her in a subtle way and don't pressure her to increase her chances of agreeing and reduce the feeling of shyness she feels when she declines. Try sentences like:
    • "I have one extra movie ticket on Friday night. Do you have time to go to the cinema?"
    • "I don't know if you're interested, but I usually go to the show on weekends to ease the boredom at home. Would you like to come with me?"
    • "An important football match is coming up. Would you like to go there with me to cheer you up?"
  2. Plan a special date based on what she likes. Even though you invite her out normally, you want to surprise her. Think about the things she likes that you've learned to prepare your date. Or you can ask her how she wants to plan it. She will appreciate you understanding what she wants when it comes to your appointment.
  3. Be a caring person when you date. Let her know you care about her comfort and happiness; That way, she will want to have more dates with you. Find a subtle way to show that to make sure she's happy throughout the day.
    • For example, if she feels cold sitting outside a coffee shop, take the initiative to ask if she wants to get warm inside. Or if the waiter forgets to get more water for her, call the waiter and ask politely or go to the counter on your own and get it for her.
  4. Let her know how you feel. After a few dates, let her know how happy you are when you are together. She will feel the same way, but you have to say it if you want to know for sure how she feels.
    • Say something like “I always feel very happy when the two of us go out together. You are very interesting ”. Or express it clearly by saying “You have a beautiful smile. Every day is more beautiful when I see you smiling ”.
  5. Keep dating and find out more about her. To "fall over" a girl takes time and effort. Even if you have a great first date, it doesn't mean she'll love you. Continue to keep your appointments and enjoy the time you get to know each other. The relationship is more likely to succeed if you let things happen spontaneously instead of trying to make her fall in love with you right away. advertisement


  • Remember, loving someone takes time and you shouldn't be in a hurry. Enjoy time with her and be patient.
  • Anytime do NOT show that you really want her attention. So you will look like an idiot!


  • Don't ignore her, behave badly, bully, be mean, or flirt excessively.
  • Don't impose; If you don't feel a sense of connection or affection when you talk, she might not be the right person for you.