How to have a slim body naturally

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose Weight Fast 10 kgs in 10 days | Natural Fat Burner Detox Drink | Easy Detox Water Recipe
Video: How to Lose Weight Fast 10 kgs in 10 days | Natural Fat Burner Detox Drink | Easy Detox Water Recipe


Modern diets or fast weight loss diets to reach your ideal weight can be very expensive. These methods also require you to eliminate certain foods or whole food groups. If you are someone who wants to build a balanced diet and lose weight naturally, skip the weight loss diets advertised with rhetoric. You can always make small changes to your diet, exercise routine and lifestyle to naturally slim down.


Method 1 of 4: Change eating habits

  1. Only eat until you feel enough. Your body has the ability to "count calories" and control portion sizes. Eating only until you feel it can help you cut down on excess calories and keep serving small portions.
    • Many rapid weight loss programs will ask you to count calories, carbohydrates or other metrics. This is not easy and makes you frustrated if you have to do it for a long time. So, learning to pay attention to your body's signals and allow your body to control portion sizes and calories will help you lose weight naturally.
    • Stop eating when you feel good enough, meaning you no longer feel hungry. In addition, you will lose interest in the food and realize that the meal just finished will help you feel full for a few hours.
    • If you only stop eating when you're full, you're probably overeating. You may feel like your stomach relaxes, "feels full," or feels a little tired. Stop eating before this sensation occurs.

  2. Eat and drink consciously. Changing your diet can also help you lose weight. When you eat consciously, you will eat less and feel satisfied with less food intake.
    • To eat consciously, you need to be patient and take time to exercise.
    • Start practicing conscious eating by eliminating distractions around you while eating. Turn off the TV, phone or computer as these can distract you from your meal.
    • Set aside 20-30 minutes for meals. Put down your chopsticks while chewing, drinking a sip of water, or talking to a relative or friend. When you eat more slowly, you will notice how much you eat and easily stop when you feel enough.
    • In addition, make sure to take the time to focus on your food and meals. How does the dish taste? Structure like? Is the meal varied but sharp? Completely focusing on food can help you eat more slowly and feel more satisfied with your meal.

  3. Choose low-fat protein foods. In addition to eating small portions, you also need to choose foods that are healthy and low in calories. Choose low-fat sources of protein to reduce the number of calories you consume.
    • Foods with low-fat protein sources are usually low in fat and calories, but high in protein. In addition, this is a food that prolongs the feeling of fullness and makes you lose the desire to snack throughout the day.
    • Some low-fat sources of protein include dairy products, eggs, poultry, lean beef, seafood, legumes and tofu.
    • Always include a low-fat source of protein at every meal or snack. This is a way to help you meet your daily nutritional requirements and create more balanced meals.

  4. Choose whole grains. There are two types of grains to choose from: whole or refined. Choose 100% whole grains regularly for maximum nutritional benefits.
    • The 100% whole grain usually has not been processed much so the texture is still quite intact. This cereal is rich in fiber, protein and many other nutritional benefits.
    • Whole grain foods include oats, quinoa, brown rice, millet and whole-grain bread with pasta.
    • Refined grains are often processed, and therefore contain less nutrients than whole grains. You can eat these foods from time to time, but common options should still be whole grains.
  5. Vegetables should make up half of your plate. This is the key to helping you control calories and increase the nutritional content of your diet.
    • Both fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but high in nutrients. Offering low-fat foods for each serving or serving can help you cut down on your total daily calorie intake.
    • In addition, fruits and vegetables are also rich in fiber. In addition to protein, fiber provides a feeling of fullness faster and longer. Here's how you can eat less at each meal and cut down on unnecessary snacks.
  6. Limit processed foods that are high in fat. Regardless of whether you go on a promotional weight loss regimen or a natural weight loss plan, you should limit processed foods that are high in calories with fat.
    • Processed foods are often high in calories and low in nutrients. All nutritional benefits are eliminated during processing.
    • Processed foods come in a wide variety, including some healthy and nutritious options. For example, lettuce is washed before being sold to processed food that is rich in nutrients.
    • Avoid foods like puff pastries, cookies, cream cakes, processed meats, frozen and fast meals, canned foods high in sugar, snacks and crackers.
  7. Drink enough water. Staying hydrated is not only important for your health, but also helps you lose weight naturally.
    • You are usually advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, but it is better if you can drink up to 13 cups. The amount of water needed will depend on age, gender and activity level.
    • When the body is constantly dehydrated, you will feel more hungry throughout the day. This causes you to eat more or snack more often than necessary.
    • What's more, drinking plenty of water before eating also reduces the feeling of hunger and fills the stomach so you can eat less.

Method 2 of 4: Lifestyle changes

  1. Increase basic movement level. Exercise and exercise are an important part of a weight loss plan. This is a natural way to increase calorie burning and weight loss.
    • Basic activities include the types of movements you normally do. This could be walking to the parking space or doing chores.
    • Increased baseline activity is a simple and effective way to help your body burn more calories.
    • Review the time of the day or your week. When can you be more active? Can you walk further and more often? Can you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Can you stand at your desk or stand while watching your favorite TV shows?
  2. Exercise regularly. In addition to the basics, it's important to incorporate regular physical activity in a planned and structured way. This is how to support your weight loss plan.
    • Health professionals typically recommend 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, which equates to about 2.5 hours.
    • Try a moderate form of exercise such as walking / jogging / sprinting, swimming, dancing, exercising in aerobic classes, or using a full body machine.
    • Incorporate an additional 2-3 days of resistance training. Regular resistance training helps the body build muscle mass and increases the ability to burn calories, even during rest.
  3. Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep and good night's sleep is very important to your health. This is the time when the body restes, regains strength, and recovers.
    • Studies show that people who lack sleep or sleep poorly tend to weigh more.
    • In addition, these studies also mention the problem of increasing ghrelin (the hormone that causes hunger) when not getting enough sleep each night. This makes it difficult to choose the right portion of the meal or stay away from unnecessary snacks.
    • Aim to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Also, turn off or move distractions like your television or phone before bed.
  4. Stress management. Prolonged stress is a common and unavoidable condition. However, being constantly stressed can make it difficult for you to lose weight.
    • Stress is a natural emotion that almost anyone can experience. However, when not well controlled, stress can increase cortisol production. This is a factor that increases the feeling of hunger, makes you more tired and "difficult to lose weight".
    • Try to relieve stress and relax regularly. It is very important to do activities that help you manage stress. Listen to music, meditate, go for a walk, read an interesting book or chat with a friend.
    • If you continually have difficulty managing your stress levels, consider seeing a psychologist. Your specialist can give you specific instructions for managing your stress.

Method 3 of 4: Control a natural weight loss plan

  1. Weigh and measure. When you want to lose weight and become slim naturally, it's helpful to keep track of your weight loss progress.
    • As you track your progress, you'll know if your current weight loss regimen and exercise plan is working. For example, if you haven't lost weight yet, you may need to eat less or exercise more.
    • Remember to keep track of your weight. Better yet, you should weigh 1 or 2 times per week. This is how to help you get the right view of your change.
    • In addition, you should also keep track of measurements. When you want to become slimmer, in addition to losing weight, you also want to see a decrease in body size. Keep track of your bust, waist, hips and thigh measurements. Take measurements each month to effectively track progress.
  2. Write diary. Every time you want to lose weight or make changes to your diet or lifestyle, it can be very effective to practice journaling.
    • Take note of your weight loss goals. This means that you record your current weight along with the weekly weights and the weight to lose. This is a motivating factor to help you follow your plan.
    • Regular monitoring of foods is thought to aid in weight loss. This is a form of responsibility that helps you stick to your plan.
  3. Build a support group. Support groups are an essential part of your weight loss plan. Research shows that people who have support groups when they want to lose weight are more successful than those who go on the plan alone.
    • Talk to a friend, relative or colleague about your weight loss plan and want to become slim naturally. Surely someone will want to join this plan with you. You will feel happier and more motivated when losing weight with your "teammates".
    • Consider finding an online support group or forum. That way, you can contact many people at any time of the day for help and support.

Method 4 of 4: Look for treatments

  1. See your doctor if natural weight loss methods aren't working. While the right diet and exercise can help many people lose weight or keep it off, there are sometimes other factors that make it difficult to control weight. If you've tried natural remedies and haven't got the results you want, talk to your doctor.
    • Your doctor will evaluate your overall health and find potential problems that make it difficult for you to control your weight.
    • In addition to getting a checkup and getting to know your current diet and lifestyle habits, your doctor will probably advise you to do some tests to find other health-related problems.
    • Depending on your weight and current medical condition, your doctor may recommend treatments to help you lose weight, such as medication or weight loss surgery.
  2. Discuss your concerns about the health effects of your weight. Excess weight is not necessarily the cause of harm to health. However, if you are overweight, your risk of having some health problems is higher. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned that your weight will affect your health. They may perform tests to identify and treat the disease. The risks you face when you are overweight are:
    • High triglycerides and low “good cholesterol” (also called HDL)
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Heart-related diseaes
    • Stroke
    • Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea
    • Diseases related to the gallbladder
    • Arthritis
    • Certain types of cancer
  3. Ask your doctor for advice on safe weight loss. If you need or want to lose weight, your doctor can work with you to find a safe, practical and effective weight loss method. They can work with you to develop a plan that is tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle, and help you define the right weight loss goals.
    • For example, your doctor can tell you what type of exercise is right for you and what safety changes you can make to your diet.
    • Your doctor may also refer a registered dietitian or other specialist to assist you.
  4. Tell your doctor when you experience unexplained weight gain or loss. Unexplained sudden weight gain or loss can be a sign of a serious medical problem. If you notice a change in your weight and don't know why, see your doctor. They may ask a few questions and request tests to find the cause. Common medical conditions that cause weight changes include:
    • Armor problem
    • Diseases that affect hormones, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or Cushing's syndrome (secondary adrenal insufficiency)
    • Water retention caused by kidney or heart disease
    • Emotional problems, like depression or anxiety
    • Effects of some drugs
  5. Seek medical help if you think you have it eating disorder. If you are constantly worried about your weight and physique, or if you don't stop thinking about eating or exercising, you may have an eating disorder or are at risk for it. An eating disorder can cause a number of life-threatening health problems if left untreated; So see your doctor right away if you are concerned that you may have this condition. Some signs of an eating disorder include:
    • Skip meals regularly or follow a very strict diet
    • Always worry about your weight, physique or appearance
    • Eat or drink bluntly or often digest large amounts of food
    • Feelings of guilt or disgust from your eating habits
    • To induce vomiting, use a laxative, or exercise vigorously after eating
    • Avoid communication
    • Get obsessed with diet and exercise


  • If you need more encouragement, you can invite a friend or family member to join you in a weight loss plan to stay in good shape.
  • Always talk to your doctor before making any dietary and lifestyle changes.
  • Exercise for at least an hour a day to get slim.
  • Listen to music during exercise to both relax and motivate.