How to have clear jawline

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get a Chiseled Jawline (For Men)
Video: How to Get a Chiseled Jawline (For Men)


People have a naturally sharp jawline due to genetic factors, but there are many ways to help you create this beauty. Some people use ways to lose weight; others adopt diets and take advantage of fashion to improve jaw contour. Whether you have bold or not very clear jawline, nothing will stop you from getting the sharpness you want!


Method 1 of 4: Exercise for the jawbone

  1. Consider signing up for a facial exercise program. If you are really serious about this, you can sign up for programs that teach a variety of exercises and facial contours. Compared to other fitness programs, these programs are quite cheap and convenient to study.

  2. Smile. Not everyone can smile naturally, but the truth is that smiling has many benefits for facial muscles. Like other muscles, the more you exercise, the firmer and more beautiful your facial muscles are. Smiling is a great exercise because it is associated with a feeling of happiness, so it won't be difficult to notice an improvement in your mood if you make it a habit to smile whenever possible.

  3. Clench your jaw and relax. For a clearer jawline, you should exercise your jawbone. Try tightening your jaw for 10 seconds, then relax. This is often accompanied by a slight discomfort and burning sensation. You can do this as many times as you want - but about 10-15 repetitions is appropriate when you first start out.
    • Gradually increase the time you need to squeeze your jaw. This will make the jawline more visible.
    • In general, jaw tightening is an exercise that can be easily incorporated into a daily schedule. This pose is not as obvious or as awkward as other facial exercises, so you can do it at work or on public transport.

  4. Practice chin lift. Tilt your head back and look up at the ceiling. Next, stretch your lips as if trying to kiss someone 2 cm above you. Hold for 5 seconds at a time, then relax and wait a few seconds for your lips to return to their original state. You can repeat this exercise as many times as you want, although 10 times should be enough. This is a great way to improve the firmness of your face, as the direction of movement and tension are applied to many of the muscles in the face.
  5. Massage your temples. A temples massage and dilating eyebrows are a great way to stimulate blood circulation in the face. Use two fingers from each hand to massage the temples by rotating small circles. Rub for 30 seconds at a time.
    • Temporal massage is a very popular method to fight migraines.
  6. Do the "fish face" movement. Making a "fish face" is a great exercise to tone your cheeks and jaw. Squeeze your cheeks and smile. Hold this position for at least 5 seconds at a time. You may be a bit uncomfortable at first and have a slight burning sensation at the end of each movement. This is a good sign, as it shows your muscles are tensing. Repeat this 10 times in the beginning, then increase the number of reps as appropriate.
    • Exercises like making a “fish face” are easy to incorporate into your daily routine, as long as you remember. You can do this in the shower or before bed.

Method 2 of 4: Maintain a healthy lifestyle

  1. Drink water. There are many benefits of drinking lots of water that no one can deny. In general, the intake of purified water is essential (and surprisingly often overlooked) for improving overall health. Water intake can help with weight loss and boost energy throughout the day. Furthermore, the high humidity helps to increase blood circulation on the face. Most of these benefits only indirectly affect the jawline, but are one of the most effective ways to positively impact physical change.
    • If you are overweight, drinking water is a great way to lose weight, as it helps you feel full without providing extra calories like soft drinks or unhealthy foods.
    • Drinking water has also been shown to boost metabolism.
  2. Reduce salt in your diet. Salt is one of the most overused ingredients in today's diet, and this is very harmful to the skin. Finding ways to limit salt in your diet (including focusing on whole foods and cutting down on unhealthy foods) has many benefits for the skin. The skin will not store much water, resulting in less swelling and a clearer jawline.
    • There are many diets based on strict salt restriction. Find out and choose a diet that suits you and your lifestyle.
  3. Get enough sleep each night. You've probably heard that you need at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Most people try to get around 5-6 hours of sleep, but if you really want clearer jaw bones, you need to try to get 8 hours of sleep to allow your body to take proper care of itself.
  4. Stop smoking. Like eating a lot of salt and lacking sleep, smoking can be terribly harmful for the skin. If you smoke regularly and want a better jawline, then quitting is well worth it. This will be difficult at first, but the improvements seen in your skin after a month will make you more excited and motivated.
  5. Chewing gum. Chewing gum is one of the easiest and most common ways to improve jaw clarity. Chewing gum has many surprising benefits, not least of which it helps sharpen facial muscles. This endurance exercise should show results within a few weeks. The best part is that chewing gum is also fun, so you won't lose much by creating this habit. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Take care of your appearance to match your jawbone

  1. Consider having a beard if you don't have a clear jawline. Not everyone is born with a naturally sharp jawbone. In this case, a beard is definitely the best way to give your face a bold look.
    • You should also consider the general size of the face. Beards often make faces smaller because of the contrast; If you have a big face, a beard will help balance it out. On the contrary, if you have a naturally small face, keep your beard short and trimmed.
  2. Create sharp contours for the beard. The beard can have a dramatic effect on the jawline. One mistake many guys make is to trim the beard too short, usually close to the arc of the jaw. This causes the jawline to look dull and not sharp. If you tend to trim your beard too tall, try keeping your beard shorter, while also making sure to have sharp lines and careful care.
    • If you're wondering how long your beard should be, try to imagine a line running from one ear to the other. This contour should extend below the jawbone and give a fuller contour to the jawbone.
  3. Choose a shirt collar that matches your face shape. A general rule in the fashion world is that any style is influenced by the surrounding circumstances. Shirts are generally not included or chosen based on the wearer's face shape, but it becomes even more important if you're trying to darken your jawline.
    • Oval faces have the widest point across the cheekbones, and are quite long compared to other face shapes. If you have an oval face, consider it luck; Your face is very flexible and can match a variety of styles.
    • People with round faces should choose clothes that will make the face look longer. A narrow-necked shirt is a great option in this case.
    • The long, thin face has the opposite anxiety of the round face; if you have a thin face, you will want to add fullness to the face. Open-spread shirt collars can be a good choice.
  4. Take care of your beard regularly. You may think that free-growing beard looks more manly, but beard outlines will be more impressive and effective if you spend a little time each day trimming your beard to maintain shape. the most beautiful. Shave any beard that grows below the neckline and trim any hair that is too long. The groomed beard has a wonderful effect on the jawline.
  5. Moisturize regularly. Acne and dark spots on the skin will quickly and easily quell your hopes for a stubborn jawline. Even if you don't have these problems, skin care is always beneficial. Regularly moisturizing is a great way to improve skin. Moisturize with an oil-free solution and wash off your face every two days. The results won't be available overnight, but you should see improvement after a few weeks.
    • This is even more important if you have a skin problem, such as acne.

Method 4 of 4: Contour Makeup Jaw

  1. Use good quality skin-balancing water. A good product will keep your skin from sagging, meaning your face (and jawbone) looks firmer. Accumulated dead skin flakes robs your face of natural vitality and sharpness, so you need to keep this under control if you want really sharp jawline.
    • Try to buy a balanced water that has astringent effects, as these are often the most effective at helping firm skin.
  2. Use collagen-enhancing products in the skin. Collagen is an active ingredient in the skin that helps the skin maintain its firmness. Certain cleansers and balancing waters have the effect of stimulating collagen production in the skin, so be sure to check it out when buying skin care products. Collagen also comes in injectable form, but due to undesirable side effects, this form of collagen is only used as a last resort.
  3. Make up to highlight jaw lines. If you use cosmetics, you can subtly lift your jawline.There are several ways to do this. If you are not familiar with makeup, you may need to experiment a few times to be successful. With this method, you should keep it light and subtle so that people won't realize that your jawline is due to makeup.
    • Use chalk to draw chalk lines along the cheeks and jaw to help create a more prominent jawline. Lightly blend hands and downward, using a shade that is one or two tones darker than your natural skin tone.
    • Use highlight chalk to lighten the jawline to highlight the contours of the jaw. Add a line about 5 cm long just above the jawline for a sharp look.
    • Use a little chalk to create a mass spread along the jaw and neck to help the above cosmetics blend together. You need to be very gentle; The goal here is to make the contour a little more even.
  4. Consider using liposuction surgery. As with all other facial contours, one can choose a surgical method to quickly have sharp jaw contours. You will be injected directly into the treatment area to burn excess fat, while stimulating collagen production. Talk to your doctor about whether to use this option.
    • If you're trying to have sharp jaw lines, cosmetic surgery is a useful and effective option. However, due to its cost and potential side effects, this method is seldom recommended, unless you have tried all other options that have failed.


  • Other parts of your face such as your nose, cheeks, or eyebrows can indirectly affect the outline of your jaw that others perceive in you.
  • The blurred jaw line is usually caused by excess fat in the body. You can improve this by switching to a whole-food diet and running exercises each morning.


  • Remember that the most important part of beauty is adjusting to your natural features.