How to be motivated to go to the gym

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Best Workout Motivation Ever - Joe Rogan
Video: The Best Workout Motivation Ever - Joe Rogan


Buying a membership for a gym is a great way for you to use training equipment, take classes and meet a high-quality fitness trainer. However, many people buy membership cards but rarely use them. To motivate yourself to go to the gym more often, there are a few strategies you can use, such as rewarding yourself, connecting with people at the gym, and keeping your gym bag in a convenient place.


Method 1 of 3: Maintain motivation through physical encouragement

  1. Buy an audiobook and only be used for listening at the gym. Studies have shown that committing to only listening to audiobooks during the gym pushes people to come to the gym more regularly. Choose an audiobook that you love so that you can really get motivated to practice.
    • If you don't like listening to audiobooks, you can make a list of movies you want to watch and let you watch only while you're exercising, like walking on the treadmill or using the treadmill.
    • You might also consider creating a playlist for gym-only songs. Please synthesize the songs you love and commit to only listen to them during practice.
    • Or you could replace the audiobook with a radio program to listen to in the gym. Choose fun programs to make exercise more enjoyable.

  2. Plan to reward yourself. Knowing that if you try hard, you will be rewarded will also help motivate you to practice. Take the time to design your rewards for when you get to practice a certain number of times per week and month.
    • For example, you could reward yourself with a new bottle of emulsion or rent a movie if you go to the gym 5 times a week, or reward yourself with getting a manicure or going to the cinema if you go to practice 20 times a month.
    • Choose rewards that motivate yourself and commit to only getting them if you reach your goals for the gym.

  3. Calculate the cost of not going to the gym. Membership card of gyms are not cheap, so if you do not use it, you will waste a lot of money. If you will be more motivated to spend money, take the time to figure out how much money you will lose if you do not go to practice or do not go regularly.
    • For example, your membership costs 200,000 VND a month, if you don't go to practice for a week, you will waste 50,000 VND; If you only go to practice 2 times a month, that means you have to pay 100,000 VND for each exercise.

  4. Commit to go to the gym or have to spend money on charity. If the loss of an amount greater than the cost of going to the gym will make you go to the gym more actively, try to pledge to donate 2,000,000 VND or more to charity if you do not go to the gym enough times booked. out for a month.
    • For example, you could commit to going to the gym 20 times a month or donate 2,000,000 VND to your local animal rescue center.
    • Or, if you think you'll be more motivated if you have to spend money on something that isn't worth it, you can commit to spending money on it if you don't fulfill your training goal.

Method 2 of 3: Create a positive training experience

  1. Think of your greatest motivation to go to the gym. Maybe you want to lose weight to wear better clothes, be more confident or feel stronger, but these reasons are not specific enough to motivate you. Instead of focusing on those common reasons, find one specific personal reason that motivates you to go to the gym.
    • For example, if you have children your motivation might be “I need to go to practice regularly to be a role model for my son”, or you could think further and tell yourself, “I have to be good when I hold my child's hand. Girl was on the ceremony on her wedding day, so today I have to go to the gym ”.
    • You can also use upcoming events to motivate you. For example, you could say to yourself, “I want to be beautiful on the day of my high school meeting on my tenth anniversary, so today I will go to the gym ”.
  2. Set goals for yourself. Having realistic exercise goals is a great way to stay motivated to go to the gym regularly. Try to set a gym goal following the SMART method. SMART stands for 5 characteristics: specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused and time- based).
    • For example, your goal might be to reduce your running time by 5 km to 2 minutes by the end of next month. This is a specific, measurable and achievable goal. You also know clearly when results-focused and time-based.
    • You can work out for this goal by running a distance of 5 km on the gym treadmill 3 times a week.
  3. Practice the exercises and join the practice classes you love. Exercising is less fun if you force yourself to do activities that are not enjoyable. Instead, engage in activities you enjoy to get more excited about going to the gym.
    • Try different classes at the gym, such as bike gym, cross-platform aerobics, boxing, and high interval training (HIIT). If you don't like this class, move on to another class. Alternatively, you can arrive a little early before class starts to socialize and feel like you're working harder.
    • Use a variety of exercise machines, such as a treadmill, step platform, exercise bike, and an overhead treadmill.
    • If the gym has a rotating workout model, you can also try it out.
  4. Get to know the coaches and active members at the gym. Spending time talking to coaches and members who come to the gym regularly will make your training more enjoyable. It also helps you exercise more responsibly as people will know if you're away. "Say hello" to your coach and other trainees every time you meet them at the gym, after a few times you can talk to them and introduce them more about you.
    • For example, if you happen to meet another member or the trainer of the gym on your way to the gym, you could say “Hi! I'm Nam. Even though I'm a bit lazy today, I still try to practice. Are you OK?"
    • You should also find a partner with you, maybe someone you meet at the gym, or a friend who also needs help with going to the gym more regularly. You can send text messages to each other every time you go to the gym or make an appointment at the gym a few times a week.

Method 3 of 3: Get ready to go to the gym

  1. Wear comfortable exercise clothes. Confidence in your looks seems to be the ultimate goal you aim for through working to the gym regularly, so wearing the gym clothes you love right now will help you. more motivation to strive. If you are wearing old and uncomfortable clothes to the gym, you should buy yourself some new gym clothes.
    • For example, you could buy yourself a new pair of leggings or shorts, a training shirt or tank top, and a pair of comfortable running shoes.
  2. Go to bed early to get enough energy to exercise. The feeling of fatigue is the main reason why people stop exercising. To avoid going to practice because you are too tired, try to go to bed a little earlier than usual.Even 30 minutes of extra sleep can make a big difference between whether you'll feel exhausted or energized to get to the gym.
    • For example, if you usually go to bed at 11:00 pm try to go to bed at 10:00 or 10:30
  3. Have a gym bag ready. Being prepared to immediately go to the gym can also help motivate you. When everything is ready, you will have little reason to quit. Pack your stuff in the gym bag and keep it in a convenient place at any time.
    • For example, if you want to go to work after work, keep your gym bag in your car or in your office. Don't forget to bring your clothes and training shoes, a water bottle, a towel and some snacks.
    • If you want to go to the gym in the morning before going to work, you can keep your gym bag near the door. Wear workouts and pack other items in your bag, such as water bottles, toiletries, towels and clothes to change for when you go to work.