How to Start a New Life from the Bottom of Your Life

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Start Over in Life - 7 Priceless Tips
Video: How to Start Over in Life - 7 Priceless Tips


J.K.Rowling was right when he said "The deep bottom has become a strong foundation for me to build my new life." Sometimes you have to fall into an abyss to find the strength to rise. If you want to start a new life from the bottom of your life, you need to improve your life so that you can have a stable income, give up bad habits and take active thinking. Everything will also be easier when you know to take care of your body and mind during this process.


Method 1 of 4: Pay attention to the basics

  1. Sing a little bit. That's right. This is the first step to starting over. You have to feel your own emotions. The compression will only make you "explode". Furthermore, when you acknowledge your feelings, you will be tempted to change your current situation. The only way you can act is to be self-aware of the situation and realize that you hate it. Please go on complaining. You are very dissatisfied. That's life like that.
    • Share the sadness. Do you see that dieters need companionship, or at least they need to share with the world what they're going through? It is a way to gain support from others and strengthen their sense of responsibility. This is also the case. Even if you only find one person, you'll still have a friend to lean on, someone who can guide you in the right direction every time you stumble. We all need such help.

  2. Take some time off. The point is that now you need to rest. Sometimes life needs to stop. Depending on the conditions, grab a KitKat bar and take a break for a while. Start recharging, preparing for the enormous efforts to come and take control of your life.
    • If you are employed, you may need to take leave. Don't take long leave to the point where you get fired. It only takes one to two days to think and focus. This time period is entirely for you.

  3. Have a stable income. Everyone has a clear chart of their needs.Most of us have a need for money. To have food, you need money in your pocket. You don't need a lot of money, but to get high on the demand rankings (and to start thinking about getting ahead) you need a steady income.
    • In short, start looking for a job if you are unemployed. It usually takes 40 hours a week to find a job. With the current economic situation, finding a job is not easy, but then you will also find it. You need to really pay attention to find a job, not to miss any information or miss any opportunities.

  4. Complete your studies. This will be even more important if you have not finished high school. You need a high school diploma to get a job. All you need to do is search on Google and call your local continuing education center. Most of these centers can help you plan your tuition payments and get you on the right track. Besides, what harm does it do to ask questions?
    • Return to lecture hall if you have gone to university but haven't graduated. This not only expands your career choices, but also makes you feel better about yourself. You will feel like you have achieved something. Anyway, the bottom of life is just a psychological state. Therefore, there are many people who seem to be on the bottom when viewed from the outside, but they themselves feel like they are on top of the world. Graduating from college can completely change your mindset.
  5. Give up harmful habits. If you smoke, drink alcohol, or engage in other addictive behaviors regularly, stop. Otherwise, you won't be able to improve yourself. To really improve, you must not keep old habits. You need to be responsible for yourself.
    • Imagine what kind of person you want to be. Does that type of person depend on someone or something else? When trying to start your new life, why should you accept a future less than your ideal type? You are responsible for yourself to be the best you can be. If you don't give up bad habits, you won't be able to build good habits.
  6. Have active thinking. You need to adjust your thinking if you want to radically change your situation and start a whole new life. Think, behave, dress like a completely new person, and of course make new friends. HoweverIn order to do so, you need to start thinking positively and with determination. There is no room for words like "I can't", "what if", and "probably" here. Must start over in life? You will.
    • By training your mindset differently, it is very likely that you will completely solve your situation. After all, what else are you other than your own thoughts? While no one can give anyone a detailed guide on how to change their mindset, later sections of this article will make the process easier. Thinking positively and confidently will help you to fully act on them.
  7. Identify exactly who you want to be. Appearance like? How to dress like? What will the relationships be like? Where will you live? Driving what? Take 15 minutes to close your eyes and imagine the life you want and how you would feel in it. Take a picture of this perfect life in your mind. You have to believe that the person you are visualizing is sure to be you.
    • You need to define your destination so you can know where and how you need to start your journey. How do you want your ending to be? What goal do you want to accomplish? Write them down. Everyone needs to strive for something, because no one is perfect. This is your chance to set goals for yourself. They will be the things you aim for.

Method 2 of 4: Body care

  1. Take a shower. This may sound funny, but to clear your mind, you need to cleanse your body. For a fresh start, you must also feel refreshed. The dust that is filled with people will only remind you of your current situation.
    • As mentioned above - "deep in life" is just a psychological state that can come and go easily. Bathing (and other seemingly pointless tasks) can become tips to help you relax, relieve stress, and signal to your mind that it's time to start over. You are not only cleansing your body but preparing for a change.
  2. Do exercise. Looks pretty strange at first glance, right? Who at the bottom of his life could have the will (or ability) to exercise? But the point is that you cannot think of this problem in one way. In fact, think the opposite way. Will the new person exercise succeed or will the person who exercise succeed? What should we focus on here, the chicken or the egg?
    • The first thing to deal with when you feel bored is your body. You lie in bed all day, when you open your eyes to see the sun, you just want to chase it away. Furthermore, this is a vicious cycle that gets worse and worse. Your body slowly sags and pulls your mind. When you exercise, your mind will gradually follow the instructions of your body instead of the opposite. You will be happier, you look better, and you will be become better when exercising - that will help you cope with this crazy world.
  3. Focus on healthy eating. You suddenly spend hours eating canned food, canned wine, canned ice cream, and nibbling on your hatred. After that binge eating, you feel downright bad - and this makes the whole process repeat again. The only thing you can do at that time is lie on a chair and pray to escape the indigestion that is coming. Not very effective, right?
    • Food should energize you instead of making you tired and bored. After a healthy meal, your body feels better and you should feel better too. Do you realize the rule here? To get out of the abyss, you need to feels good enough to improve the situation (not good enough to do so). Eating well is one of the many psychological tips to help your mind relax.
  4. Take care of your appearance. This doesn't mean you have to pursue external materialism or frivolity. However, a beautiful look will improve your mood. So, after exercising and showering, put on a beautiful outfit and go out. You deserve it.
    • Being aware of your physical beauty can change the way you see things - and also the way others treat you (it is truly a heartbreaking truth). Once you find your inner confidence, you can change your behavior (for the better). This world will probably be kinder to you, and from there you will be more tolerant of yourself.

Method 3 of 4: Take care of your mind

  1. Stop thinking negatively. There you are! Please stop now. You know what they're like. Instead of rational and useful thoughts, you think: "I am a complete failure - no matter how hard I try it will never turn into anything, so what else do I try to do? " New news for you: those thoughts it is not true. They are just feelings, but feelings can change.
    • When you find yourself having a negative thought, force yourself to stop the thought, or add something else to turn the thought into a positive one. "I am a complete failure" will be changed to "I am just a complete failure in this one today, tomorrow is a new day." Don't let yourself fall into black and white thinking. Nothing is absolute. People have a saying "And this story will pass" is to talk about the above case.
  2. Rediscover old hobbies and discover new hobbies. When you are absorbed in sleepless sleep and drama series, it's easy to forget who you used to be.To get out of that deep groove, you have to do something you might not want - one of which is going back to your old life (before falling to the bottom of your life). Force yourself to play the instrument again if you've played music. Cook if you have ever had a passion for cooking. They may not be what you want to do, but rediscovering the things that used to be fun can be the catalyst for the change you need.
    • In addition to keeping old (and good) habits, you can build new habits. Being proactive (both physically and mentally) will help you overcome the boredom and lack of vitality that surrounds you. Are there any opportunities at your school or workplace? A friend trying to do something that you find interesting? Is there a way to make a meaningful use of your free time? In other words, what could distract you?
  3. Make a daily to-do list. Every day, listless fatigue will always visit us. Dawn has arrived and the only reason you get out of bed is to go to the toilet. It is in these situations that to-do lists come in very handy. Make a list of the little things you want to accomplish that day, no big hammer - just enough to get you out of bed and have a productive day.
    • This depends on the length of the process you have gone through. It could be "sending 5 applications", "jogging for 3 km", or "chatting with a stranger". Think about what you want to achieve in the near future - what are the little things you can do every day to achieve those goals?
  4. Helping others. Another trick to pull you out of your own world and into someone else's world (which will probably be a less intimidating place) is to help people. Helping others not only makes them happy, but it also makes you happy. You will get the joy right away.
    • Look for small opportunities in addition to the big ones. Take the dog of an old neighbor for a walk, bring things for a pregnant woman, help a family member - all these little things accumulate slowly. You will feel your life has more purpose, make new friends, and change the world for the better. One arrow hits three targets.
  5. Surround yourself with positive influences. Most likely it is the people around you that have made you face your current predicament. It's a shame to tell you this, but the people around you may be holding back your growth potential. Are your current relationships making you tired and depressed? Even if your answer is "yes", it's best to devote your energy to something else.
    • Sometimes you need to end harmful friend relationships. We all grow up, and friends may not get along with who you are. That's perfectly normal. If a friend (or lover) doesn't make you happy, it may be time for them to leave.
  6. Moving house. Very obvious, this is easier said than done, but if your current situation is mainly caused by a location factor (no job opportunities, no friends), consider moving - when the Financial event allowed. Moving doesn't need to be that grand, but changing your surroundings can bring you a lot of benefits. What better way to renew yourself than to refresh your own senses?
    • After you move, you will soon forget everything from your previous life. Who have you been in the past? If you have sad memories associated with your current home, consider this option carefully. Is there a site you can move to and still maintain your network of supporters? Consider whether moving is worth it (although this is also very difficult). The decision to move is similar to being given a whole new world.

Method 4 of 4: Reach balance and daily routine

  1. Be patient with yourself. Frankly, your new life won't come overnight. This can take years. You will make small but steady steps that you may not realize. Imagine trying to lose 30 grams per day. You won't be able to tell the difference for a long time - but one day your clothes will get too loose.
    • By the time you realize it, you've probably become so wonderful, happy and contented that you remember that there was a time when you were at the bottom. Just leisurely wait for that moment, the moment you wake up and realize "Hmm, I was like that, right?" That moment will come, always. Remember that night is always darkest before dawn.
  2. Focus in transition. This is another way of saying "Slow down at a speed bump." Sometimes you will not be able to bear it - you are tempted to go back to that deep bottom, even worse (is there any worse place than the abyss?). You then have to focus, stay positive and realize that these times are perfectly normal.
    • At this point, you are trying to do a very difficult job of balancing your old life with your new one. No one is expecting you to make it easy. In fact, everyone is more than happy to help. That's what friends are. Remember that the transition period, although chaotic, is only temporary. Concentrate and you will overcome them.
  3. Nurture your passion. You are slowly going up. Great, excellent, wonderfull. Now is the time to find something new that makes you feel good, push yourself and stop negative thoughts. What comes to mind right now? Any passion is fine, as long as you are really passionate. This passion takes up your time, drives you to be creative, and gives you a purpose. Passions are wonderful.
    • You will be very pleased when you are really good at something. The fun is increased when you are truly good at something you love. Nurturing your passion, whatever your passion, can have many benefits to your self-esteem. Your mentality is firmer, and you will no longer have to deal with the bottomless state of your life. That feeling has been wiped out.
  4. Have a stable and comfortable schedule. After you have come up with a lot of new and interesting ideas, all you need to do now is make them a part of your daily life. This may take weeks, but everything - work, socializing, passions, free time - will soon be in order. There is no reason for it not to be like that.
    • The good news is that your timetable will automatically shape up. As long as you stick to the set priorities (take care of your body and mind as mentioned above), everything will be fine.


  • Realize that you are starting a new life, and you need to behave like a new person.
  • Remember your reasons carefully. When you are planning a new life, clearly define why you want to achieve a goal. This is very important because it will motivate you.
  • Find a support group (online or in person). Surely that group will also have other people like you. You may be confused about this, but they know it very well.
  • You can do it! There is a saying, "You can do anything if you give it your all," and that is very true in this case.
  • Do what you do best - be yourself. Sometimes, you feel like you are falling to the bottom of your life for personal reasons, like someone or something is causing you that feeling. But, you know, you can't please everyone. Just because someone who doesn't like you right now doesn't mean the people you meet tomorrow won't love who you are. Just live true to yourself.
  • Surround yourself with positive people in environments full of positive energy.