How to start a conversation with a girl you don't know

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO SNAPCHAT A GIRL YOU DON’T KNOW  | #1 Way to Get a Girl on Snapchat
Video: HOW TO SNAPCHAT A GIRL YOU DON’T KNOW | #1 Way to Get a Girl on Snapchat


It may be stressful to have a conversation with an unfamiliar girl, but with some hint you will be more confident to start the conversation. When you are approaching a girl, give her a warm smile and read her body language to see if she's ready to talk. Then, you will talk about where you live, ask friendly questions, be funny, and ask for contact information to make her expect more from you. If you're talking online or on a dating app, start with a friendly personal message that shows you are thinking about her.


Method 1 of 3: Approach a girl directly

  1. Take a deep breath and tell yourself why you are such a wonderful person. It's okay to feel nervous when talking to strangers, so try to stay calm by taking a deep breath and remembering your good qualities. Remember, you have nothing to lose! If she doesn't want to talk, you'll be fine, but if you don't try, you never know.
    • Tell yourself, “I'm a kind, funny person, and the shirt I'm wearing is amazing. She will be happy to talk to me. ”

  2. Careful appearance to increase confidence. Make sure you look your best and feel most confident by bathing, deodorizing, and dressing you like. You don't have to be too different from normal, just pay more attention to body odor and take care of your appearance, then you will be confident to approach any girl.
    • Attraction primarily comes from the way you present yourself, not your appearance. If you act like a caring person, are always friendly and smiling, you'll be much more charming.

  3. Make eye contact with her. As you walk towards the girl, make eye contact with her to let her know you are coming and not be surprised. To be as friendly as possible, approach from the side or the front so that she can see you, rather than behind. Making eye contact can boost your confidence and show you want to talk to her.
    • If you have to approach her from behind, say “Hello” instead of touching their shoulder. Some girls panic when someone suddenly touches them.

  4. Warm smile when approaching. A smile shows that you are a friendly and accessible person. It makes girls feel safe, because you act simple, not like a conqueror.
    • You act funny if you smile instead of scowling.
  5. Read her body language to see if she's ready to talk. Optimistic body language includes smiling, leaning toward you, making eye contact, and more about your hair or bodice. Signs that she doesn't like to talk include crossing her arms, looking at the ground, keeping her distance from you, or looking at your phone.
    • If you know she is shy, don't take eye contact as a bad sign.
  6. Leave respectfully if she doesn't seem excited. Don't let this happen. Maybe she just had a hard day, is too shy, or has a crush on someone and doesn't want to flirt with you.
    • You can try approaching her on another occasion to see if her attitude improves. However, if she's still not interested in talking, then it's best to stop. She will feel weird or annoyed because you keep trying to approach. Instead, think about other girls you can talk to.

Method 2 of 3: Start a chat

  1. Chat based on your location. For example, if you meet a girl at the bus stop talk about the weather. If you are at a coffee shop, ask her to suggest what to order. If you're at school, ask her how the class was going.
    • Your location-based chat is a great way to start a conversation with someone you don't know, as it's spontaneous and friendly.
  2. Introduce yourself and ask her name. After talking for about a minute, introduce yourself and ask her name. Just say your name without giving your last name if you want to remain rustic. Letting each other's names is a great way to make a relationship.
    • Say, “My name is Nam. What's your name? "
  3. Try to make her laugh. Many girls find a funny boy very attractive. If you like to joke, don't be afraid to be silly. You can make a wacky comment about what you see, or say something that looks a little self-deprecating. You can playfully tease her, avoid going too far or hurting her.
    • If you find it difficult to joke with strangers, don't try. Instead, seduce her with other aspects of you, such as optimism or a beautiful smile.
  4. Ask open-ended questions and listen. The best way to keep a conversation going is to give and accept opinions. If you are nervous, you will tend to ramble, but you will have a better chance of getting to know her if you ask open questions and really listen.
    • Don't rush to ask too personal questions. You might ask, "What do you like about this cafe?" or “I like your Hogwarts shirt. Which Harry Potter episode do you like? "
    • If you are in school, you can ask, "Who taught you history?" or “Did you join the basketball team? Looks like I saw you playing last week. ”
  5. Keep an upbeat atmosphere during the talk. Whatever you talk about, you must speak with a positive attitude. When the two of you get to know each other better, you can discuss deeper and heavier things, but now is the time to talk about the things and people that you like. This shows that you are caring and optimistic.
    • For example, if she says her favorite band and asks if you like it, don't say, “I hate those guys. They sing badly ”. Instead, steer the talk in a positive direction: “I don't know much about them. But I really like outdoor concerts. Have you ever heard of it? "
  6. Subtle praise on her personality. Focus on things that are part of her inner beauty, such as "You're funny", or "You're so sweet." If you want to compliment her on how she looks, focus on complimenting her smile, hair, eyes, and clothes, avoiding her personality. Speak honestly and use words like pretty and cute, instead of being hot or sexy, to avoid scare her.
    • Try to naturally incorporate compliments into your conversation.If she says something that makes you laugh, after smiling, say, "You're funny." If she says something nice, say, "You are so sweet." If there is a pause during the conversation and she is smiling, you can say, "You have a beautiful smile".
    • See how she reacts to your compliments. If she blushes, smiles, giggles, or compliments you back, that's a good sign. If she gets angry and backs off, she probably isn't interested.
  7. Please contact information before goodbye. Don't let the talk go meaningless by never seeing her again! Bravely ask for her phone number, or offer to befriend her on Facebook or Instagram. If you find that she seems reluctant to give her number, give your number, and let her act first as you wish.
    • You can say, “I have to go now, but I want to talk to you later. Can I have my phone number? "
    • Or you say, “I really want to see you again. Can I have my phone number? " Then you give her the phone to get the number.

Method 3 of 3: Texting using a dating app

  1. Text for advice if you have her number. This is a great reason to text someone new to you. You can ask for advice on anything: which class to take, the best ice cream in town, or what to read.
    • Incorporate compliments into your talk to flirt with her. Text her: “I don't know which subject to choose for next semester, you are the smartest here. Give me advice? " Or, “You sang really well at the concert yesterday! Any other good songs? I want to hear some more songs ”.
    • Joking around by pretending to have an urgent job, "I have a question to ask you urgently: which ice cream shop is the best in town?"
  2. Ask your girlfriend for suggestions to start the conversation. Even if you don't know the girl, you can assume that she likes listening to music, watching TV, or reading books. You could say that you've just finished watching a TV program or are looking for a good channel to watch.
    • Text the following, "I just watched" You want to date ". The program is very good! Do you know any other programs or not? "
  3. Send her a text that says "thinking of you" to show your sweetness. This is really sweet and proves that she is on your mind, even if you don't know her well yet. If you like a cute girlfriend in class, then this is the right way to send a surprise message.
    • You can say, “Just after listening to this song, I didn't come back, I suddenly remembered you during the spring music performance that day. What you are doing?"
    • Mention a common point between the two of you. For example, “I just met Mr. Trevor at the supermarket. Hihi, I'm afraid to die. I wonder how you can pass that course without your commentary. "
  4. Date the girl to study together as an excuse of dating. If you have a girlfriend's number in class, or are texting her on social media, invite her to study together as an excuse to date. If you want to be more flirtatious then use the word "date".
    • The message goes like, "Mr. L gives a mountain of homework ... Dating this weekend homework?"
    • Make her a hero by texting, “I'm going to die from school. Help me! "
  5. Mention a detail on her profile while texting in a dating app. When sending your first text message to a girl you just matched on a dating app, don't just say "Hi" or praise her for looking good. Prove that you've taken the time to read her resume by mentioning a detail in it.
    • Feel free to do humorous texting and be a little down on yourself. For example, if your resume says she likes karaoke, you say, “I see you can be that karaoke star. Is singing out of tune a disaster for you? Ask for a friend ".
    • For example, if your resume says she likes watching the movie Friends, you say, "So you feel like Rachel, Phoebe, or Monica?" If it says she likes to read, ask what her favorite book is.
    • If she doesn't have anything specific on her resume, question one of her photos. For example, “The scene looks so beautiful! Where did you shoot? ”
  6. Invite her out on a date after chatting for a while online. Remember, the purpose of a dating app is not to talk in the virtual environment forever, but to arrange a time to meet face to face. After you've established a relationship, invite her out. You will not be able to tell if you are compatible without meeting in person.
    • Please frankly invite her out. Say, “Can I invite you to have coffee this week? There's a newly opened cafe that has delicious cake. ”
    • Or say, “I want to meet up to talk more. Would you like a drink at Benni on Fridays? "
    • If she's not available at the time you mentioned, ask when she's free.