How to Know if a High School Girl Likes You

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Know If A Girl Likes You In School
Video: How To Know If A Girl Likes You In School


It is difficult to know if a high school girl likes you or not. Some people are shy and won't tell you anything about their feelings. Others are comfortable and will speak for you, but they may give you mixed signals. Even so, there are still plenty of signs that can tell you if a high school girl really likes you. If you want to know how a girl feels to you, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 4: Notice Her Appearance

  1. Examine her body language. Body language can help you see if a girl likes you or not. Her words may not tell you that she likes you, but her body will show it. If she really likes you, she will direct her body towards you and try to lean over when talking to you so she can be closer to you. Here are a few signs that she likes you:
    • See if she's straying her hair or looking down at her feet. This means she is embarrassed and embarrassed talking to you because she likes you.
    • See if she's moving her legs or playing with her arms or jewelry. This is another sign that she is restless because she likes you.
    • See if she avoids eye contact. If you look her in the eye and she looks away, it might mean she's feeling shy about talking to you.
    • Examine her smile. Does she laugh when she talks to you, even when it's not funny? That may mean she likes you.

  2. See how she dresses up when she's with you. Did you notice that she's flattering when she knows she'll be around you? If you knew you were going to meet her at the mall and she dressed and put on more makeup than usual, maybe that is for you. If she knows she's going to see you over the weekend wearing a new dress, she's probably trying to be prettier for you.
    • Maybe she'll put on a little perfume when she knows she's going to see you. If you don't think she wears perfume when she goes to school but suddenly does so when you guys go to the movies together, maybe that's for you.
    • You will also need to consider whether she dressed up like that when you weren't there. For example, ask other classmates if she dressed up on the days when you didn't see each other, or pay attention to her appearance on the days when you happened to see each other to see if she dresses up. Is she as thoughtful as she did when she knew she was going to see you.

  3. See if you made her blush. This is a good indication that she really likes you. If you catch her blushing after you look at her, or her face blushing slightly while talking to you, then she is embarrassed because she likes you so much. Observe her for a while. See if she's the shy type or if she's just shy about you. If she just blushes in front of you, then she thinks you're special. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Notice the Things She Does

  1. See if you catch her staring at you. If you look around the classroom during English class and catch her looking at you, then she probably likes you. If she suddenly looks away, blushes, or doesn't look your way towards the rest of the classroom, there's a high chance she likes you because she feels like she's been caught. You can also see if you make eye contact with her when you are out in groups. Watch her from afar at a party and see if she's looking at you.
    • If she's the type of person who looks distracted or dreamy, then she's probably not directing her attention to you.
  2. See if it makes it easier for her to smile around you. If you talk to her and find that she giggles for no reason, or even laughs when you haven't said anything interesting, then it may be because she likes you. . Smiling is the most natural way to relieve anxiety, so she may smile a lot because she is feeling anxious or excited around you.
    • See if she laughs a lot around people, or if you have any special effect on her laughter nerves.
  3. See if she always laughs at her friends when they pass you. If she walks past you with her friends, and her friends laugh and nudge her as you step forward, this is a signal that they both know that she likes you and is teasing. she. If she says "Stop it!" Either gently push your friend or avoid eye contact when this happens, then there's a high chance that she has feelings for you.
    • If a high school girl has a crush on you, often her friends will know about it. Watch her friends carefully for any signs that they know how she feels about you.
  4. See if she has gentle touch with you. She will usually touch you jokingly like shoving, or touching your shoulder when talking to you. Notice if she is touching other guys around her or if it's just you. If she only pays special attention to you, then that is a sign that she likes you.
    • If she was joking around with all the guys around, then she might be the type of person who likes physical contact.
  5. See if she gives you a small gift. If she gave you a bowl she made during manual hours, or even if she went to the mall and bought you something silly like a pencil with your favorite football team on it, Then she is telling you that she likes you. If she brought candy or cake to school and offers to invite you, then she is trying to impress you and tell you that she likes you. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Notice what She says

  1. See if she tries to talk about common interests. If she knows the Warriors are your favorite basketball team and suddenly starts talking to you about them, it means she's starting to care about them because of you. If she knows you love watching Game of Thrones and suddenly knows everything about the characters in the movie, then she's probably just trying to impress you with these new interests. ..
    • If she has never been interested in your interests before but suddenly knows everything about your favorites, then it is possible that she has feelings for you.
  2. See if she finds a reason to talk to you. If she approaches you and asks questions that you know she can easily ask anyone else to answer, like how difficult a math test, or a new sport What is your gym class you play in, so she's obviously looking for a reason to talk to you. If she asks what you think of a teacher or a transfer student, she's just trying to spend a lot of time with you by asking whatever questions come to her.
  3. See if she makes fun of you. If she teases you, then you can most likely be sure that she likes you. If she makes fun of you, by laughing at your new shoes, clothes or commenting on how messy your closet is, then she's teasing you because she likes to be around. friend.Her jokes can be a bit malicious at times, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like you.
    • Remember the golden rule: If she notices you, she likes you. Teasing is also a way of attention.
  4. See if she's flirting with you. At this age, teasing and flirting often mean the same thing. However, there are some signs that she is flirting with you. If she winks at you, even if it's a joke, then she is definitely flirting with you. If she teases you about your newly cut hairstyle or says it's a positive change, she's swinging at you.
    • If she is shy, mischievous, and a bit goofy around you, then she is flirting with you.
    • If she teases you to like another girl, especially if you clearly don't have feelings for that girl, then she's probably just flirting with you.
  5. See if she asks who you like. If she suddenly has an interest in the person you like and whether you want to invite anyone out, then she wants to know if you like her - unless she wants to be a matchmaker. you with a friend of hers. If she keeps talking over and over again about who you like or even giving a few names she knows you don't like, then she's just trying to talk to you about your love life. you to become closer to you.
    • If she makes fun of your former girlfriend or other girls around you, she might be feeling jealous because she really likes you.
  6. Notice what she tells you on Facebook or via text. High school girls often enjoy flirting through Facebook and texting. Remember the first rule: If she notices you, chances are she likes you. If she's always texting you or posting on your Facebook wall for no reason, then she probably has feelings for you.
    • If she posts a video or a link about something you like on your Facebook wall, then she is more likely to like you.
    • If she asks what you're going to do on the weekend while texting you, then she is interested in your plans because she likes you.
    • Check out her Facebook activity. Does she talk to other guys as often as you do? Or are you special?

Method 4 of 4: Find out if She Likes You

  1. Ask her friends. Asking her friends if she likes you is an indirect way of telling her that you have feelings for her. However, if you're embarrassed but really want to know how she feels without having to ask her in person, ask her friends about her feelings for you. They may not tell you how she feels, but they will make it clear that she likes you by reacting positively and telling you to confess to her. They will also tell her that you like her right away, so be careful.
    • However, her friend will let you know if she likes you and this will hurt you if she doesn't love you.
  2. Personally ask her. If you are brave enough and really want to date this girl, you can find a time when it's just the two of you, like next to your locker after school and ask her to see her. how do you feel about you. You can even admit to her in advance that you like her (if you have one) and wait for her to respond. Don't make her feel pressured - simply say that you realize she might like you and that you want to know how she truly feels.
    • You can even give her a little compliment to make her more comfortable.
  3. Respond accordingly. If she admits that she likes you and you like her too, you don't have to bounce around for happiness otherwise you will look less attractive. Instead, show her that you are happy that you both have feelings for each other and ask her if she wants to hang out from time to time. If she doesn't like you, don't overreact to it. Say "Okay nothing". and be indifferent and calm when you say goodbye. This just shows her that you are comfortable with yourself and maybe - she may change her mind about you in the future.
    • Whatever happens, remember that you are just in high school. Relationships at this age are very carefree but they usually don't last long and shouldn't be overly important. Try to have fun and if things go wrong with this girl, someone else will definitely like you.


  • Girls often want you to take the first step. Believe me, our daughter is extremely shy. It is very rare for a girl to actively invite a guy out.
  • Limit conceit to a minimum. Girls often don't like guys with a big ego.
  • If you accidentally meet each other's eyes, smile or wave at her. It was quite embarrassing so blushing is acceptable.
  • If you find her attracted to another guy, don't mess with, offend, or defame that person. That might make her angry.
  • Don't invite her out via email, text, or anything else except in person. That makes you seem like a coward and immature enough to do anything on your own.
  • Don't annoy her because you talk too much. (If you talk a lot, make sure everything you say is engaging and interesting.)
  • If she tells you about other guys, she's probably trying to make you jealous. Go on with that topic and start talking about other girls but don't go too far otherwise she will think you like someone else.
  • In any case, never invite her out because you bet or get challenged, no matter if you really like her! That will have a negative effect on her and will not increase your chances of dating her at all. If you have the confidence to do it while betting or being challenged, you will also have the courage to ask her without them.
  • Human pupils often dilate (in other words, widen) when they are with the person they like.

Also, see how she treats you in comparison to her friends and classmates.

  • If a girl makes fun of you, it will often be in the direction of teasing, don't think she's really making fun of you. Teasing is often a signal of flirting.