Ways to knit

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Different Types of Knitting Styles (how you hold the needles, yarn and make each stitch)
Video: Different Types of Knitting Styles (how you hold the needles, yarn and make each stitch)


  • Pull the short wool thread through the loop. You gently pull your hand so that the thread forms another ring.
  • Hold two threads of wool, pull your hands tightly to form a knot like a noose.
  • Pierce the newly created knot into a knitting rod.

  • Gently pull your hand so that the button fits into the loop. advertisement
  • Method 3 of 5: Knitting thin stitches

    Thin noses are the points that you will add to the crochet. There are many ways to knit thin stitches, in which the one introduced below is quite simple and fast, very suitable for beginners.

    1. Spin the longer yarn through the palm of your left hand and loop it back. The shorter wool from this time will no longer be used, you can let go or hold the right hand neatly.
    2. Slide the knitting rod under the wool thread wrapped around the palm of your left hand.

    3. Pull your hand away from the yarn, and you will see the wool form a new loop around the yarn.
    4. Spin the wool so that it fits snugly against the knitting rod. So you have to knit your first skinny nose!
    5. Repeat the above steps until you get the desired number of thin noses. Every time you draw your left hand and pull the wool snug snugly into the knitting rod, you get a thin stitch, the slide you knit first counts as a thin stitch, so you can count the next stitches. Make sure that all the thin noses rotate upwards; Do not let them twist around the knitting rod otherwise knitting in the next step will be very difficult. You also should not pull the wool too tightly, to the nose slightly loose It is easier to knit a little bit. advertisement

    Method 4 of 5: Knit into a row

    In knitting, you can knit many different types of stitches, knit stitch is just one of them. You can purl stitch, ribbing for example. However, when you first start knitting, you should start with the nose down.

    1. Hold the knitting stick with the stitches in the left hand, the drum in the right hand. You can curl the thread around your right middle finger to prevent it from getting tangled.
    2. Stick the right knitting stick in the first stitch on the left knitting stick (the one closest to the tip) from top to bottom; The right knitting stick is now under the left crochet hook.
    3. Take care to keep the wool yarn (the long thread that comes out of the roll) under the knitting rods.
    4. Holding long wool yarn (Do not use short fibers) around the knitting needles should be counter-clockwise so that the wool is between the two knitting rods. You remember the wool yarn from back to front.
    5. Look at the position between the two knitting sticks. You should see two holes separated by wool in the middle.
      • Pull the right stick down slightly so that the tip of the stick can be inserted through the hole on the left.
    6. Poke the right stick forward through the left hole. You work slowly so that the stitch does not come out of the rod.
      • If you look straight, rather than looking at the two knitting rods from top to bottom, the operation will look a little different. You begin to pull the right stick down really slowMake sure the wool you have just rounded it does not come off. You should hold the yarn firmly so that the stitches will not loosen when handling.
      • When the right stick is almost pulled out of the stitch, you thread the end of the stick, hooking the middle wool thread towards your body.
      • This action is intended for the wool thread to pass through the stitch in a new loop. The new loop created on this right rod is the new stitch to replace the old one.
    7. Now that you have a new stitch, slide the old needle out of the knitting needle. You hold your hand on the first stitch on the left stick, lift up the right stick with this stitch, and slide it out of the left end of the stick. If done correctly, you should see a knot on the right stick. (If not, remove the nose just now, knit one thin stitch on the left stick and do it again.)
    8. Repeat the stitching operation until all the stitches on the left stick have been stitched, ie when you have finished transferring all the stitches to the right stick.
    9. Switch the knitting stick. You move the rod with the stitches in your right hand to your left hand and hold the drum in your right hand. Be sure to keep stitches facing up and the knit part always under the left knit stick.
    10. You knit each row one at a time, and when you run out of rows, you swap sticks. Continuing to do so, you will gradually create a "garter stitch" from the stitches. advertisement

    Method 5 of 5: Knitting stitches

    Knitting stitches or stitches are the final stages of knitting. This step converts all remaining stitches on the knitting rod to a finished edge.

    1. You knit two stitches as usual.
    2. Stick the left knitting stick into the first stitch on the right hook (the tip is farther from the right end).
    3. Pull the first stitch around the second stitch.
    4. Pull out the left knitting stick, at this point only one stitch remains on the right stick.
    5. You knit one stitch and repeat the same steps until there is only one stitch left on the right stick.
    6. Pull the knitting rod from the last stitch. Hold your hand to prevent this nose from slipping.
    7. Cut the wool, leaving about 15 cm.
    8. Pass the end of the cut wool through the last nose and pull tight. You cut off the excess wool, or for a better look, you can use a wool needle to stitch the excess wool into the product.
    9. Congratulations! Your first time knitting was successful !. advertisement


    • If you are new to knitting for the first time, you should use wool yarns and large knitting rods, which will help you knit faster.
    • Don't be in a hurry.
    • You should buy or make your own knitwear bag, including the knitting instructions, to keep them organized and inadvertent.
    • Knitting and recreational activities help relieve stress. You need to be very focused to be able to knit your arms evenly.
    • When you first learn to knit, you should buy wool that is affordable, not too expensive.
    • When removing a knit stitch from the rod, make sure to tie it.
    • Do not knit your hands too tightly, knitting a little loosely will help you pierce the knitting needle more easily.
    • Relax while knitting to avoid fatigue. If you begin to feel shoulder fatigue, you are probably straining.
    • Don't be afraid to ask others for guidance.
    • You can bring items to knit when going somewhere because they are very compact and do not take up much space.
    • Practice knitting every day so you don't forget how to knit. Knitting requires concentration and memory, so long periods of non-knitting can make you forget what you've learned.
    • Choose a simple product to learn to knit, such as a dish liner or a scarf, and gradually weave to more difficult products like gloves. Choosing a difficult product when you first learn to knit can be very tiring and frustrating.


    • Always check the number of stitches on the rod. If you have a missing or excess nose, your product will definitely be faulty.
    • Some knitting needles are quite sharp and pointed. Choose for yourself the safest and most comfortable knitting needles.
    • Knitting will gradually become a habit. When you start knitting a large product, make sure you have enough time to perfect it.
    • Metal knitting needles and small sticks are difficult to knit. When you first start knitting, you should use a large plastic knitting rod.

    What you need

    • Wool roll
    • A pair of knitting sticks
    • Knitting needles
    • Drag