Get likes on Facebook

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
1 Simple Hack to Getting 1000 Likes on Facebook
Video: 1 Simple Hack to Getting 1000 Likes on Facebook


This wikiHow teaches you how to get likes on your personal Facebook content, including comments, statuses, and photos. You must have a Facebook account before you can start posting. If you are not new to Facebook, consider reading this article on Facebook likes instead.

To step

  1. Understand what belongs in a likable status. While there is no formula for Facebook status that will always get you likes, there are a few things you can use to increase the number of likes:
    • Humour - Jokes, funny comments, satire and the like are all welcome on Facebook.
    • Pictures - Facebook users like to view a photo in addition to your regular posts. This can vary from a funny photo (see above) to a new profile photo.
    • Recognizability - While jokes and obscure references within your circle of friends may sound good, making your posts recognizable will get them about more people and get more likes.
    • Relevance - If you choose to post about current events or some other relevant event, you will usually find yourself getting more likes than talking about something dated.
  2. Know what to avoid. Just as there are posts that are well received on Facebook, some topics are best avoided:
    • Political Messages - While political posts can generate huge collections of like-minded people, they also tend to alienate others and unleash inflammatory or nasty comments. Unless you're sure your Facebook friends have the same ideas, avoid discussing politics on your page.
    • Screaming for attention Messages in which you literally ask for attention (such as, "I'm so lonely" or "Wish someone cares") are generally poorly received by most people on Facebook.
    • Asking for likes - Asking for likes of any kind - be it some sort of chain letter or motivational post (e.g. 'Are there 10 Christians to like this status?') - is usually a sure way to get less (or none) receive likes.
    • Incoherent or exclusive messages - As mentioned before, posting a joke or an obscure reference may not get you likes at all. The same goes for vague, random messages (eg "Hmmm .... wonder what you think").
    • Large numbers of photos - Posting one or two photos with a few lines of text is a great way to engage your Facebook friends, but uploading multiple photos at once can cause people to skip the post altogether.
    • Links to content - While you can post a link to a YouTube video or a website, posting such a link without explanation or commenting on the content itself in the same post will usually turn people off.
  3. Post often on Facebook. You don't have to treat Facebook like your personal diary, even posting once a day is enough to keep your timeline full of content. When posting, try to come up with unique, engaging content that will make your friends laugh (or cry, as appropriate).
    • Posting more than two or three times a day can cause people to start avoiding your content due to oversaturation, so don't post to often.
  4. Try to post when you know your Facebook friends are active. You can see who is currently using Facebook on the desktop by looking for green dots next to people's names in the right sidebar. The biggest cause of missed likes is bad timing, so always post when you know people are reading your content, rather than in the middle of the night.
  5. Add friends. If you only have a few friends on Facebook, they may not even see your content without actively visiting your profile page! The more friends you have, the greater the number of people who can see and like your posts.
    • You have to stick with adding people you know in real life or, in moderation, friends of people you know in real life.
  6. Tag people in your messages. Tagging someone in a post notifies them of the post itself, making them more likely to like it. It will also appear on their Timeline if they choose to allow it, meaning more people will see the post.
    • Exercise some restraint when tagging - you don't want to overdo it and end up annoying or bothering your friends.
  7. Upload photos and videos. While text-only posts have their place on Facebook, many people respond best to visual media such as photos and videos. If you have an interesting item to share (e.g. a photo or video of an animal or a walk), consider uploading it.
    • Always add text with the photo or video.
    • It may be tempting to upload multiple photos at once, but try uploading them one at a time. This gives people the chance to view and like the photo without having to work their way through an entire album.
  8. Like your friends' posts. This is a bit of an investment: if you mark a friend's content as "Like", they may feel obliged to view (and possibly like) your content in return. Liking the content from friends also shows Facebook that you want to see more content from that person, which means that both of you will see each other's content more often.
  9. Add witty comments to friends' content. Like statuses, you can receive likes on your comments. If you can give a funny or thoughtful comment about a friend's status, you're almost guaranteed to get a few likes from them and their friends.
    • The same goes for replying to friends' comments on your posts. When you reply to a friend, he or she can like your comment to indicate that he or she has read and appreciated it.
  10. Interact with friends. While Facebook's exact algorithm for who you see content isn't clear, there seems to be a correlation between people you interact with regularly and people who often see your posts in their news feeds. You can increase the chances of friends seeing your content by responding to their comments on your content (or theirs).
    • Liking and commenting on the posts of other Facebook friends will also ensure that your friends see your posts more often.
  11. Be friendly. Facebook can be a highly toxic environment, so kindness and empathy are a good way to stand out as a much-needed break, for some people, from the standard Facebook crowd.


  • If you read a friend's comment on your own post or comment and have nothing to add to their comment, it is considered a general courtesy to like the comment.
  • Using solid content (such as posting things that fall into the same general category) will ensure that the people who like your posts will continue to do so on a regular basis.


  • It's often considered rude or obnoxious behavior on Facebook to ask people to like your content.