Keep a cat from running away during a move

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Keep a Cat from Running Away when It Is Moved - Moving Your Cat
Video: How to Keep a Cat from Running Away when It Is Moved - Moving Your Cat


Moving is a stressful time for everyone involved, not least your cat. Your cat will feel disoriented and anxious when you move into a new home, but you can help her adjust and reduce the chances of her running away or trying to find her way back to your old home. Introducing your cat gradually to her new environment will allow her to get used to her new environment and feel at home all over again.

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Part 1 of 4: Moving your cat

  1. Make sure your cat is microchipped. Before you move, it is important that you have taken a number of steps that will prepare your cat. If the worst happens and your cat runs away, and you've made sure your cat is microchipped and your details are correct, she will be fully registered and can be returned to you if picked up or found. Most cats are microchipped at the moment.
    • Your vet can do this quickly and easily and it won't hurt or upset your cat.
    • A small microchip is inserted under the skin, which can be quickly scanned by a veterinarian. The chip will contain all of the owner's details so that you can be reunited quickly. When you move or change your phone number, you need to update your information, as the database is only as good as the information you give it.
  2. Get a collar with your phone number on it. A more old-fashioned way to identify your cat is to give her a collar with your phone number on it. If she slips and gets lost, or if she goes back to your old house and someone finds her, they can reach you quickly and easily.
    • This is cheap and easy to do, but it can make a big difference.
    • It's a good idea to leave your phone number with the new residents of your old house in case your cat moves back there.
  3. Have a basket ready. Before the trip, make sure you have a suitable cat carrier that can survive the trip without falling apart or breaking. She will have to stay in the basket for quite a long time, which can be a very stressful experience for a cat. Take the time to get comfortable with her favorite blanket.
    • Let her get used to the basket before you try to put her in it.
    • You can do this by placing the basket open in the house a few days before the move. You can even put a little dry food in it to encourage her to go in.
  4. Keep your cat away from the moving bin. Moving is stressful for everyone, including your cat. Keep your cat in a separate room with everything she needs while you pack it up. When it comes to the moving day itself, it is extra important to keep your cat away from the stress and noise.
    • Consider using Feliway, a pheromone-containing cat sedative product from two weeks before the move, so that it has time to take effect.
    • Keep her in a separate room, which should be kept closed all day. Make sure everyone knows the cat is in there and that the door should be kept closed.
    • It's a good idea to put her in the room the night before the move and leave her there all night.

Part 2 of 4: Keep your cat in a room in the beginning

  1. Prepare a room for the cat. Before bringing your cat into your new home, prepare a room that you will keep her in for the first few days. Make sure the room is fully stocked with all of her favorite toys and blankets. You should also make sure there is enough food and water, and a litter box and all food and water bowls.
    • Cats rely on scents, so putting furniture in the room that smells like you can help too.
    • Put a sign on the door and tell the movers not to open that room, a panic cat can run away.
    • Also make sure your whole family knows which room you will keep the cat in during the move.
  2. Keep the cat in her carrier during the move. Your cat should be the last you move. Once you've moved all the boxes and furniture, bring your cat in in her carrier. Bring her into the room you have prepared, but keep her in her basket as long as there are many to come and go.
  3. Allow the cat to explore this room. When the move is complete and the appearance of normal life is returning, you can put your cat at ease in her new environment. The key to successfully acclimatizing to the new home is to act gradually. Keep her in that one room for the first few days, but once the moving noise has eased, you can let her out of her basket so she can investigate the room.
    • When you open the carrier, sit with her in the room for a while to put her at ease. Give her some food or treats.
    • Don't worry if she's going to hide in a corner or somewhere under a bed, she's just taking her time to adjust to her new environment. Be patient with her and don't try to force her out of hiding.

Part 3 of 4: Gradually giving access to more rooms

  1. Open more rooms. After a few days, you can start allowing your cat to explore more of the house. After making sure all possible routes out are closed and secured, invite her to have a look at some of the additional rooms. Giving her access to other spaces gradually will help her reduce her anxiety.
    • Keep an eye on her when you allow her to explore more, and be around to reassure her or play with her if she seems stressed.
    • If you have a cat leash, you can use it to make sure she can't run off. If your cat isn't used to a leash, it can actually make her even more stressed.
  2. Consider using a pheromone diffuser. You can use a pheromone diffuser that you plug into an outlet to diffuse scents formulated to soothe stressed cats. These can be purchased from your pet store or veterinarian, and they will help create a calming environment after a move.
    • It's an especially good idea to use one in the room where your cat will be spending a lot of time in the beginning.
    • Different cats will respond to these diffusers in different ways, and some may not respond at all. You can keep some catnip on hand as an alternative.
  3. Be patient. It is important to be relaxed with her, and to give her plenty of time to adjust to her new environment. It may take time for her to regain her old personality, and in the meantime she will be a bit more withdrawn or calm after the move. Showing patience and understanding will help her reduce any fears and create a comfortable and inviting environment.
  4. Keep her indoors for two weeks. While you gradually get her used to her new home, it's important that you don't allow her to go out yet. Keep her indoors for two weeks so she can get used to her new environment before you let her out. Spending so long in the new house allows it to establish itself as her new base, reducing the chances of her finding her way back to the old house.
    • Take extra care not to leave doors or windows open during this time and generally be attentive and careful.
    • If you have a very adventurous cat who is desperate to go outside, don't give in. Keep her indoors for at least two weeks; the amount of time depends on the individual cat's posture.

Part 4 of 4: Letting your cat into your new yard

  1. If possible, close off part of your yard. When you're ready to let your cat into your backyard, the same rules about gradual entry apply.If possible, close off a small area of ​​your yard to do this. Leave her in this enclosed space so that she is exposed to the sights and sounds of your garden.
    • An enclosed area should be one where she has no way of getting out to a road, or going through a fence into the neighbor's yard.
    • When you take her out, stay close to her and be considerate.
  2. Don't force her out. If she doesn't want to go out, she's probably still getting used to the new house and not quite comfortable yet. The adjustment period can vary, so don't force her to go outside, this will only upset her more. Be patient and let her go at her own speed.
  3. Let her walk around under supervision for short periods. Take her into the garden for short periods and let her discover. Keep an eye on her all the time, and bring a toy and some treats to put her at ease. Start with short periods and gradually lengthen them as she gets used to it. Start with a few minutes at a time and continue from there.
    • Always make sure there is an easy way back into the house if she is startled by something or wants to run back inside. Leave a door wide open for her and don't block it.


  • Cats without nails should be kept indoors! They cannot climb or defend themselves without their nails.
  • Don't be frustrated if your cat doesn't adjust as quickly as you'd like.
  • Your cat should wear a collar with contact information on it.
  • An indoor cat is safer, especially if you live in a busy area with a lot of traffic.
  • Build or buy an outdoor run for your cat to keep your cat from running away.
  • If your cat continues to hide because she is scared, give her time to adjust.
  • If your cat keeps it in a cage during the trip, make sure it is large and comfortable.


  • Be aware of the risks and dangers in your area: busy roads, foxes, the neighbor's dog, etc.
  • Make sure your cats are up to date with their vaccinations, especially those against FIV.
  • Be aware of nearby cats and stray cats that can carry rabies or other illnesses.