See if your cat is depressed

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Tell if a Cat Is Depressed
Video: How to Tell if a Cat Is Depressed


Cats can suffer from depression, just like humans. This can be caused by a variety of factors, from moving to a new address to the loss of a loved one. Depression can be difficult to notice because changes in behavior are sometimes subtle. But by watching your cat carefully, you should be able to spot signs of depression in your cat and act accordingly.

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Method 1 of 3: Evaluate the situation

  1. Have your cat examined by your vet. If you see behavioral changes in your cat, make an appointment with your vet. You want to make sure there is no underlying medical reason for your cat's depression that needs specific treatment.
    • Tell your vet about any changes you have noticed in your cat, such as changes in appetite, sleeping habits and personality. Your vet will perform a routine physical exam, listening to your cat's heartbeat, examining her eyes and ears, and taking her temperature.
    • If your vet thinks it's necessary, based on the behavioral changes you've reported, she may order blood tests and X-rays, or other additional tests. Some test results will be ready within the time of the appointment, while others may take a few days.
    • If there is no medical problem, your cat may be suffering from cat depression.
  2. Make an inventory of any recent changes. Cat depression has been linked to various causal factors. Consider your current situation and try to find out if there have been major changes recently that could have triggered a depressive episode.
    • Have you recently moved? Relocations are one of the biggest causes of cat depression. Many cats have difficulty transitioning from one apartment to another or house to home, and may develop temporary depression as they adjust to the move.
    • Has someone recently died in your household? Whether it was a human or an animal, death affects cats. They do not see or understand death in the same way that humans do, but will notice the absence of a human or animal. This can lead to feelings of depression.
    • Have you gotten busier recently? Whether it's because of work, your social life, or a new romantic relationship, finding that you've spent less time with your feline friend can easily lead to feline depression. Cats, especially breeds such as the Siamese, are social creatures and can become depressed if they feel neglected.
  3. Note the time of year. Seasonal depression (SAD) isn't just a human condition. Cats can be affected by the time of year and can become depressed in the winter months.
    • Winter months result in shorter days, which means less sunlight. Lack of sunlight causes depression in cats, causing changes in their behavior. If your cat's personality seems to change with the seasons, she may have seasonal depression.
    • Sunlight has an effect on the values ​​of melatonin and serotonin. This can lead to fatigue, anxiety and sadness in both humans and cats. Outdoor cats are particularly prone to depression in the winter because they spend so much time outside.

Method 2 of 3: Look for signs of depression

  1. Pay attention to your cat's sleeping habits. Cats are great sleepers. In fact, they sleep an average of 16 hours a day. However, if your cat appears to be sleeping more than usual, it could be a sign of depression.
    • Because cats sleep so often, it can be difficult to tell how much is too much. But you should have some idea of ​​when your cat is awake often and when she tends to sleep. Use this as a guide when monitoring her sleeping habits.
    • If you know that your cat is always awake in the morning to greet you, and she suddenly spends that time napping in the pantry, this could be a sign that she is depressed. If she's always awake after work and you find her sleeping on the couch now, report that too.
    • Watch for general dips in her energy. When your cat isn't sleeping, does she seem lethargic? Some cats are lazy by nature, but if your bouncy and energetic cat is suddenly sleeping all day, it could be a sign of depression.
  2. Listen to see if she's making more noise than usual. Cats make a variety of sounds, from blowing to purr to meowing. If you notice that your cat seems to be making more noise than usual, it could be related to depression.
    • Depressed cats may whine, cry, or blow in response to mild stimuli or just at random times throughout the day. She may be trying to convey that something is wrong.
    • As with sleeping, how much is out of the ordinary varies from cat to cat, and you can best judge what is normal for your pet. If your cat normally makes a lot of noise, meows to indicate her presence or to ask for attention, you may not have to worry about making regular noises. However, if a normally quiet cat suddenly starts to keep you awake at night because of howling, she may be trying to signal that she is unhappy.
    • Making excessive noise is often the result of the death of a buddy, which can be a pet, but also a human. Your cat may howl trying to help a missing partner find her.
  3. Pay attention to your cat's eating habits. Depressed cats may eat too much or too little in response to grief. Make an inventory of how much your cat eats.
    • Loss of appetite is a major factor in depression in both humans and animals. Your cat may not be interested in food and you may find that it does not eat at feeding times and that the dry or wet food that you leave outside remains untouched. Weight loss can be a result of such changes in appetite.
    • Conversely, some cats can overeat when they are depressed. Although it is rarer, it does happen. If you notice that your cat wants more food, especially if it gets to the point where she is putting on weight, it could also be a sign of depression.
  4. Check your cat's coat. When depressed, cats may fail to groom themselves or over-groom themselves. This can be physically noticeable.
    • If your cat's coat is dull or tangled, she probably isn't grooming herself. You may also notice that she is less grooming. For example, if your cat is regularly grooming itself in the middle of the living room after eating and suddenly stops, this could be a sign of depression.
    • Other cats, on the other hand, may over-grooming to control fears related to feline depression. You will likely find your cat licking itself for a long time. She can also get bald patches or a rash from too much grooming.
  5. Record how often your cat hides. Cats are social animals, but like to take a moment to themselves every now and then. It's not atypical for a cat to have a favorite hiding place, such as a dresser drawer or closet, but hiding too much can be a sign of depression.
    • When depressed, your cat may hide in hard to find places. For example, she will rather hide in a corner where she cannot be seen than just hide in a closet.
    • Again, only you can gauge what is normal for your pet. Some cats hide more than others, but if you are used to your cat spending time in the living room in the afternoons and suddenly she's gone without a trace, this could be a sign of depression.
  6. Watch for litter box problems. Litter box problems are related to stress, which is a symptom of depression in cats.
    • Understand the difference between marking behavior and urination. Marking behavior is a form of territory marking and is usually unrelated to depression. The urine is usually found on vertical surfaces, often has a strong odor, and it is usually done by male cats. If your cat is exhibiting marking behavior, it is likely because it feels its territory is under threat, not as a result of depression. But tensions between cats and other pets can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress and depression. Make sure to address any territorial disagreements before they result in mental health problems.
    • If you find urine or feces in the house, it could also be a sign of cat depression. Cats may urinate outside the litter box due to disliking the size, shape or type of filling, and they may also urinate next to the box if the filling is dirty. If your litter box is clean and you haven't changed anything recently, urinating may be related to depression.

Method 3 of 3: Fight against depression

  1. Give your cat enough attention. Depression in cats can be caused by too little attention. Make sure you give your cat all the love she needs to feel happy and safe.
    • Cats are social animals, but they tend to be more independent. Cats will generally signal when they want attention and it is best to let them come to you. If your cat approaches you and acts in an inviting way, such as rubbing your legs or snuggling up to you, she's craving attention. While it's not always possible to just drop everything and satisfy your cat's needs, at the very least give her a quick pat and pat to let her know you appreciate her.
    • Cats enjoy stimulating activities, so make sure to play with your cat. A good target time is 15 to 20 minutes a day. Cats like toys such as strings and toy mice, you can throw them away so they can chase after them. However, never be violent with a cat. Some owners struggle with their cats using their hands, but this can result in cats becoming timid and acting aggressively.
  2. Make sure your cat has something to play with when you are away from home. If you recently got into a busy job and you think your cat's depression is a response to that change, try to keep him happy when you're gone. There are several ways to keep your cat entertained when you are not there.
    • Leave the curtains open during the day, especially if you live in a rural area. Make sure there is a table, dresser or other platform in front of the window that your cat can climb on. Cats love to look outside and have access to sunlight and entertainment while you are away.
    • Some companies sell DVDs and other electronic media that you can play on your TV while you are away. Such films contain stimuli that cats will love, such as birds, mice and other cats. Be careful though, as cats can jump and hit the TV. Make sure your TV is secure and cannot easily fall and break in response to a cat's curiosity.
    • Many toys are designed for you to play with when you are away, such as mice and birds with catnip. There are also puzzle games, where a toy or piece of treats is put in a device. Your cat needs to figure out how to open this device to get her reward, and this can keep her busy while you are away. But, be careful. Some toys contain warnings advising you not to leave your cat alone. Make sure you choose toys that can be left safely while you are away.
  3. Try light therapy. If your cat's depression is related to seasonal changes, light therapy can help stave off winter depression.
    • Buy a lamp that mimics UV rays and turn it on for a few hours a day on your cat. Such lamps are often sold at garden centers, as people often buy them to grow plants indoors.
    • Sol Box is a brand of UV lamps that veterinarians recommend because they are specially made for cats. You can buy these from the online retailer Pawsitive Lighting, they also deliver outside the US. It produces bright, white light and manufacturers recommend exposing your cat to it for 30 minutes a day during the winter months.
  4. Try synthetic pheromones. Your vet may recommend brands of synthetic pheromones formulated to promote feelings of calm and happiness in cats.
    • Feliway spray is one of the most popular synthetic pheromones and can be purchased at online pet stores or from your vet. Only use these according to instructions and ask your vet if you have any questions or concerns about Feliwayspray.
  5. Consider medication. Medication is usually seen as a last resort to treat feline depression because of the potential side effects and the effort involved in getting cats to take their medication.
    • There are four types of medications used to treat depression and other behavioral problems in cats: benzodiazepines (BZs), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), tricyclic antidepressants, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRs). If your cat has depression, your vet will most likely recommend an MAO inhibitor or an SSR inhibitor.
    • Depending on the medication, side effects will vary. Some can be quite serious. For example, some MAOIs can cause potentially life-threatening reactions if your cat accidentally eats cheese while on this medication. Make sure you understand all possible side effects before giving your cat any medication. Ask your vet about side effects and which side effects need immediate medical attention.
    • Cats are notoriously difficult when it comes to drugs. Most vets only prescribe medications as a last resort. If your vet suggests medications, make sure you know how to administer, dose, and store them. If you are confused or concerned about something, don't hesitate to contact your vet and ask.


  • Always consult a vet if you see changes in your cat's behavior. Do not assume depression as certain symptoms, notably loss of appetite, can be linked to various illnesses. If your cat has a serious health problem, early intervention is important.
  • If you think your cat is lonely due to the loss of another pet, you may want to consider adopting another cat or dog. Obviously this is a difficult decision emotionally, but some cats are more sociable than others. If your cat seems to prefer to be in a companion, consider getting another pet.