Heal wounds with simple natural remedies

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Wound Care | Wound Healing | How To Heal Wounds Faster
Video: Wound Care | Wound Healing | How To Heal Wounds Faster


Our skin is our largest organ, and when cut into it, complex biochemical reactions immediately go to work to heal it. By treating a wound naturally, such as with antiseptics and herbal ointments, you can support your body's healing ability and help your skin heal quickly with minimal scar tissue. Learn how to clean, care for and heal a wound naturally.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Cleaning the wound

  1. Wash your hands. Always wash your hands with soap and water before treating a wound. This will reduce the chance of infections.
    • Wash your hands in warm water and dry with a clean towel.
    • If you have the wound on your hand, try to avoid getting soap in the wound. This can irritate the wound.
  2. Rinse the wound under running water. Hold the damaged skin under running, cool tap water. Let the water run gently over the wound for a few minutes. This cleaning method will flush out most of the contaminants that can cause infections.
    • Cleaning naturally should be sufficient for most superficial wounds that can be treated at home.
    • For severe wounds, a doctor will determine which solution is needed.
  3. Dab the wound with a cotton ball. Do not “wipe” the wound as this may tear the wound further. Check that no gravel or other debris has entered the wound while flushing the wound. Make sure all dirt particles are removed. You can use tweezers for this, but disinfect them first with medicinal alcohol.
    • Only dab the wound with a sterile item, such as cotton wool. Pat gently from the center of the cut out to remove any debris.
  4. Then rinse with saline solution. Use a gentle 0.9% saline solution (called “isotonic” because it is the same salinity as your blood) to clean the area and prevent infection. Repeat this every time the wound needs to be flushed during the healing process.
    • Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in 250 ml of boiling water. Let this cool and then pour it over the wound. Gently wipe away the moisture with a cotton ball.
    • Use a fresh saline solution every time you rinse. Always discard any leftover solution. Bacteria can grow in saline solution within 24 hours.
    • Make sure to keep your wound (s) clean and keep disinfecting it. If your wound appears to be red or inflamed, see a doctor.
  5. Avoid hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Although hydrogen peroxide is generally recommended for the treatment of wounds, it has not been found to be effective in killing bacteria. In fact, hydrogen peroxide can slow down the natural healing process and irritate the wound. Iodine can also irritate the wound.
    • Limit yourself to pure running water or saline solution to rinse the wound.

Part 2 of 4: Bandaging the wound

  1. Apply colloidal silver ointment. Silver is naturally anti-microbial. You can purchase colloidal silver antibacterial ointments at most health stores and some pharmacists.
    • Apply a thin layer of antibacterial ointment to the wound, then cover it with a band-aid.
    • Antibacterial ointments do not make a wound heal faster.However, they can help prevent infection and provide protection so that your body can heal itself.
  2. Use a natural disinfectant. There are several herbs with natural antimicrobial properties that can reduce infection. Some herbal remedies may interact with regular remedies, so always check with your doctor or pharmacy before using them.
    • Marigold (calendula). Marigold has antimicrobial properties and proven wound healing properties. Apply a 2-5% marigold ointment to your wound. You can also make a tincture with dried herbs in a ratio of 1: 5 in 90% alcohol.
    • Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an essential oil with a natural antibacterial and anti-fungal effect. You can dab a few drops of tea tree oil on the wound with a clean cotton ball.
    • Echinacea. Echinacea has properties that promote wound healing. A cream or ointment containing echinacea will help with minor wounds.
    • Lavender. Lavender is a natural remedy with an antibacterial effect, but you should never apply it directly to open or deep wounds. You can mix 1-2 drops of lavender oil with a tablespoon of almond oil and apply this mixture to small cuts and scratches.
  3. Use aloe for small wounds. If it is a superficial wound, you can do it a few times a day pure Apply aloe vera gel to it. Do not treat deep wounds, or surgical wounds, with aloe. It can actually slow down the healing process if it is applied deeper into the body.
    • Aloe can reduce inflammation and moisturize the affected area.
    • In rare cases, people can have an allergic reaction from aloe vera. If your skin becomes red or irritated, stop applying aloe vera and see a doctor.
  4. Try honey. Most honeys have natural antibacterial properties, as well as help keep small wounds moist and protect against bacteria. Search for manuka honey, it has proven to be one of the most effective honeys for wound treatment.
    • After cleaning the wound, apply a thin layer of honey. Then stick a plaster on it. Change the patch regularly.
    • You can also try coconut oil. It also has a natural antibacterial, antifungal and antivirus effect.
  5. Protect the wound. After you have applied a layer of ointment of your choice, cover the wound with clean sterile gauze and secure it with hansaplast. Protect the wound until it has largely healed and new skin has formed.
    • If you need to change the dressing, rinse the wound with saline solution, pat it dry, and apply new ointment before applying the clean dressing.
    • After cleaning or applying an antibacterial agent, keep it covered with a gauze or band-aid. Change and change the gauze or patch regularly.
    • Always wash your hands before changing your dressing or touching your wound.

Part 3 of 4: Helping yourself heal faster

  1. Eat more proteins and vitamins. Help a wound heal faster by eating more protein and increasing the absorption of vitamins that promote healthy skin, especially vitamins A and C. Zinc can also aid in wound healing. If you are deficient in nutrients, it will take longer for your skin to heal. Eat plenty of the following foods to get enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals:
    • Lean Proteins: Lean meats such as chicken and turkey; fish; Eggs; Greek yoghurt; beans.
    • Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, cantaloupe, kiwi, mango, pineapple, berry broccoli, peppers, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower
    • Vitamin A: whole milk, meat, cheese, organ meats, cod, halibut.
    • Vitamin D: whole milk or juice, fatty fish, eggs, cheese, beef liver.
    • Vitamin E: Nuts, seeds, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli, kiwi.
    • Zinc: Beef, pork, lamb, dark chicken, nuts, whole grains, beans.
  2. Apply a green tea extract. Studies have shown that green tea extract can help wounds heal faster. Look for an ointment with a concentration of 0.6% green tea.
    • You can also make it yourself by mixing green tea extract with petroleum jelly.
  3. Apply witch hazel to soothe inflammation. Once the wound is closed, you can use witch hazel, a natural anti-inflammatory, to help reduce inflammation and reduce skin redness.
    • You can find witch hazel at almost any health food store or drug store.
    • Use a cotton ball to apply it liberally.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Drink at least 250 ml of non-alcoholic and decaffeinated drinks every two hours. This will replace the fluid lost from your injury, from fever sweats, and from blood loss. Dehydration can cause the following complications:
    • Dry skin
    • Headache
    • Muscle cramps
    • Low bloodpressure
  5. Do light intensive exercises. By doing light exercise, you strengthen your body's ability to fight inflammation and heal faster. Do not exercise on the part of your body where the wound is. Exercise at least three days a week for 30-45 minutes. Ask your doctor which exercises are best for you. A number of light intensive exercises are:
    • Speed ​​walking
    • Yoga and stretching
    • Lightweight workout
    • Cycling at a speed of 8-15 kilometers per hour
    • Swimming
  6. Use an ice pack. Apply an ice pack if the swelling or inflammation persists or becomes uncomfortable. Cold temperatures can help numb the area and reduce pain as well as stop bleeding.
    • You can make your ice pack yourself by wetting a towel and placing it in a resealable freezer bag. Place this package in the freezer for 15 minutes.
    • Wrap a damp cloth around the bag and place it on the affected area.
    • Do not put an ice pack on an open or infected wound.
    • Never put ice directly on the skin, this can be dangerous.
  7. Use a humidifier. A moist environment can improve the wound healing process. Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air and protect the skin from drying or cracking. Make sure the humidifier is kept clean to avoid spreading bacteria that could cause infections.
    • If the humidity is too high, mold and dust mites will thrive in it.
    • If the humidity gets too low, your roommates will suffer from dry skin and throat and respiratory irritation.
    • Measure the humidity with a measuring instrument called a hygrostat. This can be purchased at most hardware stores.

Part 4 of 4: Treating severe wounds

  1. Determine how deep the wound is. Examine the wound to determine if you can treat it at home or if you need a doctor. If the wound is deep and severe, go to the hospital and have it treated by a doctor, stitches may be needed for it to heal properly. If the following is the case, see a doctor:
    • Red muscle or yellow adipose tissue is visible deep in the wound.
    • The wound will remain open if you let go of the sides.
    • The wound is near a joint that prevents it from closing without stitches.
    • It bleeds heavily and it doesn't stop bleeding after 10 minutes of pressure.
    • It is arterial bleeding, usually seen by the bright red color of the blood, it continues to bleed heavily and under high pressure.
  2. Stop the bleeding. Regardless of the severity of your wound, the first thing to do is to stop the bleeding so that you don't lose too much blood and the wound can begin to heal. Place a clean piece of cotton wool on the wound and press firmly and constantly. Apply constant pressure for 10 minutes without lifting the cotton wool. Once the bleeding has stopped, the wound can begin to heal.
    • However, don't press too hard, or you can cut off the blood circulation, hindering the clotting process.
    • If the blood seeps through the cotton wool, press a new cotton ball on it without removing the old one.
    • If the blood soaks the cotton wool quickly and pressure doesn't seem to stop the bleeding, see a doctor.
  3. Never apply a tourniquet yourself. You can do great damage, including the need for amputation.


  • Try to avoid putting perfumed or chemical creams, such as body lotion or face cream, in or on the wound (s).
  • Do not pick at crusts. Drop them off of course.
  • Try to keep the skin around the wounds as well as the wounds themselves moist. Letting the skin dry out will result in crusts breaking off and will not help your skin to heal efficiently, ultimately leaving you scarring.
  • Make sure to keep the cut clean and covered.
  • For small, remaining scars, you can use a cream with vitamin E or an oil like Bio Oil. These will make the scar smaller, but make sure to only apply it to the affected area.
  • To help the wound heal faster, avoid touching it too often.
  • If you don't see improvement after 3-4 weeks, seek immediate medical attention.


  • Do not use this guide for burns or wounds that are more severe or infected. Seek medical help for this.
  • Keep your wound (s) out of the sun. You are more likely to get scars and scabs if you expose your wound to the sun, especially if it is longer than 10 minutes.