Know if a girl is the one

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


So, you know a girl or you go out with a girl and you are doing really well. She looks really great… but is she great enough? Is she the girl you want to give all your attention to, maybe forever? This is a complicated question, but by focusing on what's most important to you, you can start to think about your situation and find the right answer.

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Method 1 of 3: Search for a good person

  1. Find someone who is nice. One of the most important things in finding the right girl for you is making sure the girl is friendly. A cheeky attitude might be nice, but someone who doesn't care about the feelings of others won't be able to maintain a healthy relationship for long.
    • Notice if she is kind to others as well. It's important that she doesn't just be nice to you. She should also be nice to others, especially people she doesn't need to be nice to (such as wait staff). It's easy enough to pretend you're nice when that could be important, but if the girl is rude to people she doesn't care about, then you know you're just an argument away from being rude to you.
    • This also means that it must be fair. Honesty is very important in relationships. Does she offer to pay for things from time to time? Does she place equal importance on duties and relationship responsibilities? This shows that she is thinking about your well-being, which is key in a relationship.
  2. Find someone who works hard. You want to be with someone who is willing to work for what she wants to achieve in life. They have to push themselves, at least occasionally. If someone works hard, it means that that person is stable and there is less chance of something going wrong.
    • For example, if she wants to buy a bag, she could sell some of her old stuff. She shouldn't just expect you or her parents to just buy it for her. Birthdays and holidays are, of course, clear exceptions.
  3. Find a girl with good values ​​and priorities. It is very important in relationships that a girl has good values ​​and priorities. Its values ​​and priorities do not have to correspond to what has traditionally been considered good, but they must correspond to your value system and priorities. However, there are occasional exceptions. Your girl should definitely have the following qualities:
    • Be honest. Honesty is incredibly important in relationships no matter what type of person you are and what kind of relationship you are in. Relationships require trust and if she's not being honest with you then you can only expect trouble in the future.
    • Accept people as they are, including yourself. If your girl is judging others, it can only be a matter of time before she judges you too. If she's judging you or constantly trying to change who you are or how you look, you deserve better and she probably isn't right for you.
  4. Find a girl who creates an environment of confidence, free of judgment. When you're around her, you should feel like you're in a place where you can be honest. You need to feel like you can be yourself around her. You need to feel like you can cry, act weird, and do all the things you don't normally do in front of other people.
    • For example, if you tell her something very personal (like saying you think you are depressed or want to become an astronaut), she shouldn't laugh or ignore you in response. She should try to help you, or at least not discourage you, even if she doesn't agree.

Method 2 of 3: Find a good partner

  1. Notice how she makes you feel. The feeling she makes you feel is an important factor in deciding whether or not she is the one. You should feel better about yourself and about life when you are with her. You should have more confidence and feel happier. You can expect to miss her when she's gone. She shouldn't make you feel weak or stupid. It should not make you constantly anxious or concerned that you are saying the wrong things. Being with her should feel natural and good.
    • Some people like to be with someone who makes them feel bad, angry, or negatively aroused. That's okay for short fads, but it's usually a clear sign that that person isn't the "one" for you. Such relationships rarely work in the long term, and you are guaranteed to run into many problems if you start a relationship with such a girl for a longer period of time.
  2. Find a girl who makes you a better person. When we're in a relationship, we need to be with someone who makes us better. If you're with someone who makes you a worse person, what's the point, right? Think if this girl is making you better. If she does, it could be a good sign that she's the one for you.
    • Does she encourage you to improve yourself and your life? Does she find ways to help you achieve your goals? Does she make you wish better things for your future? Does she make you want to work hard? These are all good things.
  3. Find a girl who puts as much effort into the relationship as you do. When two people are in a relationship, they should both be willing to invest the same amount in making the relationship as good and satisfying as possible.If she wants you to do everything and make all kinds of changes, but isn't willing to do anything herself, that's not a good sign. However, if she's willing to put in as much effort as you, that's a sign that it can really work.
    • For example, she should occasionally plan outings for the two of you, instead of you always having to think of everything.
    • This doesn't mean she has to be super active in the relationship. If you're both relaxed in your approach to it, that's fine too. Most importantly, your attitudes and needs match.
  4. Notice how she shows her appreciation. You don't want to be with someone who takes you for granted. Notice if she thanks you or somehow shows her gratitude when you do something nice for her. You should also try to notice if she occasionally does nice things for you just to show how much she cares about you.
    • Even if the things she does for you are small, that's okay. Not everyone has the time or money to make big gestures. But doing little things like making your favorite meal or writing a love note shows that she's thinking about you and wants to show you how much you mean to her.
  5. Notice if she is willing to share her responsibilities. If the two of you are older and have your own living arrangements, such as an apartment or house, she should be willing to share tasks and finances equally or at least fairly. That shows that she is hard-working and honest. If she's not willing to contribute in her own way, she will likely be too much of a burden in the long run.
    • Sometimes just dividing things up doesn't always mean you have to divide them evenly. For example, if you share an apartment, you don't have to divide the rent in half. Instead, each person should contribute only about 30% of their income, which is considered a financially sound amount. That means if she makes $ 4,000 a month and you $ 1,600 a month, she has to contribute $ 1,200 and you about $ 500.
  6. Consider finding someone to balance you. It is very important to have things in common with a partner. You want to be with someone who is similar to you in some ways. However, there is something to be said for the fact that you are with someone who is also different in certain ways. This allows you to contribute equally to the relationship just by being yourself.
    • For example, maybe you are organized but shy and she is disorderly but outgoing. She can help you learn to be more social and you can help her keep her life in order.
  7. Find someone who argues honestly. Quarrels happen in relationships. This is normal and can be a sign of a healthy relationship. However, you want someone who is not mean about it. She shouldn't insult you or punch you below the belt - that's a serious sign of disrespect. She also shouldn't blackmail you to get her way. Instead, you need a girl who is willing to have an argument until you can both come to a compromise.
    • For example, she doesn't have to bring up your dad's drinking problem every time you argue about getting home late from going out. That is unfair to you and has little to do with the problem in your relationship.

Method 3 of 3: Finding a kindred spirit

  1. Find a girl who shares your interests. You want someone you can do things with together so that spending time together isn't a problem. You want someone you can have a conversation with. Having a girl with the same interests is crucial in making sure none of these things are going to be a problem in the future.
    • You start your relationship with things you have in common or you can build common interests over time. Try to take up new hobbies together to build new interests. A good example of a hobby to learn another language as a couple. You can find free language lessons online or take a course at your local community center or school.
  2. Find someone who shares your value and priorities. The person you want to be with must share your values ​​and priorities. This is one of the defining characteristics of someone who is right for you. They don't have to be the "normal" values ​​or priorities, but they should be the same as yours. This prevents tension and conflict in the course of a relationship.
    • For example, if she is a true conservative and you are very liberal, you will encounter many philosophical differences that over time can undermine respect for each other.
    • But if you can find similarities between the different values ​​and priorities, then it can still work sometimes. You see this, for example, in couples with different religions. One of them may be Jewish and the other may be Christian, but they are both godly in their love for God and that is enough for them. Sometimes the basic belief is more important than the details.
  3. Find a girl who has similar goals. You should have similar goals in life if you plan on making this a very long-term relationship. It is good that specific goals change over time, but overall they must match. This is because your goals will set you on a path in life, just as hers will set her path. If your paths diverge, the relationship will be very difficult or even impossible.
    • For example, it's fine if she doesn't intend to pursue higher education if that isn't important to you either. But if education and ambition are important to you, such a relationship will be full of challenges.
  4. Find a girl who understands your friends and has good friends herself. The two of you won't be the only players in this relationship. The relationships you have with other people often play an important role in making a romantic relationship work. You want a girl who can relate to and respect your friends. Her friends should also be people you can associate with.
    • For example, if her friends are really catty and are always trying to make her spend less time with you, then you should expect a very bumpy road ahead of you.
    • You will have to determine what you want to do about these types of problems. If these issues weigh too heavily on your relationship and she's not willing to work on them, then maybe you should consider someone else. You should definitely talk to her about it and see what kind of solution the two of you can create.
  5. Think of a girl from a similar background or experience. Now this is not a requirement for a happy relationship, but it can certainly be a significant added bonus. People who grew up in a similar environment or have done similar things in their lives tend to understand each other better, think the same way, and have more to bond over together. If your girl's life is a lot like yours, it can make certain things easier in your relationship.
    • For example, maybe you both grew up with difficult siblings or family members. Someone from a different background may find it hard to understand why you don't want to go home on vacation, but someone who does may be very happy to make your vacation happier by being alone.


  • Learn to be yourself with everyone you know. Above all, in any social situation, you need to feel comfortable with who you are. Self-understanding is the best way to show self-confidence, a trait that almost all women find attractive. While this suggestion is given as a tip only, it's a fundamental part (not just in these steps to finding out which girl is the one for you) to success in life as a whole.
  • Think birthdays, anniversaries, and the things in life she loves above all else. Don't be too fussed about remembering these dates and her favorites - just surprise her every now and then with something that shows you are aware of what matters to her. Don't get into the habit of these surprises or you will come off as gooey or obsessed.


  • Don't pretend to be someone you aren't, just be yourself.
  • Compliments are good, but make sure they aren't always about how sexy she is. While most girls like to be told that they are sexy in moments of arousal, constant comments about her body will make her feel like an object of lust, rather than a girlfriend or future wife.
  • When you get to know a woman, especially someone who might be "the one," then you want to having real conversations and that requires listening. Don't talk about yourself all the time. Ask her questions that you could only ask by knowing new information that she revealed in her conversation. If you're not sure what to ask, just ask her how she felt at any point in her story or anecdote and why she felt that way. She will appreciate you understanding her.
  • Women are used to men acting differently around women they find attractive, so don't "act" differently around the girl. Keep acting like you are with others. Tease her, flirt with her - but don't hold back. Most importantly, feel good in your own skin and in her company. Women will know when you are a real person by showing confidence, and there is nothing more attractive than a man who knows who he is and what he wants.
  • Try to avoid women who like to receive excessive attention; they are often superficial and manipulative, and almost always insecure.
  • When you are young, don't rush into the intimate part of the relationship.
  • Never be mean to her, never fall out with her; she will think you are "insecure".
  • Depending on how old you are, this could be your future wife, so choose wisely.
  • Smiling and nodding at her is never an optionunless you have a very serious conversation and interruption would be rude.