Know if a guy sees you as more than just a friend

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Signs Your Crush Sees You As Just A Friend
Video: 7 Signs Your Crush Sees You As Just A Friend


You and your favorite male friend are increasingly spending time together. Suddenly, you start blushing every time he tells you something, and you find out you're ready to expand the relationship to more than just friendship. You want to say something, but you're afraid to take the first step because you don't know if he feels the same way you do. Does he want to keep you in the "friend zone", or does he have the same warm feelings as you? Read on to find out!

To step

Part 1 of 5: Pay attention to what he says

  1. Watch how he talks to you. His body language can reveal how he really feels about you. Here are some things to look out for:
    • Listen to his tone. While this may not seem very important, it can show how carefully he chooses his words. If he seems to be speaking cautiously and doubtfully, he probably paused to think about what to say. Also notice if he laughs at your worst jokes.
    • Watch his eye contact. Does he look you in the eye when you talk to each other, or does he look distractedly across the room? If he maintains direct eye contact with you, it shows that you are the center of his attention. He finds your conversation interesting. However, keep in mind that he can also avoid your gaze because he is shy.
    • Notice if he is easily distracted. If someone else approaches him while you're on a call, does he end your call immediately? If this happens more than once, he may not value your words as much.
  2. Keep an eye on his choice of subject. The topic of your conversations can indicate how he sees you. Pay attention to the following things:
    • Tease. If he teases you playfully, he may hint you to tease him back. If you're brave enough for that, flirt with it a bit to add a little extra spice.
    • Personal information. Talking about his problems indicates that he trusts you. Deeper topics, such as his fears or family issues, may indicate that he wants to take your relationship to the next level.
    • Compliments. Comments about your intelligence, appearance, etc., may indicate that he admires who you are. If he compliments you more than often, he may like you.
    • His manners. He may be brushing up on the rough edges of his personality when he's around you. Maybe he usually behaves a bit rude with his friends, but tries to be very refined when he is with you. This shows that he pays attention to you and what you have to say.
    • Discussions of previous relationships. Your conversations with him are sometimes about previous relationships. This indicates that he is making a subtle effort to see if you are single or have a crush on another guy.
      • If he's constantly trying to hook you up with another guy, he may want to keep you in the friend zone.
  3. Listen to his comments about other girls. This can make it clear to you that he just wants dating advice, or that you are the girl he likes. If he keeps asking you for advice, he may only be interested in your opinion because you are a girl. However, he may also ask you for tips so that he can gather information about what your dream man looks like.
    • Look at his past relationships. Many and short relationships can indicate that he is either a real player or trying to make you jealous.
  4. Watch how he behaves when the two of you are not together. Some shy guys express themselves more easily online or over the phone. Map his communication methods by applying the following methods:
    • Phone calls. His voice will give away how he feels.A nervous tone, stutter, or doubt may indicate that he has feelings for you. Long conversations also tend to the possibility that you might interest him. But if he doesn't answer your calls, or tries to cut you off as soon as possible, he may not want to start a serious relationship with you.
    • E-mail. Witty emails with good grammar may indicate that he wants to convey his humor and intelligence to you. This implies that he spends the necessary time forging his posts, for your benefit.
    • TEXT MESSAGE. Maintaining contact outside of school or work means that he wants to include you in your life. Instead of using SMS purely for formal purposes, he can use it to make jokes or start conversations. If he goes the extra mile to text you, he's willing to put more effort into your relationship.
    • Facebook. Does he like many of your photos, and does he often post on your timeline? This could indicate that he is watching you.
    • Take all of this with a grain of salt. Some guys aren't interested in phones, emails, or Facebook. He may prefer to meet you in person, and there's nothing wrong with that!

Part 2 of 5: Watch what he does

  1. Watch his body language. Body language can play a big role. It can tell you if he would rather cuddle with you than just chill.
    • "Accidental" touch. Trying to break the touch barrier shows that he would like to touch you more. Subtle touch and increased hand contact can occur as the relationship continues to expand.
    • Stare. His admiration for you can be expressed in the form of staring. If you catch his eyes and he smiles before looking away, he knows he was caught.
    • The angle of his body. Notice if he involves his body when you talk to him. When his whole body is turned towards you, he is open to what you have to say. He can also lean closer to you. However, be aware that this method does not apply to every boy. Some just have the habit of sitting in a certain way.
  2. Watch what he does for you. Is he really trying to be a good friend? This can be an attempt to get your attention and win your heart. Watch for these signs to find out if he's trying to break the line between friendship and romantic relationship:
    • He always does you favors. Think of a free lift by car, cooking for you, picking up your laundry, etc. Maybe he wants to take on the role of your boyfriend.
    • He shows how thoughtful he is. If he brings your favorite dessert from the bakery or buys you that book you've been wanting to read for a while, he'll pay attention to your needs.
    • He offers you support. Not many guys want to comfort girls who are upset. But if he cares about you, he'll be there for you, offering you a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.
  3. Pay attention to how he behaves around other girls. Seeing how he treats them could reveal how he feels about you. Here are some ways to get a better sense of his true feelings:
    • He treats you differently from other girls. While he's nice to others, you can be the only one he wants to hang out with in a group. Or maybe you are the only girl he teases or hugs. If he treats you differently from other girls, it could indicate that he has a crush on you.
      • However, if you notice that he hugs and teases every girl within three miles, then he is probably just very flirty.
    • He shows off his relationships in your presence. If he's open to meeting you and his new girlfriend, he'll only see you as a friend.
      • However, if he invites you because he wants to know what you really think about it, you may be the only one for him. If he's doubtful about hanging out with other girls, he might already see you as his girlfriend. He may feel that he is otherwise unfaithful.
  4. Notice if he goes the extra mile to interact with you. This shows with absolute certainty that he is willing to take your relationship to the next level. Here are some ways to find out how he really feels:
    • If he keeps asking you to hang out together. This clearly indicates that he wants to spend more time with you. It also gives him the opportunity to ask you out or get closer to you.
    • He always tries to squeeze next to you when you are together in a group. If he wants to be your partner in class or with games, chances are he can't get enough of you.
    • He keeps claiming he's "around", and keeps asking if he can come over. If he's trying to cover up the real reason for his visits, he might be a little embarrassed about wanting to be with you so badly.

Part 3 of 5: Notice how and how often you interact with each other

  1. Pay attention to what you do together. Do you really do dating-style activities, or are you really buddies? Taking a good look at how you interact with each other can help you discover his true intentions. You can consider this:
    • Do you do couple-like things without being a couple? Do you do the shopping together, do you cook together, or do you go to the market together with one shopping bag? This may indicate that he already sees you as his girlfriend.
    • When you interact with each other, do you do it in pairs or in a group? This may indicate that he sees you as more than just a friend.
      • If he invites his 10 best friends over to hang out with you, he may just see you as a friend. But beware - if he's only inviting other couples, he probably wants to pair up with you.
      • If he invites his siblings, best friends, or (swallow!) His parents, you can almost certainly assume that he sees you as a serious part of his life.
  2. Pay attention to how often you interact with each other. You can find out how he really feels about you by thinking about how often and how long the two of you hang out together.
    • Pay attention to how often you interact with each other. If you see him almost every day, he may want to spend his days as well as his nights with you. However, if you only meet him once a month and he lives in your area, he may not want to see you more often at all.
    • Pay attention to how much time you spend together when you are together. Does your lunch date always grow into three-hour philosophical conversations, or does he run right away when the bill comes? If it seems like he can't stop talking to you, it indicates that he wants more from you.

Part 4 of 5: Analyzing when and where you interact

  1. Watch where you go together. One of the easiest ways to find out if he sees you as more than just a friend is to see where the two of you go together. Here are some ways to find out if he wants to step up your relationship:
    • When you go out for dinner, pay attention to the type of restaurant. Of course, if you go to a fun, noisy tapas bar, he may see you as more than just a friend. But if you go to a quiet restaurant with candles on the table and good wines, he may be trying to tell you something. If you sit next to each other in the cafeteria at school, it does not immediately indicate that he likes you.
      • Watch the other people in the restaurant. Are they couples who look each other deeply in the eye, or are they groups of friends who chat and laugh? This can clarify what he has in mind.
      • Don't overthink it. Maybe he really likes it, but he likes Korean barbecue just as much. The location can be a good indication, but cannot tell you everything.
    • If he asks you to go to the movies, what kind of movies is it going to do? Do you watch rom-coms or tear-jerks, or bloody war movies and documentaries? His choice of movie can make it clear whether he wants to put his arm around you, or if he sees you as a buddy.
    • If you go to a concert, is it a concert by a romantic jazz artist or a noisy death metal band? Is the location suitable for headbanging, or for a romantic sitting?
    • When hanging out together can be just as important as true you do that. This can give an indication. Does he see you as a friend, or is he trying to take the relationship to the next level? In particular, pay attention to these two things:
    • Do you meet during the day or in the evening? There is a big difference between having lunch together and dining together. Or drink coffee in the morning and have a drink in the evening. If you meet more during the day, you're still in the friend zone - but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to anymore.
    • Do you meet during the week or at the weekend? If you meet on Monday, the chance that you are in the friend zone is greater than if you meet on Friday.

Part 5 of 5: Find out if he really likes you

  1. Ask around. An easy way to find out how he feels about you is to simply ask other people about it. Obviously, do this with extreme caution. You don't want him to find out what you really think about him. Here are some ways to find out:
    • Ask his friends between nose and lips. Ask his friends if he's dating someone or if he has feelings for someone else. Do choose a friend that you really trust. It will be hard to find a guy who doesn't like the "bro code" and won't raise the alarm right away.
    • Ask your friends what they think. Your friends have seen the two of you together, and can give their honest assessment.
    • Have your friends ask him. Again, proceed with caution. If it isn't happening too blatantly, one of your friends can ask him if he has a crush on someone. She can pretend she's trying to pair him up with someone, for example.
  2. Don't stalk or spy on him. An obsessed girl who knows everything about a boy is perhaps the biggest turnoff. Here are some things to avoid at all times:
    • Scroll through his phone. If he leaves his phone on the table, don't check if he's texting other girls. If he catches you, he'll see it as a huge turnoff.
    • Browse his email or Facebook messages. If he walks away from his computer for a moment, try to resist the temptation to sniff.
    • Chasing him to see who he's hanging out with. You want to start a romantic relationship with him, you don't want to get a restraining order.
  3. Be brave and tell him how you feel. You may feel like no progress will be made if you don't take the lead. If you're pretty sure he likes you, or if you're just taking the plunge, just tell him how you feel.
    • Don't think too much about it. Don't take it too seriously. Don't arrange time and place to meet, or tell him you have something important to tell him. Just wait for the right time and tell him you're in love with him. Say you're wondering if he feels the same way. Don't make it a big deal. You don't want him to feel bad if he doesn't think about it the way you do.
    • Be creative. Find a fun way to tell him how you feel. You can send him a note, a Valentine's Day card, or a riddle he has to solve. Don't overdo it. But if you think outside the box, it will impress him.
  4. Don't be disappointed if he doesn't share your feelings. Maybe it wasn't meant to be. If you want to continue the friendship, you should keep these things in mind:
    • Don't be disappointed if he doesn't share your feelings. This will make everyone feel bad. It is better not to lift it too heavily.
    • Remember what a great friend he is and how lucky you can be with him. You may have missed the chance for romance, but you do have a great friend for life.
    • Know when to give the situation some rest. If you are no longer in love with him, but have really started to love him, then you might want to put the friendship on hold for a while. It will hurt you too much. When your crush is over, you can meet him again. But realize that there is nothing worse than hurting yourself. You better not hang out with him if he doesn't feel the same way you do.


  • Be yourself! If he doesn't like you for who you are, then he's not worth it.
  • There are guys who lose interest in you if you don't show interest in them. A little bit can help. This certainly applies to the more shy guys.
  • If you want him to see you, don't overdo it. He's going to think you're insane and start avoiding you.
  • Ask him if he likes someone in the class. Maybe he looks down or blushes. If so, it could be because he's making up a lie.
  • Find out what he likes and learn more about it. He will appreciate it if you have many interests in common.
  • Don't make yourself half a guy when you hang out with him. You don't want him to see you as "one of the guys".
  • If you know he's quite a flirt, your cards may be different. Maybe he flirts with you just because he likes it.
  • DO NOT giggle your girlfriends excessively when he walks by. Guys get paranoid when they don't know what you said and not in a positive way!


  • Maybe he's the type of guy who always has a girl for best friend. Maybe he shows a lot of the above clues, but he just sees you as a super good friend. Look at his past relationships, you may be able to see a pattern.